National Tide 1980

Chapter 474 A smooth journey

It is said that officialdom is ruthless and shopping malls are unjust.

But whether people are in official circles or in shopping malls, they are still human beings.

As long as we are human, we have feelings, so good intentions will always be rewarded.

Ning Weimin's generous act was not in vain.

Soon, Director Tiantan and Director Jin passed on informal feedback through the mouths of their respective subordinates.

Ning Weimin didn't have to worry about the excess funds.

Although the two of them have no extra funds at their own disposal.

But since the restaurant project has been approved by the district, the district will not really let it go.

After all, the establishment of the palace-style restaurant has enriched the business operations of the district and made practical contributions and benefits to the district's economy.

If Ning Weimin was really embarrassed about the advance payment, he would not feel comfortable asking for money from the foreign boss.

In fact, you can contact the bank through the district in the name of a joint venture restaurant.

I dare not say that it is too much, but it is no problem to get a loan of 500,000 to 600,000 yuan, which is double the amount of everyone’s investment.

The only difficulty is mastering the timing and how to keep up with the opening.

The best way, of course, is to first establish a joint venture restaurant and then achieve some actual work results in order to impress the district leaders.

As long as the second floor of No. 87 is decorated a little bit.

Because as long as it can make the district leaders shine, it will build confidence in the prospects of the restaurant business.

It is believed that the completion of this palace-style restaurant will not only bring economic benefits, but also enhance the image of the district.

Naturally, they will take the initiative to say hello to banks and ask them to lend money to support the construction of key projects in the area.

The repayment period and interest rate can definitely be set more loosely.

As long as the restaurant has customers and can really make a profit, there won't be much pressure to repay the money.

Even if necessary, as long as the business data is acceptable, additional loans can be continued.

Ning Weimin couldn't help but be filled with emotion when he heard these words coming back.

Only then did I suddenly realize that I was still limited.

He used to believe that only foreign-funded enterprises with strong capital were wealthy. In this era, state-owned enterprises, especially state agencies, were all poor and poor.

Only now do I realize that I am a poor boy with short-sighted eyes, and I don’t understand the darkness of night at all during the day.

In fact, as long as he is a biological son of a state-owned enterprise and can cry twice, he can be nurtured and nourished by the "milk" of "Yangma".

As the old saying goes, the palms and backs of your hands are all flesh.

The only unsatisfactory thing about the units with the prefix "国" is that they don't know where to use the money and how to use it.

Often, babies drink milk in vain and fail to grow well, which is a complete waste of this "mother's love".

So there is no need to doubt anything. If the three of them can cooperate, it is really a great thing to join forces and achieve mutual benefit.

It’s exciting just to think about using foreign capital’s brains and methods to operate state-owned resources for profit.

How could their restaurant have rivals, and how could they not make a fortune?

Therefore, Ning Weimin felt a heartache even when he recalled the process of starting from scratch in his previous life.

Because it was a thrilling journey of accumulating capital step by step, working hard to expand operations, tightening the belt to save, and taking risks with various illegal high-interest loans.

It’s so wronged and so painful.

To put it bluntly, he used to make money on his own and then save money one by one to accumulate capital. That was the stupidest and stupidest way.

The method of raising funds from private individuals in the past made him deeply realize that it can drive people to death.

It is not good to borrow money from a trust company. The interest rate is too high and it can easily drive someone to death.

The only way to borrow money from a bank is to have more debt and less worries and urgency.

Apart from anything else, Guangchong can borrow money in the name of a joint venture restaurant.

In the future, if you want to turn to lending to yourself or even to others, it will be enough to make you fat.

Ning Weimin realized it and was sincerely happy about it.

But good things have just begun. Then we will go through the relevant business procedures for this joint venture restaurant, and that will be smooth sailing.

Policy difficulties that are often encountered when going through procedures for an enterprise.

Just because they are in the name of Temple of Heaven Park and the District Service Bureau, they are completely immune.

Their joint venture restaurant enjoys the treatment of a direct descendant of a state-owned enterprise.

Wherever people go, doors open.

Not only the industrial and commercial license, trademark registration, bank account, and catering hygiene license were all obtained smoothly.

Even the most valuable foreign-related reception qualification, with the care of the district government, can only be obtained by going to the tourism bureau and stamping it.

There are no difficulties or obstacles at all. It’s almost just a matter of saying hello on the phone.

As long as the people from the operations team go there, they can just take the procedures back and that's it.

Of course, Ning Weimin is a sensible person, so how could he miss such a great opportunity to expand his network?

