National Tide 1980

Chapter 298: Keep your word (repair)

The neighbors in Courtyard No. 2 are true to their word.

Since he promised Ning Weimin, he would help him and sell the remaining clothing in stock.

Then on the next day, everyone began to work separately on the matter.

Of course, the reason is that they don't have any burden on their hearts.

It is also because doing guest promotions in front of acquaintances and colleagues is completely different from the hawkers outside who are forced to make a living.

This matter was just a casual question, a casual incident.

There's nothing to take risks and nothing to be embarrassed about.

As for the Luo family, those who helped were Luo Guangsheng and Miao Yujuan.

The young couple never even thought about whether they would be able to please both parties by selling these affordable items to their colleagues in the work unit, and whether they would appear to have connections and face.

They simply believe that helping neighbors is something they should do.

Even knowing that Aunt Luo had accepted dozens of pieces of clothing, they felt it was a bit too much and were quite embarrassed.

Luo Guangsheng and Miao Yujuan discussed the result together in private.

It doesn't make sense to accept gifts like this. In the end, as long as I can keep one or two, that's fine.

Regardless of whether these clothes are easy to sell or not, we must try our best to help sell them and return the money to Ning Weimin.

In short, Luo Guangsheng and Miao Yujuan are quite good people.

They also worked very hard to get this done.

Not to mention anything else, I really brought a lot of clothes to work, and everyone brought a big bag in the back of the car.

So as soon as they entered the factory gate, they attracted a lot of curious eyes.

That is to say, everyone is busy in the morning and there is no interest or time to talk in detail.

Otherwise, they would probably be able to open the business based on the acquaintances they met along the way.

"Ouch, what are you two doing? Why do you get so many clothes here?"

"That's right. Could it be that your house is leaking? But it didn't rain yesterday?"

"It looks like the couple had a quarrel. Sister Yujuan, don't you want to sleep in the office? That's not possible. If you want to sleep, it's my brother-in-law's turn to sleep. It's okay to bully someone like this!"

Needless to say, the most lively place is definitely the sales department office where Miao Yujuan works.

Luo Guangsheng and Miao Yujuan had just carried these things into the house when they attracted the three women soldiers who were chatting.

Speaking of women in factories, it's strange. No matter what they do, they almost always have a good word.

A few words could easily make Luo Guangsheng embarrassed and run away.

And Miao Yujuan was used to having trouble with these sisters.

Not only will you not get really angry if you speak unabashedly to them, but it will actually be a good way to provoke them.

"Hmph, you guys are the ones bullying us. Do you see? These are clothes brought by our neighbors in the courtyard. Originally, I planned to let you choose first. But now I see, none of you are good people. No one is It’s not worth worrying about. Forget it, I’d better ask Guangsheng and their workshop first..."

Those few were naturally unwilling to be outdone.

"Hey, our team leader's wife, look how awesome you are. It's just a few clothes. It's like you haven't seen anyone before."

"That's right. It's not as good as it was in the past. Industrial coupons have been cancelled, and cloth coupons are not worth anything. Clothes are hard to say? There are plenty in the store. Is it worth it for you to show off like this?"

"Sister Yujuan, if you can really get some fashionable Hong Kong products, we might even flatter you. These clothes... let's forget about them."

Miao Yujuan also made fun of them and made them seem inappropriate, and kept up her efforts.

"Okay, you all are sensible people, and what you said is right. There are plenty of clothes in the store, who can't buy them anytime they want? These clothes are not fashionable anymore, what's the big deal? Hey, I'm just being sentimental, I thought you would like bargains. Well, since you are all wealthy people, you all have a high level of vision. Forget me, I won’t ask you if this is a few dollars cheaper than in the store.”

It turned out that these words worked.


Freeze in one second!

The people who were sharp-tongued just now all heard the subtext and couldn't help but look at each other.

"What are you talking about? These clothes of yours are a few dollars cheaper than those in the store? Are you bragging?"

"That's right, I've never heard of where you can buy Doliang shirts and autumn clothes and autumn trousers for so much cheaper. The profits of clothing factories are not as good as ours, and the ex-factory price is only 10% less than the retail price in stores. Who would make a loss? Buy and sell?”

"Hey, don't you understand? There must be something wrong with the stuff. It's just like the burnt or overcooked snacks in our factory. Isn't that just an easy way for the internal staff to deal with it?"

However, these deliberately sarcastic remarks are completely useless.

Miao Yujuan was just waiting for them to say this.

He simply sneered, threw out his trump card, and completely turned from defense to offense.

"Go to your ice cream cone! Is there something wrong with your clothes? See clearly! I'm the only one wearing this shirt, this color, this workmanship... It's a legitimate product from the Honglian Garment Factory. It costs six yuan, believe it or not? And that? Autumn clothes and trousers are also from Honglian Factory, and they only cost five yuan a set."


As soon as these words came out of Miao Yujuan's mouth, her painting style completely changed.

John Woo's movie - "Face" was staged on the spot.

The girl who was so rude just now is now smiling like a rose.

Several people gathered around Miao Yujuan like stars holding the moon.

"Huh? I've never paid ten dollars for a really good shirt in the store! Six dollars? Really? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Sister Yujuan, the color of this one on you is nice, and the workmanship is good. Are the other ones of the same quality? It's such a good thing, you can think of us, thank you very much..."

"That's right, our dear Yujuan, you, sir, have a lot, so don't be cautious. Take out the things quickly and show us..."

Miao Yujuan suddenly became the focus of compliments, which really made her feel good.

In this way, it just happens to be smooth sailing.

In this way, the first business was finally opened in the office of the sales department.

Not to mention, these three really bought a lot.

I spent a total of forty-five dollars on five shirts and three sets of autumn clothes.

What Miao Yujuan didn't expect was that selling clothes has been smooth sailing since then.

Because don’t forget, women can’t get together for things like this.

Women all have a habit, or a common problem, which is the mentality of showing off.

Whether you are buying good things or cheap things, you are eager to let others know.

There are no exceptions and no one can hold it back.

Not to mention, there are seventeen people in the sales office, including several other female colleagues.

Just say that there are other offices next to the sales department, and the lineup of women combined is incredible.

In addition, the section chief and deputy section chief of the sales department have important matters today, and no one is here.

These women who have already bought clothes have no time to spare when they go to work, so they often go to work.

Just like that, the sales department was busy all morning.

People came to Miao Wenjuan one after another to look at and choose clothes.

In the end, before it was time for lunch, only one of the fifty shirts and fifty sets of autumn clothes and autumn trousers brought by Miao Yujuan and Luo Guangsheng was sold.

For this reason, Miao Yujuan was very happy and felt relaxed when she went to the canteen to get food.

She really didn't expect that it would be so easy, and she thought that she would be able to complete Ning Weimin's entrustment and there would be no problem.

It's a pity that she was happy too early, but neglected two things.

First of all, it is the hot-selling effect caused by human-to-human transmission, which cannot be controlled by humans.

The more people grab and fight for something, the better it feels.

Secondly, some of the promises made by the couple have been unable to be fulfilled as promised.

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