National Tide 1980

Chapter 525 The winner and the loser

In this world, most people probably judge heroes by their success or failure.

Is a person successful or famous? Or is it unknown? Or is it just bad luck?

The look on his face when facing others is definitely different.

Even among relatives and friends, consciously or unconsciously, they often follow such conventions to a greater or lesser extent.

Therefore, we have to admit that whether a person's career is successful or not, changes in a person's money, power, and social status also determine changes in his social relationships.

Although people who really care about him, those who are dear to him, may not praise him and put him down.

Although the interpersonal relationships in this society cannot be simply defined as winners and losers.

But after all, most of the relationships between people are due to interests, and it is common everywhere to look at others' choices.

So it is absolutely true that the greater a person's achievements, the more smiling faces he will see and the more respect and recognition he will gain.

For example, Ning Weimin, who has achieved great success because of the "Tan Gong" restaurant he founded, clearly feels this.

The first is that his status in the company has undergone wonderful changes.

There is no doubt that Ning Weimin's position has always been deputy manager of the company's operations department.

Although the department is very important, his qualifications are the least among the senior management, the education is the lowest, and he is the youngest.

Even though he was particularly valued by Pierre Carton and Song Huagui, he has repeatedly made contributions to the company.

But his actual status and power in the company have never been high.

Even because he did not pay attention to unity, he encountered collective rejection from most of his colleagues.

Even though he is running the Zhai Palace Exhibition Hall outside, he still holds the franchise store of Jianguo Hotel in his hands, and has the power to make independent accounting and be responsible for his own profits and losses.

But these work achievements are still nothing compared to Pierre Carton Clothing Company's main business of exporting tens of millions of domestically produced clothing to the European and American markets every year.

After all, in this era, large-scale industrial production that has no worries about sales is recognized as the most profitable business.

In addition, in order to comply with the Republic's need to earn foreign exchange, it can not only enjoy the "three to one supplement" policy, but also gain additional political capital.

So at the head office, even the small receptionist knew that everything Ning Weimin did was just the icing on the cake to find a new way and was not indispensable to the company.

Don't worry about the fuss today, maybe I'll make a list tomorrow.

As for later, although before he completely offended all his colleagues, Ning Weimin woke up in time, stepped back from the brink, and successfully eased the relationship with other company executives.

But that was achieved because he tricked Song Huagui, pretending to retreat in order to advance, but actually gave up on his own initiative and was willing to "self-distribute".

In the eyes of his senior management colleagues, he no longer wanted to fight against everyone for Song Huagui. He took the initiative to go to Zhai Palace and stopped interfering in the company's actual affairs because of his deserved but unrewarded achievements.

He is nothing more than a coward who has lost his ambition and takes the initiative to wave the white flag.

Even because of his "betrayal" against Song Huagui, he would be liquidated sooner or later.

So who would care about someone who has "lost his beloved" and committed suicide?

Besides, no one has trouble with money.

Since they can still benefit from stamps together, everyone is naturally friendly to him.

So even if he later successfully ran various activities such as the "New Year Garden Party" and the book fair, it would not help.

No one will give him real respect.

In everyone's eyes, these successes are nothing more than a desperate struggle to stay alive. They still have nothing to do with the company's main business and are not worth mentioning at all.

No matter how well you do or how successful you are, you are still making wedding clothes for others.

When the time comes to pick the peaches, any successor can easily grab them.

So when the whole head office was extremely busy with the two things, the model contest and the Maxim restaurant.

Ning Weimin once again submitted a report on setting up a high-end palace restaurant, but the entire company did not pay much attention to his new plan.

His colleagues all regarded his rash proposal to get involved in the high-end catering industry as a whimsical and spur-of-the-moment decision.

Or they think that he is inexperienced, overestimating his abilities, and wants to follow the style of Maxim Restaurant and gain a sense of presence.

Or they think that he deliberately created a mess that no one was willing to take over, in an attempt to delay Song Huagui's "execution moment".

Some people think that he took advantage of the chaos of the head office to get a sum of money to benefit himself and pave the way for his future.

However, everyone who was waiting to see Ning Weimin's joke could not help but be surprised in the end.

Because almost no one would have thought that he actually built this tripartite joint venture restaurant in a very short period of time.

Moreover, small money is used to accomplish big things, making all aspects of "Tan Palace" reach a point where it can be compared with Maxim's Restaurant!

Needless to say, for Pierre Catton, this was an unexpected gift.

In fact, as long as they are employees of Pierre Catton Company, everyone knows how much Pierre Catton and Song Huagui attach great importance to Maxim Restaurant.

That represents an international brand and high-consumption industry comparable to "PC" clothing.

The fact that Song Huagui's new business card juxtaposes the title of General Manager of Maxim Restaurant with the title of General Manager of Pierre Carton Clothing Company is enough to illustrate the problem.

