National Tide 1980

Chapter 496 Dragon Slaying Sword

What does it mean to be a good person among good people?

That is a person who is loyal to others, helps others to the end, and sends Buddha to the West.

Who are the people who really want to help you?

That is the person who takes the initiative to help you mount your horse and then gives you a ride.

"Zhang Dashao" is such a person. Although he has a perverse temperament, he is someone who looks down upon him.

If you really have the right temper, you will definitely be able to do whatever he promises without leakage.

This old man not only gave Ning Weimin two unique ways to make money, but also explained to him what real palace cuisine was. He also created a unique palace menu for him.

In the end, he even took advantage of his own favor and found Ning Weimin someone who could cook these dishes.

There were three chefs introduced to Ning Weimin by the old man.

The first one was his colleague at the "Polar Bear", Master Pang Zengtai Pang, who was in his fifties and was the full-time cook with a first-level salary in the staff cafeteria.

Don't look at it, Master Pang was born as a "Kouzi Chef" and was trained by "Kouzi Meng" in Lam Gan City.

After the public-private partnership in 1957, he switched to a formal job in a canteen again, but he did not only cook rough dishes for weddings and weddings.

Just because he had an old relationship with "Zhang Dashao", he was the one who introduced "Zhang Dashao" to "Polar Bear" in the first place.

Over the years, he has already learned a lot from "Zhang Dashao" through daily work and asking for advice.

Among them is the palace pork dish suitable for formal banquets.

In addition, he works for the welfare of everyone. In recent years, he has been leading many of his chefs to earn extra money by doing "greenhouse running" jobs.

So no matter from the perspective of experience or manpower deployment, it is safe for Ning Weimin to ask him for help.

To put it bluntly, Master Pang has plenty of manpower and a comprehensive grasp of the business. They are all gang leaders who can immediately mount their guns and mount their horses for actual combat. They will never be able to get into trouble.

And with their participation, it can be very effective in preventing the chefs sent from Fangshan and Tingli Restaurant from becoming dominant in one specialty.

To prevent the chef from neglecting Ning Weimin and denying him a good job.

Especially considering that after the Beishen Kitchen is repaired in the future, Ning Weimin plans to operate it according to Leng Zhuangzi's method.

There is also room for more long-term and extensive cooperation between them.

So for Ning Weimin, having this helper is really suitable for him.

In turn, it is also a good thing for Master Pang.

Not to mention that Ning Weimin was very generous with money in order to satisfy "Zhang Dashao".

He offered to give him 100 yuan for two meals a day for eight people each time, which was much more affordable than working in a greenhouse.

If the salary is really less, even lower than what he earns by running a greenhouse, then he will be very happy.

Because I was working for Ning Weimin in the indoor kitchen.

The environment is good, the house is well-equipped, and there is no need to build a stove or prepare it in advance. It is much more convenient and comfortable than playing with a large spoon in a temporary earth stove greenhouse.

And the most important thing is that you no longer have to earn extra money only on weekends.

He can make money almost every day, which allows his brothers to benefit from the rain and dew equally, and more people get more benefits.

He no longer has to cause constant internal conflicts like in the past when he would take someone with him or not because there were more wolves and less meat.

Therefore, whether it is for Ning Weimin or Master Pang, "Zhang Dashao" brings them together, which is a good thing that complements each other.

As this middleman, there is absolutely no choice.

As for the second person "Zhang Dashao" introduced to Ning Weimin, he was Master Ai, the only direct disciple of Hu Baozhen, the founder of halal roast duck, who worked at the halal restaurant "You Yishun".

Speaking of the difference between this halal roast duck and ordinary roast duck, it is actually quite big.

One, the halal roast duck is big and full of flavor.

The halal roast duck uses the standard "Beijing White Duck" that is produced for 120 days. Each duck embryo weighs more than three kilograms.

The meat should be sliced ​​into three large plates, at least one and a half kilograms.

The meat is leaner, not so tender, but has a duck flavor.

Second, the unique trick of the halal roasting method is that the duck must first remove the lymph nodes (that is, the dates).

And special spices must be sealed in the duck's belly, so that the roasted duck will not be fishy at all.

To be halal, you have to be clean.

Third, halal roast duck is very traditional.

Roasting is based on the traditional method of blowing air into the duck before roasting. This is to foam the fat and separate the skin and meat.

Bake it in the oven for about fifteen minutes, and the oil will come out from the hair holes, which is equivalent to self-frying, so as to ensure crispyness.

In addition, when eating, take off the skin from the duck breast and give each guest a piece to taste.

Because it is very crispy, it must be eaten while it is hot, otherwise the oil will come out when it is cold.

Moreover, the lotus leaf cake of the "Halal Roast Duck" is also freshly baked. Although you can't read the newspaper through it, it is soft.

Only with this kind of roll can you get the crispiness of roast duck.

