National Tide 1980

Chapter 349 Good Reputation

There is no doubt that the success of direct sales of tobacco and alcohol will not be limited to Zhang Shihui’s father-in-law.

In this era when information transmission is still very limited, the sales model "invented" by Ning Weimin, where acquaintances bring goods, is invincible.

Even if it is copied to the courtyard where Zhang Shihui lives and the Chongwenmen Hotel where Liu Weijing works, the effect is still significant.

Let's take a large courtyard as an example first. Although the population density and social scope of bungalows are not as high as those of buildings, the efficiency of tobacco and alcohol sales will definitely be greatly reduced.

But if you look at the entire alley, there are hundreds of households.

In addition, there are no secrets in the alley, and the advantage of cheap things is obvious.

So once the news spread among the neighbors, a lot of demand burst out.

In fact, as long as Zhang Shihui lives in the same alley.

Whether they are acquaintances or strangers, friends or semi-acquaintances, or acquaintances who nod and say "Have you eaten" every day when meeting each other, or even "toilet friends" who have squatted together in the toilet.

They are like the residents in a building. No one will let such benefits pass them by.

In other words, they would find excuses, gain connections, and come to Zhang Shihui's house to buy goods.

In this way, when the situation slowly ferments, the shipment volume will become very objective.

In fact, it is not much inferior to the building where the Liu family lives.

Of course, the side effect that comes with this is that it must be quite troublesome and troublesome to deal with more and more people coming in piecemeal.

However, the great thing about the courtyard is that it has clear layers.

Because Zhang Shihui's rooms are close to the courtyard.

Anyone who wants to go to the Zhang family has to pass by two or three other families first.

Strangers entering the hospital must be questioned by the Zhang family's neighbors, which is almost like having a sentry post.

And because living in a courtyard is more inconvenient than living in a building, the friendship between the neighbors who share the same joys and sorrows is somewhat closer than that of the people in the building.

In this way, the neighbors in the same courtyard who had obtained the right to sell tobacco and alcohol from Zhang Shihui were naturally very willing to do the work for them, sparing Zhang Shihui frequent harassment.

Even when these neighbors sold a favor and received gratitude, they also did not forget to erect a monument to Zhang Shihui.

As a result, he gained a reputation that he had never imagined, and became more and more valued by the neighbors throughout the alley.

No, Zhang Shihui didn't really do anything.

But almost every day, these neighbors in the same courtyard as him.

They would always talk about his benefits to each other when he was away and they were free.

To be honest, it's a bit like preaching.

Just like today, during off-duty time, the neighbors in the courtyard gathered together to pick and wash vegetables, and they started chatting again.

On one side is Uncle Li at the entrance of the courtyard, choosing leeks.

"...I said his second aunt, this little Zhang in our courtyard really didn't say anything. He is called Yi Renyi and he opens a cigarette shop, but he doesn't make any money from us. His cigarettes and wine are given to us big guys, which is comparable to a store. Much cheaper. Look at this humanity..."

At the other end was the second aunt of the Liu family who was using the water pipe to wash vegetables in a vegetable basin.

"No, his uncle, a 'Yellow River' can be 25 cents cheaper than the official price in a non-staple food store. Our family, together with our two sons, can now save two yuan a month just on cigarettes. It's so good I really have to thank Xiao Zhang for this. And just for these cheap cigarettes, our colleagues in the same unit also benefited from it. Why do you think Xiao Zhang is so capable? He took care of all these good things. How many people..."

Just as he was talking, Dezi, who worked in the towel factory, pushed his bicycle into the courtyard gate again.

This kid is almost in his twenties, and he doesn't have a partner yet, so he lives in a small bungalow by himself.

Moreover, no matter the work unit or the courtyard, he is an unpopular young man.

Hearing this, sure enough, he couldn't help but chime in.

"Hey, Second Aunt, let me ask, your boss won't sell the unit at the original price, right? Hey, are you stupid? Why don't you know how to add some money? Let me tell you, these cigarettes and alcohol No one is in need. Even if you add an extra cent, there will still be people rushing to get it. Otherwise, you can also learn from me. I have sold more than 80 pieces in the past two days and earned more than 8 yuan..."

Aunt Liu curled her lips after hearing this.

"Hey, Dezi, I don't like hearing what you are saying. Are you stupid? I haven't made any money from you. Is it so embarrassing to work with you to earn money from acquaintances?"