This is why, when facing reporters, Pierre Carton took the initiative to express that he was proud of Ning Weimin's "Tan Palace" and even used his influence to do his best to praise it.

As a result, everyone had to reassess Ning Weimin's significance to the company and his future.

Everyone knows that it is impossible for the big boss not to reward and reuse Ning Weimin, who has fully proven his ability in catering business.

The most likely possibility is that Pierre Carton will separate the "Tan Palace" restaurant and Zhai Palace Exhibition Hall from the name of the clothing company, and merge them with Maxim Restaurant for unified management.

In other words, Ning Weimin will most likely become the second person behind Song Huagui in the company's catering business.

If we take into account that Song Huagui's influence is only in Maxim Restaurant, she has no way to get involved in Ning Weimin's "Tan Palace".

There is even a very small possibility that Song Huagui will only focus on managing the clothing company from now on.

Pierre Carton will directly let Ning Weimin take over the entire catering business, making him a figure alongside Song Huagui.

All in all, what everyone can be sure of is that the originally dead game seems to have given way to this lucky boy.

No matter what, it ultimately means that Ning Weimin has a bright future and is destined to have great power. He is completely free from the constraints of the past and is about to become a real frontier official...

How can this not make people jealous? How about not making people jealous?

Just like that, I watched helplessly as this kid turned around and completed his counterattack.

Who can be willing to do this?

But the problem is that I don’t regret taking the medicine at this time, not to mention that things have changed now.

It is not only unnecessary and meaningless for them to continue to confront Ning Weimin, but it will also harm their own interests.

This is true both publicly and privately.

The most rational countermeasure is to double down on wining over and making friends.

In this way, the management of "PC" began to become increasingly "sincere" towards Ning Weimin.

No one will coax him like a child.

Instead, they took the initiative to strengthen contact, communicate with him, and inform him of the trends and situations in the company.

There are also many people who consciously come to "Tan Palace" to spend money and use the money they earn from stamps to support him.

It all came naturally, and Ning Weimin gained the respect and recognition that he had never received before.

However, he did not pay too much attention to the psychological changes of these people.

Because in fact, he had never thought about job promotion at all, and he didn't want to care about Maxim at all.

Everything he asked for was already in the Temple of Heaven Park.

The current situation is the most conducive for him to obtain capital for his future.

What's more, the plan to build the "Tan Palace Phase II" in Beishenchu ​​is proceeding in an orderly manner according to his plan.

That is the real ambition!

The future prospects and scale of "Altar Palace" are far beyond that of a Maxim restaurant.

For him, as long as no one can easily remove him from this position.

It is enough to let him freely use his talents and do what he wants to do.

But despite this, Ning Weimin couldn't help but think of Song Huagui, and had to find a way to return her favor.

Because there was one thing that he never expected.

That was the day when Pierre Carton first arrived in the capital. The reason why he made an impromptu decision at the press conference and announced that he would host a banquet for the embassy compatriots at the "Tan Palace" was entirely because Song Huagui asked for credit for him.

On the way from the airport to the Beijing Hotel, Song Huagui described the details of the "Altar Palace" to Pierre Carton in great detail, and suggested that the master should go and see it in person.

This is the real reason why Ning Weimin was hit by a pie falling from the sky.

To be honest, it was quite puzzling. Ning Weimin couldn't figure out the reason why Song Huagui did this.

The relationship between the two people has become so estranged, why would they still say good things for him? Why support him so much?

Are you harboring evil intentions and trying to throw sugar-coated bullets? Or is it a desire to make amends out of guilt? Or do you want to plot something?

Reminiscent of Song Huagui's frequent gestures of goodwill at the opening ceremony of the "Tan Palace", no matter how Ning Weimin thought about it, Song Huagui didn't seem to have any ill intentions.

So he was willing to reciprocate the favor, intending to ease the relationship between the two parties and strengthen the cooperative relationship with Maxim Restaurant.

Soon, he made three suggestions to Song Huagui.

First, "Tan Palace" and Maxim Restaurant have overlapping customer bases.

They can place promotional color page advertisements on each other, and even include some coupons.

Second, Maxim Restaurant has Western-style wine glasses and tableware that are difficult to buy in China.

If there is a need to reduce costs, he can find a way to solve it through the district handicraft factory.

Third, he hopes to have the opportunity to strengthen exchanges between Chinese and Western food.

Let the chefs of "Tan Palace" go to Maxim in turn to learn how to arrange Western food.

In this regard, Song Huagui not only fully approved it, but even gave Ning Weimin an opportunity to participate in the "PC" brand international exhibition.

This means that Ning Weimin can be at the upcoming exhibition at the Palace of Nationalities.

Put the "PC" brand on the handicrafts that you have been selling and that you can control, and recommend them to overseas agents.

It's like giving him free money, and it's not a decimal.

It's just that he doesn't know how to repay...

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