So he took all the responsibility for the things he could have done by letting his subordinates do errands.

And wherever you go, you will be invited, and wherever you go, you will be delivered.

So after running for half a month, he basically made friends at every government office related to business in the district.

These people also appreciate his humor and informed expression.

It was even because of this that he was able to obtain the trademark registration procedures for his "Playboy" clothing.

Originally, Ning Weimin had already filled out the forms related to trademark registration procedures and submitted them.

But since he has no name or status, how can he be taken seriously?

Ning Weimin himself knew very well that if he could not find a chance to have a good chat with the person in charge at the wine table, this matter would not be done at all.

But the person in charge of this matter at the Industrial and Commercial Bureau was too busy and had no time to talk to him, so he could only wait slowly.

It turned out that this was a good thing, with the prefix "国", it also fulfilled his personal convenience.

When he went to get the formalities, it was completely impromptu and he mentioned it to the section chief.

As a result, without saying a word, they asked the people below to find out the registration application and it was approved.

Well, it’s so fun to do special things.

If he had to do this alone, he might not be able to do it in half a year.

But it only takes five minutes to take advantage of the public convenience.

Any extra second is an insult to others' work speed.

And even if you still have to invite the meal afterwards, the cigarettes and alcohol must also be delivered, and the meaning is completely different.

Because this is no longer about who is begging for the other, but it has become a human relationship of equal status.

For this reason, Ning Weimin even secretly regretted it.

He said to himself, it would be great if Kang Shude's Ma's Garden was in Chongwen District.

Then he might be able to find the right way to get the house back from his master by taking advantage of the joint venture in the restaurant.

It doesn't matter even if I don't come back directly.

He can also use the power of the public to move away the owners who occupy the house in the name of using the house as a restaurant.

If we let the restaurant move after a few years, won't it be difficult to talk about their internal affairs?

This is called the plan of pretending to be public for personal gain, and Li Daitao being deadlocked.

It's a pity that the house is in Dongcheng, so he is beyond his reach...

But having said that, there is still nothing that can be done about the house.

But after all, there is still a lot of light and advantage he can take advantage of.

Because don't forget, Ning Weimin can still make purchases in the name of a joint venture restaurant.

Apart from that, a few pieces of antique porcelain are also needed to prop up the facade.

No matter what, there must be some real things in the store, and there cannot be no decent gadgets.

And if he asked the ceramics factory in the area to bake customized tableware with the words on it for the restaurant, it would be best if he had a way to explain it clearly.

Well, in the past, like Wangfujing and Liulichang, these two "inner cabinets" were only open to cadres of a certain level, and Ning Weimin made bulk purchases.

He bought as much as he wanted, and while buying for the public, he also bought for himself.

And you can also go into other people’s warehouses to look at them and select the best products to buy.

It’s completely different from the past, when you had to borrow a press pass to buy a few items.

Even the cultural relics store was embarrassed to raise the price and would give him the biggest discount. It had to be cheaper than others.

Even if you take the stuff first and give the money later!

Why? Why is Ning Weimin so proud? Do you actually have such a privilege?

Hey, to be honest, it's not that he has a lot of face.

The same reason is due to the background of the joint venture restaurant.

You know, the cultural relics company owes a huge favor to the Temple of Heaven Park.

In order to do business with foreigners and earn more foreign exchange, Liulichang Cultural Street has been undergoing gradual and orderly renovation since 1980, striving to restore the style of the ancient cultural street as soon as possible.

For this reason, the Cultural Relics Company has only temporarily moved its three stores, Yunguzhai, Baoguzhai and Qingyuntang, to Tiantan Park for business.

Judging from the current progress of the project, several stores will have to stay in Tiantan for at least another year.

Speaking of which, Temple of Heaven Park has helped the cultural relics company a lot.

Without their style and enthusiastic help in planning and layout, these stores would have gone out of business or been merged.

Now, in turn, the "benefactor" who allowed these shops wants to buy something from the cultural relics company.

Can the cultural relics company still take care of it? That makes sense.

So Ning Weimin really just copied it.

What he picked up was definitely enough to make all domestic collectors in this era envious.

For example, a Yongzheng official kiln pastel bowl originally cost RMB 350 after he discounted it in the store.

In other words, you can buy it for 280 yuan, and it must be of relatively good quality.

If there is a "collapse" or "charge" or something is wrong, the original price of 100 yuan may be 80 yuan or 60 yuan, which can be given to him.

Something like this would cost tens of millions in the future.

You may not necessarily buy something in very good condition, but that is really different.

