National Tide 1980

Chapter 535 The First Product


Probably the Chinese people are deeply influenced by the culture of imperial power.

Therefore, I have always been particularly keen on things that can reflect my special identity.

Even in the early stage of reform and opening up, when the public-owned economy dominated the social environment, this was no exception.

Cars, especially high-end imported cars, are undoubtedly the material existence that best embodies identity in contemporary times.

What's more, as a country with a very backward industrial level, the Republic does not have the ability to independently develop and produce high-quality cars in this era.

Therefore, under the dual influence of the huge demand gap in reality and the pursuit of vanity and glitz, cars have become the "number one commodity" coveted by Chinese people.

In addition, out of the need to protect the healthy development of import and export trade, my country has always imposed heavy taxes on domestic demand for imported cars.

At the same time, out of the need to earn foreign exchange and attract foreign investment, we are open to foreign-funded enterprises and joint ventures in business operations and car purchases.

Various preferential policies such as tax exemption and tax rebate will be provided.

This also creates a huge price difference between duty-free cars and non-duty-free cars, with the difference almost doubling.

Otherwise, why has car smuggling continued uninterrupted for decades?

The roots are here.

As the saying goes, listen to the words and the sound of the gongs and drums.

Ning Weimin was no fool. Faced with these second-generation people who took the initiative to visit, he could only rely on these few words.

He can already tell that these guys are coming with bad intentions and good ones will not come.

There is a high probability that they are overly interested in the share of duty-free cars under the name of "Tan Gong".

After pondering for a moment, he didn't answer any questions.

Instead, he turned from defense to offense and directly touched on the core issue.

"This joint venture does have a quota for tax-free car purchases, but do you know the specific policy?"

The result was just as he expected. This sentence made the three of them uneasy.

"What do you mean?" Jiang Hao frowned.

"What I mean is that a joint venture is different from a purely foreign-funded enterprise. It only has two tax-free car quotas. You should know this, right?"

"Ah? There are only two quotas?" Wu Shen seemed surprised and asked, "Then you bought a Jeep and used one quota. Shouldn't there be a quota for another one?"

"Yes, we came today just to discuss the second car with you."

Li Zhong also intervened. Although he deliberately concealed it, his eagerness and anxiety were very obvious.

Ning Weimin resisted the desire to raise the corners of his mouth and said, "But here's the problem. You guys don't know something. I have used up all the tax-free quotas."


This time, everything is stupid!

"What? You still don't believe it? I bought four cars in total, and two Toyota Crowns used the tax-free quota. The American Jeep and the Mitsubishi pickup you saw were all cars bought through normal procedures, and they should be paid You pay as much as you want. Including the favors of getting the spot goods through various channels, the price is almost double the FOB price of the place of origin..."

Seeing Jiang Hao, Wu Shen and Li Zhong look dumbfounded, Ning Weimin continued talking as if nothing had happened.

The meaning behind his words was actually very obvious.

Don't worry about it, I don't have enough for these two places.

It's just greed, but these people are a little bit ungrateful, and they are far from giving up so easily.

After listening to his words, Wu Shen and Li Zhong actually shouted one after another, and they were quite excited.

"The crown is great! Hey, what a coincidence, we are looking for the crown..."

"That's right, hey, let's give your two crowns to one of ours..."

Well, look at how beautiful they think, as if they owe them something.

Faced with such an unreasonable request, Ning Weimin certainly could not agree and decisively refused.

"Don't be kidding me! The two Crowns already have their owners, they are what the higher-ups want. You guys think too highly of me, and there's nothing I can do about it."

What he said was half true and half false, but for these boys who were superstitious about power, it was undoubtedly a very useful reason.

They were immediately discouraged, bared their teeth and muttered for a while, frequently shaking their heads in disappointment.

Seeing their overjoyed and pitiful virtues, Ning Weimin looked regretful on the surface, but in fact he was quite happy in his heart.

My heart said, what are you thinking? You are looking for such a huge advantage here, do you really think that I am being taken advantage of?

But it's a pity that he was happy too early, because Jiang Hao is really a master who can be a monster.

This guy thought silently for a while, and actually came up with a very incredible and innovative idea.

"Hey, tell me, what if I think of a way to jointly set up a company with your 'Tan Palace'? That should be considered a joint venture, right?"

As soon as Jiang Hao finished speaking, Wu Shen immediately cheered up.

He scratched his scalp with his hands and said excitedly, "Yes, we can work around it! I can definitely persuade my dad and the Cultural Affairs Bureau to set up a tertiary industry, and I can also ask them to give some money and get some loans. If it comes down to 300,000 yuan, it shouldn’t be a problem.”

