National Tide 1980

Chapter 286 Farewell (revision)

This time Zhang Shihui was completely weak and surrendered.

"No, no, no, why did you pick the word? Come on, you can be Song Gongming, and I can be the stupid Li Kui. I promise, from now on I will fight wherever you point me, and I will follow you to the death to follow your example. It’s the work of a dog and a horse. I’m willing to go all out. Even if you ask me to drink poisonous wine, I will still swallow it with my eyes closed. Isn’t this enough?”

Little did they know that Ning Weimin was also a master who refused to let others deal with him.

Although he was squinting with joy, he just didn't follow Zhang Shihui's words.

"No! What you say sounds nice. But the position changes too quickly at both ends. I think you are a giant in words and a dwarf in actions. You have the potential of a traitor! How can I trust you? ah?"

To put it bluntly, this is because the two brothers are too familiar and are deliberately teasing Menzi.

Of course, Zhang Shihui couldn't take it seriously and simply revealed his plan.

"Tch, don't make excuses to get candies from me! Now that you've said that, I'll come to you for dinner in the future."

"Who is a traitor? I stand firm. To tell you the truth, I decided to do it with you from the very beginning. I didn't think about anything else. But I'm not stupid either. I came up with a great idea that can completely Solve your worries.”

"I actually went through a formality with Lao Qiao and took a long leave from my work on the pretext of going to take care of my parents out of town. From now on, I will no longer take money from my work and I am free, but my relationship is still in the hotel. "

"Didn't you tell me that I could just go to your company and sign a contract? As long as you don't adjust my file, if I want to go back to the hotel in the future, I can still go back. It's just a formality."

"How about it, buddy, with this tactic, you can advance, attack, retreat or defend. Is it good to play? Who said you can't have your cake and eat it too..."

Don't tell me, after hearing this, Ning Weimin suddenly remembered.

When the big wave of going out to work came in the 1980s and 1990s, there were many people who couldn't bear the loneliness and jumped from the public sector to the business world. They relied on this method to "escape the system."

There is also a special term for this, which is called "suspension of work without pay".

If you really do well outside, it won't be too late to officially resign in the future.

For those who couldn't get along, many people returned to their old workplaces.

From the perspective of leaving a note for yourself, it is equivalent to taking an insurance policy.

This is indeed a good idea, and it can also be regarded as a special benefit in the transformation of the employment system in this era.

"Hey, you are really in line with your character in doing this. You can come up with such an idea. Well, you are a bit crooked. However, I gave it serious thought. Since you are toasting and not eating, I have to give you an answer to this question today..."

Since we are buddies, if we chat together, we will be happy or poor.

Zhang Shihui was immediately confused by Ning Weimin's jokes and ridicule.

He opened his mouth wide and pondered for a long time, but in the end he still couldn't figure out the logical relationship of the last sentence.

"Fuck, you're so sharp-tongued. But your grammar, I have to say it's not fucked up..."

However, in the face of Zhang Shihui's accusations and complaints, Ning Weimin was not ashamed, but proud.

Not only did he take a wedding cigarette and light it, he also frivolously blew the entire cigarette on Zhang Shihui's face.

And what he said was even more fucked up, making Zhang Shihui almost fall over.

"According to the rules of the martial arts world, saying 'fuck' counts as admitting defeat."


June 2, 1982, was a holiday without a holiday for the Mi family.

There were no colorful flags, lanterns or congratulatory slogans on the streets.

The crowds on the streets remained as they were before, and the shops did not increase supply and remained open as usual.

But everyone in the Mi family took leave.

Master Mi and Aunt Mi are no longer at work, and Mi Xiaohui is no longer at school. They are all neatly dressed.

If not for anything else, just because this day is the day Mi Xiaoran and Zhao Hanyu leave for the United States.

The Mi family will go to the airport to see them off.

A quarter past one in the afternoon.

The waiting hall of Beijing Airport.

Zhao Hanyu glanced at the big clock and saw that there were still twenty-five minutes left before takeoff.

He knew that he was about to board the plane, so out of goodwill, he reminded the Mi family members who were inseparable to say goodbye quickly.

"Daughter, when you get there, it's no better than at home. You must know how to cherish yourself. We are no longer with you. You must take good care of yourself..."

Master Mi's eyes became wet as he spoke.

This is definitely something he rarely does in his life.

In Mi Xiaoran's memory, his father had never lost his composure like this in front of everyone.

This moved her quite unexpectedly.

Needless to say, my mother was absolutely in tears.

"Xiaoran, write a letter when you get there. If you're not used to staying come back with Hanyu. Mom, mom will always want you."

As she said this, Aunt Mi couldn't help crying.

Mi Xiaoran quickly hugged her mother, and she put her face against Aunt Mi's face, feeling warmth, closeness and reluctance like never before.

She could feel that her mother's heart was trembling, and she could feel that there were still many words to say in her throat.

But just when she wanted to say a few words of comfort.

But Mi Xiaohui also came to join in the fun, cried "Wow" and hugged her from behind.

