National Tide 1980

Chapter 631 Wonderland

After viewing the north room, turn to the east.

The east wing and west wing correspond to each other and are also three rooms wide.

After opening these rooms, the most valuable thing is that there is a hollow floor-to-ceiling cover between the open room in the middle and the two side rooms, which are also completely preserved.

The pair of floor-standing covers in the east wing are brown-yellow. The lower part of the plantain is cylindrical, with leaf bases on it. It gradually turns into a fine pattern grid at a height of more than one person.

In terms of production level, it is not only close to the floor-standing cover of the Forbidden City.

When it comes to the cleverness of the design, it seems to be even more innovative.

Ning Weimin liked it very much when he saw it and couldn't help but praise it.

"The floor-to-ceiling cover in the east wing is really amazing! It's so beautiful! It's so ingenious! It can be said to be a work of art! It's even more delicate in workmanship than those copied from the Beijing Hardwood Furniture Factory during the 'movement'!"

"Old man, I bought so many pieces of furniture and wood from the hardwood furniture factory, that is, a "Squirrel Grape" floor cover, to be comparable to the floor cover in your room. But it was still a solo, and I was It's settled in the 'Tan Palace' restaurant."

"Seriously, even though your room is just a private residence, I really envy this plantain floor-standing cover. It is much better than the ordinary flower covers and square covers in the rooms in my No. 5 courtyard. My imperial uncle My house, you can overcome this point."

Seeing that Ning Weimin was so knowledgeable about goods, Kang Shude was naturally very happy.

"That's not the case. What's wrong with the folk houses? You have to look at who built the folk houses! You can search all over the capital, and you won't be able to find another private garden of such high quality and originality as Ma's Garden. !”

After talking for a long time, the old man, who was already a little thirsty, became interested in talking again.

"I'm not bragging. You kid, don't use bean bags as solid food. Don't forget, this is the house built by the master builder Ma Huitang for his own honor. How can he not be interested in it? What's more, the Ma family and another builder The aristocratic family 'Shi Shi Lei' has been friends for many generations, and is also related by marriage to a descendant of 'Shan Zi Zhang', the master of mountain building in the Qing Dynasty. Therefore, this Majia garden uses many clever techniques that cannot be compared with other private gardens."

"Where is the brilliance? It's in the simplicity that you can see the exquisiteness. Hey! First of all, you have to understand that when Ma Huitang ran this garden, the Qing Dynasty had already perished, and its buildings were not originally restricted by the feudal hierarchy. But the entire garden It still adopts a relatively low roof shape. Only one hall has a hilltop, and most of the other buildings have a hard top. All of them use rolled roofs or saddle ridges, and no brick carvings are used on the ridged eaves bricks. The beams and beams are only slightly painted on the heads of the hoops, which looks very simple."

"Why is this? Because Ma Huitang believes that his identity is just a craftsman and businessman. He does not want to follow the bureaucrats in pursuing the superficial magnificence of the house, but only pursues a peaceful and simple style. To put it bluntly, after serving the royal family for more than a hundred years, the Summer Palace has become It was built by the Ma family. What kind of house can they not build? But they don’t care about the appearance. They don’t want the place where they live to be noble and gorgeous. What they care more about is how comfortable and comfortable they are. That’s why they put all their efforts into it. It’s all about the landscaping and interior decoration. This is called having meat on the bun but not the pleats.”

"Let's talk about the architectural layout of this garden. The most unique thing about this garden is its clever division of courtyard space. There are almost no partition walls in the garden. Each courtyard is separated by rockeries and verandas, which are either wide or deep. Or small, with different shapes. Through the surrounding embellishment of flowers, trees, water and stones, the effect of one scene at a time can be achieved."

"In the past, when the garden was in good condition, people's walking route would go back and forth between the rockery and the corridor from the moment they entered the garden gate. The corridors in the garden were also very long, often with benches and railings, and they could be climbed around the mountain. The house has ups and downs, interspersed with each other, and the transition with the residential part is very natural. Ma Huitang himself was most proud of this, and he often commented on the mystery of it personally. "

"In addition, Ma's Garden is of course also very particular about the construction materials. All halls are made of gold bricks, and the walls are all polished bricks with seams, which are exquisite and dense. The quality of the house is not worse than that of your No. 5 courtyard. Especially inside the house There are a variety of floor-standing covers, flower covers and Duobaoge, and the workmanship is meticulous. Not only are the materials used high-quality, but the styles are also innovative. Many of them are made by Ouchi craftsmen at that time, and they are no better than the objects in an ordinary clan home. ?Just kidding."

"Especially when this garden was built, the capital already had running water, electric lights, cars and telephones. When the Ma family built their house, they introduced these modern facilities into it. They also built a billiards hall and a song and dance hall for entertainment. At the same time, It also retains the traditional theater building, the God of Wealth Temple and the Buddhist temple. So in terms of functionality, Majia Garden has all the advantages of traditional and modern residences.”

