National Tide 1980

Chapter 431: Discuss and discuss

Recalling the past years, people of each era have their own marks.

People in the 1960s advocated "diligence and frugality"

People in the 1970s called for "struggle"

In the 1980s, people began to develop optimism and self-confidence.

People in the 1990s appreciate "expression of individuality" and "self-realization."

People of the 2000s advocated "I am who I am, with different fireworks."

Think about it if you can use a certain word to describe people of different generations.

This is what most people think.

However, times are changing rapidly and life is changing with each passing day, which has also opened up a generational dividing line between growing children and their parents, creating obstacles for mutual understanding between the upper and lower generations.

Even this kind of incompatibility covers all aspects of life.

From food, clothing, housing and transportation, expression methods, living habits, to the concept of time, everything is included.

As a result, a new word has emerged in society called "generation gap".

What exactly is the generation gap?

The generation gap is essentially an inevitable product of the development of the times. It is because "the world is changing rapidly" and the two generations have different cognitions and deviations in values.

But many people don't pay much attention to this and only focus on the result of "you don't understand my world".

As a result, conflicts between parents and children have become more and more complicated due to a lack of empathy.

"Family wars" between two generations are becoming more common, more frequent, and more intense day by day.

Even far better than any previous historical era.

In fact, the family conflict between the old couple of the Bian family and their son Bian Jianjun is already considered a good thing.

Because they are ordinary people after all, the consequences of major social changes are often the last to be transmitted to them.

The major differences only concern the life-long affairs of our son. In other aspects of life, there is nothing incongruous for the time being.

On the other hand, if we look at those families with a higher social class, families that are sensitive to the country's reverse and social atmosphere.

This is especially true for families where parents have to stay away from their children for long periods of time due to official duties and neglect their children.

This situation is the most serious.

Huo Xin's family is a particularly typical example.

Huo Xin's father, Huo Yanping, left the capital sixteen years ago and went to live in Europe. Huo Xin was only five years old.

However, just when Huo Xin was admitted to middle school, her mother also went to Europe to accompany Huo Yanping because she was too busy at work and needed someone to take care of her.

This is the period when Huo Xin is most psychologically sensitive and emotionally complex during adolescence.

He completely left his parents and passively became a left-behind child.

For more than ten years, she and her parents lived apart from each other.

In addition to family leave once a year, maybe every two years, her parents would go back to visit her.

It can be said that she and her parents will never have the chance to meet again.

Even on weekdays, there are very few opportunities to make phone calls.

Because international long distance is too expensive these days, and it cannot be connected by ordinary telephone calls, you have to go to the Telegraph Building specifically.

Therefore, Huo Xin's knowledge of her parents' situation abroad was actually relayed by her aunt Huang Xinhua.

One can imagine how alienated and fragile this family relationship will become if things continue like this.

Although when a family of three is together, there will always be a scene of family reunion and love for each other.

No matter who it is, when expressing it to the outside world, they will regard the other party as their own pride and be proud of it.

Even Huo Xin became a veritable little princess in China because of having such parents.

Her aunt, uncle, and teachers all took care of her, and the children in the compound and classmates at school all envied her.

Over the years, what she wears, uses, eats and drinks is the best.

When you want something, you almost never get it.

But in fact, Huo Xin and her parents, as close relatives, are spiritually far apart.

To be honest, this relationship is really deformed.

The emotional identification with each other is essentially a formality and is completely separated.

Even though everyone clearly knows that we should work together to maintain the blood closeness.

But I don't know why, when they are together, there is always an element of acting in the smiles they put on, and there is an indescribable unfamiliarity and politeness to them.

What was especially embarrassing was after Huo Yanping and his wife returned to China.

Although they tried their best to make up for the guilt they had felt towards their daughter over the years and reverse this unbearable situation.

But the kind of reshaping of the family relationship they expected, where the three of them could restore trust and intimacy like normal parents and children, was almost impossible to happen again.

Because if you miss it, you miss it. Some things cannot be repeated.

Huo Yanping and his wife suddenly discovered that not only had their daughter grown up, but she had also grown into something they did not expect.

The daughter no longer needs the things they thought would make her happy and happy.

Now, what they want to give their daughter seems to be rejected and disliked by her.

For example, before returning to China this time, Huo Yanping and Huang Jinghua carefully selected a gift for their daughter, a small cassette player made by Grundig.

My daughter didn't take it seriously.

Although Huo Xin took it with a smile on the surface, she also thanked him.

But she changed hands and gave it to her aunt's daughter, her cousin.

In this regard, although Huo Yanping was a little sad that almost a month's salary and additional subsidies were gone, it was hard to say anything.

After all, Huo Xin has been cared for by his sister-in-law and her family for a long time.

He originally thought that Huo Xin did this intentionally as a way of repaying the favor he received from others.

Especially seeing my sister-in-law and her family so happy about this.

He even silently appreciated his daughter's lack of stinginess.

