National Tide 1980

Chapter 384: Vulgar Taste

Ning Weimin is a hotelier.

Similar work experience allowed him to chat with the waiters on the night shift.

In addition, he is used to giving small favors to others on weekdays.

The two night shift waiters at the front desk often smoked cigarettes and ate foreign candies from his hands.

So in special circumstances like today, no matter how difficult it is for them, they have to make it easy.

So Ning Weimin became the first one among all the guests of Chongwenmen Hotel to break the rule of "no foreign guests are allowed after 9:30 pm".

After the two waiters on duty repeatedly told him not to be seen, he took Qu Xiao back to his room.

However, after entering the door, the embarrassment did not decrease, but became more.

Because Ning Weimin's room is too messy.

This kid is one of those who can sleep wherever he finds a nest.

Every day, the bed is not made and the quilt is not folded. When I wake up, I basically go out to do some business. Sometimes, even the curtains may not be opened.

In addition, there are many personal tobacco, alcohol and electrical appliances belonging to Zhang Shihui stored in this house.

He was afraid of losing things and was unwilling to ask the room attendant to help clean.

You can imagine what this room is like.

Cigarette boxes, wine bottles, food bags, cans, dirty cups, fruit peels and shells...

There are also changed clothes, used towels, and even worn socks, underwear, ties...

There are too many unsightly things scattered everywhere.

To put it bluntly, it's not much better than a doghouse.

For this reason, the first thing Ning Weimin did after entering the house was to take emergency measures.

He hurriedly put away those garbage-like things.

Those who could be thrown away were thrown away directly, and those who could not be thrown away were piled in the corner of the room.

Then you have to open a small crack in the window for ventilation to prevent the filthy smell in the room from filling Quxiao.

Qu Xiao was also embarrassed when she was wet. Her sandals were soaked with water, and she had nowhere to sit or stand.

And because he witnessed with his own eyes how Ning Weimin climbed up the two floors while holding on to the stairs and grinning.

In addition, Ning Weimin became very busy as soon as he entered the room.

She also clearly felt how much inconvenience she had brought to Ning Weimin.

I just wanted to help, but it was inconvenient to reach out, so I could only stand at the door with my arms folded and shivering.

However, the good thing is that she can control her emotions.

Perhaps it was because I had never visited a man's solitary residence so late in the evening, so I felt nervous and embarrassed.

When Ning Weimin tidied up the room, he went to the bathroom to find the last unused dry towel to wipe her hair.

She has basically stopped sobbing.

"Sit down! What happened? I'm listening!"

Ning Weimin pulled a chair for Qu Xiao and poured her a glass of hot water very considerately.

Then without any urging, he just sat on the corner of the bed and looked at her quietly.

In the end, the sincerity in Ning Weimin's eyes gave him some courage.

Qu Xiao blushed, lowered his head, and finally spoke in a voice almost like a mosquito.

"I...I was kicked out of my family..."

"Huh? At home? It was your parents... who kicked you out?"

Ning Weimin couldn't help being surprised and asked further.

"Well..." The little girl's mood was extremely low, which made people feel heartbroken just to see her.

"But... why?"

"Because of the photo... there was a color photo of me on stage in a magazine, and my mother's colleagues recognized her..."

As Qu Xiao's choked voice expressed his grievances little by little, Ning Weimin suddenly realized what had happened.

To put it simply, Qu Xiao went on stage to perform as a model, but the paper could not contain the fire, and the incident finally came to light.

Qingqing Qu Xiao became a model under the recommendation of Ning Weimin.

On this special stage, the little girl shined with astonishing brilliance.

Although his height of 173m can only be considered average in this industry.

But with a good sense of music, like the blooming youth, as well as punctuality, courtesy, and professional qualities acquired through hard training, Qu Xiao has achieved quite proud and amazing performance results.

She is also on stage with everyone, but the orders placed by foreign businessmen for the clothes she wears are generally several times higher than those of others.

