National Tide 1980

Chapter 35 Abacus

"You kid, you are really capable. You didn't tell me when something happened, and you actually took care of it all by yourself. Aren't you afraid of something unexpected happening and burying yourself in it?"

Although Kang Shude complained verbally, there was a smile in his eyes.

Naturally, Ning Weimin could tell, and he laughed and started to brag.

"You asked knowingly. What can they do to me? The driver I hired is not a decoration, he is a real person. If the people at the scrap yard dare to do something, I will report it to the official. Of course the driver will turn to me and testify for me. .”

"The people at the scrap yard are going to bite me back, which is even worse. Firstly, they have no evidence, and secondly, their problem is bigger than mine. They can't explain the cause and effect of the conflict with me, right? If they want to give me a safe place, If they are guilty, they must first accuse themselves. Injuring themselves before injuring the enemy, I just say it is unlucky or not, they themselves will definitely be finished."

"Besides, those who are barefoot are not afraid of those who wear shoes, and the consequences they need to bear are also different. Even if we each hit fifty big boards, how much loss can I lose as a homeless person? But they are different. When people enter, their jobs will also be lost. If it is smashed, everyone will have to drink the northwest wind."

"To put it bluntly, they should never have confronted me from the beginning. This is a very stupid thing in itself. So since the money has already been in my pocket, it is useless for them to understand now. Face to face, take everything I had no choice but to break my teeth and swallow it in my stomach."

Kang Shude shook his head. He was dissatisfied with the boy's arrogance, but he had to admit his intelligence.

"Just be bad and tie someone up with a knot that can't be untied. Do you know what you call black and white?"

But the more he said this, the more proud Ning Weimin became.

"Haha, old man, you are right. But then again, who let them have wrinkles on themselves? I am a little expert who specializes in treating bad people. This trick is ineffective on good people. What is the old saying? Since If he looks like a bun, he shouldn’t complain about being chased by dogs.”

How could Kang Shude spare any effort in beating such an arrogant disciple?

"Okay, brat, stop pushing your nose, face, and tail. You just stepped on a small footprint, and there is still a long way to go. Don't forget that sentence. If you have a good time today, be careful. List.”

But Ning Weimin still has the spirit of Ah Q and is completely immune to it. He knows how to find steps for himself.

"Yes, yes, you can't fault my omissions anyway, right? I'll just take it as a compliment."

"I said you don't want to compete with me. I'll make you angry later. It was a happy day, but there's no need. Besides, we still have to discuss how to deal with this bronze."

"How about chatting while we eat? What I can prepare today are all your favorite foods, including assorted vegetables from Quan Su Zhai, sauce duck and barbecued pork from Pu Wufang... I also bought you a radio. Did you see it when you came in?"

In this regard, Kang Shude was really at a loss and swallowed all the admonitions that came to his lips.

His apprentice still has this ability.

You can always change the topic naturally when you feel embarrassed or stuck.

Kang Shude actually didn't dislike him for this, and even thought that this was a skill needed in the business world.

With such a talent, you can liven up the atmosphere during negotiations and make it easier to get business done.

The only thing he worried about was that Ning Weimin was so proud of his favor that he forgot to learn his lesson.

Because it is not terrible to fail in the right way, but it is terrible to succeed in the wrong way.

He was really afraid that Ning Weimin would succeed in revenge and even get great benefits, so he would never take greed seriously from then on.

But he soon discovered that he was worrying too much.

Because Ning Weimin was extremely clear-headed when it came to how to deal with bronzes, and the decision he made made him unexpectedly surprised and relieved.

This kid actually decided to hand over the things to the state. He obviously understood what kind of situation should restrain his desires.

"This is a priceless national treasure. Most people will never be so lucky in their lives. You kid, you are thinking about money every day, are you really willing to give it up?"

In fact, when I first heard that Ning Weimin had made such a decision.

Kang Shude really didn't believe it, and couldn't help but point at the bronze to make sure again.

Unexpectedly, Ning Weimin sighed deeply and analyzed the truth clearly.

"What can I do if I don't want to give it up? This thing is too easy to cause trouble. You don't really think that I will be so obsessed with money that I don't care about it, do you? You know that it is a time bomb that will explode at any time, but you still leave it next to me, do you?"

"Everyone knows that bronzes are valuable. Since ancient times, when it comes to antiques, the normal order is 'inscriptions, calligraphy and painting', and the first 'gold' refers to bronzes. But because of this, this thing is the most important thing to the country. Utensils. Among all categories of cultural relics, our country has the strictest control over bronze ware."

"The state may have express provisions that any cultural relics found in our country belong to the state. It is the obligation of citizens to hand over discovered cultural relics to the state. But these days, even the sale of coins, calligraphy, paintings, and porcelain, as long as it is in 1795 (the sixth year of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty), Ten years) ago, those are all reselling cultural relics. Tell me, I will be charged with this thing, and I won’t be allowed to go to jail?”

