National Tide 1980

Chapter 58 Oh my god

Director Song went to the office to make a phone call.

Kang Shude sat firmly on the Diaoyutai and drank tea.

Ning Weimin himself strolled out of the repair room.

If not for anything else, one thing is that he has nowhere to rest.

He had been standing there stupidly for a long time in the room, his legs and feet were tired, so he came out to relax.

Second, his character still needs to be tempered.

Now that I know that I am about to succeed, I can't stand it anymore and I always want to have fun. I'm afraid of bad things if I stay any longer.

Third, he also had an urgent need to urinate and wanted to go to the toilet.

So he asked the old master where the toilet was, said hello to Kang Shude, and walked out of the house.

And when he went back after using the toilet, things finally ended well.

Director Song reached a deal with Kang Shude at a price of 7,600.

It’s just that you have to wait a little longer to get the money, because it’s not a decimal amount after all.

Rong Baozhai's accountant still needs to raise some cash and go through the financial process.

Just like that, Ning Weimin came out again and continued to wander around the store.

Thanks to this.

Otherwise, if he and his master had left like this, he would never have accidentally discovered that there was actually a huge amount of wealth hidden in this Rong Baozhai.

As for that magical moment, it was actually quite a twist.

It happened when Ning Weimin was careless and careless, after reading the Four Treasures of the Study, he ran inside to the main room and looked at the calligraphy and paintings hanging on the wall one by one.

Unexpectedly, when I looked over at him, his eyes gleamed.

Like an eagle catching a chicken, it stares at the wall and never moves again.

In his excitement, he couldn't believe what he saw.

As a result, when he took a closer look, his eyes shone with surprise, and he almost screamed.


If not for anything else, just because the pictures on the wall are all signed by famous modern artists.

But the price is surprisingly cheap, just like a pile of cabbage and radish.

Qi Baishi's "Snow White Stone Thousand Peaks Contest" is 30 yuan, and "Dongfang Shuo" is 6 yuan.

Xu Beihong's "Four Happiness Pictures" costs 16 yuan, and "Galloping Horses Picture" costs 6 yuan.

Wang Xuetao's "Cuckoo Pheasant" costs 5 yuan, Wu Changshuo's "Peach" costs 10 yuan...

Just looking at it one by one, no matter how hard it is, who can bear it?

Ning Weimin couldn't stand it anymore.

He immediately went to ask the salesperson, who was a very wealthy middle-aged woman in her 10s and 40s.

"Sister, eldest sister. Are the prices of the paintings on this wall all in RMB?"

"Yeah? Why are you so excited? These are just a few pictures."

The saleswoman was a little baffled by his unusual eagerness.

"Sister, are these all authentic? I mean, if I want to buy these paintings, will our Rong Baozhai keep them authentic?"

Ning Weimin couldn't care about this. His face turned red and he wanted his heart to beat out.

Unexpectedly, this follow-up question made the salesperson immediately happy.

"Hey, that's what I said. Young man, do you still think you're getting a big deal?"

"Are they authentic? You should look up and take a good look first. There is a big sign hanging on those paintings. They are wood-block watermark works. These are all reprints of originals."

"But it's no wonder you misunderstood. This is our Rong Baozhai's unique wood-block watermarking technology. It can produce the same effect as the original, making it difficult to identify with the naked eye. Even the author himself cannot recognize it clearly."

"Old Mr. Qi Baishi, when you look at the freehand shrimp paintings we printed, you can't tell which are his original paintings. Therefore, these paintings can be regarded as sub-authentic works. ..."

Ning Weimin's mood suddenly plummeted, as if cold water had been poured on him while holding ice in his arms.

"That's it..."

But at this time, he calmed down and looked at Zhenzhuo again, feeling quite ashamed.

Because the ones lined up behind are the calligraphy and paintings of ancients such as Zheng Banqiao, Hui Chong, and Liu Songnian.

Even if he took another look, he could easily tell that it wasn't authentic.

To put it bluntly, in fact, it is not the fault of others, but his own big money fan, that he is so eager and anxious.

But things in the world are still so weird,

When you rush towards it excitedly, you will often get nothing.

On the contrary, when you think you are on the verge of despair, you will often find another bright spot.

This is what happened to Ning Weimin today.

He shook his head as if he was laughing at himself. He felt that he was ridiculous, and he smiled at his eldest sister sheepishly.

Maybe he was too handsome, or maybe it was his unintentional cuteness that made the eldest sister laugh.

The eldest sister was quite willing to tease him a few more words, but in the end, those few words made him feel angry again.

"Haha. Young man, why are you so wilted all of a sudden? Don't be depressed. In fact, if you just buy a hanging for your home to show off, isn't it a good deal to buy these?"

"Don't be in a hurry to leave. If you want to see the authentic works, we have them too. You, you have to go in further. Qi Baishi, Xu Beihong, Zhang Daqian, Fu Baoshi, Li Keran, just any famous modern artist you know, they are all there in the gallery."

"I also tell you that those were all collected from these painters back then. They are absolutely authentic. They really can't be more authentic."

"But it's useless to look for a bargain. The price of an authentic work is the price of the original work. If it's a real thing, it's at least five or six times more expensive than the reprints outside."

Ning Weimin's heart almost jumped out of his throat again. This was such a turn of events.

"What? What do you mean, sister?"

This urgent question was quite unexpected.

The eldest sister was startled and then became confused.

She looked at Ning Weimin's eyes and mistakenly thought that this boy was ignorant. She said that he wanted to take advantage, but he didn't like it.

"I...I said that if you want to hang it at home, just for viewing and copying, it would be more cost-effective to buy a wooden watermark."

"No, no, you just said how much more expensive are the originals than these reprints?"

Seeing that Ning Weimin was still very anxious and serious about the price, the eldest sister who wanted to slander him couldn't help but feel a little angry.

Who is she? Salesperson! Those are the eight dignified members!

What haven't you seen? Is it possible that you are still afraid of getting into a fight with a young man who is unwilling to give up?

Love so and so!

So the saleswoman didn't hold back, showed off her professional skills, and talked straight away.

"I said it's five or six times more expensive. What's wrong? Wang Xuetao, it's only five yuan, have you seen it? It's real, thirty-five yuan. Can you afford it?"

Can you afford it?

Who is the run on?

I'm afraid the happiest thing in the world is to see a rare good thing, but you have a lot of money.

If he wanted to, Ning Weimin could swell this bitch's face with the money as soon as he got the seven thousand eighty.

But under such circumstances, how could he care about the eldest sister's words of exhortation?

It’s only right to be overjoyed and elated!

Completely involuntarily, Ning Weimin blurted out.

"Oh my god! You are not the eldest sister, you are my mother!"

After saying that, he rushed towards the inside gallery.

With his unwavering excitement, he has the courage to block gods and ghosts.

I'm afraid that even if there is a train blocking it now, he still dares to rush into it.

But this sudden change made the eldest sister confused and completely confused.

It's been a long time, but I'm still standing there, looking at where he's going.

Even a saleswoman next to me came over. She witnessed the whole process and was equally puzzled.

"I said, Sister Liu, is this kid okay? It's the first time I've seen him. Does he still like to recognize his mother everywhere?"

"How do I know? Is this person mentally ill? He's very frizzy..."

"Haha, congratulations, you have so many godsons in this class."

"Go, you have to be envious, we are like in-laws, and you recruit him as your son-in-law..."

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