National Tide 1980

Chapter 647 Gold Content

Lin Xiaofen took the initiative to hold Yin Yue's hand, looking very excited and affectionate.

"Hey, sisters, we haven't seen each other for a few years. Are you okay?"

"I haven't seen you for five or six years, right?" Yin Yue said, "You have changed a lot."

She really meant it.

Not to mention that Lin Xiaofen is no longer the malnourished firewood girl she used to be.

Raised to be white, tender, and feminine.

It even seems like his personality has changed a bit.

He is no longer as cowardly and inferior as he used to be, and has become a bit outgoing.

"Not only that, it's been seven years! I still have the notebook you gave me when we broke up after middle school."

"Oh, you remember it so clearly..." Yin Yue smiled.

"Of course, we were in middle school together for three years, and you were the only one who gave me gifts. You wrote on the title page of your notebook, Xiaofen, read the great leader's books, listen to XXX's words, and be a good soldier of XXX. I am now Watching it makes my heart warm.”

"That's how gifts were written back then." Yin Yue couldn't help but sigh.

"How are you now? What are you doing? Are you working as an accountant?"

Lin Xiaofen stared at the deposit receipt in Yin Yue's hand, obviously misunderstanding it.

The numbers above were the basis for her judgment.

However, Yin Yue was really in a dilemma as to how to respond in such a public situation.

To be honest, even little kids now know that "Pierre Cardin" is the most expensive French clothing, and the jingle "Pierre Cardin, squeeze out the money" has spread throughout society.

If she said she worked at Pierre Cardin, she would raise eyebrows.

If you have to explain it again, this certificate of deposit is your own income, then it is completely self-showing.

If she emphasized that she was a salesperson from Pierre Carton, that would be low-key enough, but of course she was unwilling to lose her status in front of her classmates.

If you agree according to the other party's words, you are undoubtedly pretending to be confused and deliberately deceiving.

Ouch, nothing is good...

Fortunately, just when she was hesitating, the person in front of them had already finished the process and called someone at the bank counter.

Lin Xiaofen was in a hurry to do something. In this way, the embarrassment would be resolved naturally, and she wouldn't need to say anything else.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xiaofen was still nostalgic. When she was leaving, she turned around and stopped her, giving her a special warning.

"Hey, Yin Yue, don't leave yet, wait for me. I'll get some money right now, and we'll be done talking. We haven't seen each other for how many years, so I'm going to give you my notebook, and I'll find one for you too. It’s a place to catch up on old times. I’m here to treat you.”

So I originally planned to leave my contact information and say goodbye to Yin Yue, but I couldn't help but feel a little moved.

It's really not good to just leave like this.

After thinking about it, she had no choice but to call over the two neighborhood children who had come with her and hand them twenty yuan.

"Sister, I met an acquaintance today. I promised to treat you to dinner at noon, but I can't go. How about this, I'll give you the money. You can go by yourself. Drink less! Go home early!"

Those two boys are easy to talk to, and as long as they have money, they can be easily dispatched.

He took the money with a smile, agreed, and left happily.

Just like that, Yin Yue waited for Lin Xiaofen to withdraw the money, and then followed her to the "Gangcheng Yadu Bar" on the ground floor of the Xuanwumen Hotel.

Why don't you go to a restaurant?

If not for anything else, it’s just because restaurants these days are dominated by men and it’s too noisy.

None of them were very hungry and just wanted to sit together and chat.

Yin Yue heard from Lin Xiaofen that this place was opened by people from Hong Kong City. She came here often recently and the environment was pretty good.

So I readily agreed.

Indeed, after arriving, Yin Yue found that the environment here was not bad.

Although it can't compare with Maxim, it is still very open, very fashionable, and very suitable for sitting and chatting.

Both sides of the wall are neatly arranged in the form of high-backed leather chairs and glass-topped dining tables, which are commonly known as "train seats".

There is a bar in the middle and a row of high stools in front of the bar.