In short, the halal roast duck is definitely not an indispensable process.

Even when grilling with jujube wood, in case the aroma is not enough, plump red dried jujubes must be thrown in to aid the combustion.

It can be said that in terms of details and taste, Halal Roast Duck has a more refined pursuit than "Bianbi Fang" and "Judequan".

Therefore, only such a superior roast duck technique can be worthy of the grade and pomp that a palace dish should have.

Otherwise, why would "Zhang Dashao" make a special trip to recommend it to Ning Weimin?

Then it would be better for him to go directly to the local roast duck chef to save his worries.

But then again, Master Ai agreed to work for half a year and teach Ning Weimin two people who could pass the roast duck because of the favor of "Zhang Dashao".

You know, Master Ai is about to retire in August and has already received an invitation letter from the United Nations to go abroad.

If you want, and you have completed the retirement procedures, you can directly go abroad to earn US dollars.

There is no need to fight with Ning Weimin.

Needless to say, Ning Weimin couldn't give him less if he was serious about it.

No matter what, I had to show sincerity in terms of remuneration, so I offered five hundred yuan a month.

Unexpectedly, Master Ai has the same temperament as "Zhang Dashao". This old man also accepts death and does not take money seriously.

He refused to accept anything no matter what, and said that if he took so much, it would not be a favor, but an invitation to pay for money.

If the nature of the help changes, then he won't go.

So with the help of "Zhang Dashao", the monthly price of 200 yuan was finally agreed upon.

However, because he is getting older, Master Ai requires more rest time.

Ning Weimin was very considerate of this and agreed that the master could work one day and have one day off outside of weekends.

In this way, the matter is completely settled and there is no longer any dispute.

Speaking of the last chef invited, he has a greater background than the first two.

Because that was Chang Jing, a well-known female chef in the catering industry in Beijing.

As the only female chef in Beijing who has won the title of "Top Ten Chefs in the Country", this old lady, who is over 60 this year, is simply a legend of constant self-improvement.

Ning Weimin was surprised after just a cursory understanding.

When she was twelve years old, Chang Jing joined Qinxing to make a living. She had no formal qualifications to become an apprentice and was only assigned to do chores such as chopping vegetables, washing, and brushing.

As a result, I secretly observed the cooking methods of the master chefs in the kitchen, bought some raw materials and seasonings after get off work, and practiced tirelessly at home.

Gradually, she was able to cook pretty well by stealing from others.

You can even add your own ideas and come up with some new tricks.

After the founding of the Republic, Chang Jing simply opened a Kangle restaurant with several unemployed women, mainly by herself. At that time, Kang Le Restaurant was very small, with only three tables.

However, with the "eight famous dishes" such as "Peach Blossom Pan" and "Emerald Soup" created by herself, Chang Jing managed to make a name for herself and made Kangle become the famous "Three Tables Restaurant" in the capital.

It is even famous overseas because of its outstanding dishes, which have been praised by many well-known domestic and foreign media in articles.

Then it became bigger and stronger. Within a few years, Kangle expanded and developed and became a well-known specialty restaurant in Beijing.

From a handyman who "stealed his master's skills" to a famous female celebrity chef, such a self-respecting, self-reliant and self-reliant life is worthy of respect in itself.

Not to mention that this old lady just went to Japan in the first half of this year and won the gold medal in the cooking competition.

To be honest, Ning Weimin didn't even dare to think about getting such a person to help him.

This is a truly international celebrity chef.

What's more, he no longer cooks at Kang Le Restaurant. He was rehired as a technical manager and is responsible for training the backbone of chefs.

Why should people give him a spoon? What virtues and abilities does he have?

Unexpectedly, after another word from "Zhang Dashao", Chef Chang Jing agreed without even declining.

He said that when the restaurant opened, he would provide flowers, fruits and vegetables for Ning Weimin, and give each other peach blossoms and jade soup.

And in terms of remuneration, he was also very disappointed.

Because even though Chef Chang Jing can only come and help for three months, he can only help with one meal a day.

But compared to the price of 200 yuan a month, it's a great deal.

And this is the limit that people are willing to accept.

What he told him was the same as Master Ai, helping him was not to make money.

If you give it any higher, people won’t come.

No problem, Ning Weimin is not a fool, he understands that all these benefits and benefits were brought to him by "Zhang Dashao".

So in the final analysis, if he wanted to repay the favor, he had to use his brains on "Zhang Dashao".

But the problem is, this old man has a bad temper, but he also seems to have everything. How should he repay it?

And the most strange thing is, as a canteen cook, why does this old man have such a great reputation in Qinxing?

This is becoming more and more mysterious and unusual!

As for Pu'er, who commands the world and no one dares to disobey him, he is much better than Stephen Chow as the God of Cookery!

Those who don’t know better think that what the old man holds in his hand every day is not a kitchen knife, but a dragon-slaying sword...

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