National Tide 1980

Chapter 427: Winter passes and spring comes

People in the capital are very particular about names.

From the names of people to the names of shops to the names of streets, bridges and buildings, everything is particular.

What's the point?

What matters is status and meaning.

Because people in the capital believe that the words and precepts of their ancestors will not be successful if their names are not correct, and if their words are not correct, things will not be accomplished.

This is why as soon as a child is born, people in the capital try their best to give the child an auspicious name.

Take the Bian family’s precious grandson as an example. This little guy’s large size is unambiguous.

That was the name Bian's family asked Kang Shude to give him, and it was called Bian Xusheng.

It means the rising sun.

Listen, how bold this is!

Although the adults of the Bian family also know that the name is just a symbol.

I know that even if I give a mouse a nice name, it will not become a cat.

But I still have stubborn thoughts about naming my child.

I hope I can send my loved ones good wishes through this.

I hope that my child will be as promising as this name.

The same goes for opening a store.

No matter how small the appearance is, no matter how dilapidated the house is, it will collapse.

The shop owner also has to think of ways to come up with a happy, elegant, and atmospheric name.

Otherwise, don't say that he doesn't have the heart to do business himself. I'm afraid the customers won't be willing to come into the store to take care of his business.

Perhaps from this aspect alone, we can see the difference between Jinmen and Beijing people.

Because the soil of the capital would never give birth to such an unruly signboard as "Goubuli".

Here, even a small shop selling raw chicken and duck has to be called "Judequan".

A box shop that sells soy pork elbows should also be called "Tianfu Hao".

Even Huihui’s mutton bed has to be called “Jubaoyuan”.

This is especially true for larger businesses. Each name is more auspicious than the last, and all of them use good words.

Words like "福", "合", "Benefit", "Tong", "Ju", "Bao", "Shun" and "Qing" are all commonly used.

To put it bluntly, it’s not like the store has a good name.

To the people in the capital, that was as intolerable as stepping into a mud puddle.

As for auspicious words, the word "spring" is also very common.

For example, there is Changchun Hall in the medicine shop in the capital, Zhenghechun in the silk shop, and Wu Ruichun and Qinglinchun in the tea shop.

There are even eight restaurants in Zhuangguan with the word "spring" in their names. Together they are called "Eight Great Spring".

Want to ask why people in Beijing like the word "spring" so much?

If nothing else, it’s mainly because when winter passes and spring comes, all things sprout, grow and flourish.

People in the capital use the word "spring" to describe the prosperity of things.

Otherwise, as soon as the New Year comes, the Bian family and the Luo family in No. 2 Courtyard of Shan'er Hutong will be busy and rushing to find a partner for their youngest son.

After all, in this season full of life, even cats and dogs are willing to join in the fun.

This also means that the hormones of young men and women will be extremely strong. At this time, the probability of success in dating and finding a partner is highest.

But it's a pity that even though the older generation is so smart, they are bound to make mistakes every time they think about it.

Because they overlooked one thing, times have changed.

Today is no longer the age where parents dictate and matchmakers talk.

The core of marriage is no longer as simple as "marry a man, dress and eat, marry a wife, cook and wash."

The phrase "one family does not enter the same house" points to conditions that have long since become harsh.

How could it be so easy to get married?

If any conditions are misplaced, it means "failure".

Take Luo Guangliang for example.

It must be admitted that his sister-in-law, Miao Yujuan, who received the imperial edict from her parents-in-law, was extremely responsible for his affairs.

Ten days after the Spring Festival, I took home a pretty good girl from the same factory.

This girl wants to look presentable and well-organized, and she also likes to dress well.

Regardless of appearance or age, he actually matches Luo Guangliang very well.

But the problem lies precisely in the fact that Luo Guangliang went in.

The girl was originally satisfied with Luo Guangliang's appearance and income, but she became more worried after knowing that Luo Guangliang had been there.

Therefore, the reason why Miao Yujuan was able to bring her over was because she had to compromise and accommodate.

She promised the girl that she could use the clothes shopping as an introduction and let them meet each other before talking.

If the girl has feelings, then talk about other things, otherwise it will avoid embarrassment and there is no need to make it clear.

As for this matter, it actually went smoothly at first, and it was indeed pretty much what Miao Yujuan had expected.

When Miao Yujuan took her mother-in-law to work in the kitchen, she created conditions for the two of them to be alone.

Luo Guangliang behaved quite naturally in front of the girl.

It is both kind and righteous.

He is very patient when introducing clothes to girls, and the prices are not expensive, just a friendly price.

In addition, Luo Guangliang was afraid of being misunderstood, so he didn't look sideways and just said what he should say honestly.

This made the girl smile even more, and she felt that he was quite honest.

On the contrary, he really had some sense of it and took the initiative to joke with him.

"Hey, let me tell you a joke."

"Ah, joke? Okay..."

"Listen, a mantis is going to introduce a partner to a female butterfly. When they meet, they find that the partner is a male spider. After meeting, the mantis asks the butterfly, 'How is it?', 'It's not bad, at least marry him and you will have no shortage of clothes. '..."

Unexpectedly, the girl deliberately stared at Luo Guangliang for a long time with her shining eyes.

It turned out that he didn't smile at all, and he actually said that.

"This joke is not funny. Why was this butterfly so stupid that it was eaten by a spider or a mantis?"

The girl suddenly became speechless and lost interest, thinking that Luo Guangliang didn't understand humor at all.

What is even more embarrassing later is the reception aspect.

Luo Guangliang didn't have much experience with women. He didn't know what to say except about clothes, so he would just sit blankly with the girl.

He would pour someone a bowl of tea for a while, and then another bowl for a while.

Later, the girl couldn't help but asked, "How to get to the toilet?"

When she came back from going to the toilet, of course the girl refused to drink tea.

Luo Guangliang felt a little embarrassed, so he brought out fruits to entertain him.

Luo's oranges are big and sweet.

At first the girl was embarrassed to eat.

But after Luo Guangliang's repeated invitations, the girl ate the smallest oranges placed beside the orange plate.

After a while, Luo Guangsheng took his son back from outside on his bicycle.

Unexpectedly, Robin, a small little person, became anxious as soon as he entered the room and saw the plate with fruits.

Crying and fussing, I looked for the five small oranges placed in the orange plate as souvenirs.

This incident makes it difficult for other girls to treat her?

As an uninvited guest who ate a small orange, Robin's nose and tears flowed freely when facing him.

The girl was so full of injustice that she wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it, so she hurriedly said goodbye, hid her face and left.

Then when Miao Yujuan and others understand the whole process, won't anyone be angry?

She looked extremely ugly, even her son and Luo Guangliang scolded her.

"Ouch. You two are not like this. Those who should be good are not good, and those who are not should be so good."

"San'er, you're just a piece of wood. Why do you want to be with someone like this? You'll definitely have to blow out the lamp and pull out the wax."

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