National Tide 1980

Chapter 560 Your circle is so chaotic

Ning Weimin first sent Nian Jing to the hospital for simple surgical treatment, and then sent him downstairs to his house before breaking up with him.

Although his heart was full of disdain, Ning Weimin didn't show it at all.

For this reason, Nian Jing, who was full of desolation in his heart, was so moved that he made some unexpected moves when parting.

They had already gotten out of the car, but when it was time to close the door, Nian Jing stuck his head into the car and said, "Manager Ning, you are such a good person. If I have the chance, I will definitely repay you."

Ning Weimin naturally responded generously and appropriately.

"Don't say that. You're welcome. I didn't do anything."

Unexpectedly, Nian Jing actually expressed his position quite solemnly.

"I'm not kidding, Manager Ning, I don't have any real friends, you are one of them!"

This made Ning Weimin feel "flattered" and helpless.

From the bottom of his heart, everything Ning Weimin did for Nian Jing was just because he hit someone and felt a little sorry.

He just did his part out of a sense of responsibility.

There was absolutely no intention of repaying him, and there was not much sympathy for Nian Jing's unfortunate marriage.

In fact, looking back on today's day's experience, with all the twists and turns, he really felt that "the expensive world is really chaotic."

I really don’t want to have anything to do with people in this circle.

No matter it's Jiang Hui's sentimental beauty trap.

It was still Li Zhong who made and sold Huang's business.

Or maybe it’s Nian Jing’s “bearing the humiliation” of environmentally friendly hats.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you can clearly see that these people are unable to control their own interests and are greedy for food.

Not to mention Jiang Hao, who didn't show up today and hid himself.

To be honest, Ning Weimin could only wait until Ning Weimin calmed down while listening to music on the way back, driving alone in the dark night.

It suddenly occurred to him that there might be something even bigger fishy about Jiang Hao.

Does this matter have anything to do with Jiang Hao?

Jiang Hao didn't come today because he had something to do. Is it true or not?

Did Jiang Hui and Li Zhong use Jiang Hao as a cover?

Or was Jiang Hao even hiding it from them, deliberately keeping himself out of the matter and maintaining the follow-up initiative?

The more he thought about it, the more Ning Weimin felt a creepy fear of this man's gloomy and slippery nature.

So he reminded himself - from now on, he must stay away from this group of people! No more contact!

Because these people are so bad, each of them will do anything to get what they want.

These people, let alone have no self-esteem, they don't even have anything positive about them.

Even Nian Jing is the same.

Even though his love has reached a dead end and he is a victim who is forced to hang himself, there are still some problems with his humanity.

Who can guarantee that he is innocent? How much of what he said was true?

So no matter who these people are, their friendship and goodwill are worthless.

Let them fool others, they are not stupid.

Even if you treat these people, you can still deal with them as you did before, with nothing to show for them.

But the problem is that even if it is an ordinary relationship partner, the other party must first be a person.

They must not be beasts or livestock that make people sick at the sight of them.

Think about the duality and selfishness shown by Jiang Hui this year.

Think about it again, Li Zhong is actually not taboo about meat and vegetables, and can even attack people who are related to him.

The despicableness and despicability of these people are beyond the imagination of normal people.

He doesn't consider himself a gentleman, and he will react instinctively when faced with such teasing.

Even as a man, he also hopes that an affair will happen to him. He cannot deny that women like Jiang Hui are very attractive to him.

But after all, he knows that there are differences between humans and animals.

As a human being, you can't be shameless, and you have to worry about your reputation.

At least you have to understand that rabbits don't eat grass from the edge of their nests, and friends' wives shouldn't be bullied, instead of being rude.

In fact, if he were to compare with these people, he would be a good person.

In this way, even though he was out of danger, Ning Weimin was not in a very happy mood.

He was completely disgusted.

