National Tide 1980

Chapter 469: Aim high

"The additional suggestions from the two leaders are quite feasible. Yes, if we can't catch up with other people's traditional artworks, then we can use modern artworks to make up for it. This is our best strategy to maximize our strengths and avoid our weaknesses in the display. With this In the same way, I also think that we can fully apply this concept when it comes to the inheritance and development of royal cuisine dishes..."

Although the atmosphere at the venue has been brought to a small climax by Qiao Wanlin.

But when Ning Weimin started talking about business again, everyone still consciously stopped joking.

They all concentrated and held their breath again, and continued to listen to Ning Weimin's words very seriously.

Being able to give face like this obviously shows that Ning Weimin's words have truly moved them and his ideas have been fully recognized.

"In the past two days, I have carefully analyzed the menus of Fangshan Restaurant and Tingli Restaurant. I found that although these two restaurants have the same imperial cuisine signature, they have also developed Manchu and Han banquets. But the names of their dishes are , there is still a big difference.”

"The Fangshan Restaurant in Beihai was founded by several imperial chefs, and it was the first to have a palace brand. Perhaps because of this, Fangshan has the most comprehensive range of dishes. It includes almost all the delicacies of the mountains and seas that everyone agrees on. Menu. There are both flavorful dishes and palace snacks, and even exquisite dishes such as 'Four Sauces' and 'Four Grapes' and unique cold meats such as 'Four Crisps'. It can be said that we have always been on the road of 'completeness' There are also many banquet items, which fully display the meaning of auspicious congratulations."

"This can be seen from their set dishes. Names such as 'Celebrate the New Year', 'Blessed as the East Sea', and 'Longevity without Borders' are all very festive. This is probably one of the reasons why officials prefer banquets at Fangshan Restaurant . If the name of the dish is good, people will subconsciously think that it is easy to succeed in negotiating. Coupled with the geographical advantage of Beihai, it is located in the city center, so the official reception banquet is almost certain to be held here. "

"Although Tingli Hall also has Manchu and Han banquets, the 'West Fourth House' is where Cixi eats, drinks and has fun. They follow the path of longevity diet and medicinal diet focusing on health preservation and longevity. At the same time, they make better use of Kunming Lake's access to It has convenient conditions for river fresh food, and especially introduces the application of opera culture in dishes. It has a strong sense of leisure. "

"So their main banquets are the 'Wanshou Wujiang Banquet' which wishes longevity and longevity, the 'Fu Lu Shou Xi Banquet' which wishes good luck and good luck, and the 'Jiang Shan Wandai Banquet' which symbolizes world peace. In addition, the location of Tingli Pavilion is remote and the environment It is quiet and peaceful, which leads many officials to hold banquets here to relieve their emotions when the marathon negotiations are in a stalemate. Or when they have enough time, they will visit and treat guests. Therefore, the banquet for entertaining foreign guests will be placed here.”

"As for us, since we are guarding the Temple of Heaven, we naturally have to give full play to the special advantages of the Temple of Heaven. Just now, Section Chief Qiao said that the offerings at the Temple of Heaven are the authentic imperial meals. Although this was a joke, it also pointed out that the Temple of Heaven is unique. Why can't we start from the aspect of sacrifice and introduce banquet titles such as 'Peace in the world', 'Fruit crops', and 'Good weather'? If we take a solemn approach, improve the process of the imperial banquet, and focus on the banquet It has a sense of ceremony, which is also in line with the needs of large-scale banquets.”

"In addition, if we pay attention to the characteristics of the dishes, we also have our own advantages. Although both Fangshan and Tingli Restaurant have a lake, they can use live fish and river fresh food to make seasonal dishes, which we can't compare with. But we have woods in the Temple of Heaven. Of all the gardens in the entire capital, where else can there be a forest bigger than ours? Then pine nuts, hazelnuts, mushrooms, and fungus are our specialties. Of course, these may not really be produced by us, as long as a gimmick is enough to make the guests think Satisfied. Combined with the theme of sacrifice, we can definitely launch more gimmicks, such as a heaven-sacrifice banquet, a courtier's banquet, and a fasting banquet."

"Another key point is that everyone must not forget that our Nancheng is where the essence of folk food in the capital gathers. There are far more time-honored brands, famous dishes, famous foods, and famous snacks than in Beicheng. This is just like the production of handicrafts. The advantages are the same. There are too many good chefs and veteran chefs in our district, and the various cooking techniques are so rich. No matter how famous the two palace royal cuisines are, they cannot match the comprehensive strength of all our time-honored brands. Nothing else. In other words, fried, roasted, and rinsed are the foods we are good at in the south. They are not included in the dishes of Fangshan and Tingliu Restaurant."

