National Tide 1980

Chapter 409 Blood is thicker than water

The expectations, worries and concerns about life are often surprisingly similar in ordinary people's families.

Just like what the Bian family is talking about, the Luo family next door is also talking about it.

But what’s interesting is that the focus of the two families is completely different, and the family characters complaining about it are also very different.

For example, when it comes to buying a color TV for the family, the head of the Luo family, Master Luo, is angry.

And what made him stare was not because there was no color TV at home.

On the contrary, it was because Luo Guangliang bought a color TV without consulting him, and Tuoning Weimin just delivered it to his home this afternoon.

"Isn't this nonsense! If you have a lot of money, you can't spend it like this! We obviously have a TV at home, so what's the use of buying another TV? Ah? Just throwing away more than two thousand yuan, isn't this a waste of money? Restore the imported 18-inch color TV? Oh, seeing that Mijia bought it, he also bought it? Why is he jealous? Let the neighbors see it, as if we surnamed Luo have pink eye. People Wei The people themselves only buy domestic color TV sets..."

Master Luo was sitting at the dining table where a sumptuous New Year's Eve dinner had been laid out, looking at the new color TV in the middle of the house that had been updated, but he didn't even smile at all. This was one of the great wonders in the world today.

"Isn't San'er filial? I just want us to see what's good..."

Aunt Luo could only persuade her husband.

But how could Master Luo listen to his wife’s advice?

He has been arbitrary for half his life.

"Okay? My black-and-white TV is also fine. Should I stop watching it? Should we smash it or throw it away?"

"Oh, look what you said, why did you throw away the good TV? Let's watch the color one, let the boss and Yujuan move the black and white one to their house..."

"You are really good at arranging. I mean, you have to live your life seriously. You can't compare blindly and buy a color TV just to buy a color TV. Are these the descendants of workers? Have they forgotten the hardships and simplicity? I see how much he earns. He has a lot of money, but he doesn’t know his last name? Why doesn’t he buy a car? People like Weimin still have cars to drive!”

Faced with Master Luo's indiscriminate and even a bit unreasonable attitude, the family members felt extremely embarrassed.

Miao Yujuan felt pity for her useless and useless mother-in-law who was like a doormat.

I also feel a little aggrieved for the silly brother-in-law who pays his own hard-earned money to honor his parents.

I even felt that Master Luo was deliberately fussing over this matter because of the Chinese New Year, and he was just asking for trouble.

So, holding the child in her arms, she quickly grabbed her husband secretly, which meant that she asked him to stop her father-in-law's mouth.

In fact, Luo Guangsheng had already wanted to persuade him.

But he was still waiting for his father's anger to subside, trying to find the best time.

But this time he got his wife's secret signal, and he knew that his wife couldn't bear it any longer, so he had no choice but to act in advance.

"Dad, there's something wrong with San'er. I'll talk to him later. If I buy anything big, I have to tell you first! How can I be so self-assertive?"

"But, it's not wrong for him to buy this color TV. There is no way to get this thing nowadays. And the more imported it is, the more popular it is. Even if you don't want it anymore, we can resell it at any time. There are many more It’s profitable.”

"Besides, I have to explain to San'er that he really doesn't want to compare, but simply wants to honor you and mom. If you don't believe it, just look at what he eats and wears himself. Nothing can be called luxury. Really. , in terms of my filial piety towards you and my mother, even I am ashamed of myself."

Luo Guangsheng is a son who follows his father at home and abroad, so of course he can understand it.

He knew in his heart that his father was unhappy today for no other reason.

But because of the lumbar muscle strain, the old man had a sense of crisis in his heart that "he is old and honest", and he was unhappy with the illness.

Under such circumstances, Luo Guangliang, who was not favored by his father, casually bought a NTU color TV set. This was a bit too much money-making ability.

The old man probably felt that his son was demonstrating against him, so he took advantage of the situation like this.

So what he said was all about taking the right medicine.

Don't say it, these words really worked, Master Luo felt much more at ease after hearing it.

But more importantly, Aunt Luo wiped her tears.

"Guangsheng still understands his brother. Our third son is not a waste of money. San'er can make money, but he never spends it on himself. No, the bottle of tiger bone wine you just saw was half full, I'm afraid You have been resting for the past few days, and the child has braved the strong wind to run to the drugstore to buy you medicinal wine. For such a good son, why can't you give him a good look in the new year? You said it was not easy for us this year The whole family can sit together and reunite, so why do you bother?"

Although Aunt Luo is a typical traditional woman, she has been afraid of her husband for half her life.

But then again, isn’t a woman’s most effective weapon tears?

What's more, it is the most special day of the year. No matter how hard Master Luo's heart is, it will be melted by these tears.

Therefore, Master Luo could never say a word of dissatisfaction in front of his family.

He even lowered his head and sighed somewhat irrationally.

Even better is that at this time, the shrewd daughter-in-law Miao Yujuan comes to change the atmosphere again.