"Finally, what really makes Ma's Garden surpass ordinary gardens is the exquisite landscaping. There are two larger rockeries in this garden, and there are also five or six groups of exquisite stone peaks. The entire yard is surrounded by verandas. Exquisite sculptures and fountains can be seen in the three pools in the garden. Moreover, the Ma family planted lotus flowers directly in the pools. In winter, straw curtains were laid in the pools to prevent freezing. This is a very expensive way to create lotus pools, unlike any other. It is comparable to the common setting technique of placing lotus tanks in the pond. Especially to the south of the theater building, the Ma family also has two large "flower caves", which are flower rooms, dedicated to cultivating flowers and plants in winter. This is Let the garden live up to its name all year round.”

"As for the common flowers and trees in the garden, they are even more luxuriant. The old tree we saw at the entrance is tall and lush. This kind of tree is called a catalpa tree, which is rare in the capital. There are also two old locust trees in the garden, It requires several people to hug each other, and they are planted to the north of the main peak of the big rockery and to the west of Xiyinxuan. In addition, there are jujube trees, apricot trees, ginkgo trees, wolfberry trees, quince trees, elm trees, cypress trees, persimmon trees, walnut trees, etc. The main flowers are There are Xifu crabapples and lilacs, and in front of the Ma family’s private house in the garden, there is often a peony pond with many excellent plants.”

"But that's nothing. Because in addition to plants, there are also many animals in the garden. Birds of various colors sing in the cages on the veranda. More than sixty bird cages can be hung on a veranda. All the pools are There are fish swimming among the lotus leaves, which adds a lot of vitality. What is even more interesting is that there were two nests of ducks and four deer in the garden. They can swim freely among the trees, rocks and ponds, which is quite interesting in the wild mountains and forests. "

"Hey, you've never seen with your own eyes what the garden looked like in the past. It's beyond your imagination. Except for the lack of running water and the inability to use boats, the rest of the Ma's garden is complete. Come on. Almost all the guests who passed by stayed away. Let me tell you this, although the garden in Jinyu Hutong is famous, everyone in Prince Gong’s Mansion where He Shen lived is well-known, but it is all government-sponsored, but the house is big and the servants are It’s like a cloud of pomp and circumstance. To really enjoy life, it has to belong to Ma’s Garden.”

"Why else would Mr. Song be willing to spend 100 yuan a month to rent such a small courtyard? The entire Zhangyuan villa that Puyi rented in Jinmen only cost 200 yuan a month. Basically, Mr. Song is nothing but I love this garden so much that I am willing to pay for the quality of Ma’s garden.”

"Do you know what the most beautiful time here is? That's during festivals, or when the owner of the Ma family holds a festive gathering. The entire garden verandah will be hung with lanterns. Some are for lighting, and some are for viewing. There were also people who guessed riddles. The scene was so dazzling, it was like a fairyland on earth."

"At that time, people still paid attention to placing box flowers. I often climbed up to the roof. Standing on the roof, I waited quietly to watch the scenery of silver flowers and fire trees in the garden. Finally, there were cascading fireworks, which were played from the theater building. In addition to the colorful fireworks that fill the night sky, there will also be white parachutes floating toward me like white elves. They are part of the fireworks, and they spurt out as the fireworks soar into the sky. Those small white parachutes, Floating towards me slowly, floating across the roof, I can reach them down with just a stretch of my hand...

Kang Shude's description made Ning Weimin completely dumbfounded.

Originally, Ning Weimin thought that Ma's Garden looked a bit like a garden villa community in the commercial housing era.

Many different families live in small courtyards in the garden, and everyone regards the garden as an area for public activities.

Nothing too special either.

But now he doesn't just think that. He now thinks that Ma's Garden completely transcends the concept of ordinary residences.

It is simply a fantasyland in reality, even more Dream of Red Mansions than "Dream of Red Mansions".

You can get everything you want here. It's so happy and dreamy. Back then, it was a paradise that was completely isolated from the troubled times.

Well, let’s keep the deer in the garden and let them run around as they please! There were fireworks in the sky and on the ground!

This is better than people who can play thirty years later!

So he felt something, and he couldn't help but sigh with envy.

"Master, what you said is much more real and vivid than the wealthy families described in the cross talk "Praising the House". If you hadn't told me, I would never have imagined that there is such a wealthy life in the world. This is low-key luxury! Thank you It gave me a lot of experience, as if I had already taken a tour of the garden back then based on my imagination. It seems that the Ma family was indeed worthy of being the richest man in the capital at that time, and it was indeed too rich!"

Unexpectedly, his words also amused Kang Shude.

"What do you mean by that? Low-key luxury? This word is quite new, but it is also appropriate."

"Hey, as for the cross talk, it is just a cross talk. It belongs to the extremely exaggerated imagination of the poor and cannot be taken seriously at all. Because the common people's knowledge is quite limited. How can a cross talk talker know the real life of the rich?"

"You see, for ordinary people, when they say they are rich, they must eat well and drink well, wear gold and silver, silk and satin, and have beautiful cars and BMWs. However, the life of a truly wealthy family is just about 'returning to the courtyard with music and music, and lighting up the stairs.'" Among them, The difference can be judged in one word! Think about it, is this the case? "

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