National Tide 1980

Chapter 407 Alternative Savings

1983 arrived amid the clamor of "Lower prices! Lower prices!"

The country's New Year's gift package to the people across the country is a sharp drop in the price of chemical fiber products across the country.

Many people don't believe that such a good thing can really happen.

But the problem is that all stores clearly state the prices like this, seeing is believing.

This is so fresh!

In all the years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, I have only heard of price increases. Has anyone heard of price cuts?

Ever since, the rush buying started!

People were worried whether this would be a flash in the pan, and everyone tried their best to exchange their banknotes for colorful chemical fiber cloth.

In addition to setting aside money to buy vouchers to supply New Year goods, you can buy as much as you can.

Even among families who are holding back on buying home appliances, many people have spent part of their savings to buy chemical fiber cloth.

For a time, even the banks were overcrowded, and there were so many people withdrawing money.

Needless to say, this lively No. 2 courtyard in Shan'er Hutong will naturally not come to nothing.

Even Ning Weimin was afraid that everyone would follow the crowd and lose their minds, so he kept shouting to everyone, "Don't buy it! Don't buy it!"

He also entrusted Kang Shude and Luo Guangliang to help persuade, but everyone still bought a lot.

It’s not for anything else. The key is that once I see others buying it, I can’t control myself.

It's like it's a crime to miss out on this "advantage" and not take advantage of it.

Fortunately, after helping Ning Weimin sell clothes for the past year, the Luo family and the Bian family felt that adults would never be short of clothes, and all they bought were baby products.

For example, bulky yarn socks and other reduced-price items can still be used to some extent.

But Aunt Mi really went too far.

Not only did she secretly keep a lot of chemical fiber treatments that Ning Weimin entrusted her with exporting, she refused to sell them.

Moreover, I even got several pieces of chemical fiber cloth from "Ruifuxiang" to move home.

Along the way, the acquaintances she met always asked her.

"Why did you buy so much cloth? What is it used for?"

She answered triumphantly with her nose in the air and her eyes raised.

"I won't do it, I'll save it."

The most amazing thing is that the driver who used the platoon cart to help her pull the cloth was also helpful.

"Today this is the third time I've visited someone's home. Compared with others, this one doesn't buy the most."

However, in this case, for an old man in the business system, Aunt Mi, who claims to be an authority, has the same counter-effect as irritating generals.

Aunt Mi didn't take the good words seriously, thinking that the coachman looked down on her.

He snorted coldly and followed up with a few words.

"Boy, you said that a little too early. I'm still going to buy some after lunch. This is just my first batch."

Well, look at it, she's half an old lady, and she's still being serious with a guy who pulls a rickshaw.

What's more, no matter how big the advantage is, it's not enough to take advantage of it. Why don't you just wait and regret it?

However, no matter how noisy there is in Shan'er Hutong, when will Aunt Mi finally understand.

Ning Weimin couldn't take care of him at all.

If nothing else, the price changes of chemical fiber products put him under the greatest pressure.

Who asked him to take over many old employees from the garment factory?

Fortunately, he was well-informed and learned the news a week in advance from the mouths of those connected with the garment factory.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly and took action very quickly. He started selling at reduced prices before the country did.

Finally, when the country officially lowered prices, the chemical fiber products in his hands had already been sold for 77,888 yuan.

Not only is it not a loss, but the general ledger may still be slightly profitable.

And this false alarm was not in vain.

Although the price of chemical fiber products has dropped, cotton prices will rise in reverse.

Now Ning Weimin's remaining goods are not only cotton.

He also took advantage of the fact that the prices did not change and replenished a lot of cotton products with the clothing factory.

It's like making money inside and out, it's just a lot of extra effort.

From this we can see how important connections and friends are in the shopping mall.

Without help, it might be just one step away from causing huge losses like shipwreck and loss of life.

Even if you are a traveler, it is impossible to avoid all the hidden reefs and waves in the commercial sea.

Network is a businessman's golden bell and intelligence network, which can be of great use at critical moments.

So it is precisely because of this that Ning Weimin pays great attention to cultivating connections and maintaining friendships even on ordinary days.

For example, for Qiao Wanlin, a friend he met at Chongwenmen Hotel.

Even if he has left the Chongwenmen Hotel, and even if Qiao Wanlin has entered the district service bureau, the two of them are no longer directly involved in interests.

