National Tide 1980

Chapter 4 Instructions

Since he came up with this idea, Ning Weimin quickly overcame the obstacles in his heart.

After all, he is a time traveler.

Coming from a later generation, he is more pragmatic and is no more prone to suffering than people of this generation who have to sacrifice for face.

The experience of being an orphan also taught him that survival is more important than face.

So for him, the real question was whether it was worth the effort.

And based on what he observed.

Comparing the per capita income with a monthly salary of dozens of yuan, today’s scrap prices are really not low.

A pound of waste paper can be sold for 7 cents, scrap iron for 12 cents, waste plastic for 30 cents, raw aluminum for 84 cents, cooked aluminum for 35 cents per dollar, brass and miscellaneous copper for 2 and 8 cents, and purple copper for 3 and 8 cents.

In particular, the range of waste materials that can be recycled is quite wide, and some garbage that will be completely useless in future generations can actually be sold for money.

Things like meat bones, orange peels, scraps of cloth, broken wood, broken glass, toothpaste rinds and waste batteries can all be cashed in.

And precisely because people at this time are so shameless, they feel it is embarrassing to do this, and there are few competitors.

So he came to the conclusion that it was not respectable to pick up rags, but it might not make him any less than working as a formal industrial worker in a large state-owned factory.

What's more, he also watched an interesting period drama.

The protagonist in it is a poor boy from a large courtyard.

Since the 1980s, we have relied on waste recycling to pick up leaks and become a collector's item.

In his previous life, he was addicted to watching that TV series.

Maybe it's because the industry he is engaged in is close to it.

Or maybe it's because he was once a poor boy who was looked down upon by others, so he has a strong sense of empathy.

When he watched it, he always thought about how awesome it would be if he had such an opportunity.

And now looking at Ning Weimin himself, his character is almost the same as the protagonist in the TV series.

The times are the same...

The situation of poverty and poverty...

I also live under the Qianmen building...

There is also an old man Kang who is a ready-made expert at home...

Except there are no weird girlfriends or that inexplicable mad dog enemy.

Hey! It’s not so suitable anymore!

If that TV series was still released in another thirty years, he would dare to sue the crew.

How can one plagiarize his life experience and turn it into a TV series without his consent?

At least you have to change the actor, right?

You can't find someone less handsome than me.

Yes, just do it!

A hero should never ask about his origin!

If you don't take what God gives you, you will be punished by God!

So without much hesitation, Ning Weimin made up his mind to take the medicine according to the prescription and pick up the missing children to make a fortune.

It's a pity that his limited knowledge of this era caused him to fall into his old habits without paying attention.

Only when he actually did it did he realize that it was not as good as he imagined.

First, there are too few scraps to pick up.

You know, this era is really poor, everyone is not rich.

Even the government attaches great importance to the effective use of resources and unnecessary consumption.

That’s why the recycling scope is so wide and the scrap price is so high.

The common people are not stupid. Who doesn’t save things that can be sold?

Therefore, Ning Weimin often digs out tin trash cans from ten alleys, but he may not be able to sell them for a few cents.

The entire misinformation in the TV series is completely wrong.

As people's lives get better and better, there isn't much left to collect.

fart! The poorer you are, the less you have.

Secondly, competition is also fierce due to limited resources.

After only a few days of carrying sacks, Ning Weimin discovered that there were actually quite a few people picking up rags, and there were permanent troops stationed in every trash can.

And such professionals are often old men and old ladies wearing shabby clothes.

They also push a kind of garbage cart.

Usually it uses three iron wheels, and the main body of the body is a wicker garbage basket.

Iron hooks, wooden clamps, rake made of thick lead wire, all the tools were carried on the handlebar of the car.

It is very convenient to dig out things that can be sold and put them in the car.

Because the sound of the car pulling was particularly loud and clear in the quiet alley.

This kind of thing is also jokingly called "earth tank" by children in the alley.

And he, a young man, couldn't bear to fight for territory with such an old man who was obviously homeless.

What's more, people are harmless to tigers, but tigers can also hurt people's intentions.

Once, when he was taking out trash cans in Rouge Hutong, one of the eight famous alleys, he met Heng Zhuer.

At that time, he pulled out several pieces of kraft paper stained with ink from the trash can.

Just as he was about to put it into his sack, he suddenly heard a rustling sound behind him.

When he turned around, he saw a thin old woman with gray hair standing behind him.

He was staring at him fiercely with those sinister yellow eyes.

When he saw that the other party was holding an iron hook, he seemed to understand a little bit.