"We can develop our own royal cuisine from these three aspects. To use an analogy, hot pot is more than just boiling mutton. I know that in the past there were chrysanthemum pots, pickled cabbage pots, and assorted pots. Speaking of which, Japan also has sukiyaki that is similar to ours. Many ingredients are cooked together. So why can’t we restore these traditional hot pot styles? I think Japanese customers should be very receptive. What we lack is just It’s just a birth certificate with the word ‘palace’ written on it.”

"So having said that, the most important thing is that all the innovations we make must be based on evidence and history. To put it bluntly, we have to make up the lies. , so that no one can find big loopholes. So we invite experts to conduct research, and even the work of re-developing and digging out the palace menu recipes will continue. We must provide ourselves with theoretical support and sources..."

I really have to say that Ning Weimin's views on the dishes are scratching the itch of the District Service Bureau and the Temple of Heaven Garden again.

As soon as he finished speaking, the leaders of both parties couldn't wait to give their strong support.

This time it was the deputy secretary of the Temple of Heaven who spoke first.

"Young people are open-minded. Comrade Xiaoning, your suggestions are great! We old comrades are really conservative. If you hadn't reminded me, I would never have thought that the Temple of Heaven has so many advantages for hosting imperial meals. What’s particularly rare and valuable is that your ideas are not wildly fanciful, but have a certain basis in reality and are likely to be realized."

"Maybe you don't even know it. In fact, if the forest in the Temple of Heaven is related to eating, it is really not just a gimmick. Although the Temple of Heaven lacks the kind of red pine that produces edible pine nuts, hazelnuts, mushrooms, and fungus are also nonsense. It’s a bit of a lie if we want to get these things. But the Temple of Heaven is full of motherwort.”

"This plant is very useful. The young shoots can be eaten as vegetables and are called 'Asparagus'. When they grow up, the stems and leaves can be used to cook medicine. It is a medicine for treating women's diseases. The medicine cooked out is called 'Yimu' Ointment'. The seeds are also gynecological medicine and are called '躺伟子'. It is said that in the late Qing Dynasty, there were several pharmacies selling 'Yi Mu Ointment' in the Temple of Heaven, which were quite famous at the time. They were moved out of the Temple of Heaven only after the Republic of China."

At this point, the director of the Temple of Heaven took over the words and made a few additions.

"Yes, I still remember when I first came to the Temple of Heaven to work. Many people came to pick asparagus in spring to fry and eat. Or they dug motherwort and went to the drugstore to exchange money. Asparagus is tender and crispy, and the taste is quite unique. If it weren't for the fact that people were too poor at that time and dug too much, especially in the early 1960s when natural disasters occurred, the motherwort was almost exhausted and eaten up. The reputation of this thing would not have declined. But fortunately, in fact There are still some remnants, and there is still a small area of ​​motherwort in the garden. If necessary, of course we must protect it, or even develop it and plant it artificially..."

This was such an unexpected surprise that even Ning Weimin couldn't help but be moved.

He really didn't expect that he would win a big prize by accident!

But that's not all, even Director Jin of the District Service Bureau also gave him a surprise.

"Manager Ning's words are indeed inspiring, and I was a little touched. In fact, our Nancheng's culinary advantages are closely related to the imperial cuisine. Putting aside the 'explosion', this shabu-shabu is said to be The emperor invented it, but it is not clear whether it was Kublai Khan or Nurhachi, and people have different opinions. But what is certain is that "roasting" is definitely related to the palace. Because in the Qing Dynasty, nomadic peoples took over the Central Plains, regardless of the Manchus, The Mongols still have barbecues. I heard a report from "Judequan", and they also said that the technique of roasting duck in a hanging oven was passed down from the hanging oven bureau in the Qing Palace. They said that earlier, in their store I also sold roasted piglet, and some people even told me that the roasted suckling pig in the south was passed down from the roasted piglet in the north. In short, I think this barbecue can definitely be used as a palace sign... "

And this continued to stimulate the divergent thinking of the director of the Temple of Heaven, and the director added again.

"When talking about pigs, I remembered one more thing. In the name of 'sacrifice to gods', the Manchu people have a grand meat-eating convention. The meat, heads, hooves, liver, and blood sausage are cooked in one pot, and everyone who sees them eats them. Kunning Palace in the Forbidden City is the place where the royal family worships gods. Kunning Palace has two large pots, which are specially used to cook meat for gods. The meat that has been sacrificed to gods is also called blessed meat. The white meat in our casserole house is said to be the eunuch general of Kunning Palace. This business is completed by stealing and selling the inedible meat. I think we can make a fuss about this..."

After the director finished speaking, the audience immediately burst into praise.

Everyone expressed their admiration for both the director and Director Jin.

He said that the two leaders were knowledgeable and learned a lot from them.

Needless to say, the atmosphere at the scene was even more lively by this point.

So much so that Ning Weimin talked about the last item, how to advertise, how to find customers, and how to enrich the reception content.

It started to feel free to speak freely, and everyone brainstormed and came up with ideas.