But all along, Ning Weimin still worked very hard to maintain a close relationship with him for a long time.

Before long, he would always take the initiative to have a meal with Qiao Wanlin, or maybe drink tea together.

Or sit together and reminisce with Qiao Wanlin about the years when they were colleagues, the old friendships and interesting things worth remembering.

Or just talk about two people's careers and lives, their views on the future of society and the country, etc.

And Ning Weimin would never ask Qiao Wanlin to do something for him.

He would never force Qiao Wanlin to accept the expensive gift from him.

As for why this is the case?

In fact, there is only one reason.

That is, Ning Weimin, who is very familiar with the world of people, attaches great importance to Qiao Wanlin's relatives' background in the service bureau.

Moreover, he is quite optimistic about Qiao Wanlin's abilities and firmly believes that his future and energy are far beyond this.

Ning Weimin is patiently waiting for the days when Qiao Wanlin has accumulated a lot of experience, waiting for the time when Qiao Wanlin will shine like real gold.

In addition, Ning Weimin also understands that if you want to ask for help, you can't just improvise.

Know that only when trouble comes, ask for help, and wait until others are prosperous before you come to cling to them.

That would be too obvious and philistine, and would be annoying.

Therefore, in his eyes, it can be said that he truly regards Qiao Wanlin as an important foundation for his future business development.

To put it bluntly, this is like saving money in a bank. He is taking a long-term view, fishing for big fish, and making emotional investments in advance.

Unless he encounters extremely special and important situations, he will not easily use this partnership.

However, when the matter of reducing the price of chemical fiber cloth was over.

Ning Weimin couldn't wait to invite Qiao Wanlin to his cigarette shop as a guest.

And contrary to normal, he actually made a request to Qiao Wanlin for the first time.

For no other reason than because of the recent popularity among the audience at the Zhai Palace Art Exhibition, he had a sudden inspiration.

I feel that since the "Second Temple of Heaven Zhai Palace Sculpture Art Exhibition" organized by Pierre Carton is so popular, and the awards have ended, there is still a full month of exhibition period, just in time for the Spring Festival.

It would be better to simply resume the New Year temple fair and fully tap the potential of the sculpture art exhibition's social impact and economic benefits.

If it can be realized smoothly, it will not only be beneficial to himself, but also beneficial to the expansion of the sculpture art exhibition, beneficial to Pierre Carton Company, and beneficial to the Temple of Heaven Park.

Moreover, it can also earn Qiao Wanlin a dazzling political performance, which is of great benefit to his career.

In other words, his most important favor savings can grow as quickly as compound interest.

There is certainly no reason not to do something about such a good thing.

"1983 is the year of Guihai, the year of the pig. What's the omen? It means fat, plenty of oil and water."

"Brother Qiao, have you noticed? People's hands are much richer than before. This may be related to the fact that in recent years, all walks of life have successively increased wages and adjusted bonuses. Just a few days ago, there was a fuss about the chemical fiber cloth, okay? The number of people who grab chemical fiber cloth as if they don't need any money is enough to illustrate the problem."

"Although people have money in their hands, their spirits are empty. Most of today's people, including those who went to the countryside, have stable jobs and may even have families. But Apart from going to work, I have nothing to do after get off work."

"Do you still remember the past few years? Ballroom dancing used to be very popular, but a "Notice" determined that it was 'vulgar and immoral,' and it was banned directly on the grounds that it hindered social management order."

"Last year, in order to clean up mental pollution, six publishing houses closed down for rectification. Even Li Guyi's songs were not allowed to be listened to. They were classified as bad songs. So, what else can that person do? Apart from watching Watch movies and TV, go to the park, and just stay at home.”

"Why else would everyone save money to buy a TV? Because of this, if you don't buy a TV, you will have nothing to do. You see, a sculpture art exhibition that we don't take too seriously has actually become popular. And It is a place where both refined and popular people enjoy it, and everyone comes to see it. Why? Isn’t it because people are too idle? There is too little spiritual enjoyment.”

"To tell you the truth, the Temple of Heaven now has the largest number of visitors among all the parks in the capital, second only to the Forbidden City and Zhongshan Park. Beihai and the Summer Palace are incomparable. And most of the people who come to the Temple of Heaven go to the Zhai Palace.