The lighting in the room is also very particular. In addition to the small lamps shining like stars on the ceiling, there is a small lamp with an umbrella on each table.

These are scenes that we Chinese could only see in foreign movies in the past.

But after all, the service staff these days always have a state-run attitude, which kind of ruins the atmosphere of this place.

Just like the two women poking at the bar, they seemed to be the people in charge of the store, and each of them had a "big explosion" on their head.

The two of them were chatting and laughing inside when no one was around. As soon as they saw someone approaching the bar, their faces immediately dropped.

Obviously unhappy because their chat was delayed.

This made Yin Yue sigh from the bottom of his heart.

I sincerely feel that Pierre-Carton's staff training and requirements are a thousand times better than this kind of Hong Kong-owned bar.

If they had something like this in their store, they would probably just open it.

But what was most unexpected to Yin Yue was also what made her emotional the most.

On the contrary, the "little coal core" of the past has completely disappeared without a trace.

Today's Lin Xiaofen is impressive, she has become extra generous and generous.

After the two of them sat down, Lin Xiaofen loudly snapped her fingers and called the waiter.

I didn't even look at the wine list or drink list, just ordered something as if I was familiar with it.

"Two cups of coffee, and a plate of cream croissants, a plate of cookies, a plate of almonds, a plate of peanuts, um... and a bottle of red wine..."

At the same time as Lin Xiaofen was giving instructions, Yin Yue opened the wine list and flipped through it casually. She didn't see anything else and noticed the red wine Lin Xiaofen ordered.

That wine is actually the domestically produced ‘China Red’. It sells for seven yuan a bottle here, but only two and a half yuan in stores outside.

It can be seen from this that the things Lin Xiaofen asked for could not cover the cost of two meals, and it was largely staged.

So she quickly intervened and said there was no need to be so polite. They both couldn't eat and asked Lin Xiaofen to ask for less.

However, Lin Xiaofen was stubborn and insisted on sending the waiter away.

"Hey, this is nothing. Money is not a problem for me now. How did we get through those years? We have suffered so much. Now that we have the conditions, of course we have to compensate ourselves."

"Look, in the past, I only saw cream pastries in my dreams, and I had no idea what wine tasted like. Now I can sit here openly and enjoy as much as I want. This is called progress."

"Just because we can become serfs and sing, just because we can meet again today, it's worth having a few drinks together! If you can't eat, there's nothing to be afraid of. Just show off and be happy."

After saying that, she giggled.

Such "bold words" surprised Yin Yue, and he couldn't help but feel in a trance.

Because she suddenly realized that in the three years of middle school, she had never seen Lin Xiaofen smile.

This was the first time I saw Lin Xiaofen looking so happy.

It’s no wonder. Who can laugh when they are not full? Even she herself is the same.

Although her family conditions were better than Lin Xiaofen's in the past, that was relatively speaking, and at most she would not go hungry.

The taste of poverty also made her heartache, otherwise she would not rack her brains and think of ways to make money.

I am really scared of poverty.

Thinking of this, Yin Yue felt calm and couldn't help but smile.

"Xiao Fen, you are so loud. I didn't expect that you have changed a lot in these years. It seems that you have made a fortune and live a really cool life."

But at the same time, she became curious.

Because Lin Xiaofen's homework was not good in the past, and her family had no connections.

How could a person with nothing become such a wealthy person?

This seems to be the only possibility.

"Xiao Fen, have you become an individual?"

Unexpectedly, she guessed wrong.

Lin Xiaofen shook her head and said with a smile on her face.

"Sisters, you are mistaken. I am an accountant just like you now."

"Huh? Are you an accountant?"

Yin Yue was immediately taken aback and followed the trend to clarify.

"I...I'm not an accountant. I work as a salesperson for Pierre Carton and sell clothes every day."

As soon as she said this, Lin Xiaofen's reaction was similar to hers, her eyes widened.

"Pierre Carton? Oh my god. No wonder you are so fashionable and beautiful, and you still save so much money. Everyone thinks that people in your place earn hundreds? It seems to be true..."