Everyone not only highly recognized that Ning Weimin regarded Japanese and foreign customers in Beijing as his main targets and business breakthroughs.

Moreover, Director Jin of the District Service Bureau and Director of the Temple of Heaven also took the initiative to pat their chests and said that through their network, they would try their best to attract their respective households and familiar companies to their restaurants.

It can be said that at this time, the mental state of everyone participating in this meeting has been full of fighting spirit, turning from negative to positive, and they no longer have the backbone they had before the meeting started.

But this was still not the highlight of the meeting.

Because near the end of the recollection, Ning Weimin unexpectedly made an important statement, which once again shocked everyone and left them confused.

This kid actually claimed that in order to ensure time and progress, he hoped to start the renovation work of the Beishen Kitchen at the same time as the construction of the second floor of the North Gate of the Temple of Heaven began.

The restoration cost of 150,000 yuan can be paid in advance by the Zhai Palace Exhibition Hall. This money is not included in the operating costs of the restaurant.

If the subsequent restaurant succeeds, everyone thinks that Beishen Chef can be operated.

Then this money will be included in the investment amount of Pierre Carton Company.

Good guy, what kind of amazing skill and courage is this!

That’s 150,000! This is almost the annual profit of a medium-sized factory with several hundred employees.

No one can figure out why Ning Weimin would take such a radical action.

It was clear that his future was uncertain, yet he dared to take such a big risk.

So although it is extremely beneficial to the Temple of Heaven.

But the cadres at the Temple of Heaven couldn't help but worry about Ning Weimin.

They all advised him to be cautious and not to act on impulse, so as not to bear risks in vain and make the head office blame him.

Ning Weimin, as if his heart had been strengthened by a weight, actually smiled and said, "I'm very touched by everyone's kindness. But don't worry about me. I invested this money after careful consideration. It's not emotions. A change of attitude.”

"There is no way, our investment in this business is a bit too big. But we have to have this threshold of money, so that we can make more money in the future. And the critical time waits for no one, let me figure it out, even if it is necessary to decorate or buy equipment, One or two months. There is also staff training, ordering furniture, decorations, etc. It will be good to be able to open within half a year."

"So when we really get everyone's recognition, we can see signs of it. Maybe a year, or a year and a half will pass. By then, if we are busy repairing the Northern God Kitchen, it will be wasted for a long time. Not to mention the Northern God The renovation of the kitchen is not an ordinary project. It cannot be rushed and must be carefully crafted. If we cannot hurry up, we will ruin the original appearance of the ancient building. It is best to start breaking ground now, so as to catch up..."

His words confused everyone, why was he so sure?

So the director of the Temple of Heaven asked.

"Comrade Xiao Ning, you just decided that this restaurant can be successful? You just spent so much money without looking at it again? Let me use an analogy. I'm not saying that you don't manage it well. Just say that everything is like ours. It's going smoothly as expected. But we can't prepare for other unexpected situations. What if our superiors issue an administrative order and suddenly require us to use Beishen Kitchen for other purposes. What will we do then? Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the unexpected. Because you didn't follow the normal procedures, the 150,000 you invested upfront will be filled up in a bottomless pit. There's nothing I can do..."

Unexpectedly, Ning Weimin said, "It doesn't matter, I have confidence in my own business ability. I can take on this responsibility, and I can earn back the money for the company in just a few months. Besides, I'm just talking about you, on behalf of It wouldn't be a bad idea if Pierre Carton donated it free of charge. If that were the case, I would have contributed to the cultural preservation work. Of course, the key is that I have confidence in you. What kind of trust do we have between us? As long as you still Sitting in the Temple of Heaven, even if this happens, you will definitely find a better venue for me. Isn't it right?"

The director of the Temple of Heaven burst into laughter.

"You're too friendly and good at talking. You're not even thinking about my Nan Shen Chef, are you? Okay, let's not talk about anything else. If you can trust me so much, of course I have to trust you too. . Let’s start talking ugly. If something really goes wrong with Beishen Chef, I will never let you suffer.”

Then, the leader nodded solemnly.

"To be honest, Comrade Xiao Ning, I couldn't be more confident in your management ability. You have achieved results in all the projects we have cooperated with. You have given me great surprises every time. So I absolutely believe , if there is no big accident this time, you will definitely succeed again and satisfy all of us..."

Only then did Director Jin interject a word.

"It would be a daunting prospect to have a future career. Manager Xiao Ning, I have learned a lesson from you today. I am even more surprised by your courage in doing things. You are called to base yourself on the present and aim high."


This time everyone present agreed with what Director Jin said.

Almost everyone praised Ning Weimin for his enterprising spirit, which was interesting.

It is said that he is taller than others, farther than others, wants to be ahead of others, and runs ahead of others.

Qiao Wanlin even smiled knowingly at Ning Weimin, winked at him, and quietly gave him a thumbs up.

That means "Man, that's great."

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