"Let me tell you, our dad still loves Ryoko, that's why he is so worried about him, for fear that Ryoko will get into trouble. But how can we make our dad feel at ease? I'm afraid we have to let Ryoko get married and start a family as soon as possible. Man, don't get married. You will always be a child. Once you get married, it will be different. Once you have concerns in your heart, you will not dare to do anything random. Naturally, you will become stable and do things in a measured way..."

I have to say that Luo Yujuan really knows how to change the topic.

Her words not only impressed Master Luo, but also completely captured the hearts of all the Luo family. It was a wonderful link between the past and the next.

And with her cymbals like this, not only did the awkwardness in the room disappear immediately, but it also made the atmosphere very lively and positive, and everyone had something to say.

"Yes, yes, Yujuan's words are so right! San'er is really not young, and this year is his birth year. Logically speaking, it's really time to find a partner. How about I ask his aunt after the festival? Let’s see if there’s a suitable girl to talk to our third son…”

Aunt Luo, a mother, was the first to express her support and even couldn't help but think about how to implement it.

It's no wonder that all mothers in the world are cut from the same mold.

Who doesn’t consider their most ambitious wish to have their children start a family and start a career?

But, she still thought about it simply, and she was immediately opposed by Master Luo.

"No, no, his aunt Bian can't count on this matter. You are confused. How could you forget? The youngest son of the Bian family has no partner for Jiangong. He has not even settled his own family affairs. She can just relax. Is it about our son? No matter how enlightened he is, he can’t put others before himself, right?"

Not to mention, what he said was absolutely reasonable, and Aunt Luo was stunned at that time.

"Oh, I really haven't thought about it. Then... what should I do?"

Luo Guangsheng is also concerned about his younger brother's lifelong events.

At this critical moment, he was not afraid of doing things for his wife, and he did not hesitate to "shove" her with his words.

"Hey, who asked Yujuan to bring it up? If you ask me, let her, the sister-in-law, Zhang Luo do it. Anyway, almost all the girls in our unit, Yujuan, are familiar with her. And she also has classmates and relatives. I I don’t believe it, I can’t choose a good girl who is worthy of our Liangzi..."

Luo Yujuan was angry because her husband was taking over everything.

If she knew martial arts, she would be Huang Rong.

At that time, Luo Guangsheng had to be given a dog-beating stick.

But it's a pity that she doesn't know martial arts, and she's not Huang Rong.

And after all, my husband had already said this, so Master Luo took it seriously.

"Hey, Yujuan, let's not talk about it. You are really the right person to handle this matter. Why? Because of our own children, of course we know the situation best."

"This Guangliang, he has been in trouble. This is his biggest problem, a stain that will never be washed away. Moreover, he has no education and lacks a good job. He is self-employed. It is not honorable to speak out and make people look down on him. And most importantly I'm afraid that one day, he will be like me, but no country will care about him."

"But having said that, our third son also has his advantages. In terms of body, appearance, and income, he can do it all. What's more, Wei Min also said that self-employment has now been written into the constitution. Especially at the beginning of this year , the country also said that individuals are allowed to get rich first. I thought, wouldn’t it be great if one person really eats public food and works alone as an individual?”

"Look, San'er's current month can equal what an ordinary worker can earn in one year. If he works for five or six years, he will earn a lifetime's salary, right? San'er is not someone who likes to spend money randomly. Even if there is no country to take care of him, it doesn’t seem to be a big deal?”

"Besides, his working hours are flexible, and he is a family man. I think it is very affordable and enjoyable for any girl to be with him. So, as your sister-in-law, you really have to help him choose carefully. "

"You should put more thought into it, and you can really help San'er find a good girl of comparable talent and beauty. You have solved his life-long problem, not to mention him himself. Both his mother and I have to thank you."

Hi! It is true to say that this family is a family, blood is thicker than water.

What do you mean by brothers and sisters? At this time, it was revealed that the father and son were here.

Master Luo, as a father, is indeed considerate of his own son.

Look at the words used by the daughter-in-law here, making her really trapped in a cocoon with no way out.

So what else can Miao Yujuan do?

Faced with the expectations and eagerness of her parents-in-law and family, she could only face the difficulties and shoulder the heavy burden.

"Okay, Dad, Mom, I will be responsible for finding a partner for our third brother. Don't worry, second brother, I will definitely take notice of this matter."

Of course, despite the cheerfulness of Miao Yujuan's promise, she is not one to be easily manipulated.

To be honest, a little woman's desire for revenge is much stronger than that of a man.

No, on one side she was smiling happily when she was facing her parents-in-law, but on the other side, Miao Yujuan did something dirty to Luo Guangsheng.

Just under the table, she used her self-taught hands to split muscles and bones, and gave her betrayed husband a hard squeeze.

It hurt Luo Guangsheng so much that the corners of his mouth twitched.

But the mute still eats Coptis chinensis, unable to express the pain.

He had to pretend that he had mouth sores, and he didn't dare to let his parents see it at all.

It's not easy to be a brother.

While enduring this huge pain, Luo Guangsheng only had one thought of pride and compassion in his heart.

San'er, I'm sorry for you...

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