National Tide 1980

Chapter 443: Practice makes perfect

In almost everything under the sun, practice makes perfect.

Just like the temporary workers in the street sewing club.

Although everyone has not received formal training in clothing production, they still use household sewing machines.

But due to the strict quality supervision system, no one dares to mess around.

In addition, what is rolling in the sewing machine wheel is everyone's hope of getting rid of the economic dilemma, and everyone's enthusiasm for work cannot help but be strong.

So over time, diligence can make up for weakness.

Although the work done by each person is slower, the quality is no less than that of an electric industrial sewing machine or a large clothing factory like Honglian Factory.

Su Jin is even more outstanding.

Through his experience in the sewing club, he improved his cutting and pattern-making skills almost every day.

Even his father Su Shenzhen rarely praised his rapid progress in basic skills.

He said that he thought he would not be able to show off his ancestral craftsmanship until he was thirty years old.

Unexpectedly, he is now qualified enough to enter the house alone and have tailor-made clothes.

Except that the embroidery work is still lacking in heat, in other aspects, it should not ruin the Su family's signature.

There are also the four gold medal salesmen under Ning Weimin, who have been working for a long time.

How to identify the customers who are most likely to spend money at a glance and sell the goods in the shortest time.

For these girls, it has become a familiar instinct.

For example, if you meet a man who thinks you have some money and some charm.

They can use just a few words to make the other person dizzy and lose track of where they are.

Especially the kind of man who brings a girl shopping, who originally only wanted to go shopping and not buy anything.

But as long as their smiles and words work together.

Those are soft nails shot out from the mouth, which can directly penetrate into the core of these people's self-esteem.

Men all have a lot of face, so if you don’t buy it, you won’t be able to do it. If you want to buy it, you shouldn’t be too picky.

Therefore, if you don't spend a thousand or eight hundred dollars, you will definitely not be able to leave the store.

Almost every day, the girls would communicate with each other in private about the interesting things that happened in the store.

It talks specifically about how those fake rich people who have been deceived by them pretend to be generous, but in fact spend money in pain.

Then laugh together again.

Even Zhang Shihui and Sister Tan run a cigarette shop for the same reason.

Today, Sister Tan not only looks after the store but also cleans everything well.

And almost every time, he can retain customers who come to sell cigarettes and alcoholic beverages with his warm words and diligent efforts in serving tea and water.

Very competent at both receptionist and secretary jobs.

Even with the enrichment of experience, sometimes she can take the lead alone and negotiate a tobacco and alcohol repurchase business that is more confident about the market.

Zhang Shihui's progress is even more remarkable.

Under Ning Weimin's deliberate arrangement, I attended several classes by Kang Shude.

This kid quickly mastered the art of dealing with upper-class people.

Understand how to say words that make people in the upper echelon both want to hear and feel reassured.

It should be said that the business of recycling high-end tobacco and alcohol has a lot in common with the old days of "beating a small drum" to collect old goods in and out of houses.

But much simpler.

Because there are currently no competitors in this industry, and the products include only cigarettes and wine, there is no possibility of “eye-catching” by buying fakes.

Zhang Shihui only needs to learn how to use favors to "hook" regular customers, and how to use words to "set up seedlings" to get the basic tricks.

It's enough to be like a fish in water in this industry and be successful.

But if that's the case, Zhang Shihui is really being underestimated.

Because what is most commendable about him is that he is naturally keen on profits and is always thinking about business.

No, so many people went to Moscow restaurants to eat and didn't even notice the business opportunity, but he just discovered it.

Since the opening of the restaurant, the supply of materials for the Qingqing Moscow restaurant has been handled by a special supply channel directly managed by the central government.

Even during the three difficult years, the meat and dairy products here continued to be available.

Maotai, which cannot be bought elsewhere, has always been available here, and it is quite cheap.

It is completely sold to the outside world at the official price, but many people don’t know it.

The only prerequisite is that a table of guests must order more than five yuan here to buy a bottle of Maotai.

This system must have originated from when Moutai sold for more than one yuan.

Now it is obviously out of date, but it is still being implemented.

So this provided Zhang Shihui with a loophole to exploit.

Just because she took Liu Weijing to the zoo once and had a meal at "Lao Mo", Zhang Shihui fell in love with it.

From here on, whenever he had nothing to do, he would take his wife and ride his "little donkey" to "Old Mo" for a massage.

Of course, it doesn’t matter what kind of food you eat. What’s important is that you can buy Moutai wine here at a reasonable price.

For example, Zhang Shihui must order Moutai with every meal, and even orders it without drinking it. He even always talks to other customers who don't order Moutai.

And he had only one purpose, which was to use a box of good cigarettes to occupy the guests' share in buying Maotai liquor.

As a result, he succeeded every time, and every time he went back, he could get eight bottles out of ten.

There is no need to calculate this account carefully. Even if you take out the food money and the good cigarettes given away to others, it is still more cost-effective than using foreign exchange coupons to buy Maotai at the Friendship Store.

A similar opportunity is the internal store in the compound of the "National News Agency".

Because of reselling an imported tape recorder, I met a boy whose father was a foreign correspondent, and I went to the family home of the National Communications News Agency on Tonglinge Road.

Zhang Shihui encountered another unexpected surprise.

Not only did he drink the "Baotuquan" brand beer in the internal store of the courtyard, it was the only beer sold in Shandong except here.

And I also found that the Marlboro and Friendship stores here actually sold them at the same price.

The most critical issue is that the RMB available here is not foreign exchange coupons.

There is no doubt that Marlboros here are really cheap.

Probably through some special supply channels, direct sales here.

So from then on, he became a frequent visitor here.

He always goes in and out of this compound, which is guarded by sentries and is intimidating to most people, under the guise of looking for someone.

Then, I drank a bottle of "Baotu Spring" and bought three or four Marlboros to take away.

Although I'm afraid of arousing suspicion, I don't dare to come here often, and I don't dare to buy too much.

But every once in a while, using the ant method of moving can always take advantage, and gathering some wool is also an addictive fun.

In this way, General Manager Zhang of Huiminyan Hotel, with the help of these two places, stepped into the wonderful realm of "if you don't take advantage of going out every day, you will suffer a loss".

This means that there are surprises in life, and you need to pay attention to them everywhere.

For those who are willing, I am afraid that they can eat dry croquettes just by looking up to the sky and yawning.

Needless to say, even these ordinary people who are not cheating can find out in real life and gain so much.

Not to mention Ning Weimin, who is a time traveler.

With his experience in his previous life, the skills he learned in this life, and his cheating skills, he was able to catch up with such a good era.

If he didn't break out and take shortcuts that no one would think of, he would be outclassed by Zhang Shihui.

If he didn't focus on those things, he would play a shocking trick for future generations to admire and worship.

That's really a debt of gratitude to God for giving him such a graceful and graceful person.

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