National Tide 1980

Chapter 433 A great success

Sometimes things in this world are just not accurate.

People take it for granted that it should be like this, but with development and development, it will always become like that.

Whether it's good or bad, the final outcome often has nothing to do with people's original intentions.

If you don't follow the right principles in life and death, it will make it difficult for you to control yourself.

This is the same whether at home or abroad, whether it is a big or small matter.

how? Do not believe?

If you don’t believe it, then you might as well take a look at the island countries in the East.

In fact, all the neighbors in Ning Weimin were worried about their son's marriage.

Just when Huo Yanping and his wife were worried about their daughter's unsatisfactory changes.

Qu Xiao, a little girl who went abroad for the first time, also encountered new problems in her life.

March 5, 1983, Saturday, 7 p.m.

The rooftop garden of the Nishiura Department Store in Ikebukuro, Tokyo.

In a large open-air venue of thousands of square meters, under the dark blue sky, the event was unprecedented.

On the temporary T-shaped stage in the venue, with dynamic music and gorgeous lights.

Sixteen tall girls from the Republic are taking the stage one after another.

During the next seventy-five minutes of performance, they will show off one hundred and eighty-five sets of costumes to the packed audience.

Although this is already their thirteenth performance since coming to Tokyo, it stands to reason that they should have overcome all kinds of unfamiliarity and discomfort.

But each of them still inevitably feels awkward and nervous about stage fright.

However, this is not because the weather here is cold and the conditions for outdoor performances are too difficult.

Rather, it was because their catwalk performance in Japan was an astonishing success, far beyond their imagination.

Girls like this have to worry about gains and losses, and are particularly worried about accidents during the catwalk.

I was afraid that if something went wrong, it would destroy the growing popularity and reputation of this event.

In fact, not to mention the girls themselves, not even the leaders of the Textile Bureau or the Japanese inviters expected that this performance would be so popular that it would set off a trend.

The biggest difference between these girls' performances in Tokyo and domestic performances is that in response to the business needs of Nishiura Department Store, the clothing display content was divided into two parts.

In addition to a small number of concept clothes that the girls will display, the main one hundred or so items of clothing displayed are all ready-to-wear styles that can be sold on site.

And each of these clothes available for sale is numbered.

This means that when the audience sees the model show, they will be interested in the clothes on the model.

They could have memorized the clothing numbers.

Then after the performance, go directly to the store downstairs to select on-site according to the number, or purchase.

What the event organizers and organizers failed to think of was this. The cost advantage of the Republic's clothing manufacturing industry, coupled with the excellent model quality of these girls and the effective lighting and sound equipment on site, actually produced an unparalleled sensational effect.

Let these clothes sell like crazy at once.

Audience numbers surged rapidly.

At first, there were only seven or eight hundred people in each game, but after a few games, the number quickly increased to more than 1,000 and more than 2,000 people.

After the sixth performance, the venue was even full.

So much so that special personnel were required to guard the stairs at the scene to control the flow of people with a limit of 3,500 spectators.

For this reason, not only the Tokyo Shimbun, as a local newspaper in Tokyo, sent reporters to interview and published a half-page interview.

Even the newly launched fashion magazine Sweet and Inred published an article with beautiful photos in the new issue of the magazine in order to gain readers in the fashion camp, and made a free soft-text advertisement for Xijiao Department Store.

In this way, this event without any media publicity became more and more popular.

The month-long twenty-performance program is only less than half-way through.

The Japanese side saw that supply exceeded demand, and the clothing sales were on the verge of breaking out.

For this reason, they were pleasantly surprised, but also terrified.

We had to urgently consult with the leaders of the Ministry of Textiles who led a team to Japan, and requested that twice as many garments be transported from the Republic to rescue the situation as soon as possible.

The request for instructions was sent to China, and thanks to a big leader, he made a timely decision and agreed to increase the volume of goods.

This ensures the smooth progress and completion of this business cooperation promotion plan.

So in fact, as the first model team to represent the Republic after reopening the country.

Qu Xiao and her teammates not only brought foreign exchange to the Ministry of Textiles, but also built a new bridge for the Republic to trade with the East.

Their style even fascinated the people in the capital of the Oriental island country.

Let these Japanese people appreciate the charm of grandeur and dignity.

So much so that before the show was even over, XJTLU Department Store happily signed an agreement for further cooperation and increased its clothing orders.

Even famous Japanese trading companies such as Mitsubishi and Marubeni sent people over to quietly inquire about the situation.

And tried to break through the protective blockade of XJTLU Department Store staff and contact the delegation of the Republic.

This can not but be said to be a huge surprise and gain that people never expected.

But on the other hand, just because the performance was so successful, it also brought some additional side effects.

You know, Japan is a world of capitalism.

The overall society is in a stage where the economy is booming, becoming more and more extravagant, greedy for pleasure, and advocating consumption.

Then it is inevitable that some young people will think that these girls are from economically backward third world countries and may be easy to hook up with.

He had a crush on the girl from the model team.

As a result, the girls in these model teams have been harassed a lot since they stepped off the catwalk.

It's just that young people in Japan completely misjudged the situation.

They neither took into account the language barrier, the differences in cultural cognition, nor did they understand the system of the Republic.

These girls are all under official guardianship and subject to strict discipline when traveling abroad.

Well for every invitation, overture, flower or gift.

Regardless of whether the girls are easy to cheat or not, whether they are willing to accept it or not, they must reject it with a unified and firm attitude.

What's more, XJTLU Department Store, as the organizer, has already made a promise to the Ministry of Textiles to ensure that the delegation of the Republic of China is not harassed.

As a result, all these are destined to make many "pickup masters" end up hitting a brick wall one after another, and leave in despair.

But everything has exceptions, and something incredible happened to Qu Xiao.

Perhaps it's because she is the one with the best appearance among the many girls and the one who is most in line with Eastern aesthetics.

Not only were there many times more flies pestering her than the others, but there was also one that was quite special.

Although he has never shown his face, he has the ability to let the people who represent him break through the blockade of Nishiura Department Store staff.

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