National Tide 1980

Chapter 639 There is no

Ning Weimin had to admit that he and his master were indeed different in terms of skills.

Ask yourself, if he is the Kang Shude of that year.

Although based on his ability to recognize people, if he met a Russian woman, he would probably buy the pair of wine glasses.

But the key point is that from the beginning, everything that follows is cause and effect, and they are all connected.

What's the use of just having a good start?

There is a high probability that he will sell the two purple gold wine glasses directly at the gold price afterwards.

After all, he doesn't like Western things and won't think of retaining them.

As soon as you feel happy, you will definitely want to get the cash as soon as possible.

Since he won't be like Kang Shude and Mr. Song, he insists on figuring out the whole story.

There is no curiosity to get to the bottom of things and get to the bottom of things.

Of course, he would not know Professor Yan, and it would be impossible for him to follow the big ingot.

How to buy Majia Garden without the big ingot at the back?

Without Ma's Garden, of course, today's treasure hunt would not be possible...

So what the old man just said is completely valid.

Luck is based on knowledge, vision and courage.

Even if he is able to stand here today, it is because of Master, so what else is there to say?

This is called the loss of skin, how can the hair be attached...

"Old man, there's nothing else. I'm convinced. I'm not convinced by metal, wood, water, fire, or earth, so I'll just submit to you. I'm willing to admit defeat and be convinced..."

After thinking about it, Ning Weimin woke up from his daze, stepped forward and surrendered, feeling very bachelor.

"Old man, I am not flattering you. Your sharp eyes and ability to identify things cannot even be compared with the experts in the Forbidden City. You are omnipotent and omniscient, and you can even recognize foreign gadgets. How can I say that you are a master? You are my apprentice. What you have in you is enough for me to learn for a lifetime."

"Look at my two bronze cranes. They are worth more than 200 yuan. Your two purple gold chess pieces are only 2 taels high. According to the domestic gold price, 50 yuan per gram is 5,000 yuan." That’s a lot. If the purple and gold ones are really that expensive, then it’s going to be tens of thousands, right?”

"Hey, I don't think I have a chance to win against you. As expected, you will be the final winner today. So what, I give this pair of bronze cranes to you willingly, and that's okay. But Master , are you so generous and let me go? Can you spare me the job of copying books? "

"Look at today's great day. I'm driving you to look at the house. It's no credit to me, but hard work, right? You're happy to look at the house, and you're also making a fortune. It's a double happiness. But it's nothing for me. It’s too unfair for me to be punished after doing a lot of work, what do you think?”

Seeing Ning Weimin begging him with a tired look on his face, his eyes were like a child begging for candy from an adult.

Kang Shude was really in trouble and couldn't help but sigh.

"You kid, what am I saying about you? Actually, I didn't originally intend to punish you to copy books. It was just to cheer you up and focus on finding things."

"But to be honest, your performance today is so disappointing to me. You have not improved your eyesight at all, but you are still lazy, arrogant, and careless. To put it bluntly, you might as well have been when you just started. You are so bad. In my opinion, punishing you to copy books is a very necessary thing."

"But you just want to take credit for me and insist on confusing the two things. If I don't agree to you, it seems that I am unkind, but if I agree to you, I will harm you."

"Well, if you really don't want to copy, and you want to be an uneducated waste, then I have nothing to do, so I'll just let you do it. But one thing, don't blame me in the future, saying that you didn't learn anything from me. The real thing…”

What the old man said is a bit harsh.

It is said that he is tolerant, but it also implies that he is sad for his misfortune and angry at him.

His expression was also condescending, quite contemptuous and disgusting.

This is certainly not the result Ning Weimin wants.

He couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable and a little unconvinced.

"Master, what do you mean by this? Am I that bad? I'm not as good as when I started? Now, I have a treasure for everyone. Didn't you go to my altar palace? I got it Isn’t the quality of the goods not high enough?”

However, what the old man said later was even more heartbreaking, and it also surprised him greatly.

