National Tide 1980

Chapter 356: Sending Good Luck

Sunday, August 8, 1982.

This day is not only a rest day for most people, but also a great day for Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihuiyan hotels to complete their renovation and open for business.

It is also the thirteenth solar term among the twenty-four solar terms in a year - Beginning of Autumn.

The special thing about the Beginning of Autumn is that it is, first of all, the time of year when the yang peak gradually changes to the yin peak.

It means that Yang Qi gradually shrinks and Yin Qi gradually grows.

Although this does not mean that the hot weather is over, there will be at least "a volt" of hot weather to follow.

But as the folk proverb goes, "When autumn comes, throw away your fan."

On this day, the temperatures in the morning and night will begin to gradually drop, and people will soon be able to have a good sleep.

Naturally, we can know that a cooler day is around the corner, and we can personally feel that the unbearable summer heat is almost over.

Secondly, the beginning of autumn also means that all things in nature begin to grow from luxuriant growth to bleak maturity.

Autumn is also called the Fruit Festival and Fresh Products Festival.

Various fruits, pears and peaches also become increasingly abundant from this day on.

In the months that followed from summer to autumn, and from autumn to winter.

All kinds of fruits and river fresh food are constantly on the market, making it overwhelming.

So this day undoubtedly heralds a good day for harvest and celebration.

If it is used to open a business shop, it will naturally bring good fortune, which is the best.

It's a coincidence, maybe it's just the call of autumn.

Early that morning, Ning Weimin took Luo Guangliang to the brand-new "Huimin Smoke Hotel".

The two of them had just tidied up the store and were hanging up the finished wooden signboard on the ladder.

Zhang Shihui and Liu Weijing were glowing and came together to give money to the store.

I saw Zhang Shihui holding a large, bulging leather bag in one hand. It looked like it was heavy and very full.

In addition, the boy's face was full of joy and he winked hard, which further proved that there was no decimal number in it.

"Boss Ning, I have brought you auspiciousness. The results of all the transactions made in the past few days are here. How about, let's return them to the warehouse quickly..."

So even though he was so arrogant and yelled as if he was deliberately showing off, it was not annoying.

You know, on this special day, a huge amount of money can be deposited into the tobacco shop's accounts, which is a very good fortune.

Can Ning Weimin still be unhappy?

So not only Luo Guangliang and Liu Weijing were happy.

Ning Weimin didn't bother to care about Zhang Shihui, who was just standing there and watching without knowing how to help.

He asked Luo Guangliang to get off the ladder, hastily pasted the red paper "Open for business" on the glass window of the tobacco shop, and then led everyone to the backyard with a smile.

The three north rooms in the middle of the back are separated.

One room in the middle is used for occasions.

Therefore, the decoration, layout and furniture are completely in accordance with the style of the halls of wealthy families in the past.

Furniture, couplets, plaques, hanging screens, calligraphy and painting screen strips are all available, and they are all arranged in a symmetrical manner based on the central axis of the main hall.

Most of these things were bought by Ning Weimin himself from trust stores and ghost market stalls.

If you don't count Master Guan's calligraphy and painting, the cost is actually not much, but the effect is really good.

That kind of solemn, noble, strict and orderly, and well-behaved style is absolutely overwhelming.

No matter what you are here for, as soon as you walk in here, you will feel that this cigarette shop is extraordinary and not simple.

In fact, this is indeed the case, because the one on the left is a relatively private living room.

It's more comfortable than this hall.

There are not only sofas and coffee tables, but also color TVs, refrigerators, newspapers and magazines, chessboards and pokers, and wine glasses and drinking utensils.

Because this is the main place where the tobacco and alcohol business is acquired and specially used to receive important guests.

In addition, it can also be used as a daily resting place when no one is around.

Even if you want to spend the night, you can sleep comfortably on the big and wide double sofa.

The one on the right is a serious office.

The furnishings in the house. Except for two desks facing each other by the window, some filing cabinets and an extension phone.

There is also an alloy safe hidden inside the cabinet.

I have to say that Luo Guangliang is indeed very mature and stable, and behaves in a moderate manner.

When he followed Ning Weimin into the hall, he stopped consciously and refused to go inside.

He thought that Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui went into the office together to "pass" money, so he had to avoid it, and it was a bit inappropriate to go in.

But Ning Weimin really didn't treat him as an outsider.

No matter how hard you pull, you still have to pull him in.

"Brother, we are not outsiders. We don't have to carry you behind our backs. Come in, everyone."

In one sentence, Luo Guangliang was extremely relieved and felt even more comfortable.

But even so, when he saw Zhang Shihui enter the house with his own eyes, he opened the zipper of his leather bag and took out piles of money.

I still feel a little uncomfortable...

No, it should be said to be shocking.

Because there is too much money!

Although he now feels that he is not a person who has never seen the world.

For example, in a street factory or selling goods for Ning Weimin on Xiushui Street, doing distribution and wholesale, he also saw tens of thousands of banknotes.

But I have to say, what kind of business scale is that?

There are actually many people working for Ning Weimin everywhere, and the benefits are shared among these people.

How could Luo Guangliang have imagined that Zhang Shihui would take out a full thirty-six stacks of Big Unity before the Xiaoxiaoyan Hotel was officially opened.

And it is claimed that only 20,000 yuan of it is the cost, and the rest is the profit earned.

How could the profits of a cigarette shop with just two people be so high?

Look at Zhang Shihui and Ning Weimin adding up the accounts together, their movements are not only natural, but their expressions are even more calm and relaxed.

That’s sixteen thousand! net profit!

If that were the case, it would be enough for the gangsters like them to work hard together and work through the wind and rain for a year.

Even now, it takes a whole month for them to make enough money by selling clothes.

If you are a university professor with a monthly salary of 100 yuan or a full-time cadre officially established by the state.

I'm afraid I have to work for one hundred and sixty months, that is, thirteen and a half years, without eating or drinking to get this money.

As for ordinary people, let alone that, it definitely represents unimaginable astronomical figures.

But why do Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui not take it seriously?

It's not that they are unhappy, but they feel about the same as ordinary people regarding wealth worth hundreds of dollars.

What on earth were they thinking?

However, Luo Guangliang couldn't help but wonder about Ning Weimin and Zhang Shihui's standards for measuring wealth and their mentality when facing wealth.

Zhang Shihui took the initiative to reveal part of the answer for him.

Because this boy was so dissatisfied that he actually complained to Ning Weimin again about the regret that he was not as satisfied as he wanted.

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