That feeling of being buried was like the smell of dust, feces, lime from the construction site, the smell of rancid swill from the canteen, and the smell of moisture in the ditch, all rushing toward him.

This kind of fishy stench could not be blown away no matter how much he opened the car window and let in the night wind.

What's more, he couldn't help but worry about Huo Xin's future.

These buddies and sisters, who look like humans and beasts, will trick her sooner or later.

He really wanted to persuade Huo Xin to make a clean break with these people.

It's a pity that he didn't dare to provoke Huo Xin, and he knew it well.

That girl is too stubborn, and her own persuasion will definitely be ineffective.

But then again, no matter how bad he felt about today's meal, Ning Weimin couldn't deny that he had indeed taken advantage of it.

Again, after all, I got to know the outspoken, honest and simple Meng Yi.

Although this young man's position is not high, he still works in the "Housing Settlement Office" of the Municipal Housing Administration Bureau.

If there is such a person within the system who can act as a consultant when it comes to house matters and can provide guidance from an expert perspective, the success rate of solving the problem will be greatly improved.

At least it can be targeted, and it will not be a hasty and useless effort.

What's more, Ning Weimin has more ideas about private house sales.

Without even thinking about it, he knew that there would be many places where he would need to rely on Meng Yi in the future.

So after the incident, only one day later, Ning Weimin found the Municipal Housing Authority and had separate contact with Meng Yi.

Not to mention, it was really thanks to Li Zhong’s meal.

People like Meng Yi who have been fooled and believe in the loyalty of their brothers.

Ning Weimin is willing to come to him again because he thinks highly of him and is willing to work for him in vain.

Not to mention that Ning Weimin was an extremely generous master.

He is not willing to ask people for nothing and is very willing to give benefits.

In this way, there will never be a more harmonious situation than when they hit it off like this.

After drinking this whole meal, Ning Weimin really looked like a domineering person in Meng Yi's eyes, making the boy wish he could just turn around and acknowledge him as his eldest brother.

In this way, the last few days of 1983 came to an end.

Looking back on this year, not only did our country experience the baptism of the "security storm", but the world stage was also full of turmoil.

For example, under the Cold War mentality, US President Ronald Reagan proposed a defense plan named after the best-selling movie "Star Wars" that year. This set off a new round of arms race between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Also in the same year, Benigno Aquino, the main political opponent of Philippine President Marcos at the time and considered a strong contender for the presidency, returned from the United States to his home country after an absence of three years.

Unexpectedly, he was shot dead as soon as he arrived at the airport.

A wave of protests immediately broke out in the Philippines, and President Marcos was in trouble.

Since then, Corazon, Aquino’s wife, has entered the political stage.

When the Marcos government fell three years later, Corazon became the first female president of the Philippines.

Of course, there are also positive factors.

For example, although the negotiations for the return of Hong Kong City have made some Hong Kong people who do not understand the situation feel uneasy.

As a result, the Hong Kong dollar exchange rate has gone lower and lower in recent years, gradually falling to a historical low.

But this year, the British Hong Kong government announced the linked exchange rate system.

The Hong Kong dollar began to be pegged to the US dollar, with the exchange rate set at 7.8 Hong Kong dollars to 1 US dollar, which gradually stabilized the Hong Kong city's finances.

At this time, the connections between the port city and the mainland gradually increased.

It was also this year that the Internet established by the US military began to appear around the world.

The U.S. Department of Defense Communications Agency successfully developed the network TCP/IP protocol to provide unified data transmission rules for various local area networks around the world, and the Internet officially entered the practical stage.

In our country, under the call of the great man "Learning computers should start from childhood", some schools have not only begun to set up computer courses.

The State Administration of Computer Industry also determined at the National Computer Work Coordination Conference held in Beijing that "IBM" compatible computers and Internet technology will be the future development direction of computers in the Republic.

The world, society, and life are just like this, driven by time, moving forward in a fluctuating and meandering manner.

1984, here we come.

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