National Tide 1980

Chapter 518 Laughing out loud

It is different from other tables waiting for the waiter to continue introducing, or taking the initiative to ask for details.

At the table where Yan Hong and Chi Guowei were sitting, the waiter didn't finish his words before they started arguing again.

A person said carelessly, "What, stir-fried camel hump shreds? I've never heard of it. I only know how to grill camel humps. Such a smelly, greasy thing, but you just stir-fried it like this and served it. Can you eat it? ?Who came up with the idea? Can you do it or not?"

The other one sneered maliciously, "Well, hahaha, isn't this Liu Baorui's cross talk? Hey, little comrade, who is in charge of your kitchen? Where did you hire the wild cook? Talk to your manager later, like this You can’t keep your chef, but don’t let the fake connoisseurs fool you.”

Then, they didn’t care whether others liked to hear it or not, so they just focused on popularizing science for everyone.

Yan Hongxian made the first statement.

"Everyone, this is definitely not a crooked idea from the chefs sent by our two families. Even I know that the hump is all fat deposited on the camel. Therefore, it is only suitable for eating and grilling. The food is soft and fragrant. "

"And because the hump has a serious fishy smell, it is particularly difficult to handle. After removing the hair, it must be boiled with water several times, and steamed with stock and seasonings before it can be used. Everyone must be careful with this kind of stir-frying method. After a while I'm afraid I'm going to have 'bad breath'."

"Look, they serve a bowl of rice with vegetables? That's great. Are we using this to cover up the stench? Is this still delicacies from mountains and seas? Isn't it a 'poor man's delight' like stinky tofu noodles? Ridiculous! You guys Isn’t it ridiculous?”

Chi Guowei also added.

"Manager Yan is right, I agree. However, there is one point that deserves further consideration and discussion. That is, although the hump cannot be stewed, it does not absolutely cannot be fried. We heard the master of the head stove of Oriole Guan said that before the Tang Dynasty There’s the fried camel hump dish, which is a long-standing delicacy in the Northwest.”

"But even though the main ingredient is camel hump, it needs to be paired with ham, magnolia slices, mushrooms, chives, and chicken breasts. Moreover, the hump must be soaked for a day, trimmed off debris, and rinsed. It also needs to be boiled in a pot. Wash it with warm rice wine several times before putting it in the pot for stir-frying again."

"To put it bluntly, we have to use other ingredients to get rid of the stinky smell of the camel hump. This 'tan palace' method is simply unheard of. To say the least, the ignorant are fearless! They should just be humble and ask for advice from us. The chef who came here won’t be so random..."

After listening to these two words, the expression of the waiter next to him who had just served the food changed.

There is no way, the two young men are not very old.

They just copy the words of the chef and manager, and naturally feel guilty and embarrassed.

So much so that I heard half-truth and half-false compliments from the guests.


"I have learned a lot..."

"You two are indeed experts in the food industry..."

The two waiters didn't have the nerve to explain the real function of this bowl of rice, so they hurried off with red faces.

This escaping embarrassment undoubtedly made Yan Hong and Chi Guowei even more proud, and their sense of accomplishment and satisfaction instantly overflowed.

In their eyes, this was how they relied on their profound knowledge to make the two waiters speechless and successfully disgraced "Tan Palace".

But the problem is, we are afraid of preconceptions about anything, and we are even more afraid of being dissatisfied with one bottle and having a half-filled bottle.

Yes, Yan Hong and Chi Guowei are indeed senior employees of the Palace Restaurant, and they still have some vision and knowledge.

Their views on hump are also recognized cooking experiences in the kitchen industry.

But after all, they are not real celebrity chefs, and their restaurants are also biased in inheriting the royal cuisine, so their knowledge has great limitations.

Regardless of how they accuse others of being ignorant, in fact, it is they themselves who truly regard ignorance as their personality.

You know, although most chefs believe that camel humps cannot be stewed, a long-standing menu dish can be found in the palace meal stalls - "stewed camel humps".

The method is very simple. Cut the cooked hump into small rectangular cubes, put it into a clear soup pot, and simmer over low heat.

Wait until it cools down from the fire, then put it back on the fire and bring to a boil.

Then decant the soup, hang the egg paste on the hump, and fry it in oil until it turns yellow.

Finally, add milk soup and simmer for five minutes, and it's ready.

It can be seen that there are no absolutes in the world.

In addition, although humps are similar to bear paws and do have a strong fishy smell, this kind of thing is also really difficult to prepare.

Generally, you have to wash the camel hump with cold water, put it in a pot of boiling water and cook it over low heat repeatedly.

Then, just like shark's fin and abalone, put the cooked hump into the chicken and duck soup, and simmer it slowly over low heat for a period of time to reduce the fishy smell and let it taste better.

But "Zhang Dashao", who knows palace cuisine better than most chefs, knows that the smell of this hump is very unusual.

It is essentially similar to sperm whale ambergris. It is actually a synthetic odor with a strong aroma.