Dezi didn't mind such a slight fight, and he answered the words steadily.

"Look at what you said, don't compare me with Xiao Zhang'er! He's rich and rich, and he got rich a long time ago. I'm a thin horse, a long horse, but a poor man with short ambitions. Besides, I think back then, Xiao Zhang was the first I was the one who introduced him to the business. What he is today is all because of me getting him started. He wants to make money from me, so that’s embarrassing..."

Uncle Li was also a little bit tired of hearing this.

"Dezi, look at your tone, you are not afraid of your tongue being blown away by the wind. You brought Xiao Zhang into the family? I knew you had led him into a ditch. I think it was you who introduced the southern fruit business to others. Xiao Zhang suffered a heavy loss, right? And you were the only one who ate a lot of fruits at the beginning. When something happened, you stayed away. If they don’t remember you later, just think of them."

Dezi couldn't bear these words.

"Oh, uncle, I have a conscience. If I could have thought that I would lose money, why would I introduce him to Xiao Zhang? This is not the case with the unpredictable business world. I am really not that kind of person. No matter how hard I try, I can't cheat my neighbors. Ah. The rabbit still doesn’t eat the grass beside its nest, does it..."

And he also has a knack for telling perverse truths. As soon as the conversation changed, it became a way for him to make money.

"... So that's it. Now Xiao Zhang has given the money to us. This is such a rare opportunity. If we miss it, we will let him down. If you don't earn this money, you won't earn it in vain. You have to think about it this way, it’s cheaper than what’s sold in the store if we add some, right? What’s the shame in that?”

Uncle Li was too lazy to argue anymore, knowing that this guy would always be right, so he simply decided to give up his hatred with a few words.

"Hey, brat, just be pretentious. You always have your fallacies. They say that self-employed people are after money. I think you are the one who is after money. You can't make a fortune like this. You'd better treat others well. Xiao Zhang, please learn how to be a human being. You must first learn to be a human being before you can do business..."

Unexpectedly, Dezi shook his head and firmly refused to recognize it.

"Look at what you said, you really wronged me. Who doesn't know how to be a good person? But face must be exchanged for money. Of course I know that after I have earned money, I should be honest with others. What comes and goes? , they will only take me to play from now on. But what do you mean by saying that this is all I earn? Xiao Zhang himself sells cigarettes and alcohol, how can he still be short of smoking and drinking? I want to treat him to a small alley restaurant Let’s give it a good rub, it’s a bit too shabby…”

At this time, two more strangers entered the courtyard. Dezi was the first to take the car and shouted at them.

"What are you doing, who are you looking for? Let's go in after explaining clearly..."

Both of them were a little embarrassed, and the older one hurriedly explained.

"Ah? We live in Courtyard No. 11 at the entrance of our alley. People in our courtyard said that there is a comrade named Zhang in our courtyard, and his cigarettes and alcohol are cheaper than those sold in stores. We just want to ask, can you You can't sell it to us for the sake of our neighbors who live in the same alley..."

"Yes. Come with me. I have Xiao Zhang's cigarettes and alcohol. I promise I won't earn you a penny from selling them to you..."

"Thank you, don't be so polite. We are all neighbors. You two are not the only ones here. There are many people in our alley who have inquired. Xiao Zhang has already left a message. We all should look after each other..."

"You're welcome, we all took advantage of Xiao Zhang. Have you met Xiao Zhang? There is a young couple in our alley who just got married this year. Yes, there were a lot of cars coming that day. The young couple usually wears very fashionable clothes... …”

Uncle Li was afraid that Dezi would make money from others, so before the visitors could finish speaking, he picked up his own leeks and took the two visitors into his room.

Seeing this, Dezi swallowed regretfully, cursed "Silly uncle" from the bottom of his heart, and then pushed the cart towards the courtyard.

But when he saw the dishes that Aunt Liu had washed, the boy stopped again.

With a playful smile on his face, he insists on rubbing two small cabbages and taking them back to judge in front of him.

The second aunt didn't bother to argue. She wiped her hands and gave two of them to Dezi, allowing him to take advantage of them.

Unexpectedly, this boy was not greedy enough, so he turned his nose into his face, thinking that the tree given to him had bug eyes.

The second aunt was simply delighted.

"You bastard, why didn't you take advantage of enough? Why do you still choose to eat for nothing? I just gave it to you because I thought it had bug eyes..."

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