National Tide 1980

Chapter 611 The Unsolved Mystery

Ning Weimin was really unambiguous in his work.

If you don't take action, it's fine. Once you take action, it's a big deal.

During the busiest two weeks when the residents of Majia Garden were relocating, he slapped him on the matter of buying a house.

Smash down one hundred thousand yuan with one hand.

More than 20 apartments were quickly collected, and the prices were not discussed much.

Let’s make it clear, it’s not Ning Weimin who is being taken advantage of, but he thinks more clearly and knows how to grasp the big ones and let go of the small ones!

Mainly because he felt that in this case, not only the house price was cheap, but the location was also superior.

Because the housing exchange station is in Dongcheng, most of the houses available are in Dongcheng District. How can it be so different?

Even if you buy blindly with your eyes closed, you won't suffer a loss.

It's better to simply give the opportunity to make money to someone who will use it in the future and create a good relationship.

Who is useful?

Of course, it refers to the director and the two clerks who Meng Yi hired for him in the first two days and revealed the inside story of the house-changing station to him.

There is no doubt that in the future, he will not turn a blind eye to real estate. Sooner or later, it will be regarded as a direction of investment to make money.

That will inevitably require a lot of help.

If through this matter, the interests of the people at the house-changing station are bound and a stable alliance can be reached, wouldn't it be great for him?

This is the most valuable thing, and it is much more cost-effective than making a few extra bucks.

That's right, people looking for a house through the housing exchange website, because there is an extra person in the middle, the transaction price will definitely be higher.

But this way he can return the favor and appear to be a good person.

In addition, the people at the house-changing station are all experts, and their work is absolutely reliable and efficient.

No matter the location, quality, or orientation of the house, everyone will consider it for him, and the transfer procedure is no problem.

He didn't even have to go to the housing management office to go through the procedures for changing the tenant, the house-changing station took care of it all for him.

He only needs to pay, get the keys from the landlord or the "housing bug" who holds the house, and complete the agreement.

Then take the certificate issued by the housing exchange station or the housing management office to the police station where the house is located to register, and you're all set.

How much time has been saved and how many chores have been saved!

If you think about it, you will know that he is the head of the Altar Palace, the direct person in charge of the Zhai Palace, the actual controller of two street enterprises, and the zodiac king in the stamp market. Time is so precious!

He is no better than others. How much money will he make for every minute he is delayed?

Could it be that he still couldn't figure out which end was heavier and which was lighter?

What's more, to say the least, just by being able to find out from the people at the housing exchange station one by one about the houses that have been acquired, which elementary school is nearby, and whether it is a key school, he will make a lot of money.

You know, there is a fact that is close to a myth in the real estate industry in Beijing thirty years later.

The most valuable and most resilient houses in the capital are neither the courtyard houses around Shichahai nor the Diaoyutai No. 7 house near Yuyuantan Park, where the price once exceeded 200,000 yuan per square meter.

Not to mention the Xia Gong Mansion, which is right next to Tiananmen Square and sold for more than 100,000 yuan per square meter at its opening. Even the luxurious Pangu Grand View next to the Bird's Nest has to be played around.

The houses with the most economic value are actually ordinary residences called "school district houses" located near key primary schools.

School district housing generally refers to properties within key primary schools.

This concept exists because for many key primary schools, only students whose household registration is in a specific designated area can attend.

Although it is not yet time for the capital to implement this policy, Ning Weimin does not know when it will be implemented.

But what he can be sure of is that this policy will come true in the near future and will exist for more than two decades.

Until 2020, before the Beijing city government decided to decouple enrollment policy from housing.

For primary school students in the capital, the nearby admission policy will always be implemented, and each primary school will only admit students from specific surrounding areas.

There is no doubt that because the resources of high-quality key primary schools in Beijing are very scarce and the demand for education is huge, "tickets" for key primary schools are hard to come by.

The price of housing in school districts will remain high or even skyrocket because of parents who hope their children will succeed.

As for how expensive a house in a school district in Beijing is, this question is really scary.

In Ning Weimin's impression, around 2014, the capital's property market was already cooling down as a whole.

In Wenchang Hutong near Xidan, Beijing, the price of a private house with an area of ​​only ten square meters has bucked the market trend, reaching as high as 3.4 million yuan.

For no other reason than because there is an Experimental No. 2 Primary School near this house, which is considered one of the "best primary schools in Beijing."

Even in the eyes of most people, this house is shabby, low, damp, with poor lighting, and even the walls are peeling off in some places.

It can be said that even raising pigs is too small, it is simply miserable.

But because of the special attribute of being able to live here and go to school, the price of this house is so great!

Its unit price almost exceeds the selling price of all the most high-end first-hand real estate in Beijing.