But just when he was about to explain, the bad old woman had already started scolding him preemptively.

"You little brat, who asked you to come here! This is my territory, old lady!"

"Get the hell out of here! If you do it next time, I won't be done with you!"

As he spoke, he raised the guy and hooked the brown paper to the ground.

At that time, Ning Weimin was so frightened that he ran away and his heart almost stopped.

But to be honest, I can't blame him for being timid.

The key point is that this old lady looks too fierce.

Big eyes, long fingernails, and a face of furrowed flesh.

Not to mention surpassing Mei Chaofeng, he looks exactly like a monster in a horror movie.

And if he picks up rags near his home, he has to do so after dark.

What is it like in the alleys these days?

It was extremely dark, and the plaster on the walls was peeling off, revealing pits and hollows like pieces of blue bricks that had been chiseled by someone.

In such an environment, there is such a ghostly atmosphere. Who can not be frightened if such an old lady from Montenegro appears again?

It would be nice if it didn’t leave a serious psychological shadow.

So from then on, he felt that this business was really impossible to do, and he was so worried that he sighed at home every day.

What's even sadder is that even he himself can't help but hate himself for being useless.

Think about it, how lucky you are to be able to return to this era.

But looking at the monkey ticket given by God, he couldn't help but pull it into his arms.

How much torture is this?

You may claim to have a lot of abilities, but you can't find any use for them.

It took a lot of effort to actually operate it, but even picking up rags failed.

What a big blow is this?

There will probably never be a more miserable time traveler than him.

But then again.

Fortunately, Ning Weimin also has Kang Shude, a true expert, by his side.

Mr. Kang saw that Ning Weimin was not in a good mental state, so he asked about the situation and gave him a few words of advice.

This kid was greatly inspired and found his way.

The old man said that although the snare drummers in the capital are a non-established industry, they can be divided into high and low levels.

There is a huge gap between people's levels, and there are many things to ponder.

The most important thing is where to buy and where to sell.

Take senior figures in this industry as an example. They have to dress decently and specialize in going in and out of mansions and houses.

Except for jewelry, fine furs, calligraphy and painting, and porcelain furniture, we will not accept anything else.

After hoarding the goods, resell them to antique shops, gold shops and silver shops, or to collectors with good personal connections.

As for middle-class people, they must also be neatly dressed.

At this level, there is also no need to walk around the streets, just deal with pawn shops.

Take over old clothes, shoes and various household items that have become useless.

Then pack up your clothes and go to the market to resell your clothes or set up a "tiger stall".

Only low-level people are similar to today's scrap collectors, commonly known as "street workers".

Purchase scrap steel, broken and unusable furniture, farm tools, clothing, and sometimes take over stolen goods from thieves.

Further down there are those at the lowest level, who live purely by scavenging, which is commonly known as "rag pickers".

But even among "rag pickers" there are still levels.

The stupid thing is that there is no fixed place to wander around.

You pick up whatever you encounter, and starvation is inevitable.

Smart people all have one thing in common: they know how to find treasures to make money.

Like those who pick up rotten fruit in the fruit market, those who follow the foreign carriages in Dongjiaomin Lane to pick up manure, or those who pick up coal along the Xishan Railway.

At least I can make ends meet.

So this shows that you have to use your brain to do everything.

Nowadays, although senior and intermediate people are no longer allowed to work, this industry is no longer profitable.

But if you want to make a little money from it, you must first figure out what to pick up and where to pick it up.

The old man is indeed a senior in the industry, and these words are so valuable.

But a smart person can tell the truth at once. If the words stop here, Ning Weimin can use his own brain.

Yes, it is more important to understand these two things first.

Then think about it this way.

Which of the scraps is the best to sell for money?

This... of course is a non-ferrous metal.

Where do you find the most non-ferrous metals?

This... must be a factory.

So in the end, where do the factory’s garbage trucks go?

Yes, just like that, like an enlightenment, Ning Weimin suddenly became enlightened.

In the next few days, he would run to the road in Dabeiyao and stare at the garbage trucks in various factory areas.

When he saw a garbage truck leaving the factory area, he quickly ran to the side of the road with a pack of cigarettes in the air and waved to the driver.

After trying it many times, a driver actually saw him stop.

At this time, Ning Weimin took the opportunity to get a set of magnets and smacked the smoke into the driver's hand.

It is now clear where the waste in those factories is dumped.

Note: Tiger Stall specializes in selling second-hand goods, which refers to washing old goods and passing them off as new ones. Tiger means "people-eating", which refers to the stall owner's evil heart and shoddy goods.

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