National Tide 1980

Chapter 504 Unique

An era has the characteristics of an era, and an era has the attributes of an era.

Because our country and society have different needs for material culture in different historical periods and stages.

Therefore, the economic value of all things in this world tends to fluctuate with time, rather than remaining unchanged for a long time.

Some things will be overvalued, while others will be undervalued, and the rise and fall of prices will inevitably go to extremes.

Similarly, due to changes in the times, new things that better meet needs will inevitably be invented and created, and old things that have existed for thousands of years will be gradually forgotten by people.

Speaking of the sorrow of the world, it is precisely that we can never grasp this dizzying change, but we are often troubled by it.

As a result, many people are like a bear breaking a stick, making the mistake of chasing the rise and killing the fall, and making stupid things like buying high and selling low.

But conversely, for the time travelers who know the changes in the world in advance.

This is undoubtedly obvious at a glance, and it is a pitfall that is very easy to avoid.

For example, Ning Weimin will not follow the crowd and praise others.

Nor do they follow fashion, preferring the new and hating the old.

Instead, he has the ability to have a sharp eye.

He can tell almost at a glance whether a person or thing's economic value is underestimated by society and whether it has growth potential in the future.

So in this era, how can you prevent the money you spend from depreciating and still get a lot of value-added returns?

How to spend one dollar to get the effect of ten or one hundred dollars has become this boy's unique advantage over others.

Take No. 87, Tiantan North Road, which he built as an example.

Even though the initial start-up capital was only 600,000 yuan, the amount of investment was not as good as the "Orchid Flower" fast food restaurant opened by Wang Dadong in Tianjin.

Even if the money he spent on buying things during this process was taken into account with the 500,000 yuan loan recently granted to him by the district, it was only over 1 million.

The capital investment of Zhenlu is still far away from the Maxim restaurant that Pierre Cardin spent US$1.5 million to replicate in Beijing.

But just because he knows how to use his strengths and avoid weaknesses.

Save money only on industrial products. No electrical appliances or kitchen utensils are imported. Even the cold storage is only made with low-profile home-made methods.

In turn, no expense is spared in investing in artistic taste and thoughtful service.

Give full play to the advantages of low labor costs and sluggish art industry in China.

So in essence, the quality of this restaurant is really not low.


Ning Weimin no longer needs to run it in the future. The restaurant he opened today is a place that is not inferior to the museum in terms of artistic taste.

There is culture everywhere and scenery everywhere.

As for enjoyment, he restored the life of the palace aristocrats of the old era as effectively as possible.

People today not only look novel, but also find it doubly interesting after understanding the humanistic knowledge and historical origins contained in it.

Speaking of which, it actually provides a more vivid form of experience than the ordinary museum.

So this can be said to be a special kind of luxury that can only be created in the current special era.

Not to mention the fast food restaurants that completely crushed Wang Dadong.

Even compared to Maxim Restaurant, which brought Parisian style to the Republic, it still doesn't give in.

Even if we wait until thirty years later, we can look at the economic gains.

The restaurant founded by Ning Weimin will definitely become more unique and outstanding than it is now.

Because the equipment of any restaurant has depreciation and loss, but the art can continue to appreciate.

Just the utensils, porcelain, palace lanterns, calligraphy and paintings, furniture ordered by Ning Weimin for the restaurant, as well as the yellow and blue antique porcelain worth tens of thousands of yuan bought in the cultural relics store.

By then, if the investment in the entire restaurant is converted into monetary value, it will have increased in value by at least several hundred million.

The depreciation of equipment over the years is not worth mentioning if it can be earned back just by the increased value of a few gadgets.

It can be said that even before it opens for business, it has won at the starting line and is destined to make a lot of money.

This does not include the household items that Ning Weimin bought with his own money to make up for the restaurant's lack of funds and temporarily borrowed them for the restaurant's use.

Otherwise, the actual value of this restaurant will have to be increased several times, and it may be estimated to be worth one billion.

Among other things, the pavilion in the vestibule, which is made of various precious wooden fragments, falls into this category.

The remnants of red sandalwood, red rosewood, and wenge wood from the palace furniture would have fetched over 100 million yuan at least if they had been auctioned thirty years later.

