National Tide 1980

Chapter 302: Prosperity

Let’s take the Luo family first.

Their eldest grandson, the kid whose big name is Robin and whose nickname is Pan'er.

Twenty years later, he grew taller than his father, with a height of 1.83 meters, more than half a head taller than his father.

In the words of his uncle Luo Guangliang, this guy's body is like the "Guan" in "Tong Tian Guan Ri" in wrestling.

But why can Pan'er grow stronger than ordinary children, and why is his physical fitness obviously much better than other people of the same age?

I'm afraid it was thanks to his parents' extra income from helping Ning Weimin sell clothes in May 1982 that he laid a good foundation.

Because from this time on, Pan'er can eat as many eggs as the other children have every day without counting them.

All the other children ate dried cake powder, but Pan'er could drink milk powder at will.

This kid also often has polar bear juice concentrate, tin cans of malted milk, and pastry batter from his parents’ workplace to whet his appetite.

Think about it, eggs, milk, and oil can only be provided by heaven, even the descendants of fighting nations can only do so.

In terms of the general consumption level of the society at that time, Pan'er of the Luo family was really the top happy child in the Republic.

Also benefiting are the adults of the Luo family.

Although at the beginning, Master Luo was more stubborn than Luo Guangsheng.

He really scolded his eldest son frequently for being money-obsessed, having no future, and shouldn't take this money.

There was even one time when Master Luo was so angry that he almost took Luo Guangsheng to the factory to plead guilty after drinking some wine.

But when a double-cylinder washing machine was quickly moved into the Luo family's door, it became a new member of the family.

When Master Luo saw his wife and daughter-in-law with his own eyes, they both smiled with joy.

I heard them say with my own ears that with this washing machine, they have truly achieved women's liberation, and their hands will probably never get cracked in winter again.

Master Luo remained silent.

Since then, he has never cared about this matter again.

The same goes for the Mi family.

Although the old couple of the Mi family now have an overseas relative, they have received a lot of benefits and have become the first to become rich in the capital.

They open their mouths about the United States in front of their neighbors every day and show off their stench by shutting up.

But to a large extent, this is just what they do to save face.

In fact, parents all over the world have the same thoughts.

They may also worry that their daughter, who is a transit bride, will not be able to adapt to the living environment in a capitalist country and will be bullied by her husband's family alone overseas.

Especially Master Mi, although he believes in Zhao Hanyu's character.

I also think that there is a high probability that I will not make a mistake and choose the wrong person.

But as a film projectionist who knows a lot about movies, he drew inspiration from the rich boy Oliver and the baker's daughter Jennifer in "Love Story", and from the parents of Heintze in "The Handsome Boy".

I learned about the pressure and blame that some love and marriages with very different family backgrounds have to bear.

This forced him to sit down and worry about his daughter's future.

What's more, even if Mi Xiaoran is happily married and has children on the other side of the ocean, it also means that relatives are thousands of miles apart and it is difficult to get together again.

Therefore, let alone the property given by the Zhao family, the Mi family couple did not dare to use it more.

In turn, they also need to earn more money and try their best to save money,

Thinking that they can take care of themselves in old age and leave room for their children.

Because of this, they are equally happy to see the numbers on their bankbooks growing day by day.

In terms of selling clothes for Ning Weimin, the old couple were much more active than the Bian family and the Luo family.

At least with this kind of extra money, the next time the son-in-law and daughter come back to visit relatives, their reception will not be shabby, and there will be no need to reach out to the Zhao family.

It can always add some face and confidence to my daughter.

Compared with the Luo family and the Mi family, the difference between the Bian family and the Bian family is that they have both public and private interests.

From a personal point of view, Li Xiuzhi, the eldest daughter-in-law of the Bian family, is pregnant and has reached the stage of showing her pregnancy. She needs nutrition to nourish her body and bones.

So the extra income she and her husband earned from selling clothes came in handy.

Even though the Bian family has a poor background, it is because of the upcoming third generation.

Even Uncle Bian and Aunt Bian, who have been diligent and frugal all their lives, support this idea of ​​keeping the money for food and drink for their daughter-in-law.