"Hey, are you pretending to be confused because you understand? We who are discerning don't tell lies. What do you think you are capable of when you go to the cultural relics store to buy something? You have to take out the phoenix eggs from the sparrow's nest to be considered really capable."

"What were you like in the past? Ah, I still remember that dressing table you bought back when you went to the Tangen Ghost Market. Well, even I was blinded that time, but you could actually tell that the mirror was made of plastic. It's made of solid crystal. What does this mean? It means that at that time, you were really hard at work, and you also liked to use your brain when things happened."

"But what about today? Two chess pieces can make you give up easily. But you already have the real treasure in your hands and you don't even recognize it! Especially just now, I even pointed out my own affairs on you several times. But How about you, you are extremely stupid, do you really want to listen to a story to relieve your boredom? I am surprised, where did the spirituality in you go? "

"What did you say just now? A blind cat can meet a dead mouse, and a blind cat is also a good cat. Hey, I'm embarrassed to say it to you. Are your eyes no better than a blind cat? You can't even roast duck. If you can recognize him as a dead rat, you should dig him out!"

Shocked, surprised, incredible!

The old man's words were like a big thunderbolt, which made Ning Weimin's heart roar.

He ran to his bronze crane in disbelief, looking at it from left to right, thinking about it.

But I still didn't see the reason.

"Master, please stop teasing me? Is this a treasure? How is it possible? Isn't it just a brass wax drill in the late Qing Dynasty? The malachite green rust has come out..."

Yes, the more determined he is, the more complete he will be!

Because the answer to the mystery revealed by Kang Shude made him want to scold himself for being stupid, and he was so ashamed that he crawled into the cracks of the ground. "

"You are really hopeless! I have told you the answer, but you still don't see the reason!"

"The year is correct! But there is something wrong with the material!"

"Take a good look at that crane's eyes. Are they materials? Why are they different from materials?"

Ning Weimin looked at it this way, and it turned out to be exactly what Kang Shude had mentioned.

Not to mention that the eyes of the two bronze cranes are not of average size and standard shape. Even the red color and translucency seem to be different, which is just an approximation.

Hey, he was really careless and didn't even notice.

"What do you mean, this is..."

"Needless to say, the value of these crane wax drills lies first in their eyes, which are four rubies!"


"Yes, you can make four ring faces. The color is so red and the color is so good. The value of these gems alone is comparable to my purple and gold chess pieces..."

Ning Weimin was extremely surprised at this time.

When he looked at the pair of cranes, he felt like looking at sparkling gold bars.

But on second thought, it still seemed impossible.

A very important question, how come this brass crane has rubies as eyes?

It doesn’t match!

"Old man, this... this is unreasonable. Good things are all matched by Jackie Chan! Which craftsman dare not do this? Who would match precious gems with brass? Isn't this nonsense? ?”

Ning Weimin believed that he had grasped the key flaw of the problem.

Unexpectedly, this argument was still a joke to Kang Shude.

"Humph, what does it mean to be smart but to be misled by your cleverness? It's just because you know this that you have preconceived ideas."

"Take a good look at the posture of the crane. Think about it again, such a one-foot-tall copper crane actually stands on one leg. If the base is still made of copper, can it be pressed down? Isn't this common sense not enough? Do you understand?"

"You are right. Good things come in complete sets. If the eyes are made of gemstones, the body must be made of gold. But because of the unique shape of the object, this gold is used on a high base for you."

"Hey, these two bronze cranes are made of almost three kilograms of gold. Silly boy, something worth at least one hundred thousand, you actually think it's worth two hundred. How can I praise you..."

Oh, my spicy mother!

After hearing these words, Ning Weimin blushed immediately.

He couldn't help but admit that he was a waste of snacks.

Such a huge sum of money, if the old man hadn't woken up, he would have thrown it away with a wave of his hand.

Is this a blind cat that kills a mouse?

He hated this sentence now.

Outside the Great Wall, beside the ancient road, there is a sky of fragrant grass!

There is no "Bi Lian"!

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