National Tide 1980

Chapter 613 Joy falls from heaven

There is an old saying that when luck comes, even Kunlun Mountain cannot stop it.

This is true.

This was Ning Weimin's personal experience when he came forward to help Kang Shude reclaim Ma's Garden.

First of all, the process of closing the house itself was relatively smooth.

Ning Weimin wasn't in too much of a hurry, everything was going according to his plan.

In mid-April, almost all the residents in Majia Garden were cleared.

There is only one family with an area of ​​16 square meters left, which has not yet been moved out.

Even this resident stayed until the end because of special circumstances, and it was not because he really didn’t want to move.

Speaking of this room, it was originally occupied by an old man who was nearly sixty years old.

It is said that he is also an editor of a publishing house, quite an old-school intellectual.

A few years ago, this old man passed away due to a sudden heart attack.

His only surviving relatives are his son and his family.

However, his son still worked in Jinling, settled down there, and had children.

So the actual situation of this cabin is that no one has lived in it for more than two years, and the curtains are drawn and the door is locked all year round.

Needless to say, Director Wei of Jingshan Street had already sent a notice to the old man's son specifically for this matter.

I tried my best to contact the old man's son, hoping that he could return to Beijing as soon as possible to go through the relocation procedures.

But after receiving the notice, the old man's son replied that he was very busy at work.

He still needs a few days to complete his work before he can ask for leave from his employer.

In this case, this matter can only be delayed temporarily.

Considering that it is not easy to buy tickets, it is difficult to ask for leave.

It is completely reasonable for the old man's son to be delayed for several months.

The key is that in this situation, Ning Weimin can conclude that the other party cannot afford to waste time.

Even if he returns to the capital, he will definitely handle it in a clean and crisp manner.

Since you have money and no shortage of houses, you just need to wait for the other party to make a choice.

He is not worried at all about how it will be resolved in the end.

As for the yard occupied by the factory next door, although it has not been moved yet, Director Wei of the street also gave the right letter.

It's said that we have almost found a place. It is the basement of a newly built residential building, about 700 square meters.

As long as Ning Weimin fulfills his agreement and pays one year's rent, which is almost three thousand yuan, to the street first.

Then the street can start organizing manpower and move things bit by bit.

It only takes about ten days to complete the entire relocation work.

There is no doubt that when things are done to this extent, it can be said that there is only a thin line between raw rice and cooked rice.

Probably the remaining big white duck couldn't fly anywhere.

Can Ning Weimin not be practical?

The result was not only practical, but also because he was so wealthy and powerful this time and did things so beautifully.

Even the good things he had never thought of actually fell from the sky and landed on his forehead.

The person who smashed him was so happy that he almost sang "Sister Lin fell from the sky".

Because Dongcheng District is a gathering place for courtyard houses, the housing management office has certainly carried out more than one case of vacating private houses.

Naturally, there will be families with similar situations to Ning Weimin who will also come to the housing management department to advocate the implementation of the policy.

In this kind of matter, everything is easy to say, except that the issue of resettlement of the tenants is difficult to deal with.

In legal terms, they are bona fide third parties.

Moving here is a problem caused by historical reasons and policy changes.

No matter what, these existing tenants cannot be evicted just because private landlords request to take back their properties or the housing management department implements policies.

So usually, the housing management department can return the house to the owner who claims the right through the deed.

But if the residents are unwilling to leave, they have to continue to live here.

Rent is revertable to "1957 standards".

The housing management department will not collect the rent after that, and this power will be transferred to the landlord.

But at the same time, home repairs have become the responsibility of the homeowner.

So think about it, what’s the point of the homeowner taking back the property?

The so-called "1957 standard" refers to the rent set by the government for bungalows in 1957, which is 20 cents per square meter.

The monthly rent for a standard room of 15 square meters is only three yuan and ten cents.

For a courtyard house of 200 to 300 square meters, the monthly rent is less than 80 RMB, based on the number of rooms with seven rooms and five rooms on each side.

Including the cost of maintaining the house, how much money can the homeowner get?

The key is that we can't bear it anymore. One household will come here to make trouble today, and another one will come to cause trouble tomorrow.

There are so many things to worry about in this house, why not worry about it?

Now is a new society. Most people have jobs and have to work. Almost everyone lives a step-by-step life.

If I have to run errands for the house every day after work, I'm afraid I'll be exhausted. I really can't afford to waste this time.

As a result, many homeowners were unprepared and faced a huge burden, because the repossessed house made them even more troublesome.

This is the case at No. 5 Courtyard in Dongsisi Tiao.

The owner of this house is an old lady, and the deed was left to her by the old man.

There is no one else in the family except two daughters, two sons-in-law, a grandson and a granddaughter.

This family's house was bought by the old man from a Kuomintang officer who fled on a plane when the city was closed before liberation.

Originally, I was thinking about getting the house back so that the family could move back in.

During the years when their family lived in No. 5 Courtyard, they missed the front porch and back building, the pomegranate tree, and the screen wall in that courtyard.

So as soon as I got the news, I started running about it.

Unexpectedly, the house is coming back, but after so many years, the house has become extremely old.

The colorful paintings were all faded, and the exquisite carvings were badly damaged.

There are seven families living in the courtyard. Not only are every room occupied, but they are also filled with small rooms.

It has already transformed into an out-and-out large courtyard.

Not only did they not want to go back, but they were extremely upset because they got the house back.

After I returned to my house in the second half of last year, one winter passed, and the water pipes alone froze and cracked three times because the residents forgot to return the water, which almost killed the family.

You know, the winter in Beijing is really cold these days.

Plumbers are not willing to do the errands that must be assigned by the public, let alone the work that you come to ask for privately.

At the very least, you need two boxes of good cigarettes, plus a meal of good wine and food, before people are willing to come.

So the old lady and her family were in trouble because of this small courtyard.

Repairing a water pipe costs twenty yuan.

The key point is that those who beg grandpa to sue grandma still have to be angry. What are they trying to do?

However, it was not enough to ignore it. The water supply cutoff was a major event that affected people's basic life. All the residents of the six families in the hospital had to come to her house.

Nothing else, the old lady really regretted it, and started to contact the housing management department again, asking the state to help resettle the residents in this courtyard.

How can the housing management office take care of this?

Coincidentally, as soon as Ning Weimin's case of evicting residents at his own expense came up, people from the housing management department had something to say.

They showed the old lady two ways to go.

He said that he could either follow Ning Weimin's example and get the house with his own money and move the residents out.

Or just sell the house.

To whom?

It's so far away but so close.

Since General Manager Ning of Renjiatan Palace could spend so much money to move more than 60 households.

Presumably they don’t care about moving a few more families.

Just like that, with the help of the housing management department, the old lady and her family found Ning Weimin.

He offered to buy the No. 5 courtyard in Dongsi Si Tiao.

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