What about "Jia Dao"? Of course it's a bit worse, basically dozens of yuan lower than the ones from "Yongqian".

The official kilns of "Tongguang" are even cheaper.

The 23cmx7cm plate is only 200, the 16cmx7cm is 100, the 10cmx5cm is 40, and the 8cmx3cm is 15.

As for "Guangmin", even big items only cost upwards of fifty.

There is no doubt that for Ning Weimin, this is the time to buy things from the inner cabinets of the cultural relics store.

It felt like when he used Huo Xin's relationship to go to the library of another museum and buy tens of thousands of modern calligraphy and paintings in one go.

It feels like entering the legendary treasure mountain, and the eyes are full of golden goodies, and you can take them as you please.

Fortunately, his heart was fine, otherwise he would have died suddenly due to being too excited.

So Ning Weimin is still polite? Of course it’s a one-stop purchase.

"Hey, this pair of general jars with yellow ground and blue and white flowers is from the Yongzheng period. The color matches the decoration style of Fanzhuangzi. I want it!"

"Hey, that big vase with yellow ground and pastel colors, it's from the Qianlong period. It's elegant enough to be placed in a corner of the restaurant. I want it!"

"Huh? This is bright blue and white. This... the color is not suitable. It is neither bright yellow nor peacock blue, nor peacock green. It's a mistake for Fanzhuang to keep it. Then... consider it a personal purchase for me!"

"Ouch... This large peacock blue glaze plate from Wanli in the Ming Dynasty is so beautiful. It is suitable for Fanzhuangzi... But... from the Ming Dynasty? Forget it, let it be mine. If the public wants such a good thing, it would be such a waste. ah……"

Well, countless psychological activities and mental activities are just moving in Ning Weimin's heart.

He had to buy enough of the restaurant's belongings, and he also had to fatten himself up.

All in all, this kid has quickly become a human-shaped abacus, a small computer made of flesh.

He was so happy that he couldn't stop thinking about Shu. This job made him so beautiful that he almost had wings.

Of course, Ning Weimin is not the only lucky person in this world.

At the same time in Jinmen, Wang Dadong, who had already opened his first joint venture restaurant, also felt extremely satisfied and happy because of his partner with the prefix Guo.

Wang Dadong has rich experience in fast food operations, so from the moment he set foot in the mainland, he clearly realized that the investment environment in the Republic was still far from perfect.

Working in the food service industry in the Republic is not something you can do alone.

It is simply unimaginable for a small private investment company like his to engage in catering investment.

After all, the capital investment is too large and all aspects involved are too wide. It is necessary to ensure that no major unexpected risks occur in all links.

The only way out is to cooperate with the government and use the government's credit as an endorsement, so as to ensure that the restaurant can operate stably.

And now he has achieved great success because of his wise choices.

Thanks to the protection of his partners with the prefix Guo, his Orchid Flower Restaurant has become the most prosperous restaurant in the Quanyechang area in less than a year since its opening.

Dances are held every night at Huizhong Hotel, National Hotel, Oriental Hotel, Youth Palace, Federation of Trade Unions Club, Peking Opera Troupe Three, Bayi Auditorium, etc.

People who go to dance in these places basically go to Orchid Flower Restaurant for dinner before going.

Therefore, most of the people in Hu Jihua Restaurant are fashionable young people, and it is very recognized and sought after by young people.

Some people even made a special trip to Orchid Flower Fast Food Restaurant to hold a wedding, and the wedding banquet ordered was a set meal.

In fact, this restaurant can receive more than 2,500 guests every day with 98 seats, and its daily revenue exceeds 10,000 yuan.

Wang Dadong has completely recovered the US$200,000 invested in opening the restaurant.

Any money you make after that is profit.

But now in his restaurant, not only the food prices have increased.

It also launched the most eye-catching "Foreign Devil Chicken Leg Set", which is still popular even if it costs 9.9 yuan a piece.

Therefore, when Wang Dadong contacted Zhao Hanyu in the United States, he firmly supported Zhao Hanyu and Mi Xiaoran's move to move out of home and live independently, and encouraged them to let Mi Xiaoran take English lessons first and then go to college as planned.

He even said that he would call his sister soon to communicate about this and speak for them to resolve family conflicts.

Because he also has selfish motives. We really need Mi Xiaoran to return from his studies so that he can return to China to help him. The market in the Republic is too big and too tempting.

Now he is full of energy and wants to do something big.

His goal is to become the fast food king of the Republic and seize the market opportunity.

The scale of the company must be as large as, or even surpassed by, his old employer, Gnawing Chicken.

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