Then there was Li Zhong's echo.

"That's right, brother-in-law, your idea is too high! If Angkor can get 300,000 yuan, buying a car is actually enough. Anyway, we don't expect to make money or accumulate funds through business. How stupid would that be! Let’s just rely on preferential policies and make easy money, three hundred thousand is enough!”

Li Zhong became more and more excited as he talked and couldn't help but look forward to the future.

"Is this thing going to be done? I think we can set up a few more joint ventures. Then why don't we just dump as many cars as we need?"

However, their words made Ning Weimin a little dazed.

He really couldn't believe it. Even though he had blocked the conversation to this point, he could not shake the greed of these boys.

They were able to figure out such a trick, and it seemed that they would not give up until they had a piece of meat in their mouths.

Unfortunately, this idea was actually feasible. He wanted to object, but he couldn't find a tactful and appropriate reason for it.

The only thing he is lucky about now is that he knows how deep the pit inside can be.

Anyway, if you beat him to death, he won't jump in.

"Hey, Manager Ning, what do you think? Let's work together. We promise not to let you suffer. You probably don't know that we have already found a buyer. We are just waiting for the car to be delivered and it will be almost as soon as it changes hands. Sixty percent profit."

"That's right, buddy, this is actually very easy. As soon as our company is registered, your most important task will be completed. We will do the rest, and you can just wait to collect the money. The FOB price of the Toyota Crown is 110,000, right? When the time comes, you can take the lion’s share, why not 20,000 for a car? The three of us will share the rest.”

The atmosphere at the scene was wonderful. Jiang Hao, Wu Shen and Li Zhong had all finished their lesbian porridge.

Probably because he had eaten enough and gained strength, his mood was high, and the conversation was as hot as a kiln.

But Ning Weimin just kept his head down and smoking without making any reply.

The three of them soon discovered that he was not in a good mood, so they began to attack his heart with all their strength and used inducement.

But this move was ineffective against Ning Weimin.

These people probably never dreamed that the richest man in the capital was the one in front of them.

Twenty thousand?

Even if it were two million, Ning Weimin would not be tempted.

He has the Midas touch to turn stone into gold. Isn't it possible for him to make a fortune by just doing business?

Why does he need to linger on the legal precipice?

"Mingren, don't tell secrets. You came to me this time just because of the car, right? But I'm afraid I really have to refuse you. I can't do this. I'm sorry, everyone. I'll buy you a drink. It doesn't matter if I eat something or get something, but I can't afford this and I can't get involved."

Ning Weimin's decisive refusal surprised all three of them.

His face suddenly turned ugly.

Wu Shen and Li Zhong shouted almost in tandem.

"Hey, are you out of energy now? Why do you act like we want to harm you? Why don't you earn such easy money?"

"I said, can you please stop taking candies from us? We are not outsiders. If you think it's too little, just say so. Can I give you some more?"

"Hey, do you have any concerns? Don't worry, we won't make it difficult for you. In fact, all you need to do is present some relevant information and business license of your restaurant. You don't need to worry about the capital injection, and we will take care of the procedures. We will Guaranteed, when the company is deregistered, even your boss will not know that there was a company under your company that we co-founded..."

Jiang Hao was relatively calm. Seeing Ning Weimin's dull expression, he simply changed his approach to persuade him.

But it was still useless. Ning Weimin shook his head in a more straightforward manner.

Because it’s obvious, no matter how nice it is, what’s the use? Just pure nonsense.

Is this something that a commoner's child like him can touch?

What's more, working with these people who have never seen big money and can only take advantage but not suffer losses, can they still be as good as him?

I really can't be a white glove to these people.

From the moment Ning Weimin met this group of people, he defined them as people who could only do small things but could not work together on big things.

He knew exactly what would happen if he got involved with this group of people.

It's done, maybe I can get some of it.

If he fell down, these grandsons would definitely be able to push the shit bowl all over his head.

So in order to get rid of this thunder, Ning Weimin stopped worrying about anything and presented the facts and reason with a solemn expression.

"Since we are not outsiders, it is meaningless for us to talk about the truth. I will tell you the truth. It's not that I don't like money, but I don't dare. I have a thief's heart but not the courage. It's not that I don't believe in your ability and think you We can’t let this happen without anyone noticing.”

"But the problem is, if you are not afraid of 10,000, you are afraid of the worst. There is no airtight wall in this world. Besides, I am living a good life, with an income of more than 3,000 per month, guarding such a restaurant, and a jeep." Open. That’s enough, I’m very satisfied.”

"Let's put it this way, I really can't do it. If you really think of me as a friend, then don't hang on my tree, but find someone else to cooperate. I wish you all a fortune..."

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