Well-known mansions such as Diaoyutai No. 7 Courtyard, Xiagong Mansion, and Pangu Grand View are simply "weak" compared to this small house.

Then think about it, who is Ning Weimin?

Doesn't he know how to take advantage of this?

Will he ignore the bonus attributes of housing in a school district?

The answer is obviously no.

In fact, when buying a house, although Ning Weimin didn't worry much and didn't force it, he basically caught up with it.

But after negotiating the terms and paying the deposit, he had more things to do about the house.

Privately, he spent a lot of time competing with the map of the capital.

Not only did he use this incident to sort out the key primary schools in each district of the capital, and marked them on the map with a red pen.

Moreover, based on the specific conditions of Dongcheng District, the houses collected were sorted in order.

For no other reason than because he wants to decide which of these houses he will keep and which ones can be provided to the relocated households based on the distance and location between the school and the house.

So in this way, what he does becomes even more bizarre.

Because he first decided to replace the six houses with his and Kang Shude's names.

No matter the area, orientation, house structure or location, in the eyes of the three people at the housing exchange station and Meng Yi, it was not the best.

There is even a 20-square-meter room on the first floor of the Tongzi Building, facing south and north.

The room can be said to be dark, dark, damp and shabby.

Without sunshine all year round, the walls became moldy.

That house was completely built by a clerk to help his brother-in-law who was a house bug.

He bit the bullet and begged Ning Weimin to sell his face and buy it.

One thousand and fifty were given to him.

There is also a two-bedroom apartment on the sixth floor of a simple building with a decent area of ​​36 square meters.

But not to mention it’s cold in winter and hot in summer, there’s still some water leaking from the top.

The key is that it takes a lot of effort to change the gas tank, and it takes a lot of effort to move it up and down.

Anyone who lives in such a house will be scolded.

Therefore, let alone the people at the house-changing station who were stunned when they saw Ning Weimin making such a choice.

Even Meng Yi was confused.

But due to Ning Weimin's status, although these people wanted to persuade him, they didn't know how to speak.

They were all afraid that if they pointed out their mistakes, they would lose Ning Weimin's face and offend him instead.

Before going through the formalities, the people at the room-changing station bared their teeth and looked at each other.

In the end, it was Meng Yi who was so close to Ning Weimin that he couldn't help but intervene with good intentions.

He pulled Ning Weimin aside and quietly bit his ear.

"Brother Ning, you bought so many good houses, why do you keep these? These... these two houses are so boring. Please listen to my advice and give these houses to the residents. How about getting a few bright units under your name?"

But Ning Weimin was stubborn.

"Meng'er, I know you have good intentions and I understand it. But you really don't care about this matter. I will keep this room for my own use."

"You...what do you use it for?"

"Look at you, you still have to break the casserole and ask? Well, since you are so curious, I will tell you. These two rooms are for me to grow fungus. Look, how can you do this in such a dark and humid place? It couldn't be better. I'll make some bad wood and stew it for a day, and it will grow in one night. Learn from it, brother, how much does it cost to live in a house? Do you know how much fungus my 'tan palace' can use in a year? ? Let's put it this way, with these two rooms, our "Tan Palace" will be able to save thousands of dollars a year in the future."

As for this, Ning Weimin is just talking nonsense and playing with Meng Yi's cymbals.

But there is no way, who makes him very human and do extraordinary things.

From his point of view, it is really difficult to explain his reasons to anyone.

He could never tell others the reason why he fell in love with these two houses.

It's probably because the tube building is next to Jingshan Primary School, and the other two-bedroom apartment is next to Fuxue Hutong Primary School.

He couldn't tell others that for ten or twenty years, he had no intention of putting these two apartments to any practical use.

But once 2010 comes, these two houses will help him earn five or six houses of the same area.

The six houses he left behind, taken together, can even earn back all the houses he gave away to the residents for free at this time.

No one would believe him if he really said it? Yes or no?

But he never thought about what Meng Yi, who worshiped and trusted him like a superstition, would think after hearing these words.

It doesn't matter what he said, but it frightened and disgusted the honest boy Meng Yi.

Meng Yi had seen what that dark little room looked like with his own eyes, and had personally experienced the mold and moisture in that room.

That really caused a psychological shadow.

In fact, Meng Yi has never eaten fungus since then.

Even mentioning fungus makes him feel sick to his stomach.

Especially when eating at "Tan Palace", dishes containing fungus must not be served.

Because Meng Yi's psychological suggestion ability is too strong.

Just one look at it, and his rich association will make him immediately have the urge to rush into the toilet.

In the future, this even became a big mystery about Meng Yi in the eyes of others.

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