"The key is that no matter how valuable it is, it is still a waste to me. It can't be sold now, and I don't want to let the national treasure be lost overseas. No one in the country can afford it, and no one dares to take it over. I can't keep it. Live. This thing is too conspicuous. It can't be hidden anywhere in our house. It will be seen by the neighbors in a few days. Tell me, is there anything else you can do besides handing it over to me?"

"Master, I already understand the principle that too much is not enough. Just like what you told me in Tsinghua University, if you have to eat two kilograms of pancakes in your belly, you have to hold it in. I will not be greedy anymore. I'm stupid. I know that this thing can only do me harm but no good. Since I don't have this blessing, it's better not to touch it."

"But the opposite is different. If we give this thing to the country, we can get a lot of benefits. First of all, we will get a good reputation. Isn't your status high? Your profession in the past has always been criticized. It doesn’t matter, if I hand this over in your name, you will become famous and become a positive example, and no one will dare to pick on you anymore.”

"What's more, the country has collected such a huge treasure, so it's hard to take it away for nothing, right? Then there must be some material reward. You have to give some money and get a certificate of honor. Then with this matter, our master Don't you two have a legitimate reason to spend money? From now on, it will be much more enjoyable. If you don't eat something good or wash the pond, you have to do it secretly, for fear of arousing suspicion. "

What Ning Weimin said is indeed correct.

In fact, due to a provision in my country's "Cultural Relics Protection Law" that "only cultural relics unearthed before 1949 and clearly recorded are allowed to be circulated," this directly makes bronzes a minefield in the cultural relics collection world.

Most fine bronzes have been blocked from legal domestic circulation for a long time.

As a result, domestic collectors who speculate on Yuan blue and white, ancient ceramics, ancient calligraphy and painting, and mahogany furniture have little interest in these things.

In this way, in the booming art market in the future, bronzes will be rare, and the market price will remain in a low state for a long time.

Compared with ancient paintings, calligraphy and porcelain, which can cost hundreds of millions, the price trend of bronzes has been stable and low-key all year round.

This is undoubtedly conducive to the country's repurchase of bronzes lost overseas.

Of course, Kang Shude must not know the future performance of the bronze market.

But despite this, Ning Weimin's knowledge of advance and retreat and his understanding of depth in these words were enough to make him satisfied and at ease.

For this reason, he praised his apprentice directly for the first time today.

"Well, that's the truth. You've grown up! You're right to think so! Yes, there are some things that we ordinary people can't touch. Even if you get it, holding on to it will only bring disaster. It's better to hand it over. The big prize has changed. The small prize is also a win, which is a good thing no matter what. Well, since it is decided to hand it over to us, we should do it as soon as possible. Do you think it is better for us to go to the Forbidden City? Or to the Cultural Relics Bureau? "

The old man now fully thinks that he just needs to hand over the things and it will be over, and wants to get rid of this hot potato quickly to avoid a long night and many dreams.

But he didn't expect that he kept things simple and was far less thoughtful than his apprentice.

Ning Weimin has more to say later.

"I said, old man, don't be anxious. You can't be so sloppy with the payment. Why should I discuss it with you if you have to worry so much? Just hand it over and it's over. I was thinking, how can we make the payment together? , in order to get greater benefits..."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Seeing Kang Shude's surprised expression, Ning Weimin immediately became happy.

And when he smiled, his true nature as a philistine who couldn't afford to be too early was fully revealed.

"Hey, let me tell you this. Our country does not have specific regulations on giving material rewards after turning in cultural relics, and various departments have different standards."

"Besides, it is an indisputable fact that the cultural relics department is short of funds. If they ask them to give money, they really can't give you a few cents. According to my estimate, it will cost 5,800 yuan. I really don't like it."

"To be honest, now that I can't pick up garbage, what I need most is a good job. That's what I think. It would be the most cost-effective if I could become a taxi driver. From now on, we will need a car. , If you want money, you will have money. You don’t have to worry about anything.”

"But on my own, how can anyone want me? There are so many people queuing up for ordinary jobs. Fortunately, haven't you been getting close to the deputy director of our street recently? You can help me ask him Ask, see if it is possible to use the treasure offering to negotiate with the boss and satisfy my request."

"If it's possible, we won't want the bonus. If it really doesn't work, it doesn't matter. It's all paid anyway, so we might as well just hand it over through the deputy director, which can be regarded as returning his favor and letting him make a contribution in the meantime. Maybe, he I feel like I owe you a share."

Hey, what does it mean to count everything?

Look, the apprentice actually taught the master a lesson today.

Kang Shude slapped his thigh after hearing this.

"Okay, you kid, you are really capable of calculations. You have a whole life. Hey, how can you take advantage? We have to fall apart. You can be my master. According to me, you are just like what the cross talk said. All the same. Smart guy with bright roots. Little smart bean who doesn’t suffer any loss. He grabs the first place when eating and squeezes a lot of time for taking photos. He looks for advantages everywhere and doesn’t get up early when there is no profit. Who do you think he is? I think he looks like you……"

Ning Weimin did not refuse this reputation.

He raised his thumb and pointed at himself.

"Then, who are we? We appear to be bronze, but in reality we are kings."


The old man couldn't help but was stunned again.

I really didn’t understand.

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