National Tide 1980

Chapter 43: Banquet

The banquet was held at Bian's house.

Cups, plates, bowls and chopsticks are all pieced together according to each household.

The Eight Immortals table of the four families also gathered together and was divided into two seats: old and young.

It was lively, a big room full of people, laughing and laughing.

It was the first time for the neighbors of No. 2 Courtyard of Shan'er Hutong that they gathered together and had a meal together.

Director Li also came to the banquet as promised and sat in the middle of the chief chair.

When the banquet started, everyone was naturally the first to toast to him.

The Bian family and the Mi family also rushed to thank him.

Everyone present also wanted to ask Director Li to say a few words to everyone.

As a result, no one expected that after everyone's slaps "chirped" a few times.

Director Li's speech was actually very down-to-earth. He went straight to the core without any fuss.

"Everyone, please don't thank me or toast me. In fact, in the final analysis, the key to this matter lies in our courtesy to protect the people."

"To be honest, when Lao Kang told me about this, I didn't believe it. How could someone be willing to give up their job opportunities to others? This awareness is too high."

"Of course, now we all understand that this is not a matter of consciousness, but a matter of favor. I have to say, it was this favor that moved me so much. That's why I will go out of my way to do this. Above. Well, you are the same as me, so you will make an exception and approve our unkind request."

With these words, everyone couldn't help but look at Ning Weimin.

The Luo family was full of admiration.

The Bian family and the Mi family are sincerely grateful.

The specific difference between them is that the two brothers Bian Jianjun and Bian Jiangong have guilty conscience and guilt in their eyes.

Aunt Bian, Aunt Mi and Mi Xiaoran were so excited that their eyes were red and tears came to their eyes.

Mi Xiaohui, a twelve-year-old girl, looked up to Ning Weimin as if she were a great hero.

Uncle Bian and Master Mi looked at each other and stood up.

They raised their glasses together and walked towards Ning Weimin to propose a toast to him on behalf of his family.

This situation shocked Ning Weimin, who was unprepared.

He quickly stood up, picked up the wine glass, came over from the young people's table, hunched over and clinked glasses with the two elders.

So amidst everyone's cheers, Director Li laughed a few times before continuing.

"Looking back and thinking about it now, it's really interesting. How long has it been? Do you still remember what happened last year? When Master Kang and Wei Min came back together, I was most worried about our No. 2 Shan'er Hutong. It’s about the neighborhood relationship.”

"At that time, I was really worried about the tense relationship between the old and the young, and I was so worried that I was so anxious. Who would have thought that in the end they would smooth out the relationship on their own, and our courtyard would become so harmonious again. "

"This can only be said that there is true love in the world. It is right to say that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. People say that husband and wife are fate, parents, children, brothers and sisters are fate. In fact, being together as neighbors is also fate."

"To be honest, I really envy our neighbors in Courtyard No. 2. I think that it is a blessing that we can live in our Courtyard No. 2 and have such good neighbors like each other."

"From now on, we guys will just live happily together with Hemei Meier, helping each other and being courteous to each other. I believe that for our No. 2 Courtyard, no matter how big the difficulty is, it will not be really difficult. Any difficulty encountered will be solved." Solve it. Everyone’s life will definitely get better and better.”

These words were indeed inspiring, and all the residents in the hospital couldn't help but applaud sincerely.

Master Luo even said something about it.

"What you said is so right. We all hope to be neighbors together in our next life."

As soon as he said this, everyone present laughed.

But next, Director Li's words became a little heavier, which no one expected.

He actually made a personal self-examination in public.

"But I still have to say something. Although this matter has a good outcome, I feel very ashamed. Because it is actually my responsibility to find jobs for the children in our alley."

"Making everyone so anxious and angry only means that I did not do a good job and failed to solve practical difficulties for everyone in time. I am sorry for everyone."

"So here, I apologize to everyone. At the same time, I also have to thank Wei Min. He helped me make up for my mistakes, and he helped me. I will definitely find a solution to his work problem... "

At this point, I naturally felt a little embarrassed.

Everyone was touched by Director Li's true expression of his feelings, but it was really too much to bear and unable to adapt to.

Fortunately, Ning Weimin is not a master who has never seen the scene before.

Just when everyone was panicking, there was no need for Kang Shude to remind him, he had already taken over to change the atmosphere.

"Director Li, please don't say that. I don't blame you for this. Everyone knows it."

"You are a truly good cadre who truly cares about the residents nearby. It is also a blessing for us to meet a parent officer like you."

"What you said is still right. We all have to help each other to overcome difficulties. Nothing can be accomplished if only one person is pointed at."

"Actually, who should thank whom? Who should be sorry to whom? This is a huge debt..."

As he spoke, he picked up the wine glass and walked to the elders' table.

"My dear aunts and uncles, you all have worried a lot about me in the past few years and have suffered a lot. I see it all and keep it in my heart."

"Although I have no father or mother, I have never felt lonely at all since I returned to our courtyard. I also learned from the elders how to behave and how to deal with things."

"I have to thank you all, especially Uncle Kang for tolerating my youth and ignorance in the past, and for tolerating my ignorance. In fact, you are all my relatives, and I also want to toast you all."

After saying that, drink it all in one gulp.

At this time, Master Luo spoke the truth again.

"I'm so sorry, what happened today? Why is it like a thank you meeting?"

"Okay, Wei Min, everyone has heard your thanks. Then we have agreed that once everyone drinks this glass of wine, it will be the last stop."

"Take me for example. I won't thank Lao Bian and Lao Mi for hosting me today. Otherwise, if we thank them all like this, we all will have to thank them until the evening. We didn't eat a single bite of the food. Just get drunk."


Master Luo's jokes elicited outright laughter.

This time it was a real banquet.

No longer polite to each other, everyone raised their glasses and started to eat.

Human relationships are cold and warm, but the world is hot and cold.

All the flavors are in the clinking glasses of wine, and in everyone taking turns serving dishes.

One bite after another was tasted and swallowed by people.

What is released is refreshing and all things flourish.

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