National Tide 1980

Chapter 283: Obtaining the Certificate

The two families have made an engagement, and the next step is to get a marriage certificate.

Getting married is so simple. One man and one woman get one certificate, and that's it.

Even if it is a cross-border marriage, it is nothing more complicated than the approval procedures of multiple embassies or consulates.

Speaking of which, this was all thanks to Song Huagui's pioneering feat back then.

Because in order to protect her love, she wrote a letter to express her love, which would go straight to heaven.

How could there be such freedom and convenience among the thousands of foreign-related marriages after her?

I am afraid that many people will still encounter obstacles and pressure from all sides because of their feelings for foreigners.

After so many years, those involved in foreign-related marriages no longer feel the hardships Song Huagui and her husband Wan Man experienced in their marriage.

No one will be able to rely on braid patterns as passwords, rely on notes in tree holes to convey messages of love, and cautiously communicate secretly like spies like they did back then.

People today can put their love under the sun without considering the difference in nationality, fall in love and get married openly.

Even because "foreign affairs are no small matter," when it comes to obtaining the certificate, the relevant departments will speed up the process and send blessings to express the beauty of adulthood.

This is undoubtedly due to Song Huagui's tenacity and bravery.

From this perspective, as one of the beneficiaries of Zhanguang, Mi Xiaoran should really thank Song Huagui.

Even if it was for nothing else, just to free herself from the troubles of going abroad procedures, the reason for gratitude was enough.

I have to admit, having an American husband is really useful.

This time Mi Xiaoran went through the passport application procedures again, and the administrative agency responsible for going abroad in Beijing immediately improved its work efficiency.

She only made one trip, and the passport was issued smoothly.

The fortress that had been impossible to conquer in the past was conquered so easily.

Of course, a passport alone is not enough. That thing can only prove a person's legal identity and nothing else.

If you really want to go abroad, you cannot avoid the step of applying for an entry and exit visa.

Whichever country you go to, you have to go to the embassy or consulate of that country in China to apply for an entry visa.

As we all know, getting a visa to the United States is probably not as difficult as any other country in the world.

For no other reason than because the United States has long been the richest, most powerful, and most modern country in the world.

Coupled with the powerful brainwashing ability of Hollywood movies, they have successfully dressed up the United States as a free place where dreams can be realized, which naturally arouses the yearning of people all over the world.

But in fact, it is the nature of Americans to only take advantage without suffering any losses.

What they need is useful people, either rich, talented, or young and strong, so you can come.

These three people who occupy nothing still want to go to their land to hunt for food? Grandma!

Therefore, U.S. visa officers are particularly strict in their review of procedures.

The actual situation in 1982 was that more and more people were dreaming of the American dream in the Republic.

If compared with before the promulgation and implementation of the "Interim Regulations on Self-financed Study Abroad" in January last year, the number has increased by at least ten times.

Therefore, not only will the US visa officers not receive our Chinese the same way they did at first.

Very enthusiastically serving coffee to people who are eager to see the true face of the free country.

He even acted arrogantly and asked people who needed to apply for visas to wait early.

At the same time, the visa rejection rate is also getting higher day by day.

So much so that starting at seven or eight o'clock every morning, a long line of people would line up at the door of the U.S. Embassy in China, waiting to be interviewed by the visa officer.

Those are all people who are willing to go out of their way to see the Statue of Liberty on the other side of the ocean, even if they risk losing their fortune.

What these people are most afraid of is that they can easily pass the first domestic passport check, but cannot get through the second one that requires a big-nosed visa.

In fact, there are indeed many people who have repeatedly hit the wall but still do not give up.

The biggest wish for such unlucky people is that after a few more attempts, they can get right with the visa officer, and they will be merciful and let them out.

Fortunately, compared with these people, Mi Xiaoran, who is already married to Zhao Hanyu, doesn't have to worry at all.

The superiority of having an American husband can be fully reflected in this link.

She didn't have to queue at all. Just by holding Zhao Hanyu's passport, she could directly enter an office of the embassy without any hindrance and enjoy the best courtesy.

She drank fragrant pure coffee with Zhao Hanyu, and filled out the application form for traveling to the United States with his help.

The sufficient assets of the Zhao family are sufficient to ensure that Mi Xiaoran will not become a burden to American society.

They just answered a few simple questions from the amiable female visa officer and passed the exam smoothly.

However, when Mi Xiaoran came out of the embassy again, he saw those people in front of the door who were in awe and lined up in a long line.

I listened to some people discussing their laments about being rejected several times, and some experienced “veterans” giving advice to others.

An unspeakable complex of emotions inevitably emerged from the depths of her soul.

There is both rejoicing for oneself, and at the same time an inexplicable inferiority complex, and even pity for these compatriots.

She wasn't quite sure why, but she vaguely felt the imbalance in national power...

Mi Xiaoran's procedures for going abroad were completed in this way.

After that, she used the time when she was scheduled to go to the United States to go through the resignation procedures and prepare her luggage to go abroad.

Mi Xiaoran's intention to go abroad has actually become news in the work since she announced it at the wedding.

Not to mention the head of the labor department, even the hotel general manager and secretary heard about it.

So the procedure is not difficult, it is just a matter of going to the Labor and Employment Department and going through the procedures.

Just fill out a few forms and receive your severance pay.

Mi Xiaoran's rank is the front desk team leader, with two full years of service.

The resigning salary was calculated based on the length of service. One month's salary was given for one year of service. In the end, I received 180 yuan.

If calculated according to the official exchange rate of 1:1.893 at that time, it was only one hundred US dollars.

After getting the money, Mi Xiaoran couldn't help but feel like she was in another world again.

I think you still remember how much she wanted this job back then.

How could she not have thought that it would be so easy to put down this iron rice bowl today.

She didn't know why, but she cut off all ties with the hotel cleanly, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

Even when she said goodbye to her friendly colleagues and walked out of the hotel, she faced the bustling Chongwenmen Street.

Her tears suddenly welled up and fell down like broken beads.

She cried as she walked, always trying to wipe away her tears with a smile.

But if you wipe it off, there will still be some.

This is so weird.

Mi Xiaoran didn't think that she was reluctant to give up this job.

She didn't regret her choice. If she didn't give it a try, she would never have a chance in this life.

Of course she doesn't want to live her life by the rules like ordinary people.

I don't want to stay in this hotel in my fifties and be called "aunt" by young people.

No, but she just wanted to cry and couldn't stop even if she wanted to.

There's no clear reason, it's just very sad.

This can only be said that human nature is contradictory.

Maybe it’s just because I get along so well with my leaders and colleagues.

She could not forget that Sister Qin, like her mother, told her to drink more hot water when she had a stomachache...

Maybe I miss the big family-like atmosphere here.

She also can't forget her close colleagues sitting together, eating sunflower seeds, joking, and getting along like sisters...

Of course, it's also possible that she couldn't bear to part with the taste of fried cabbage and roasted eggplant in the workplace canteen, or the familiar street in front of her.

In the world, I'm afraid only a hotel cafeteria can make something like that.

Even with her eyes closed, she knew what shops were on this street, what time they opened and what time they closed...

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