"When we didn't publish it in newspapers for publicity in the first two days, we relied on word of mouth. During the working days, the reception capacity of Zhai Palace was less than 1,000 people a day. When the daily and evening newspapers published it, hey, the number of people quickly doubled again. Times. Now after the weekend conference, the number of visitors to the Zhai Palace can reach five to six thousand. The overall number of tourists in the Temple of Heaven Park is over 10,000. What is the difference between this and the peak season?"

"Let me tell you, there was no temple fair last year, and there were more than 20,000 people visiting the Temple of Heaven during the Spring Festival. This year we are going to hold the temple fair, and the number of people visiting will not be at least 50,000? It will never be in vain. Think about it , there are so many benefits here. Should we cooperate again?..."

After the polite remarks about the meeting were finished, Ning Weimin turned the topic to business without any further detours this time and talked about his thoughts.

But although Qiao Wanlin listened carefully, his expression was indeed quite interested.

But the nature of being in an officialdom forces him to be cautious.

There are some things that he must find out clearly and ponder over.

"What you said is a good thing. And I went to your sculpture exhibition last year myself. There were really many people at the scene. But the problem is to restore the traditional temple fair. Is this a feudal issue?"

"Let's take ballroom dancing as an example. When it first became popular, it was said to be elegant and civilized. But if you say it's not allowed, you won't be allowed to dance, and it has become vulgar and hinders social order."

"I can only say that there are policy risks in engaging in new things. And the Spring Festival is only 20 days away at most. Isn't the time too tight?"

Ning Weimin didn't care about his hesitation and immediately explained.

"The risk you are worried about does not exist at all. What kind of feudal nature is it? I am blunt with you. In fact, the so-called temple fair is just a name. We can say it is a New Year party, or a New Year garden party, or even a A sculpture art garden party co-sponsored by Pierre Carton and the Artists Association. Does it matter what it’s called? This is not a substantive issue at all.”

"The real problem is that the Zhai Palace in the Temple of Heaven is suitable for holding such activities, and the people also need such cultural and entertainment activities. Even though the Zhai Palace is not a temple, like the original temple, people can go in and visit. And the content inside is quite attractive. .Whether it’s sculptures or our company’s clothing, which one is not more interesting than going to the temple to see the statues of gods?”

"And outside, the Temple of Heaven Park is even bigger. There are no cars coming and going, and it's all a place where tourists can hang out. I can also ask the park to cooperate and organize some more lantern riddles, lion dances, stilt walking, Group activities such as folk art performances. Do you think it will be lively or not?"

"Isn't this beneficial to the aesthetic improvement of the people? Isn't it in line with the needs of socialist spiritual civilization construction? Whether it is innovative or conservative depends on how you open and close your mouth. The key is that this first is rare. If we succeed, it will be a model for others to follow."

"I really think about you and I'm worried about you. Look, if you don't quickly make some conspicuous achievements when you enter the service bureau, when will you be able to take a step forward? Are you really planning to keep a low profile and take your time?"

"As a friend, I have to advise you. Sometimes you can't be too stable. I know a lot about things in the officialdom. Every carrot is a pit, and there are always fewer black hats than people. As long as there are some good things, you have to welcome them. People are fighting for their lives. Don’t think that there are people in your bureau who have prepared everything for you. As the saying goes, there must be people outside who have stronger connections than you. So you still have to fight for opportunities by yourself."

"And because no one has done this before, the resistance is low. It's because no one has seen the benefits yet. It's possible for you to take it over, make it a success, and get the attention of the leader. Otherwise, I will give you the opportunity. Sincerely Even if I help you get ahead, you may not get the credit. Think about it, it's a good thing that everyone understands, and others can pick your peaches."

Qiao Wanlin was still thinking seriously.

But when Ning Weimin said it at the end, he spit out a mouthful of tea with a "pop", and he couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

"The truth is correct. But you should also be a little more tactful. It's so straightforward that even I blush..."

Ning Weimin, on the other hand, spoke straightforwardly and showed his magnanimity.

"There are no outsiders here. Why should I talk in circles with you? We are both people doing things. How about focusing your energy and spitting on practical discussions? Don't you feel tired of talking in circles with me?"

"Let me tell you clearly, if this thing is done, I am very sure it will be on the news. It's hard to say for "Xinwen Lianbo", but Beijing TV Station will be fine. And I will also advertise in newspapers and radio. Yes. All-round publicity. Guaranteed to be worthy of you."

