National Tide 1980

Chapter 580 The snow falls quietly

"Huo Xin, people who have been here often say that you don't understand love when you first fall in love, and you don't understand love when you are young. This is all true. Do you really understand love? I think you can't even explain what love is."

"I don't understand love?" Huo Xin was certainly not convinced, "Then tell me, what is love?"

"The ultimate goal of love is marriage, for two people to grow old together and raise children, right? If you agree with this, then the essence of love is responsibility. It is the mutual commitment of two people to bear everything together and face everything together. Courage and perseverance in hardships. Of course, there is also the romance of flowers before the moon and under the moon. But those are very few, and they will never account for more than 20%."

The answer given by Ning Weimin is the view of a mature and sophisticated person.

"Are these your own thoughts? Or are you deliberately copying someone else's words? Why do I feel that you and I are not of the same age? Old man, how expensive are you this year? I think you must be fifty years old, right?"

Huo Xin, however, couldn't understand Ning Weimin's performance beyond his age.

I thought he was deliberately trying to make excuses for me, so I couldn't help but taunt him.

But the more frustrated she was, the more Ning Weimin wanted to laugh.

"Look, your reaction like this shows that you are just a child. Is love just about two people who are in love with each other, who are in love with each other, and who love each other when they are in love with each other?"

"I'm very sorry. I have to tell you that the world does not revolve around us. No one will be young forever, and there will always be only good luck."

"In life, all bad things are possible. Including the death of a loved one, being disabled in a car accident, betrayal, abandonment, living under the influence of others, leaving one's hometown, and meeting unkind people..."

"Sounds scary, doesn't it? But it's all true. In other words, if the ingredients of love are as simple as you think, it would be too easy, and there would be no need to talk about the word 'precious'?"

I don't know if he was angry at this rebuttal or was really frightened by Ning Weimin's description.

Huo Xin's face became more and more ugly, and she couldn't help but scream.

"What you said is too scary, are you deliberately trying to scare me? Or do you want to discuss life and deliberately change the subject? Stop talking about the truth. We are just talking about the two of us!"

Ning Weimin was just the opposite of her, his smile became calmer.

"I am now more convinced that I was right. You are just a child. You always don't understand that it is precisely because of our different ideas and inconsistent perceptions of our values, worldview, and outlook on life that we cannot come together. The real obstacle. In fact, whether the personalities are compatible or not is not that big of an issue."

"You know, there is no difference between good and bad personalities. If you have similar temperament and the same hobbies, you can naturally have fun. But if you have different personalities, you can complement each other. Think about it, if your partner can help you when you are impulsive. Give yourself a push, or give yourself a push when you are weak. Isn't this a good thing? Your temper is impatient, but you also have a straightforward side, so why change it? "

"What's more, as the saying goes, nature is hard to change, and nature cannot be changed at all. If you change, are you still yourself? If you change reluctantly, it is equivalent to erasing yourself. You will definitely not succeed, and you will feel even more painful. There is nothing in this world. People are worthy of this."

Perhaps because people like to hear good things, Huo Xin finally paid attention to Ning Weimin's explanation and thought about it seriously.

"Ideology? Are these big and boundless things you are talking about empty? Even so. Then can't two people get along with each other and influence each other to gradually reach an agreement?"

Ning Weimin shook his head decisively.

"Of course not. Although people's three views are acquired, they require long-term learning and experience. They are also the comprehensive product of personal family background, life experience, and social experience. That is precisely the unique characteristic of each person that is different from others. Yes It represents oneself far more than personality. It can be said that three views are one’s beliefs and one’s soul.”

"So true 'like-mindedness' is not about liking music, chess, calligraphy and painting at all, but agreement on three views. Otherwise, why would so many revolutionaries with the same ideals be willing to sacrifice themselves to protect their comrades? On the contrary, You can also take a look. How many couples who were originally happy broke up on their own initiative, and how many relatives who were originally harmonious suddenly turned against each other. Isn’t it all because of this problem? "

Huo Xin was stunned when she heard it. It was obvious that she had never thought about these issues before, but Ning Weimin refreshed her knowledge.

After being stunned for a long time, he came back to his senses.

"But the things of the past are in the past. These are not war years anymore. And many broken families have reconciled. Don't you think you have worried enough? People get along with each other, more It's just a trivial matter of food, rice, oil and salt, how can it be forever involved in these big conflicts of right and wrong?"

Ning Weimin shook his head firmly again.

"You are wrong. The differences in three views may not be so intense in today's life, but the inherent contradictions will follow them everywhere. Because the three views are the origin that drives people's words and deeds. Just like This is what our last quarrel was like. Why I returned the pickup truck to the company and why I stayed away from the head office, I can’t explain to you. You won’t understand..."

Although Huo Xin also believed that the truth was correct, because it involved herself, how could she admit it?

"Who said that? You should have told me earlier that you had such a plan. How could I not support it?"

Facing Huo Xin's urgent argument, Ning Weimin asked another question.

