National Tide 1980

Chapter 576 Carrot Skin

Just because of this radish skin, Kang Shude didn't even eat and ran to the kitchen himself.

Seven or eight minutes later, he sat back down at the dinner table with the radish skins discarded by Ning Weimin.

Of course, the radish skin at this time was completely different from when Ning Weimin threw it away.

The old man not only washed it, but also cut it into thin strips and put it on a plate.

I also marinated it in sugar pepper water and salt, and ordered vinegar and sesame oil.

Ning Weimin stretched out his chopsticks to pick it up and ate it. He couldn't help but say it was good, saying that he didn't expect radish skin to be so delicious when mixed with it.

As a result, the old man gave him an extra paragraph.

"No, a real eater must pay attention to not spoiling things. God has given you the food to eat, and you must feel sorry for them and make good use of them, so that their visit to the human world is not in vain. You If you waste food for no reason, you will lose all the virtues accumulated in your life. This is a lack of virtue."

"Hey, that's what you said."

Ning Weimin couldn't help but blush a little when he heard this, mainly because he thought about how he would wander around every day after getting rich.

He is also in charge of a big restaurant, and he is used to eating all kinds of things. Recently, he seems to be taking money less and less seriously.

Especially since he hasn't been home much since the year before, Luo Guangliang helped him even with the New Year's goods, but he had forgotten about his master. No wonder the old man beat him up.

However, it is indeed sad to see the old man eating a carrot so carefully.

Think about it, just yesterday I ate half a pot of Buddha Jumping Over the Wall, how many carrot skins would it take?

This made him feel even more ashamed, and he quickly said, "Master, I'm so sorry for you. I haven't taken any money from home for three months. It's all up to me. It's all up to me. I was so sorry this year." I am so busy that I have forgotten to take care of my family, and I am just thinking about how to arrange things after the new year. In this way, I can correct my mistakes after I know my mistakes. After the festival, I will send you 20,000 yuan immediately, and you can spend it first..."

Unexpectedly, Kang Shude stopped him before he finished speaking. The old man said a little angrily.

"You kid, do you think I'm asking you for money? Am I just such a philistine? You're busy outside every day without leaving home. Why do you get more and more stupid as you get more busy? Why have you lost all your cleverness in the past? You're almost like a fool. I'm so sorry for you. I really owe you a slap in the face with chopsticks to wake you up!"

Watching Ning Weimin being scolded, he was completely confused.

After all, thinking about him is full of filial piety, and it is directed towards today.

The old man finally suppressed Huo'er and explained to him patiently.

"I said that life must be about the steady flow of life, and you must know how to cherish it as a person. How to cherish it? You must accumulate virtue at all times, just like saving money, gathering sand into a tower, and saving it little by little. Only with strong virtue can you be able to hold on to this blessing."

"You haven't eaten this radish skin, have you? That's right. I'm not afraid to tell you that this cold dish was taught to me by Master Zhang who showed you how to make palace dishes."

"You can't think of it, right? Such a powerful celebrity chef also thinks about such things. But this is not surprising. In fact, real celebrity chefs are like this. Whatever is in their hands, they must make the best use of it and never let it go to waste. Throw it away. The more skilled a chef is, the less scraps he sees."

"If this were not the case, how could there be such New Year dishes as pork skin jelly and bean paste in our capital city? How could there be such famous dishes as fried liver tips and three fried things?"

"Of course, I have to admit that your kid's ability to make money is amazing. The stamps you bought are enough for you to spend in your lifetime. But have you ever thought about it, if you have more money? You can’t spend it. What should you do? Can you make good use of the money you got? People who can raise good horses may not be able to drive them."

"I'm not trying to scare you. Wealth is a good thing, but it is also the most troublesome thing. If you don't practice enough, if you don't eat, drink, whore, gamble, and ruin your family fortune, you will destroy yourself. Sooner or later, you will become someone else. With the fat in your eyes, someone is thinking about eating you alive every day."

"What should I do? Are you afraid? If you are afraid, then stop doing it. Or you have to figure out what more wealth means to you? How should you control more wealth and what should you use the money for? Place. Once you have figured it out, your cultivation has reached the point where you are qualified to take charge of more wealth. Otherwise, you may not even be able to save your life."

"I can't say these words in front of others, so I'm telling you this when we are face to face. Think about it for yourself. Your current method is nothing more than hiding it. What will you do when the day comes when you can't hide it any more? In advance. It is better to ponder and ponder than to worry temporarily. People who do not have long-term concerns must have immediate worries..."

Ning Weimin really listened to Kang Shude's words this time.

Although he couldn't figure out what his current situation was.

I don’t know what kind of future I want.

I don’t know if I have the ability to control wealth.

Anyway, he was too embarrassed to deceive himself with words like "How can a sparrow know the ambition of a swan"?

I started to think seriously about these issues that I had never thought about before.

Through this incident, he felt from the bottom of his heart that Master Kang Shude was really the best master in the world.

Not only did he always take the initiative to think about him, but he also gave him suggestions and advice when appropriate.

And he is often able to see the big from the small, and understand the subtle things. He really has great wisdom and great style.

It was the greatest luck in his life that he could meet the old man, and that the two of them could have this master-disciple relationship.

Therefore, in order to fully express my respect for the master, and more importantly, to show that I practice my own actions, children can teach me.

Ning Weimin made a prompt decision and immediately sealed up his loudspeaker lighter and no longer needed it.

From that moment on, when he wanted to smoke, he just went to the stove to bring up the kettle and lit the cigarette with red-hot chopsticks.

Sounds strange?

If you want to know why, I probably have to talk about the specialness of this year.

During this year’s Spring Festival, the most important items in residents’ shopping lists are limited items, which are very unexpected.

Not food or drink, just matches - only two boxes per person per month.

Therefore, matches in every household must be used sparingly as they are more valuable than coal fires.

It's best to light a stove by just striking a match and raising the stove.

If you want to smoke, you can't just use matches. You can only use red-hot chopsticks, or pick out briquettes or lumps of coal from the stove to light the cigarette.

Needless to say, those who are most embarrassed and distressed by this are of course the majority of smokers.

So at the end of this year, this special way of lighting cigarettes has become a special sight that every family can see.

Even though Ning Weimin had a lighter, what he did was just "taking off his pants and farting".

But just because Kang Shude said that he didn't know how to live a steady life, and he didn't know how to cherish it.

He must use this to clarify his ambition and never tire of it.

Who's to say that doing silly things isn't part of the fun of the New Year?

The important thing is to feel the taste of life.

If a person lives too otherworldly and does not eat the fireworks of the world, it will be too boring.

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