Especially when it comes to exports to Japan, Japanese representatives especially recognize her image of an oriental lady like a porcelain doll, and the signing of orders always goes very smoothly.

For this reason, she gradually became remembered by a female leader in the textile department and became the female leader's favorite model.

Therefore, as long as it is a performance task organized by the Ministry of Textiles, this female leader will inevitably point out the name of Quxiao.

Needless to say, once a person becomes famous, the time for work, training, and performances will become increasingly difficult to coordinate.

Fortunately, Qu Xiaoren was very smart, she planned her time well, and she told her family that she had enrolled in night college.

If you need to go out, just make an excuse to go to class.

In this way, she kept it secret from her family in the name of studying.

However, this aspect of the media is the most difficult to control, it is difficult to guard against, and it is easy to go wrong.

To be honest, considering the particularity of China, most people currently have insufficient understanding of the modeling profession and are biased.

For the sake of its models, Pierre Carton has always taken preventive measures in media promotions.

Just like the performances that Ning Weimin is responsible for, he will definitely give some small gifts to build a good relationship with the reporters and make a few solemn statements beforehand.

Please do not use close-up photos to avoid unnecessary trouble.

But the problem is when everyone gets used to performing on stage.

Whether it is public or private, the originally tense nerves gradually become tired and relaxed.

Especially this industry is developing rapidly.

With the rapid development of cooperation between Pierre Carton Company and the Ministry of Textiles and the Ministry of Economic and Trade, there are more and more performances of various types.

Sometimes it is a commercial promotion by Pierre Carton, and sometimes it is a promotion made by two ministries to promote export business.

It is inevitable that the disadvantages of inconsistent authority will arise, and management will become increasingly loose.

Moreover, the audience will soon no longer be limited to officials and technicians in the foreign trade and clothing industries.

In addition, this era is an era in which various magazines and newspapers are growing rapidly.

Models are also the most popular social focus phenomenon, and they are a controversial topic that attracts public attention.

Then more and more reporters from various media are attracted by the models.

Therefore, the confidentiality level plummets, and something goes wrong.

Especially this time, it was almost a hit.

A few days ago, the Ministry of Textiles just held an export fair to several Asian countries at the Palace of Nationalities.

Among the mainly recommended clothing, there are several gauze skirts with hollow effects made for Japan.

For this reason, the Ministry of Textiles made a request that models participating in the show cannot wear bras.

In addition, the skirt only reaches half-thigh length, making it surprisingly short.

Even the models themselves felt uncomfortable wearing such eye-catching dresses, and felt a little embarrassed to wear them.

Therefore, this performance, just like the mural called "Water Splashing Festival" that appeared at the Capital Airport in 1979, depicting a Dai girl bathing scene, had an extremely sensational effect in the industry in advance.

On that day, many reporters from the media were attracted by the news and came to grab photos for publication.

It turns out that by coincidence, a new magazine "Youth Pictorial" was released not long ago in order to attract attention and attract readers.

I actually put the photos captured on the spot in the center-seam color page.

Among them, there happened to be a full photo of Qu Xiao wearing this gauze skirt and a recent half-length photo.

Then if an acquaintance of the Qu family sees it, why don't you ask the Qu family?

So it caused this uproar.

Speaking of the reasons for Qu Xiao's parents' anger, in this era, it is certainly very clear.

They believe that being a model is full of capitalist vulgar taste, and they absolutely cannot accept their daughter being embarrassed and doing such a thing that exposes her thighs.

What they couldn't accept even more was that their daughter, who had always been well-behaved and sensible, would actually lie to them and plan a series of elaborate "criminal" acts.

In this way, when they were teaching their daughter a lesson, they were all extremely excited.

Perhaps because of his status as a cadre, Qu Xiao's father felt that his reputation and face had been ruined by his daughter.

In anger, he not only slapped his daughter in the face.

And completely ignored Qu Xiao's mother's dissuasion and insisted on driving her daughter out of the door.

Just like that, things got out of hand...

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