"Sister, sister, I can't bear to leave you. Do you have to leave? Can't you and your brother-in-law stay?"

Now Mi Xiaoran couldn't hold it anymore, turned around and hugged her sister, tears falling on her body...

If an acquaintance hadn't come, I'm afraid the mother and daughter wouldn't be able to stop their grief for another ten minutes.

Fortunately, not long after, Mi Xiaoran looked over her sister's shoulder and saw the figures of two old colleagues.

It’s Zhang Shihui and Liu Weijing.

They were far away from the crowd, smiling enthusiastically, waving their hands, and running quickly towards Mi Xiaoran at the boarding gate.


It took off, really took off.

Mi Xiaoran and Zhao Hanyu's seats are right behind the wings of the aircraft, and they can clearly see the subtle movements of the huge wings making the fuselage rise into the air.

Mi Xiaoran watched with rapt attention, just like a child in the capital watching the popular cartoon "The Jungle King".

She had never flown on an airplane. Before today, she had only seen airplanes flying in the sky.

All she knew about the interior of the aircraft was based on her own imaginary image.

Today, she really didn't expect that she would be in the belly of this thing and would have to fly a long distance.

It was the first time in her life that she was flying by plane, which made her feel uneasy and uneasy, but also mixed with an indescribable novelty.

The reason for fear is because she has grown so big. Except when she was jumping with rubber bands or skipping rope as a child, her feet would leave the ground in an instant.

The rest of the time, she always wore shoes, and her shoes touched the ground, living solidly on the ground.

It’s inevitable to be nervous when you experience the feeling of an airplane taking off for the first time.

The novelty stems from the fact that she feels so lucky.

How many people in the country can fly so high and so far?

America, America, she is going to study in America.

What a place that is, where everyone can go!

What she knew was that among Chinese people, Cen Chong, who had acted in so many movies, went to the United States to study.

Now that she is gone, she will undoubtedly be on par with Cen Chong and on the same level as the big star.

Well, America must be a great place.

Otherwise, why are so many people yearning for it, even big stars want to go?

The plane continues to accelerate and climb higher!

The seat is almost at a steep forty-five degree angle!

Mi Xiaoran suddenly felt tinnitus, dizziness, and unbearable pain, as if someone had stabbed her ears and eyes with a steel needle several times.

She couldn't help but open her mouth, trying to relieve the pressure on her eardrums caused by the plane's high-speed climb.

But it doesn't work at all.

Her ears seemed to have been filled with wax, and she couldn't hear anything.

Her head rested heavily on the back of the chair, and her whole body seemed to grow together with the chair.

It felt like someone was pulling her back hard to cover her.

She tried her best to break away from this power, but she couldn't do it and couldn't use the strength.

This feeling inevitably increased the panic, and even suddenly reminded her of the time she went to Yanbei to jump in the queue six years ago.

She didn't know why she remembered those old things at this time, those experiences that she wanted to cry without tears and wanted to forget forever.

And this huge contrast in fate made her feel that it was so incredible to think of old things at this time.

So some not-so-good thoughts, filled with worries, couldn't stop filling her mind.

After going to the United States, as soon as I landed, I became a rootless grass, with only my husband to rely on.

Will Zhao Hanyu's family like her?

Will Zhao Hanyu's mother be as kind as he said? What should I do if I try to show off to my mother-in-law?

Will the Zhao family really support her study and help her finish college as promised?

The key is that Zhao Hanyu will always be so good to her as he promised?

What if he changes? Then I...

Thinking of this, Liu Weijing couldn't help but touch an envelope in his clothes, feeling somewhat reassured.

Inside was the $1,500 that Liu Weijing secretly forced on Zhao Hanyu while she was checking in.


In the lobby of the airport, Zhang Shihui dialed the phone and finally found Ning Weimin.

"Hey, leader, let me report to you that we have successfully completed the tasks you assigned..."

"Well, I sent them away. According to your wishes, we said that the money was collected by colleagues in the work unit, and Liu Weijing forced it on her..."

"Yes, so don't worry. If it's not a place where people live, with this money around, at least she can buy a plane ticket to go home..."

"Hey, buddy, it's not that I think too much. The key is that you do such a good thing without leaving your name. I really can't help but let me think too much. The two of you really...really have a pure relationship between a man and a woman, not a pure relationship between a man and a woman. ……"

"Okay, okay, anyway, you are an archangel with wings, and I have lost my mind again, okay? Don't always make excuses for your neighbors, colleagues, or conscience. You are angry, but you are righteous. I won't ask anymore, Isn’t it okay not to ask anymore..."

"Okay, the phone is quite expensive. Let's not talk nonsense. Let's talk about practical issues first. Because of your problem, we didn't even have a good lunch. We have to hurry up and hurry up. Come on, what are you going to do with the taxi money..."

"What? Take the invoice and report it when you go to work... Try to ask the driver for two more. As long as you can get it, you can report it? Okay, okay..."

"Hey, I'm not telling you that you can use your power for personal gain and take advantage of the company. Don't you think you feel sorry for your boss? Why are you so heartless..."

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