It is conceivable that such a restaurant, even without modern electrical appliances, marble floors, imported boards, and crystal lamps, still has an aura of wealth and taste that stands out.

So, thanks to Zou Guodong who also received the invitation and came to the restaurant earlier than Song Huagui.

At this time, he took the initiative to greet Song Huagui from the restaurant and took over the task of accompanying Song Huagui from Ning Weimin. He was almost inadvertently helping Song Huagui get out of trouble.

Otherwise, if he were to enter the restaurant accompanied by Ning Weimin next time, the general manager would inevitably feel at a loss for words in front of Ning Weimin.

Because there are so many things to boast about in the restaurant, it is more exciting than outside. It is really good in both big and small ways.

Song Huagui is not a cross talk artist, she doesn't have the ability to perform "Praising the House" on the spot.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing just to look at surprise and not be able to express appropriate praise?

This is no exaggeration at all.

You know, even though Song Huagui has long traveled with her husband to various European countries, filmed movies on the Oriental Train, visited major famous museums, and is still a literary elite active in various well-known art activities.

But because he was born under the red flag, he grew up in a difficult and simple environment.

Without seeing it, it was difficult for her to imagine what real palace wealth was like, and how luxurious and extravagant a Chinese restaurant could be.

For example, she did not expect that the portraits of the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties and the mural "Purple Light Pavilion Giving a Banquet" at the entrance of the restaurant were just the beginning.

In the restaurant, the style of exquisite painting decoration is implemented to the end. Almost every main wall has murals copying ancient paintings.

"Emperor Qianlong's Recreation in the Palace", "Hongli's Recreation in Ancient Costumes", "Emperor Qianlong's Recreation in Years", "Emperor Qianlong's Recreation in the Lantern Festival"...

The subject matter is clear and orderly, and the painting skills are exquisite and delicate.

What's more, these paintings with extremely high levels of imitation are not isolated.

In front of the main wall of all murals, there are almost always long tables, altar tables, flower tables, and many exquisite porcelain and ornaments.

The main colors are bright yellow and peacock blue.

What a brilliant and elegant style, it shows royal splendor without falling into the cliché of red and yellow.

To be honest, among all the paintings, the most astonishing one is the six-meter-wide and three-meter-high main wall in the innermost area of ​​the restaurant.

The "Picture of Fortune, Luxury, Longevity, Joy", which is quite large in size, turns out to be the work of Huang Zhou, a well-known contemporary painter, according to the inscription.

And the most amazing thing is that under the picture there are four large pots and bowls placed at the left and right ends that match the meaning of the picture.

Gourds, grapes, peaches, pomegranates...each one of them is full of fruits, with luxuriant flowers and leaves, smooth and round, and extremely gorgeous.

And they are all placed in large pastel flower pots with bright yellow backgrounds, at least two meters high. They are festive, auspicious and very impressive.

This painting and this scene can fully exert its town-wow effect and become the core of the layout of the individual guest area of ​​the hall.

But when it comes to the most novel, unique and eye-catching part of the entire hall, this wall cannot be mentioned.

Because on the other end of this wall, near the exit of the restaurant, a stage performance area with a modern design concept is the most eye-catching.

If not for anything else, just because above this performance area is a pavilion roof composed of seventy-one pieces of wood.

But it does not rely on pillars for support, it is completely suspended in mid-air by steel wires.

There is also stage lighting under the roof of the pavilion, as well as a guzheng and a pipa.

On the basis of ensuring functionality, it perfectly interprets the unity and harmony of classical and modern times.

But in terms of sophistication, this stage has to be defeated again.

Because in the individual guest hall, there are two long tables covered with bright yellow tablecloths.

It is filled with all kinds of food-themed utensils, fruits, bionic porcelain, tableware, tableware, hand stoves, and palace lanterns.

It looked like a buffet table filled with all kinds of delicacies.

These kinds of things are the most exquisite.

Even if it happens again, it will be the turn of the floor-standing covers that serve as private room doors.

The so-called floor cover is a carved hardwood partition between houses, not a partition fan. There is a door on the partition, and when it is closed tightly, there are two rooms.

The floor cover is transparent and just a symbol of partition.