"Actually, to be honest, there are three gold-lettered signs from the Artists Association, Temple of Heaven Park and our Pierre Cardin supporting the door. Many people are still willing to give face and give the green light. The risks of this matter are really not big, and the benefits are not small. I I really don’t have to find you to make it happen. Why do I have to pull you together? Isn’t it because we are common friends. Do you admit it or not? Do you think I am a friend enough? "

Qiao Wanlin thought so and immediately laughed again, but this time it was cheerful.

"Hey, I can't help you. You think of yourself as an emperor, and everything you say is right. But I'm very grateful that you can be so open and honest with me and still think of me when you have good things."

"Then I'll tell you the truth. I'm just a deputy section chief now, and I also have the word 'dai', so my abilities are very limited. What exactly do you need me to do?"

"Although I am willing to do this, please don't create problems for me, otherwise we will end up wasting our efforts and you will be disappointed."

Ning Weimin looked extremely calm.

"Oh, I've been waiting for you to say this. Don't I understand your situation? If you can't handle it, I won't even tell you, so isn't it a waste of your time?"

"Actually, I just need your service bureau to provide catering services and get some outdoor snacks outside the Zhai Palace. Just two or three people per stall will be enough."

"For example, the shaomai from Wanyujiu, the bean juice from Jinfang, the grilled buns from Fengzeyuan, the roasted buns from Ruibin Building, the fried dumplings from Mujiazhai, the tea soup from Chatangli, the fried liver from Tianxingju, Fengnian enema, halal snacks from Nam Lai Soon..."

"If it's convenient, it would be better if you could organize some handicrafts and artists in the area. For example, face figures, colored eggs, silk flowers, facial makeup, woolly monkeys, glass grapes, etc..."

In this way, after a relatively detailed and in-depth discussion, the two of them clapped their hands and concluded the deal, feeling very happy.

Ning Weimin had undoubtedly long ago figured out the many benefits this matter would bring to him.

But Qiao Wanlin was excited to see that the days when he needed silence were greatly shortened on the calendar.

Once this miraculous achievement is achieved and the social impact is fermented, the bureau leaders will definitely not ignore him again.

Relatives later will also fight for better opportunities for him, which means that he can move directly to the next level with a solid foundation.

Great Expectations undoubtedly shines brightly ahead.

But it was a pity that the conversation, which the two of them were still very interested in, did not continue.

Because several harsh car horns and Zhang Shihui's inaudible shouting came from outside, it all ended.

Even a group of sparrows on the roof were frightened and flew away.

Ning Weimin and Qiao Wanlin quickly walked out of the house together and went outside the hospital to see what happened.

As soon as they walked out the door, they saw Ning Weimin's Mitsubishi pickup truck.

Zhang Shihui was seen getting out of the car wearing a straight suit and sunglasses, but his expression was quite embarrassing.

Fortunately, he followed Ning Weimin's instructions and drove to the Bianyifang in Chongwenmen to pack up some good dishes and a roast duck and came back, preparing to entertain Qiao Wanlin for dinner here.

But when we arrived at the store, we were still one step away from successfully completing the task.

Because his skills were too good when he first started practicing, he could drive the car away, but he couldn't do it well when he tried to stick the car against the wall in an alley, which was beyond his technical level.

Ning Weimin couldn't help but smile when he saw his frown, got into the car and parked the car first.

However, Zhang Shihui was already eager to show off to Qiao Wanlin.

"How's it going? Is this car okay? Let me tell you, it's much better than Lada or Huhai. Purely made in Japan, Mitsubishi pickup truck. Hey, I didn't expect that we actually drove the car before you. …”

Qiao Wanlin smiled and did not answer, but nodded frequently to entertain Zhang Shihui.

But he had mixed feelings in his heart.

If nothing else, the speaker had no intention, but the listener had intention. How could it not be his true thoughts in his heart?

Yes, even these two people who were originally far inferior to him were able to drive a car. How long would he have to wait until he could reach the next level?

It seems that Ning Weimin's words are indeed right.

One cannot expect to sit back and enjoy the benefits, living too comfortably.

Otherwise, we will fall behind and be eliminated.

People still have to work hard to make progress and fight for opportunities for themselves.

No matter how good the backer is, it is not as good as one's own enterprising spirit.

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