"Then what if I failed? The restaurant failed to do well and lost money. Even if I was fired by the head office, would you still think so? If I resign and leave tomorrow, start a new business by myself, and would rather be self-employed. You What will you think? Will you still support me? Let’s not take it as an afterthought.”

"You... want to leave?" Huo Xin no longer cared about discussing the problem itself, and suddenly became anxious, "You... why are you doing this? You obviously have a bright future."

Ning Weimin couldn't help but laugh at her shift in attention.

"Haha, I'm just making an analogy. But you see, am I right? Although your concern for me is well-intentioned, our views are different, and our perceptions are different. I can tell you, what you think I don't really care about the great future. I want to live a happy life, have the freedom to be independent, and start a business on my own. In your eyes, I'm afraid it's the same as a lunatic."

"But...but isn't this because you are too diverse? Who in the right mind would give up on a stable and secure future? Let all the hard work he has put in go to waste?"

Huo Xin's confusion and panic meant that she had completely followed Ning Weimin's lead.

So naturally, Ning Weimin easily caught the flaw in her words and denied it.

"No, no, who said all the previous efforts were wasted. Isn't everything I did before useless to myself? Isn't it the gain of experience and the growth of ability? This is something you ignore. And the position you value and decency are the biggest differences in our values.”

"Frankly speaking, if you were born in such a family, you will inevitably have such values. In fact, I can understand why you attach so much importance to status, education, position, future, and privileges, as well as your persistence instinct. But I definitely don’t like it, and I won’t approve it. So we become people in two worlds.”

"Huo Xin, you and I grew up in completely different environments. I am just a child from a common people's family. If love and marriage are to be happy, two people must have the same views. To be honest, I have no idea what kind of person I should marry. , although I haven’t thought about it clearly myself. But one thing is clear to me. The two of us are absolutely not suitable, it is 100% impossible."

"The best way for us to get along with each other is actually to keep a distance and just be ordinary friends. Then we can tolerate each other, understand each other, and even help each other."

Perhaps because Ning Weimin hit the point, his outspokenness made Huo Xin a little angry.

Hearing this, she interrupted suddenly.

"Look at what you said about me, am I such a philistine and so bad? You are being extreme! People go to higher places, and water flows to lower places. Isn't it natural for people to pursue success throughout their lives? Ordinary people's homes What's wrong? Don't people want their children to go to college, serve in the military, and find a good job?"

"Also, humans are social creatures, and together we build a complete society. As an individual in society, don't we need to care about the feelings of others? That's called selfishness! If you choose yourself out like you, public order and civilization How can we maintain politeness?”

"No, no, you are not selfish, but you have low self-esteem! I was almost deceived by you. You are using a cynical attitude to cover up your low self-esteem. On the surface, you look very proud when you reject others. But in fact, this But it’s a sign that you don’t have confidence.”

"You mind my family because you only want to stay in the environment you are familiar with and don't dare to move forward. There is a saying that it is better to be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix. Is this the case for you? Are you Are you afraid of accepting my feelings because you feel too much pressure on my family?”

Ning Weimin had long expected that this issue was too sensitive and Huo Xin would probably become emotional.

But what she never expected was that she would actually assume that she had low self-esteem.

Out of pride, Ning Weimin originally wanted to argue.

But after thinking about it, does this kind of verbal dispute make sense? In fact, it doesn’t matter.

As long as his goal is achieved, what does it matter what Huo Xin thinks?

"Whatever you think, we have different views anyway, and this kind of problem cannot be solved in one place."

"You're still a grown man, how can you be so negative about life? What truly determines a person's success depends on how he fights, works hard, and strives for it! You don't understand this at all..."

"How come I don't understand the truth? You think the problem is too simple. To put it bluntly, it's like eating in a restaurant and eating something dirty on the plate. People who don't care continue to eat, and those who care have no appetite. .Can you tell who is right and who is wrong? Can you force someone who doesn’t want to eat to continue eating?”

"Why does this involve eating? What on earth are you talking about?"

I don’t know if it’s because I’m young or because I really don’t understand the ways of the world.

Many tactful methods could have left room for both parties, but they were not applicable to Huo Xin at all.

To be honest, Huo Xin didn't look like a Beijing native, which made Ning Weimin feel helpless.

When talking to her, you can't be subtle, you can only be explicit.

"Then let me explain it a little more clearly. What if... I mean what if, we were together? We can imagine it."

"As a poor boy, would I be happy if I entered a family of senior cadres? No, no matter how hard I work, no matter how outstanding I am, I will be said to be taking advantage of nepotism in the future. So what's the point of my hard work and struggle? "

"And you, how should you treat me? Be cautious, lest I feel ignored and despised. But isn't this sad for you? It's not fair to you either."

"Similarly, even if your parents accept me, it's because of you. What if I have a conflict with them? What should I do if you are caught in the middle?"

"There is no possibility of harmony in our situation. If any little thing happens to me, you, or even your parents, everyone will be upset."