So live fish, live chickens, fresh fruits, and various canned meat and eggs from polar bears brought back by Bian Jiangong were brought back one after another.

That was even more luxurious than when the Luo family used pastries, brown sugar, butter, eggs, and millet to replenish Miao Yuzhen's health.

If you only judge by the aroma of frying and frying in Bian's small kitchen every day, it is hard to believe that this family is just an ordinary person.

People who don't know must think that this family is not a high-ranking official, but also a hard worker.

From the perspective of public interests, Aunt Bian's awareness is also quite high.

Because she believes that the sales of these clothes is a solution that the neighborhood committee has come up with.

Her share of the sales proceeds was not put into her own pocket, but was transferred to the public account of the neighborhood committee.

In this way, the neighborhood committee is suitable.

Not only was it possible to exchange a shotgun for a cannon.

The broken tables and chairs that were no longer used for a long time, and the thermos bottles that were almost rusted to the bottom were all replaced with new ones.

Even Aunt Bian’s old sisters also enjoyed a lot of benefits.

Free tea, soap, towels and toilet paper are available to everyone.

In addition, each person is also equipped with a brand new flashlight and even has an attendance allowance.

Although it's only a few cents, it's only a scorpion's shit.

But if you search all over the capital, no matter which neighborhood committee you choose, the most you can get is the general director's placement subsidy.

There will never be such a situation that benefits the general public.

Needless to say, Aunt Bian's selflessness suddenly increased her prestige.

How can this group of old ladies who have received substantial benefits not support her? Can you not obey orders?

In fact, the directors of these neighborhood committees are not only very motivated.

Therefore, he became more motivated to sell clothes for Ning Weimin.

They would visit almost every vendor who had a clothing stall under the Qianmen Building to persuade them.

So it is conceivable that there is no self-employed person who cannot sell these aunts to save face?

It's better for the county magistrate to take charge now. Who is allowed to make a living on this land? That's all interesting.

In this case, who is the really suitable person?

There is no need to doubt that it is of course the Ning Weimin who is hiding behind and is obsessed with making a fortune.

To be honest, even he didn't expect that by making money, he would gain so much good popularity.

Not to mention the neighbors in Courtyard No. 2 thanked him, the neighborhood committee thanked him, and even Kang Shude praised him on the phone.

He said that he had done a good thing for everyone, he had not forgotten his roots, and he had some conscience.

Everyone is looking forward to when he will return to the courtyard after finishing his work, so that he can invite his family to have dinner.

Of course, what he didn't expect was that the energy and ability of a few old ladies in the neighborhood committee would be so great.

It was actually easy to establish a very efficient wholesale network for him.

Just these old ladies, by distributing these goods to self-employed people, can move thousands of items almost every day.

In just these first few days, he has withdrawn nearly 20,000 yuan, of which the bulk of 15,000 yuan came from these aunts wearing red hoops.

And this is equivalent to saying that in this capital city where the per capita annual salary is only 600 yuan, he can get a net profit of 10,000 yuan in a few days.

What is this concept?

I'm afraid if anyone knows about it, the first reaction is disbelief, and the second reaction is to be jealous and want to kill someone.

Of course, to a large extent, it also comes from the advantage of being able to rely on mountains, rivers and water.

Who makes Daqianmen the busiest and most popular place in Beijing?

To use a common saying, this place is a treasure trove where even smelly dog ​​poop can be sold.

In short, nothing speaks louder than actual results.

Now that I have unintentionally found a new way that is effective and can be quickly realized.

As long as it continues to operate in this way, it will be over.

Ning Weimin felt that if he could maintain this situation, the neighborhood committee alone could easily help him sell half of his goods.

This undoubtedly made him feel good.

But what can people say?

After all, is this a huge benefit? Is this all he expected?

No! I'm afraid that even if he enjoys the good luck like this, it can only be regarded as a nice little surprise for him.

To be honest, his real fundamental interests are not these superficial things.

No one knows what he is really proud of.

In fact, by cooperating with the streets, he has become a hidden capitalist who is safe, worry-free, and able to let go of his hands and feet.

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