To put it bluntly, it is very fragrant but smelly.

The imperial dining room of Yangxin Hall has always used hawthorn blanching juice to relieve this fishy smell.

Not only can it effectively remove odor, but it can also turn this odor into a unique fragrance.

Therefore, the "Stir-fried Camel Hump Silk" ordered by the old man was originally a more authentic palace flavor than the Grilled Camel Hump and Five-Sided Camel Hump.

I think back then, Emperor Jiaqing was the best at this. This is also recorded on the bottom of the meal and is a well-documented fact.

All in all, as "the best taste in the world", the most remarkable feature of palace cuisine is that it is all-inclusive and blends the north and the south.

No one can deny that what a real royal chef is good at is to use proper cooking methods to make delicious dishes from a variety of precious ingredients from all over the world.

On the contrary, this is difficult for private chefs to do, not even the masters of the eight major cuisines.

If not for anything else, if it weren’t for the convenience of tribute meals, it would be difficult for ordinary people to see so many local specialties gathered in one place in their lifetime.

If you have never seen it, how can you say you can do it?

Let's put it this way, to use a more appropriate analogy, palace cuisine is like a tertiary hospital or a specialized hospital in Beijing to the people of the country.

As for other cuisines, they are just local and regional general hospitals.

What's the most important difference?

It’s not about the equipment and facilities, nor the doctor’s academic qualifications and talent, it’s just about the number of patients received and actual medical experience.

Think about it, patients from all over the country travel to the capital, so doctors in the capital see many difficult and complicated diseases.

To put it bluntly, if a surgeon from other places wants to operate on a patient, once he finds something he has never seen growing in the patient's body, or a disease he has never heard of, will he dare to operate rashly?

Of course not.

But on the other hand, when it comes to doctors in the capital, it might not be a big deal.

Even if you haven't seen it before, you can often check the information or ask the chief expert, and you can often solve your doubts and know what to do.

Therefore, Yan Hong and Chi Guowei are talking nonsense. Fundamentally speaking, it is still a problem of insufficient knowledge, insufficient knowledge, and unequal information.

These two great managers who like to teach others are too conceited and too narrow-minded.

I never expected that the catering industry in the capital was so full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers that the canteen master "Zhang Dashao" who supported Ning Weimin behind the scenes was the real master of palace cuisine.

So waiting for their results, they can only be slapped in the face by reality.

In fact, just after they disparaged the "Stir-fried Camel Hump Silk" dish from "Tan Palace" to nothing, something unexpected happened to both of them.

It was as if everyone was deliberately going against them, and several guests at the surrounding tables had already tasted this dish.

There were all words of admiration, and the unprecedented enthusiasm and excitement were far stronger than the reactions to all the previous dishes.

"It's so delicious. This hump is so delicious. It can really be called the 'best dish in the world'. It's delicious!"

"Yes, this dish deserves the honor! How can it be so fragrant! It's so delicious!"

"That's right. I originally thought it was just fat shreds of pork. What's so strange about it? I didn't expect that there is such a wonderful taste in the world!"

"Haha, thank you for your thoughtfulness. I even gave you a bowl of rice to go with this dish. It would be foolish to eat with an empty mouth. I have to have another bowl..."

One sentence after another, these words are not only clearly identifiable, but also unbelievable and exaggerated.

The people at the table with Yan Hong and Chi Guowei suddenly felt dizzy and looked at each other, not knowing why.

Yan Hong and Chi Guowei themselves looked left and right, confused and at a loss.

Immediately, the two managers used their chopsticks, picked up a piece of hump shredded pork from the plate and put it into their mouths, eager to verify whether others were exaggerating and making a fuss.

After that, everyone clearly saw that their expressions changed drastically.

The eyes seemed to expand at the same time, and the body also froze.

Then he kept chewing for a long time and silently. The more he chewed, the more disappointed and resentful his expression became.

In the end, even the two of them actually imitated the people at the next table and also picked up the rice they once mocked and put it into their mouths.

In this way, everyone's curiosity could no longer be restrained, and they all used their chopsticks to taste it.

After tasting it, everyone felt the beauty of it and understood why others gave it such high praise, and even couldn't hold it back.

Some people actually closed their eyes slightly to experience the blooming of taste buds in their mouths, and some people cherished the small bites...


not at all!

You know, many chefs and gourmets in the world think that lard is very fragrant and foie gras is very fragrant.

Just like Cai Lam of Hong Kong City wrote an article "You Must Eat Before You Die", listing all the delicacies in the world, and rice with lard was selected as one of them.

Just like foie gras, although it does not meet the standards of modern healthy diet, this delicacy is still one of the labels of France and is popular all over the world.

But these two things still can't be compared with the "Stir-fried Camel Hump Silk" introduced by "Zhang Dashao".

Because the smell of the hump is like the fragrance that brings together all the seed essences and oils in the world, but it also surpasses the richness of all seeds.

Ordinary people simply can't stand the sudden taste of something so fragrant.

