National Tide 1980

Chapter 403: Double the value

Ning Weimin did not talk nonsense to Zhang Shihui.

Now, he is indeed able to break the restrictions of relevant industries and arrange for Zhang Shihui to learn to drive.

It can even accomplish other things that ordinary people think are simply impossible.

Because the difference between having a car and not having a car is not just about travel convenience, it also changes social status.

Apart from anything else, Ning Weimin gradually discovered it after driving the pickup truck.

Many places that were difficult to access in the past have become easier to access.

Like when he went in and out of the Friendship Store in the past, if he wasn't wearing a suit, he might be dressed more casually.

The security guard at the door might ask.

But definitely not now.

As long as he parked his car at the entrance of the shopping mall, the security officer would watch his back walk into the door of the Friendship Store with extremely respectful eyes.

And those clothing factories in Beijing.

In the past, Ning Weimin was able to get through with Pierre Carton's golden name.

But if he goes to an unfamiliar factory for the first time, he must be accompanied and introduced by someone from the company's external relations team.

Even if you go to a familiar factory, you have to say hello beforehand.

Otherwise, you will inevitably have to take out the letter of introduction and talk to the receptionist.

But with this pickup truck, it's different.

Even though he had never been to a factory, he drove his car in front of the factory.

As soon as I honked the horn, the person on duty in the reception room opened the door for him without saying a word, as if he was a leader who came to inspect.

Even those government offices and institutions of higher learning that are superior in the eyes of ordinary people are the same.

Regardless of industry and commerce, taxation, the Artists Association, the Academy of Fine Arts, the Art Museum, the district government, the Textile Bureau, the Light Industry Bureau, the Cultural Bureau...

He can drive all the way with this car.

This pickup truck is his letter of introduction and proof of his identity.

More subtle changes are also reflected in the attitude of others towards each other in social situations.

Even though Ning Weimin was highly valued by Song Huagui, he had a lot of power in his hands.

He wears suits and leather shoes every day when he goes out, and he travels with five to six people.

But because he is too young, the official title reflecting his position has not been used very often.

Often only the lower-level employees of the head office and the girls under Ning Weimin would call him "Manager Ning".

As for others, they are basically ashamed of it.

Even those famous artists and professors in the art world who seek help from him.

Even the brocade box factory that makes handicrafts for him and those who rely on him to make extra money.

Even the staff sent by the Temple of Heaven Park to the Zhai Palace to assist in management.

Even the front desk clerk of Chongwenmen Hotel is like this.

The more polite people call him "Comrade Xiaoning".

People who are more familiar with him call him "Xiaoning" and "Weimin".

People who are closer to each other are called "minzi" and "buddies".

People who are relatively unfamiliar with him are simply called "young people", or simply call him by his first name.

But things have changed since Ning Weimin got a car.

The scope of application of the words "Manager Ning" began to expand rapidly.

Especially with the help of the company's newly printed business cards, others couldn't help but be shocked by Ning Weimin's fashionable "style".

If it is a stranger, his attitude will immediately change, he will become polite and respectful, and he will never be sloppy again.

There are also quite a few people who even speculate that Ning Weimin is a descendant of a high-ranking cadre with a family background behind his back.

If you are an acquaintance, you will be greatly surprised by this.

Afterwards, the famous saying "When you see someone after three days of separation, you should look at each other with new eyes" inevitably comes to mind.

Unknowingly, I changed my original scornful address, and even my tone of voice became softer.

To be honest, the people who are most susceptible to this trick are actually the friends Huo Xin introduced to Ning Weimin.

Because the more they understand the distribution of the system, the more they understand the actual weight of a car.

Regardless of Jiang Hao, Wu Shen, and Li Zhong, they seem to be omnipotent.

But even Jiang Hao, the most promising among them, actually mentioned the deputy director.

That's still a big step away from the benefits of owning a special car.

This step will definitely not be achieved within three to five years.

They want to use the car, which is not impossible, but it can only benefit one generation.

It is also inevitable to establish friendship and build a good relationship with the driver.

How could it be so convenient for Ning Weimin to drive as he pleased?

So how could they not look at Ning Weimin, who was several years younger than them, in a different light?

Ning Weimin's actual energy will inevitably be reconsidered.

In addition, Ning Weimin was also generous in his actions.

After successfully exchanging banknotes with their help, not only did they actually give each of them a suit, but he also treated them to a rough meal at the Jianguo Hotel.

Those are suits after the price increase, five hundred yuan a set.

If you say you want to send Ning Weimin away, you really do.

Moreover, it is a real French meal, with appetizers, main dishes, desserts, wine and coffee.