But he soon discovered that was not the case at all.

Because the basis of Huo Xin's generosity is that she really doesn't care, rather than out of considerations of repayment and interpersonal relationships.

She used a small Sony cassette player.

It is far more fashionable, smaller and more advanced than the Grundig one.

It can be worn on the belt around your waist or placed in your school bag.

And there's a pair of headphones.

You can listen to English and music with full concentration anytime and anywhere.

It will not be disturbed by noisy environment at all.

Especially the price is high. Huo Yanping inquired privately and found out that it was only sold in Youyi Store and it cost 380 yuan in foreign exchange coupons.

That’s almost enough to buy a big Pioneer four-speaker.

Looking at the tapes my daughter listens to, there are almost hundreds of them, and they are all genuine tapes with no strings.

Huo Yanping couldn't help but was secretly speechless.

He couldn't help but frowned and asked, "Did you buy all these things with the money we sent back?"

Unexpectedly, my daughter immediately bent over with laughter.

"Dad, you look down on people too much. Since last year, I haven't touched the money you sent me. I will give you the bankbook later. Let me tell you, this is all my own money, I earned it. "

Huo Yanping found it hard to believe.

"How much do you earn? How much is your salary?"

"Our foreign company's income is high, and my income is more than yours."

Then Huo Xin publicly expressed his disdain for German products.

"Dad, it's not me. You should not be too stubborn when looking at the problem. For example, not everything in Europe is good, but home appliances are far behind. Look at that stupid, big, black and thick thing you bought from abroad in the first few years. The TV is a Telefunken brand. It’s very dull. The picture color is not good either. Look at the Japanese products. What does it look like? And the little cassette player you bought this time. Where can I get the Sony one? That's great. It would be great if you and Mom were stationed in Japan. Nowadays, the outlook on staying in Europe has become worse..."

Huo Yanping was stunned for a while before he understood the meaning of his daughter's words.

"So you didn't like what I bought for you, so you gave it away? But it's still more than two hundred yuan anyway. Don't you feel bad for it, girl? It's too big for your hands."

Huo Xin made a face and said unwillingly, "But, Dad, what should I tell you? I'm really rich now. More than two hundred, more than three hundred, what's the difference? But I have a Not even a hair. I earn at least two thousand yuan a month, and more than half of it is in foreign exchange coupons."

Huo Yanping was really surprised now and realized where his daughter's arrogance came from.

"Ah! Can you really earn so much in a month? This is as much as your mother and I earn in half a year."

Huo Xin was quite proud, "So, if you think it's expensive, it doesn't mean anything to me."

But she never expected that this would be tantamount to provoking her father.

Huo Yanping snorted coldly, and the conversation turned to teaching him a lesson.

"Nonsense! Our country is still very poor now. What a waste it is for you to spend money lavishly on pleasure. You should also consider the identity of your parents. If others know about this, how will they treat us?"

"In particular, I have to remind you that there is currently a lot of controversy over the issue of foreign-funded enterprises. Your company only exists as a pilot. It is hard to say how it will change in the future. We have to wait until the upper management fully weighs it before we can make a conclusion."

"You, you should pay attention to the impact, and you should also consider your future in the long run."

But Huo Xin was very unconvinced and raised his mouth like a pig.

"Why are you here again? You are talking to me like an official at home. How I spend the money I earn is my business. If the impact is not good, then if you wear the suit I gave you, why don't you say the impact is not good?"

"Look at yourself, you are a dignified chief. He has been abroad for so many years, not to mention wearing low-quality suits. You can't even afford a brand-name watch. And why are you still thinking about sesame seeds and rotten millet? It’s even more difficult to think about than people who stay in China.”

"What is the distribution principle of socialism? From each according to his ability, to each according to his work. Otherwise, why is the country now starting to encourage individual economy? As long as it is not illegal, we should encourage millionaires."

These words made Huo Yanping even more unbelievable.

"I think you have lost your mind! The principle of our country is to pursue common prosperity, and there will never be a millionaire! Not to mention a million, not even a hundred thousand!"

Huo Xin sneered and said in a calm tone, "No wonder we are so backward, it's people like you that have delayed us. Don't be too weird. I have a friend. When he buys paintings, he sells them for more than ten dollars. Thousands of foreign exchange coupons.”

"Your friend?"

Huo Yanping was shocked again and couldn't help but ask.

"How do you have such a friend? Where is he from? What does he do? He has no reason, how can he have so much money?"

Huo Xin frowned, "Why are you acting like the KGB? Even if I make friends, you have to check them out? You have to take care of the money I make, but don't you have to take care of other people's money, too?"

However, at this moment, Huang Jinghua heard the argument between her husband and daughter and couldn't help coming out of the kitchen to interrupt.

"Xinxin, are you deliberately trying to quarrel with your father? What I heard just now is wrong. What you just said is completely out of touch with the national conditions. How many hairs can you say you can pluck out for hundreds of dollars?"

