National Tide 1980

Chapter 390 The four-character mantra

Chapter 390 The four-character mantra

People who can rely on their mouth to make a living are almost all experts at picking up girls.

Because they all know how to do what they like.

Under normal circumstances, as long as the girl asks for anything, you will satisfy her, and it will basically be settled.

If you are unable or unable to satisfy them, then just lie to them and promise them that you will satisfy them soon.

As long as it can give them hope, the effect is still decent.

Of course, if they see through it, you will be a complete failure.

This is the secret to picking up girls.

Sometimes you don't even need to take the initiative at all.

As long as the girls see that you have everything that meets their needs, they will obediently come closer to you.

Just like Huo Xin begging for nothing and pestering Ning Weimin, this is the same as the nature of bees collecting honey.

Therefore, the "Pan Donkey and Deng Xiaoxian" presented by Wang Po to the high-ranking officials of Ximen is actually just an appearance.

It's just a summary of the typical needs of most girls, not the core principles of picking up girls.

When it comes to the real general outline and essentials, it boils down to the four words "do what you like".

It is precisely because of this that the better a person is at communicating with strangers, the easier it is for his or her emotional private life to become chaotic, and the higher the rate of cheating.

It is precisely because of this that people who are not good at communication, such as men in science and engineering, and programmers, are naturally vulnerable groups that are excluded by love.

No matter how good your personal conditions are, you will inevitably become a miserable single.

Even further, these four words of mantra can be regarded as the basis for maintaining good relationships among all human beings.

Even if it is applied to business negotiations, handling public relations crises, and maintaining harmony in family relationships, it has the same miraculous effect.

There is no doubt that for Ning Weimin, this is his guiding ideology for dealing with current problems.

He determined that as long as he could analyze the psychology of Qu Xiao's parents, he would be able to find the key to solving the problem.

This is not difficult.

In fact, why are Qu Xiao's parents so sad and angry?

Essentially, it wasn't because of their prejudice and incomprehension about the modeling profession that they thought their only daughter was doing shameless things behind their backs.

Qu Xiao's parents really thought that their daughter was a bad student, and they did not hesitate to deceive them with lies, making their twenty years of hard work completely in vain, so they did irrational harm to their only daughter.

As long as they can let go of their worries and have a beautiful hope in their hearts.

Naturally, nothing can stop Qu Xiao's family from getting back together and restoring a harmonious family atmosphere.

So at noon on September 25th, when Quxiao returned to her home and knocked on the door.

Ning Weimin was not as melancholy and unsure as this girl.

The little guilt and nervousness he felt in his heart were washed away by the excitement of being able to turn the tide through his eloquence.

Based on the impression left by Qu Xiao's parents in his memory, he was at least 70% sure of achieving a relatively perfect result.

As for his first treasure, he put it on clothes.

Whether we are willing to admit it or not, in fact, each of us has the mentality and habit of "judging people by their appearance".

Although this is a derogatory term, it is something that happens all the time.

For no other reason than because it is completely impossible to penetrate a person's skin and understand a person's inner being in a short period of time.

On the contrary, appearance and clothing are relatively reliable sources of information for judging strangers.

And this matter is not as superficial as it seems.

You know, even though "appearance" is just two words, it includes many aspects.

For example, personality is written on the face, character is revealed by the eyes, lifestyle is revealed by the figure, emotional ups and downs are revealed by the voice, tutoring depends on the posture, aesthetics depends on the clothes, and the level depends on the shoes...

Therefore, in interactions between people, appearance is well deserved and has become the most straightforward way to impress the other person.

Many people even subconsciously add positive qualities to people who look good and satisfy themselves.

Take Ning Weimin himself as an example.

When he appears on the street with different appearances, the feedback he gets is completely different.

If he is standing on the street in a suit and tie, whether he is asking for directions or asking about things.

Everyone else responded politely and seemed particularly polite and well-educated.

But when he was dressed like an ordinary person in an alley, others' attitude was quite casual.

Sometimes it is inevitable that some people would criticize him, find fault with his language, lack of honorifics, and so on.

This is enough to fully prove a point.

A person's appearance indeed plays a far greater role in conveying information than words.

This can directly determine whether a person can gain the respect and favor of the other person.

Although people always say not to jump to conclusions about a person based on their appearance, in fact almost everyone around the world does this.

In fact, this rule is fulfilled without exception even today for Qu Xiao's parents.

When the door of Qu's house opened, Qu Xiao's parents, who came with sullen faces, were shocked and could hardly believe their eyes.

They had no idea that their daughter, who had been driven away from home in a panic, would return home with such a touching and noble appearance just one day later.

Facing their daughter's new image, they were both pleased with it, admired it, and yet were not used to it.

But no matter what, the temper was naturally controlled.

Not only could they no longer express their anger, it also made them afraid to recognize each other.

If Qu Xiao hadn't changed the skin, the inside would not have changed at all.

Seeing the strange look in her parents' eyes, she immediately felt guilty and apologized with tears in her eyes.

"Dad, Mom, I was wrong, please forgive me and let me go home..."

Qu Xiao's parents really didn't know how long they would be at a loss.

And Ning Weimin's image has the effect of a divine assist.

Even if you look at him, he is just wearing an ordinary suit. Looking at it thirty years later, it is really nothing.

But in this era, because suits are special clothing that represent the advanced nature of the West.

Not only do most people not have the right temperament when wearing a suit, but they also have something wrong with them, making them look particularly awkward.

For example, the suit does not fit well, the color is not elegant, you cannot tie a tie, button all the buttons, keep the cuff labels, the shirt is too worn, the suit pockets are bulging, etc...

To be honest, someone like Ning Weimin can really choose a suit that fits him well and creates a crisp appearance and smooth lines.

The master who can really wear a tie and look like a gentle and handsome gentleman without showing off his appearance is really a rare animal like a giant panda.

Apart from anything else, most people are still used to wearing black leather shoes with white socks.

Ning Weimin is one of the few people who knows how to wear black leather shoes with black socks.

Just this little difference in details makes him look so comfortable and elegant.

Standing there, he couldn't help Qu Xiao's parents looking up and down.

So when he asked very politely, "Uncle and aunt, it's a little inconvenient to talk outside. Can we go in and talk?"

His demeanor and thoughtfulness immediately made it impossible for Qu Xiao's parents to maintain their sultry attitude of guarding the gate.

I couldn't help but leave the door open.

There was no harsh word or reproach, and they were just allowed to enter the house silently.

The first threshold was crossed very easily, and the result was a good impression score.

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