National Tide 1980

Chapter 543 Surgery

Based on the principle of putting public before private.

The second thing Ning Weimin did was to take advantage of the sluggish business in the restaurant to train employees and rectify the internal situation.

This is definitely not because he doesn't like people being idle and always thinking about messing around, but it is a very necessary measure.

Because it is expected that by the beginning of next spring, "Northern Chef" will enter the interior decoration stage, and then open for business.

At that time, it will naturally need to face a "bigger tough battle", and it will even definitely recruit a lot of new employees.

So whether it is improving the quality of existing employees or optimizing internal operations, it is crucial for the near future.

This was originally a matter of linking one link to another.

As for what Ning Weimin attaches most importance to, and what he wants to do best, is to solve the extremely serious waste problem that has always existed in the restaurant.

Everyone knows the saying, if the cook does not steal, the grain will not be harvested.

Others often say that no one can be hungry until the master is hungry.

Some people even say that it is difficult to guard against house thieves if you guard against them day and night.

This illustrates the particularity of the chef's work and reflects the difficulty in supervising the cook's buying and cooking behavior.

Even many chefs themselves regard being able to eat and drink as a natural professional benefit.

Many people feel no shame at all about stealing and eating.

But to be honest, from the perspective of any manager in the catering industry, this kind of thing is undoubtedly a malpractice that must be severely punished.

If left alone, it will definitely have an extremely negative impact on the operation of catering companies.

It will even pose a serious threat to the survival of catering companies.

This is not an alarmist statement.

In fact, there are many restaurants where business is booming, and they see customers filling their doors every day, watching helplessly as handfuls of money fly in like a flock of birds.

Logically speaking, he should have made a lot of money.

But in the end, I didn’t make much money on my books.

Where did all those profits go?

It was eaten and taken away by the chef.

In some places, management is so lax that some chefs even have the audacity to take away whole ducks and whole fish and resell them instead.

Needless to say, such a catering company will only show an absolute deficit in its account.

No matter how big a company is, how much money can it afford to throw away like this every day?

The same goes for "Tan Palace" restaurant.

From the beginning of its opening, there is no doubt that the restaurant was built with the strong support of outstanding chefs and employees from various catering companies.

But while these people brought technology and experience, they also brought common problems in the catering industry.

Thanks to Ning Weimin, who set high standards on service quality and cooking skills from the very beginning, and was strict with them, and he was also willing to give out bonuses.

Only three of the four words "greedy, lazy, cunning, and cunning" were removed, leaving only "greedy".

But the flaw left behind is also a big deal.

It has only been four months since its opening.

Ning Weimin noticed that the ratio of "Tan Palace" purchase cost and turnover has changed from approximately 1:5 to approximately 1:2.

The quantity purchased can more than double the cost.

To give a specific example, it is a dish of "Jasmine Clear Soup", which is sold to customers for six yuan a portion, which is sixty yuan for ten people.

According to the normal method, the materials consumed should include two whole chickens, as well as mussel meat, bamboo shoots, mushrooms, and jasmine flowers.

The reasonable cost is roughly around ten yuan, but today it has become twenty yuan.

This kind of cost increase is so shocking!

To put it bluntly, the business of "Tan Palace" is booming!

However, although the amount of profits has increased, the profit rate has been declining simultaneously.

If it continues like this, the future will not be very good.

It is very likely that the "Tan Palace" will become the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the late Qing Dynasty.

There is a ridiculous thing like the cost of an egg being as high as two taels of silver.

To be honest, Ning Weimin's "Tan Palace" was too dark and the price was high, so he didn't lose money for the time being.

If it were the profit margin of an ordinary restaurant, this situation would have been enough for the operator to close down several times.

But the embarrassing thing is precisely that this matter is not easy to manage!

Otherwise, this kind of thing would not be called a chronic disease of the industry.

You know, chefs are the foundation and most important technical force of a catering company.

It can directly affect or determine the success or failure of a catering company.

In addition, they love to form cliques and are quite quack-like. It is extremely difficult to restrain them.

If these master chefs are really unhappy and their emotions become confrontational, it will definitely be a disaster for the catering company.

For example, someone didn't work hard and deliberately fried the vegetables to make them taste unpalatable.

Can the guest come back easily after leaving?

For example, if someone refuses to eat or take away something, and deliberately spoils things for you, can you bear it?

Perhaps, for catering companies, this will make them suffer even more losses than if they just eat and take.

So despite the fact that chefs in this era can't change jobs at will, Ning Weimin has placed his own people in the back kitchen.

But he still needs the cooperation of the chefs, and it's still not easy to push them too hard.

