National Tide 1980

Chapter 53 Famous Store

In this area of ​​​​the capital, if you want to sell paintings, where can you sell them?

No need to ask, of course it’s Rong Baozhai from Ben Liulichang.

Liulichang is an ancient cultural street famous both at home and abroad in the capital, located just outside Hepingmen.

It got its name because a kiln was set up here to bake glazed tiles in the Yuan Dynasty.

In the middle of the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty, the Liulic kiln of the Yuan Dynasty was expanded into a factory, so it was called "Liulichang".

But this place really prospered during the Kangxi and Qianlong dynasties in the Qing Dynasty.

During the Kangxi Dynasty, the imperial court ordered the compilation of the Collection of Ancient and Modern Books.

During the Qianlong Dynasty, the imperial court ordered the compilation of "Sikuquanshu".

As a result, the task of compiling these two tomes triggered a large number of scholars from all over the country to respond, each bringing books to Beijing.

And because the inner city and the outer city were different, at that time, except for the banner tribe and a few craftsmen, the people could only live in the outer city.

As a result, not only the area near Qianmen gradually became crowded with guild halls.

Liulichang has also become the best place for these scholars, as well as those who came to Beijing to take exams, to read, sell, buy and exchange books.

At the same time, it also triggered the development and development of epigraphic archeology and led antique dealers to open stores in Liulichang.

Regardless of epigraphy, ceramics, calligraphy and painting, inscriptions, ancient coins, or other industries involving elegant culture, they all developed under this situation.

This is how Liulichang became famous.

It has been more than 300 years since Liulichang truly became popular and prosperous, and has gone through more than 300 years of changes in the world.

So naturally there are many well-known old names on this street.

Rong Baozhai is a very representative one.

The predecessor of Rong Baozhai was the Songzhuzhai Nan Paper Shop founded in 1672.

Originally, it was just a shop selling all kinds of paper and the Four Treasures of the Study.

But the woodblock engraving skills and calligraphy and painting mounting and restoration skills here are very famous.

During the Qianlong period, Songzhuzhai exclusively provided paper for official documents in the imperial court and examination papers for the imperial court.

In the 20th year of Guangxu's reign, Zhuang Huchen, an expert in the industry, became the store manager.

He made a series of reform measures for the debt-ridden and troubled Songzhuzhai.

Among them was the decision to rename the store Rong Baozhai and expand various businesses.

So from then on, Rong Baozhai was no longer limited to the business of buying and selling pens, inks, paper, inkstones, and the four treasures of the study. He also got involved in the business of buying and selling calligraphy and painting, and ordering calligraphy and painting on behalf of customers.

In terms of business operations, Rong Baozhai adheres to the purpose of "making friends through literature" and focuses on maintaining a relationship with famous calligraphers and calligraphers.

As a result, it gradually became a very trusted friend of calligraphers and painters, and was even regarded as the "home of calligraphers and painters".

It is precisely for this reason that in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China, in order to attract customers, various old stores in Liulichang competed to display famous calligraphy and paintings in front of the windows to attract people to stop and watch.

Among them, Rong Baozhai has the most famous paintings and is the most lively, becoming a scenery in Liulichang.

During the Republic of China, two famous literati commissioned Rong Baozhai to print "Beiping Jianpu" and "Shizhuzhai Jianpu" with woodblock watermarks, which made Rong Baozhai famous far and wide.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the management rights of Rong Baozhai gradually changed from private to public, and came under the leadership of the Fine Arts Publishing House.

Later, it merged with the well-known Heping Painting Shop in the painting world, and it became popular for a while.

Up to this time, Rong Baozhai had developed into the largest and most influential store in Liulichang.

A comprehensive sales department whose business covers publishing, printing, restoration, mounting and the purchase and sale of calligraphy and paintings.

And with its exquisite traditional skills and honest management methods, it is deeply trusted and favored by customers at home and abroad.

On this street, the only store that also has the right to purchase and sell ancient paintings and calligraphy is Baoguzhai, a unit directly under the Cultural Relics Bureau.

But despite the appearance, Kang Shude and Ning Weimin came to Liulichang to sell paintings because of Rong Baozhai's name.

But selling is not that simple, and it can’t be straightforward.

Just like when picking up goods, you can’t save trouble.

Otherwise, the price could be very different, and it would be difficult to sell good things at a low price.

Kang Shude is the best in this industry. He is not only knowledgeable but also scheming.

When he wants to let go of something, he must first check it out in advance so that he knows it well.

For example, before I actually went to Liulichang, I visited the second-hand goods store in Longfu Temple Shopping Mall, the second-hand goods collection point in Xidan, and the Yueyatang store on the west side of Huguosi Street Road.

The old man was not afraid of trouble, and he and Ning Weimin went separately with their calligraphy and paintings.

Even on the rest day, he came to Liulichang with his things and Ning Wei, and it was really time to take action, so he was not in a hurry.

I went to Baoguzhai first to inquire about the price before taking any actual action.

To be honest, the old man originally planned to go to the Beijing Painting Store in Wangfujing to inquire.

But when he reached the door, he suddenly remembered.

That painting shop was owned by the same owner as Rong Baozhai, and both belonged to the Fine Arts Publishing House.

He was afraid that the news would be revealed when he left, so he didn't go in.

What is leg work and mouth work?

You have to at least do this.

Secondly, you can’t sell paintings directly when you get there, because going there is not a business.

Rongbaozhai is so famous that it is a national unit again.

In addition, the service attitude of all walks of life these days is obvious to all, and there is a certain common problem.

In such a transaction, it is too easy for individuals to be passive.

So Kang Shude had to find a way to get the store to ask him to get the ideal price.

then what should we do?

It’s actually easy to handle.

You can surround Wei to save Zhao and secretly attack Chencang.

A few minutes before eleven o'clock, Kang Shude finally brought Ning Weimin to Rong Baozhai.

To be honest, Ning Weimin was a little surprised by Rong Baozhai these days.

Because its store is actually a bungalow with a simple appearance with cement stone walls.

It looks a bit like a Soviet-style building, without much retro style.

But the door is large, with a plaque hanging on it and a verandah outside.

It is indeed more formal than other stores on this street.

After entering, it is completely a traditional store model.

It's a glass counter that goes around the wall.

The glass counter contains exquisite small items such as brushes, ink pads, inks, and inkstones.

On the antique shelf at the back are all kinds of papers, pen holders, ink cartridges, ornaments, fans, and other large antique items.

It’s just about the layout of the store and the things they sell.

Ning Weimin didn't have time to take a closer look. His attention was almost entirely focused on his master.

Because he knew that after entering the gate of Rong Baozhai, the performance had just begun.

"Comrade, can you restore paintings and calligraphy here? I want to ask..."

"go inside……"

Hey, there was no time for Kang Shude to finish his sentence completely.

Behind the counter selling brushes, a lean, expressionless male salesman interrupted him.

He pointed inwardly with his hand and became speechless.

He didn't even raise his eyes to look at anyone, as if someone owed him eight hundred debts.

But I can't be picky, but I have to say thank you.

Because in fact, it happens everywhere, and they get the same treatment when they go to other places.

It's not worth getting angry about, so don't go out.

What's more, the slightly shabby clothes of Kang Shude and Ning Weimin also played a role in making people look down upon.

If they could dress better, like foreign guests, and hire a car to come, maybe this would not be the case.

(Note: Nan Zhi Dian, because rice paper, Hui ink, Duan inkstones, Hu pen and other four treasures of the study are all produced in the south, people in the capital are accustomed to calling stores that sell such things Nan Zhi Dian.)

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