And this kind of thing is perfect as a parcel partition, because there are many carving styles, it is airy and unique, and it is completely natural.

Let’s not talk about anything else, let’s just talk about the “squirrel grapes”. Eighteen little squirrels are vividly hiding in the vines full of grapes.

This flexibility and vividness are no less impressive than the one used by the emperor in Shufangzhai of the Forbidden City.

In addition, there are several flower stands with ice basins standing under the ceiling fans in the hall, and the cold air that moves with the wind floats in the hall with the smell of jasmine in the ice basins.

In each private room, there is a plate of pineapple or a plate of sand fruit, emitting a fresh and pleasant fruity fragrance.

In short, everything in this restaurant, which is interspersed with Chinese classical furnishings and full of luxury, is out of order.

Anyone who walks in will be attracted by hundreds of precious works of art and antiques, palace lanterns, bookshelves, guzheng, and elegant curtains.

Look at the busy waiters in the restaurant wearing coats and cheongsams, who look like figures from the Republic of China.

This environment alone is enough to bring people into the aristocratic life of wealth and leisure that once existed in history.

"This kid is really capable of doing things. To tell you the truth, I was shocked when I came to take a look."

Zou Guodong couldn't help but sigh like this when he accompanied Song Huagui for almost a circle.

The main reason was that he was doubting something in his heart and had to ask for clarification.

"Mr. Song, are you a little too partial to him? How much money did you give him later?"

"What... do you mean by this?" Song Huagui didn't understand.

"Hey, don't hide it from me. His restaurant has created such a big scene, it's almost as big as the French restaurant you supervised. Without your financial assistance, how could he have accomplished this with only his 200,000 yuan?" What does it look like? The other two companies can’t pay more than us, right?”

"Besides, I've seen his kitchen, and it occupies almost an entire square meter. Just like the layout of your Maxim restaurant, the ratio of kitchen area to business area is close to one to one. Look at his place again There are also more men than women among the waiters. Isn’t this what you taught him privately? "

"I'm not saying that you shouldn't give him a hand, but the key point is that he runs a Chinese restaurant. All the money is spent on these works of art. Can it really make money? It's just a Chinese meal. People really come to such a good place to enjoy it. What? If nothing else, I’m dizzy when I look at the prices on his menu. With my monthly salary, I can’t hold a few tables here? I’m really afraid that he’s flashy. You’ve given me too much money, and you’ll probably charge I won’t come back…”

Song Huagui shook his head silently and was in a daze for a while before answering.

"You misunderstood. I really didn't approve any more money for him. I didn't expect that he could create such a big situation on his own with limited funds. I didn't even teach him how to run a restaurant. If his kitchen area is really As you said, I am also very surprised. Maybe... this can only be said that our deputy manager of the operation department has a strong understanding! And this is his style, which will always surprise you, and you will never guess who he is. What kind of surprise can it bring you. So I am not worried about his management..."

Just then, there was an unexpected episode.

Fortunately, the two waiters came to serve tea to Song Huagui after being ordered by Ning Weimin.

It is different from Zou Guodong who only has a cup of jasmine tea.

In addition to a cup of orchid tea, Song Huagui also had a plate of Yuluchun and a plate of grape paste to enjoy.

This is all special treatment given by Ning Weimin out of respect for his leadership or respect for women.

And the two waiters also gave a special introduction.

He said that these two items are special court tea dishes that can only be found in restaurants, and he hoped Song Huagui would give more opinions.

After they left, Song Huagui couldn't help but praise it as soon as he tasted it, and even let Zou Guodong taste it too.

After Zou Guodong tasted it for a few sips, he was stunned and thought about the taste for a while before speaking.

"Hey, I can't help but talk about everything. Now I kind of understand why you insisted on promoting him and made such arrangements for him. It's exactly what you said! There are still geniuses in this world!"

"It's surprising that a piece of pastry and a little bit of candied fruit can produce such a unique and delicious taste! It's really evil! His dishes must be able to match the level of tea food! I can understand his business confidence. After all, where you eat depends on the taste of the food.”

"But I...why do I feel so illusory? This guy is only in his early twenties? He is not a god? How can he be proficient in everything? This kind of gap between people is too illogical..."

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