But this gave Huo Xin a solution.

"Forget it, I won't tell you anymore. Anyway, all I spend is the income from my labor. I am free to make any friends, and others have no right to interfere..."

She turned around and simply left, not even eating at home.

This inevitably made Huo Yanping sigh with worry.

"Jinghua, look, is our Xinxin spoiled?"

However, don't even look at what Huo Yanping says.

But in fact, he wants to pamper his daughter better than anyone else.

Since returning to the capital, he and his wife have taken time to accompany their daughter almost every week.

According to his idea, he wanted to do all the things he had not done with his daughter for so many years.

Watch movies, watch performances, watch games, go to museums, go to the Forbidden City, go to the Great Wall, go to parks, go to shops, eat snacks...

Wherever there is excitement, wherever there is fun, whatever his daughter likes, he will buy it generously.

He felt that this was all normal and appropriate.

He is just such a daughter. He has not been with her for so many years, so he has to make up as much as he owes.

He kept thinking this.

But unfortunately, he soon discovered that he had done something wrong.

Because after a few weeks, Huo Xin started begging for this kind of thing.

"Dad, you and mom, just let me go, okay? Don't let me be your tour guide. I also have my own things to do. I'm so busy at work every day, and I have to deal with the Japanese for official business. The Japanese English simply makes me want to hit the wall. You absolutely cannot understand my pain. I finally have some rest time, and I have to socialize with friends who need it. You can go wherever you want, and I won’t accompany you..."

Of course Huo Yanping would be disappointed and even unhappy about this.

"Are your friends more important than us? I thought you wanted us to be together as a family?"

"It's not that I'm unwilling, but your activities are too boring. I'm a young man, and you asked me to make more friends..."

"Then what do you do with your friends?"

"Look at you, there's another censorship in disguise. What we can do is just talk about work, art, literature, and national affairs. In addition, we can dance and drink."

"You know how to drink?" Huo Yanping opened his eyes wide.

"Don't be such a boss!" Huo Xin only felt happy.

"Have you forgotten? I also work. I also have to attend the cocktail party. It's good enough that I didn't imitate others to smoke."

But her daughter's indifference to everything made Huo Yanping angry and powerless.

That feeling simply made him lose control of his mind, and he almost wanted to curse.

Fortunately, Huang Jinghua walked to his daughter and patiently persuaded her.

"Xinxin, if you have something to say, please tell your father. Don't be so cynical. We are all doing this for your own good, do you know? We care about you, do you know?"

Huo Xin softened at these words and did not answer for a long time.

Then he suddenly raised his head and looked directly at his father, "Dad, otherwise, I will still accompany you today, but it is up to me to decide what to do. You have to agree to a condition."

"Whatever you want, just say it!"

Huo Yanping and Huang Jinghua looked at each other and said something in unison.

"I want to drive, please give me your bus!"

Huo Yanping and his wife couldn't help but exclaimed in unison.

"What are you going to do?"

"Driving a car! I'm quite interested in this matter now."

Huo Yanping was really troubled by his daughter's ingenuity.

"But, you don't have a driving license yet, how can you drive? You have to learn to drive first."

"Of course I know, I'm just studying. How about finding a place with no one and I can practice with your car? Anyway, you have a driver's license, and it's an international one. Can't you just sit next to me and watch me? Already?"

Huang Jinghua was also embarrassed by his daughter's idea.

"Your father's car is a public car. What if it crashes? Besides, what's the use of learning to drive? Your father is almost forty years old when he reaches the level of matching a car..."

"Oh my god, you look more like a Marxist-Leninist old lady than my dad. My dad is a member of the system, so it's okay to get out of the system."

"Let me tell you the truth, there is a person in our company who is my age and drives a car. He is quite scheming. I don't know when he quietly learned it."

"I'm angry just because he looks like a bad guy. I also want to make a big splash. You see, in a few years, I can get the company to equip me with a car."

Huo Xin pouted again, "Besides, don't you always say that young people abroad know how to drive? Why do I have so many problems when I want to learn to drive?"

Huo Yanping looked at his wife with a helpless expression.

Huang Jinghua also looked at her husband without any backbone.

"Then let's discuss it?"

Huo Yanping said this.

Of course Huo Xin understood the meaning of "discuss and discuss". She ran to Huo Yanping excitedly and kissed him.

"Dad! You're so kind!"

Huo Yanping didn't forget to add one sentence.

"Hey, but you have to tell me first, who is your driving friend? Who are you fighting against?"

Huo Xin immediately returned to his serious attitude.

"Dad, please respect your daughter's privacy. As you said, Western countries pay attention to equality of personality, and all gentlemen are like this..."

Huo Yanping was immediately furious.

"There are actually many problems in Western countries, some of which are reasonable, and some of which are not. You have to learn from the good ones, not the bad ones."

"Whatever is good or bad, don't you always say they are good and that?"

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