In one meal, three people ate a small amount of three hundred foreign exchange coupons.

So after experiencing the luxurious dining environment of Jianguo Hotel, after putting on a close-fitting and soft suit, after learning to walk with Ning Weimin in Handan, I learned how to use four sets of tableware from the outside to the inside.

This group of people can no longer maintain the arrogance of being of noble birth, and their arrogance has been shattered by the material enjoyment of capitalism.

They had to admit from the bottom of their hearts that Ning Weimin was indeed a friend worthy of their friendship.

At this time, who would care that Ning Weimin was born in a hutong and had a junior high school degree?

They all thought that he was "clean from the mud" and indeed had enough capital to be on an equal footing with them.

So in turn, Ning Weimin can continue to use them to do some small favors for himself.

Got plenty of benefits from them.

For example, through their relationship in the bank, Ning Weimin found another channel to obtain circulating commemorative coins.

I easily purchased twenty sets of the first set of gold panda coins, which were just released in 1982 and were mainly sold overseas.

As well as thirty sets of the first set of zodiac gold and silver coins issued in 1981, Xinyou (rooster) zodiac gold and silver commemorative coins.

These are the leading varieties among gold and silver coins, rare coins.

Although the final increase is not as cost-effective as a stamp, it is only a few hundred times at most.

Kesheng has been steadily increasing year by year, and it can satisfy Ning Weimin, who was once a postal merchant, with a sense of accomplishment.

It kind of fulfilled him and accomplished a collection achievement that was difficult to achieve in the past.

For another example, if you have a car, you have to solve the problem of refueling. At that time, people did not just go into the gas station and refuel you.

Other gas stations only charge gas coupons and don't charge any money.

All units purchase fuel coupons directly from the oil company, and individuals are not eligible.

If Ning Weimin ran too much, he would exceed the gas coupons issued to him by the company.

Where does the extra consumption come from?

Of course, Manager Sha from the logistics department wouldn't worry about him, he would just watch him have fun.

So these people who have good fathers can work.

It was easy to relieve Ning Weimin's worries.

Even the driver's license was issued for him by these people.

It’s so easy to get it in just one test.

Therefore, it is not difficult for Zhang Shihui to learn to drive.

Ning Weimin followed the same path as these people and arranged for Zhang Shihui to study at the taxi company's internal training institution for driver training.

After Zhang Shihui left, she turned around and told him that there was a police department there to repair cars.

Ning Weimin was even happier.

I feel like this can't be done more cost-effectively.

In short, all this can only explain.

It's the same everywhere when you look at people's dishes. People in this world only respect clothes but not others.

Even Ning Weimin himself didn't expect that driving a car could have such a miraculous effect in increasing his net worth.

Everyone will treat him with respect and hospitality because of this car.

It allowed him to see more smiling faces and opened many doors that he thought he would be unable to open.

Of course, on the other hand, it is inevitable that some people who know Ning Weimin well will feel confused and troubled, and even lose face.

For example, Director Li from the street never expected Ning Weimin, a young boy with a playful smile who was once scolded in front of his face for throwing away his iron rice bowl.

It's so fast that I can drive a car given by a foreigner.

Moreover, a small white and crisp card is used as a proof of identity.

In the past, Director Li could reach out to Ning Weimin and pat his shoulder or rub his head at any time.

But Ning Weimin, who is so pompous and elegant now, looks really strange to him. How can he not feel complicated?

Don't you want to change your attitude?

He himself couldn't take Ning Weimin lightly any longer, and he was a little afraid of offending others.

Are you going to change your attitude?

Such flattery made him feel philistine and embarrassing.

To put it bluntly, he was as at a loss as Fan Jin's father-in-law faced with his son-in-law after he passed the imperial examination.

Fortunately, Ning Weimin only looks younger after all.

He is well versed in human nature and will not be blindly arrogant like other young people.

Especially for people who know the basics and have helped him out of love, he is even less likely to put on airs or make things difficult for them.

So when I found out that Director Li looked at me, his eyes were full of weirdness.

Ning Weimin himself laughed first and used the most practical words to resolve Director Li's troubles.

"Director Li, don't look at me like that. I'm still the same Ning Weimin. I still live in No. 2 Courtyard of Shan'er Hutong. The inside has not changed at all, so I still have to take care of you. Haha, this car and the business card are all You are ignorant of outsiders. You must not look outsiders to me. Otherwise, I will be embarrassed to ask you to take care of me."

In this way, not only does it avoid embarrassment and unfamiliarity, but it also makes people more popular.

It not only enhanced Director Li's goodwill, but also deepened their intimacy.

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