"We will not be happy, we will only be tired and have more misunderstandings. It is strange that the relationship in this kind of marriage can remain good. Even if there is some good things at the beginning, it will be destroyed in the end."

"Actually, although the words 'well-matched' are a bit feudal, it is the experience summed up by the predecessors. 'Marry a woman from a low-class family, marry a daughter from a high-class family'. There is a certain truth to it. When we are together, it is a tragedy for both parties. , it’s impossible to have a good result.”

Huo Xin really had a headache, "What you said... is too complicated! I haven't thought about it, I haven't thought about it..."

Then she started to cry, "Is it really destined that we can't be together just because of our family differences? How could it be? Isn't it the feudal dregs of a well-matched family? No, no, it must not be like this, Sister Hui and Nian Jing Brother, isn't he very good? Why don't they have the problem you mentioned?"

Huo Xin seemed to have rekindled hope amidst the almost despairing loss.

But when her words fell to Ning Weimin's ears, they were just a big joke, and they were destined to be crushed by him.

"Don't use them as examples. Although I don't like to discuss other people's rights and wrongs behind their backs. But I still want to say that you look very beautiful, but you are not harmonious. It may not be true. Maybe it's just that people want you to see it. What about this scene?”

"At this point, I simply confess to you that I am actually very disgusted with the friends around you. They are proud of their family background and proud of enjoying the shade of their parents, which makes me feel shallow. They do not respect hard work. Even laughing at the efforts of civilians makes me angry. Their ignorance and arrogance also disgust me. It's just that I don't want to show it."

"But what I hate most about them is that they are very hypocritical. They are obviously very philistine, but they pretend to be righteous. They especially like to use morality to kidnap others and do things for them. In fact, I have always been hesitant. I don't know how to advise you to stay away. Will they misunderstand you? Anyway, in my opinion, you really believe in friendship. But they are completely different. They just use friendship as a tool to take advantage of others. "

Ning Weimin's words made Huo Xin feel as uncomfortable as needle pricks.

Although the words were harsh, they were objective facts common in life, which made it difficult for her to find the words to refute several times.

In the end, she had nothing to say, and then she began to sob softly.

And as soon as the tears were opened, they seemed to be completely unstoppable and flowed down.

From then on until Ning Weimin drove the car to Shijia Hutong, the two of them never spoke again.

Finally, when the two of them parted at the entrance of the famous courtyard, Ning Weimin felt a little embarrassed.

I would also like to find a few more words to add to the scene.

"Huo Xin, I'm very sorry today. I said too many things that you didn't like to hear. But I have always regarded you as my best friend..."

In the end, he was completely redundant, and Huo Xin, who had just stopped crying, was recruited. Hot tears fell from my eyes again sourly.

"Oh, friend, good friend... You have said it too many times. No need to repeat it. You always use friendship to resist love. But to be honest, in my opinion, you are also a hypocritical person. Forget it. Come on, you don’t deserve to be my friend! You cold-blooded animal!"

After saying that, Huo Xin opened the car door and jumped out of the car.

Braving the wind and snow, he ran to the courtyard and plunged into the vermilion gate with gold pillars and a guard sentry at the door.

Needless to say, Ning Weimin was really embarrassed now.

Because Huo Xin forgot his bicycle, and it was still lying behind his car?

There was nothing else, so Ning Weimin had no choice but to get out of the car and move Huo Xin's car and the gifts by himself.

Then he pushed over and discussed with the guard at the door.

"What...comrade, this bicycle belongs to the girl who just went in. She forgot to take it, why don't you give it to her. These things are also gifts she brought..."

I didn't expect that the guards couldn't make the decision on this kind of thing, and they had to call for instructions from inside.

Just as he was talking, another Jim car drove into the alley.

Just because the alley is not wide, there are cars parked beside the wall of the courtyard itself. The oncoming Jim sedan was blocked by Ning Weimin's large jeep and had to stop in front of his car.

But that's nothing.

Soon a well-dressed middle-aged couple got out of the car. They came over with some gifts and seemed to want to enter the courtyard.

Just under the illumination of the car lights, they came face to face with Ning Weimin.

Then the couple's eyes were fixed on the bicycle Ning Weimin was pushing, and then turned back to his face.

The woman wearing a black mink coat and pearl earrings was the first to ask.

"What's going on? Is this... Huo Xin's bicycle?"

The elegant middle-aged man, while pulling in the collar of his coat, looked at Ning Weimin curiously.

"Young man, you... and Huo Xin are...?"

Ning Weimin was completely dumbfounded, his mind racing as to how to deal with the scene in front of him.

Don't ask, he knew the identity of the couple based on their facial features and the style of their clothes.

The more you fear, the more you get.

How come the coincidences in life are so fucked up!

At this moment, the air was filled with colorful paper, and there were explosions everywhere.

Above the alley, which is about three to four meters wide, is a black and blue sky with sparks flying.

There is only snow, falling quietly, falling...

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