For this reason, a bowl of rice is specially given to each person to wash away the extremely oily and greasy aroma.

But even so, people still have a lingering taste in their mouths after eating.

This even made many people less interested in the three dishes that followed, satisfying their appetite in advance.

It's like eating rice after eating hump silk, and whatever you eat after that becomes superfluous.

For this reason, even Yan Hong and Chi Guowei find it difficult to say a negative word about this dish.

Obviously, they all understood at this time what it means to talk too much and make mistakes.

Suddenly, they discovered that they were the biggest fools when they thought others were fools.

The two big managers, who had not yet figured out how to get rid of the embarrassment, naturally did not want to say anything more and continued to set traps for themselves.

So up to this point, the situation at this table has become increasingly weird.

No one here said anything. Instead, eating and drinking became a profound act, which was in sharp contrast to the surrounding environment.

However, everything is always subject to inertia.

Even at this time, Yan Hong and Chi Guowei finally understood the need to restrain their emotions and did not want to let themselves become clowns in the hearts of others.

But there are some things that you can never regret taking.

Since they created the "cause", they must bear the "effect" derived from it.

No, at this time, Ning Weimin finally brought Zhang Shihui to the table to toast.

Ning Weimin's performance is completely different from Yan Hong and Chi Guowei.

He is very polite and elegant, and everything on the scene is done so well that no one can find fault.

Not only was he extremely enthusiastic, he publicly thanked Fangshan Restaurant and Tingli Hall for their help to the "Tan Palace" and toasted Yan Hong and Chi Guowei with a glass of wine each.

And then he raised his glass and thanked all the factory directors and secretaries who relied on him to provide bonuses to their employees without discrimination.

"Thank you for your hard work! Without everyone's help, Tan Palace would not be as decent as it is today. I'll do it first to respect you! I also hope that we will continue to strengthen cooperation in the future. Please take care of me!"

After saying that, he raised his neck and drank the wine, and then started joking with the guys again.

"Manager Yan and Manager Chi are the leaders of the two palace restaurants. Directors and secretaries of the factory, I have invited these two distinguished guests to sit with you just for your sake. I have given you such a good opportunity. Don't say I'm not interesting enough. If you want to develop new business, you must accompany the two managers."

Needless to say, the better Ning Weimin's communication skills are, the more miserable the other two managers will be.

Don't look at it. Everyone agreed in unison and complimented the two managers again and again.

But the real people's support for Ning Weimin has long been unknowingly turned towards Ning Weimin.

If you don't believe it, just listen to the private conversations between Xu Pingzhi and Hu Kuanfu, two old partners who have a tacit understanding of each other, as they left the table to go to the toilet.

"Manager Xiao Ning is really nice. He has no airs at all and yet he is so generous. Thanks to him, we have lost a lot of inventory. He still wants to help us develop business. What a good person..."

"No, I'm happy to give you money. If you say one is one, if you say two is two, I will never delay. Otherwise, I would say that they are working for a foreign company. I really hope that the business of 'Tan Palace' will be good, so that we can follow Long-term cooperation is not..."

"In my opinion, Tan Palace's business is right. Don't listen to those two nonsense. Even they can run a restaurant well. There's no reason why Manager Xiao Ning can't be as good as them, right?"

"That's right. In my opinion, everything about the altar palace is good. Not to mention the decoration and furnishings are so gorgeous and wonderful. Even the food tastes great. Didn't you see, those two people couldn't even tell you that they had eaten camel hump silk? What happened? It was because they were convinced and completely dumbfounded. They were slandering others just like that. They were just jealous and envious. They thought others were fools and couldn't see it..."

"No, with such stinginess, you can imagine that it's not easy to deal with them. By the way, let's get down to business. I saw the murals in this altar palace today and I thought, the effect is too awesome. Look at us Can we resume the wallpaper and mural business? We are strong in this area. Although it cannot compare with the standards of these professors at the Academy of Fine Arts, the cost is low. Didn’t Manager Xiao Ning say that he has plans to expand the business area? We must be able to undertake the business. How nice to come down..."

"Hey, your idea is very good. Even if people don't ask us for the work under the altar palace, it doesn't matter. As long as we can produce 70% of such effects, I think many cultural units will also like it very much. This can really serve as our The direction of breakthrough in business... Hey, you... why are you laughing? Am I wrong? "

"No, no, I'm not laughing at you. I suddenly thought of those two people. They never said anything nice when they opened their mouths. They never changed their ways and always slandered others. This is like a very stubborn reptile. Once bitten You will never let it slip when you get hooked on something, unless you hear a donkey braying, do you think it looks like it?"

"It's very similar. Don't say it's a donkey braying. Even if you hear a tiger braying, it's of no use to them. You're so bad, you actually compared someone to a bastard. But you're not wrong. That's right. Those two are not only stubborn, but also pretentious, arrogant and unreasonable! Image! Really image!"

ha! The two of them laughed out loud at the same time!

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