National Tide 1980

Chapter 344: Perfect

"Eggs" are not difficult to find at all, because humans cannot live in a vacuum world.

The scheming Ning Weimin cooperates with the fair-weather hero Zhang Shihui.

In just one banquet, Manager Huang's personal situation was revealed.

Manager Huang’s real name is Huang Xinyuan, a worker, peasant, and soldier student at the seventh or fourth level.

To be fair, the worker, peasant and soldier students are in the last few classes, that is, from Level 74 to Level 76.

The school’s curriculum and degree of formalization are significantly different from those in previous years.

In fact, it is very close to college students after the resumption of college entrance examination.

Therefore, although Huang Xinyuan is known as a "half-baked college student", his cultural level and overall quality are very high.

Not only is he excellent at writing, he is good at desk work, but he is also quite good at cultural and sports activities.

Such as playing table tennis, Go and calligraphy.

Therefore, as soon as he entered the Sugar and Tobacco Company after graduation, Huang Xinyuan not only kept the office work in order, but also laid a good mass foundation for himself with many hobbies.

He even accidentally won the favor and favor of a big leader.

It was a coincidence that the deputy secretary of the Sugar, Tobacco and Liquor Company was a Go enthusiast.

Moreover, he has long suffered from the fact that there are not many chess friends around him who can play chess.

By chance, after seeing Huang Xinyuan's chess prowess, I knew I had found my opponent on the chessboard.

From then on, Huang Xinyuan came to his office to play chess as soon as he got off work.

In this way, this ordinary citizen with no background began to show his prominence in the company.

Although Huang Xinyuan is an ordinary citizen with no background, no one dares to underestimate him.

Therefore, he has been given many opportunities to express his abilities, and it is inevitable that he will be promoted step by step.

He was quickly promoted from a junior clerk to the head of the branch.

Although this year, the deputy secretary who likes Go went home to raise his grandson in response to the country's "Decision on Establishing a Retirement System for Veteran Cadres" because he was over the age limit.

But Huang Xinyuan's luck was not bad. He caught the eye of the newly appointed deputy secretary by showing his calligraphy in the tobacco company's internal cultural and sports activities.

As a result, he was still so proud.

Even to get closer to the deputy secretary.

He also took great pains to become a disciple of Master Guan, a famous calligrapher and painter, and seriously began to practice calligraphy and study painting.

In this way, the saying "If a fly doesn't bite, there will be no eggs."

Ning Weimin didn't even bother to find any relationship that was three levels away.

He only invited a teacher from the Sculpture Department of the Academy of Fine Arts to be his introducer.

In the name of buying calligraphy and paintings, he became Master Guan's guest and received a warm reception.

You know, the calligraphy and painting industry itself is similar to the entertainment industry, so they are the easiest to hook up with.

What's more, the prices of domestic modern and contemporary calligraphy and painting works are astonishingly low these days.

Even the works of the late Qi Baishi and Xu Beihong cannot be sold for much money.

They act as a ceiling.

Among other masters who are still a generation behind, even if they are authoritative figures in the domestic calligraphy and painting circles, how much can their works be sold for?

Not even a few hundred dollars.

If you send it to a store like Rong Baozhai for consignment, you'll be lucky if you can find a discerning buyer within a few months.

If it is really sold, the store will deduct a fee.

It is precisely for this reason that Ning Weimin, who took the initiative to visit, is Master Guan's noble person.

Not only did he bid higher than the market price, but he also bought many paintings in one fell swoop.

In addition to his special status, he is also the relevant person in charge of the Pierre Carton Company who enthusiastically supports literary and artistic undertakings and founded the National Sculpture Exhibition.

It will definitely take Master Guan’s reputation to the next level.

How could we not receive a heartfelt welcome from Master Guan?

It only took more than a week to go back and forth like this.

Ning Weimin and Master Guan developed a friendship that lasted for many years because of their sympathy for each other.

Going further, it’s hard to say, right?

Now that Ning Weimin has become a master, he can come and go freely in the master's house and eat as he pleases.

Then it would be a matter of course for him to meet Master Guan's apprentice, Manager Huang of the Sugar Industry Tobacco and Liquor Company, sooner or later.

One day, Huang Xinyuan came to Master Guan for advice on the calligraphy and painting he had recently practiced hard.

The big manager was extremely surprised to bump into Ning Weimin at the master's home.

At that time, Ning Weimin, dressed in a suit and leather shoes, was sitting and drinking tea with Master Guan, chatting and laughing happily, and was very happy.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that such a scene made Huang Xinyuan confused and confused.

Because he never dreamed that he would meet Ning Weimin again in such a way and on such an occasion.

He really couldn't figure out why a self-employed person who was smiling apologetically in his office at least half a month ago turned aside and became such a decent person.

Moreover, Master Guan's attitude towards Ning Weimin was more affectionate than towards him, which made him even more puzzled.

To be honest, if Ning Weimin hadn't seen Huang Xinyuan, he would have been astonished and then took the initiative to say hello.

Even Huang Xinyuan himself thought he had admitted the wrong person.

Going forward, this matter becomes more interesting.

On this day, Ning Weimin and Huang Xinyuan stayed together and had a family dinner prepared by Master Guan's wife.

Although this banquet was not as grand as Ning Weimin and Huang Xinyuan eating and drinking outside, there were no delicacies, only some very ordinary home-cooked dishes.

However, the cause and effect of today's "accidental encounter" between Ning Weimin and Manager Huang was regarded as a topic of small talk and became the best appetizer at the dinner.

Ning Weimin took the initiative to "decrypt" it for everyone. He first explained that foreign companies do not restrict personal business activities.

Then he used Zhang Shihui as a cover, saying that his friend was a sincere and sincere person.

No matter what, I don't want to go to work at Pierre Carton Company for fear of causing trouble to myself.

That's why he applied for a license in his own name and funded the establishment of this cigarette shop for his friend.

When he emphasized that he accompanied his friends to meet Huang Xinyuan as a self-employed person and encountered many embarrassing situations, everyone couldn't help but laugh knowingly.

Everyone here thought this incident was very interesting, a bit of a coincidence and a ridiculous joke.

As soon as Ning Weimin finished speaking, Huang Xinyuan expressed his apology on the spot.

"Manager Ning, I didn't expect that you would also pay a private visit incognito. I'm so offended, but don't blame me. The main reason is that self-employed people are too good at exploiting and exploiting every opportunity. I'm also afraid of accidentally making a mistake. I was fooled and made a mistake. But I have to say, I thought about it for several days after meeting you, because I have never seen a self-employed person with such outstanding speech and temperament as you. Now the answer to this mystery has been revealed. Sure enough, The taste is evident at a glance…”

The words were very pleasant, but Ning Weimin knew that such words were just "face talk" and were nothing more than people deliberately flattering him.

It's natural for people to say it, and forget it for those who listen. Don't take it seriously, otherwise it will cause trouble.

So he responded humbly.

"Manager Huang, don't be polite. I am also a business manager myself. Considering it from your perspective, of course I can understand. To be honest, I had already expected the result of being rejected. It was just for the sake of everyone. As a friend, you don’t want to throw cold water on your buddy, so you just have to go along with him reluctantly. You really don’t need to worry about this little thing..."

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