Because of this, when the restaurant first opened, there was an urgent need for stability and unity.

He could only turn a blind eye to the problem.

This principle is the same as "surrounding three and missing one" in "The Art of War".

Of course, such appeasement also encourages unhealthy tendencies in disguise, making the situation even worse.

The current situation has become a bit intolerable.

Not only did the chef eat and take food, but the restaurant staff were also spoiled.

To be honest, even the taste of ordinary employees is no worse than that of restaurant managers who can get 500 yuan in consumer vouchers every month.

Many people have even gone so far as to take things from the restaurant home and use them at will.

Pots and pans, knives and cutting boards, teapots and teacups, wine bottles and wine glasses, you’re welcome to use whatever you need, you really have made the restaurant your home.

Ning Weimin and Liu Yongqing have already ordered 300 more sets of porcelain.

If you do the math, it's almost equivalent to reporting losses to two or three sets every day. How can this be such a bluff?

Therefore, in Ning Weimin's view, this situation has indeed reached the point where it must be taken care of. It is like a rat in the grain warehouse, and the hole must be blocked.

But once you are determined, how to get your employees to obey without causing too much emotional backlash is a very difficult problem.

And it is not easy to formulate a reasonable and pragmatic system.

We should not waste too much manpower, but we should also consider the inner feelings of employees, and we must be knowledgeable and targeted.

This is a high-IQ question that integrates industry experience, psychology, management, and thick knowledge.

Ning Weimin must be like a thoughtful and experienced warden, taking into account all possible details in order to minimize the loopholes that "family thieves" can take advantage of.

For example, "Zhang Dashao" told him that in the past, there were cooks who could spin frozen meat into a candle base and take it away openly in front of the shopkeeper.

Ning Weimin asked himself, if he really wanted to meet such a master, there would be nothing he could do.

Even if I watch the kitchen every day with my eyes wide open and patrol inside and outside, I can't see anything wrong.

So this matter really cost Ning Weimin a lot of brain cells.

He pondered over it for two days, after talking to Zhang Shihui, Du Yang, accounting director Wang Li, and even chef Yang Zi and Master Pang, as well as his newly recruited confidant Liu Jianxing.

After repeated weighing and discussion with Kang Shude, I finally came up with a feasible plan that I thought was relatively mature.

After that, he personally informed all the team leaders, chefs, restaurant foremen, and managers two days in advance.

Announce a meeting to eliminate internal waste problems.

He also said that because the system he proposed would involve and affect everyone's income, he required participants to attend the meeting on time and would not accept leave.

Needless to say, his tough and serious attitude naturally stirred up waves and caused a lot of discussion among the employees.

Someone said, "President Ning is probably going to get rid of the trouble and kill the donkey. He doesn't need outsiders like us anymore. He wants to squeeze us out and is deliberately looking for trouble..."

Someone else said, "I think we went too far, and that's why we pushed the superiors into panic. It seems that we are going to take action. It's better to restrain ourselves recently, and don't be stupid and hit the muzzle of the gun..."

Others said, "That's not possible. Now, before the official order is issued, you should eat more and drink more. You shouldn't treat yourself badly. You would be stupid if you don't eat or drink..."

Some people even said, "Yes, it doesn't matter what Ai does. Anyway, he wants to find trouble, and everything is wrong. The big deal is, I quit. Why don't I go back to where I came from to see what he can do to me?"

In short, the consensus is that the good times may be coming to an end soon.

The only suspense is how harsh Ning Weimin's new rules will be, how uncomfortable they will be for everyone, and how long the strict control will last?

So no one down there was interested in working.

In the two days before the meeting, whether in the kitchen or the restaurant, the mood of the employees was not high, and they seemed to be in a state of passive confrontation.

Many people were even whispering and discussing countermeasures.

And this is exactly what Ning Weimin wants to see.

It's not that he is stupid, it's not that he doesn't know how to attack suddenly. The best effect is to catch someone by surprise.

It's not that he didn't know that leaking the news in advance would shake the morale of the military.

In fact, it's because he has a bigger heart.

This is done not only to achieve short-term results, but also to solve problems in the long term.

What he wants is a grand showdown.

What is important is to let each other's completely opposite opinions, after mature consideration, exchange opinions relatively fairly and compete face to face.

Only in this way can he truly convince grassroots employees and reduce their resistance to his management style.

Only in this way can he truly test whether the method he adopts can do what even a three-star Michelin restaurant cannot do and create an unprecedented miracle in the industry.

Is it possible to fundamentally solve the stubborn problems in this industry and eliminate internal waste and theft?

ps: It was updated yesterday. I will wait for communication with the editor before it can be released.

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