National Tide 1980

Chapter 51: Opening the Ladle

In Ning Weimin's heart, he has picked up a "leak" today, that's for sure.

But he didn't know how big this "leak" was.

Especially seeing that Kang Shude was so abnormal, he must not be able to restrain his curiosity.

So on the way, I couldn't wait to inquire.

"I said, old man, what good things did you see today? How many of them are there? Are you so afraid of buying 'explosion'? And you've got everything covered..."

Kang Shude laughed and said in a slightly teasing tone.

"Don't tell me, you kid is using your brain. You also know that I am afraid of buying 'explosion'. Okay, you are the ingredients for this bowl of rice. If you want to have some real knowledge in your belly, you really have no choice..."

Such an answer is not what the question was asked. Isn’t that an intentional attempt to make a circle?

Ning Weimin immediately became impatient.

"Oh, thank you. Can you stop being so stubborn and trying to sell yourself to me?"

"I can tell you, I haven't eaten anything since morning. If you do this again, I will lose my energy."

"When I lose my energy, I lose the energy to pedal. Not only is it bumpy, but it's also slow."

"If the thing you are holding is damaged in some way, or if it is too late for you to go back to work, don't blame me."

Hey, the threat was still effective, and Kang Shude immediately changed his tune.

"Are you kidding me? OK, I'm afraid of you. Since you want to know, I'll tell you."

"The ghost market has just opened, and there are so many good things. Today, we are very lucky. We really bought something 'big and beautiful', and it's not just one or two items."

"Those three pieces of porcelain are from wealthy families. Don't worry about the seller's uncertainty, in fact, all of them are really good things. That's why I designed such a play."

Hearing this, Ning Weimin was really overjoyed and couldn't help but cheer.

"Oh, there are three pieces! Are those three pieces treasures?"

"That's right, I can't 'eyeball'", Kang Shude was extremely confident, but there was good news later.

"This isn't the end yet. Didn't you listen to what that kid said? The two axes are also products from a wealthy family. How can you know if there are any good things in them? I guess they are close, but I have to go back to find out. La."

"I didn't open it to look at it because I was afraid that the noise would be too loud and attract others. Since there were those three things there, what else could I look at? I just walked away. Isn't that right?"

This was really unexpected. Ning Weimin couldn't help but ask questions after hearing this.

"Then... So, the faults you just picked on him were all lies? I heard that what you said was very clear. Not to mention that kid was so convinced, I thought it was true. It was perfect!"

Speaking of this, Kang Shude became even more enlightened and explained various tricks to Ning Weimin with great satisfaction.

"Hey, you can't just make up lies. It all depends on guessing people's hearts and real knowledge."

"Let's talk about people's hearts first. That kid can list all the things on his stall, which proves that his level is limited and he can't distinguish between true and false. Otherwise, one good thing is enough. How can he put three of them in one place? Where is the item?"

"Think about it again, what does it mean that he can take the initiative to sell the blue and white plum vase to me? It means that he is not sure. Otherwise, who wouldn't keep this good thing and wait for the big buyer? Why give it to my peers? I am. Only by spotting his ambiguity can we prescribe the right medicine to demote him."

"In addition, the words are spoken by both sides. As the saying goes, the truth is also false, and the false is also true. Just like the masters of forgery, they all understand that only by manipulating the truth can they confuse people."

"For example, it is true that I said that the big families have failed. But if you think about it, how many of them have not failed now? It would be strange to say that this is not accurate."

"Just looking at the goods in his stall, we can prove two points. First, what this wealthy family left behind is high-quality goods. Second, the old man in the family is gone, and the things are treated as junk by the ignorant juniors."

At this point, the old man has finished talking about psychology, and will continue to teach professional knowledge.

"There is also the colorful bowl and the blue and white plum vase I mentioned. The colorful bowl is indeed not real. But the blue and white plum vase is from the Kangxi official kiln. The paintings on the bottle are dead branches, flowers and birds, and the painting style is unique and very exciting."

"Yes, sparseness is true of the painting style of the Republic of China, but the finishing touch is that the bird on the plum vase rolls its eyes. That look is clearly the characteristic of Zhu Da, the Badashanren."

"Who is Zhu Da? He is a descendant of the Ming Dynasty and came from a noble family. He was born during the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty. His heart was unbalanced, so he expressed his dissatisfaction with society in his paintings, and it was concentrated in the animals he painted. As for the eyes. The deer, fish, and birds he painted were all eye-rolling. It was done deliberately, not because the painter was not good enough."

"In addition, the Chenghua inscription is also key. Kangxi's early porcelain rarely had inscriptions on it. The reason is that Kangxi believed that porcelain had inscriptions on it, and if it was broken, it would be unlucky and he was not allowed to write on it."

"But there is a special phenomenon on many Kangxi porcelains, where a large amount of sustenance is written. For example, it is written 'Xuande Year System of the Ming Dynasty', 'Chenghua Year System of the Ming Dynasty', and 'Jiajing Year System of the Ming Dynasty'. These three dynasties wrote The most. That’s right.”

And just as Ning Weimin nodded frequently and remembered secretly,

Kang Shude also did not forget to point out the flaws in human nature related to today's matter.

Use it as a negative teaching material to warn your disciples.

Finally, he gave Ning Weimin a warning with emotion, half persuasion and half training.

"To put it bluntly, the salesman is uneducated and half-baked. He knows a little bit, but he is not proficient, and he doesn't bother to dig into it. That's why he picks up the sesame seeds and loses the watermelon. When such a person has a treasure in his hands, Can’t keep it either.”

"As for the kid from a wealthy family, it's even more difficult to say. He's either too lazy or too timid. He doesn't want to take things and go outside to ask questions. He just wants to save trouble and ask a neighbor to do it for him. Sell ​​it. As long as you are diligent and can go to a trust store to check it out or ask at a cultural relic store, we won’t be cheap."

"Wei Min, you have to learn a lesson from this. Remember, don't imitate the laziness of the rich people. Don't be like the salesman with an empty stomach. Otherwise, no matter how smart you are, you will cry sometimes in the future. "

"Since you like these things and want me to be your master, you have to dig in. When learning something, pay attention to the five diligences, 'diligence in the mouth, diligence in the eyes, diligence in the ears, diligence in the brain, and diligence in the feet', in order to make progress. Even When buying something, you have to pay attention to 'criticize carefully, give the price slowly, and look back quickly.'" "If you want to do this business, you have enough brains. I'm not afraid of you, but I'm afraid that you will only rely on your own in the future. You’re smart, you’re lazy and you’re trying to take a shortcut.”

"Always remember, true knowledge is a solid foundation. But how do you get true knowledge? You have to rely on hard work and diligence."

Of course Ning Weimin knew his master's good intentions.

After realizing this, he quickly agreed.

"Yes, old man, I have kept it all in mind. From now on, just look at me."

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