There is no need for Yin Yue to clarify what exactly happened.

She just made a vague feint and gave Lin Xiaofen a thumbs up.

"Okay, let's just do it. I can't spend money as much as you. But you, why did you become an accountant? You deal with complex numbers every day, and this job is almost like half a mathematician. You are really good... …”

Lin Xiaofen really did this.

Once he was proud, he not only stopped asking about Yin Yue's situation, but also completely explained his work.

"Haha, you're wrong again. What a half-mathematician. It's not like you don't know what I'm studying. I'm at the bottom of the class. If it's like you said, accounting is so difficult. Then beat me to death, and I won't I can’t do it.”

"To tell you the truth, after I graduated, I was assigned to sell vegetables in a vegetable market. This arithmetic skill was gained from selling vegetables. Later, when I felt unmotivated, I went to a small hardware factory run by my second uncle and his friends. Anyway, It’s not my turn to be assigned a room. The salary they give me is twice as high as me selling vegetables, which makes me rich, and I’m not tired.”

"And I didn't expect it at all. Not only was the village accountant wearing big glasses old, but he also loved to drink and did calculations. So he immediately showed me off and became an accountant."

"Our factory doesn't have high requirements. I am a junior high school student and I have a high degree of education. As long as I can calculate the revenue and expenditure for the factory and pay everyone's wages on time..."

But the whole story was explained clearly, but Yin Yue sounded even more confused.

Because no matter how you look at it, the accountant of a township enterprise cannot spend money like that.

Unexpectedly, Lin Xiaofen really didn't treat her as an outsider. She didn't even let her ask, and she was completely bald.

"Old classmate, I know what you are thinking. No matter how much my salary is, it can't be more than yours, right? That's right. But I have extra money."

"Now everyone knows that self-employed people make money quickly, right? But let me tell you, it's not easy for self-employed people to make money. Think about it, you have to come and go in the wind and rain all day long, get up early every day and work hard, and you are always punished. You can earn all the money. It’s hard-earned money.”

"To be honest, sometimes it is quite easy to make money. It just depends on whether you can rely on the mountain and the water, and whether you can find the right way."

As she spoke, Lin Xiaofen felt a mysterious energy and wanted to look around, then lowered her voice and whispered.

"Sisters, let me tell you, the most comfortable way to make money is to make money with money."

"Use money to make money? You mean...deposit it in the bank and earn interest?"

Yin Yue deliberately pretended to be stupid, thinking to herself, wouldn't she meet a colleague?

"Oh, sisters. You are too smart. How much is bank interest?"

That's right, seeing Lin Xiaofen shouting like this, the more Yin Yue thought about it, the more similar he became.

Lin Xiaofen works as an accountant and has a source of funds.

They couldn't use their factory's money to lend money to others, right?

However, the truth once again exceeded Yin Yue's expectations, and she guessed wrong again.

"It's either stupid or lazy to put money in the bank. Besides, how much money do I earn? It's useless to put it all in. I mean - it has to be invested."

Lin Xiaofen taught.


Yin Yue was completely confused and couldn't believe that such high-end words came out of Lin Xiaofen's mouth.

"Isn't investment just a matter for the big boss? I've heard that foreigners and Hong Kong tourists come to invest here. Can we invest too? How much will it cost?"

"Oh, the investment I'm talking about is different from what you said. Where do you spend so much money? I'm talking about buying stamps! You can invest as long as you have ten or eight yuan in your pocket. Once you buy it, you can just wait and see. Count the money..."

"Stamps? Didn't you see the joke? There aren't many in the post office, but you can make money just by buying them?"

"Otherwise you don't understand. Of course it can't be ordinary stamps. You have to buy stamps that are hard to buy and that everyone wants, like zodiac stamps."

"Zodiac ticket?" Yin Yue looked at Lin Xiaofen as if she were from another world. She didn't know or understand what he said.

"You still remember where our home is, right? I live at the Peace Arch. Last year, the Philatelic Corporation moved here. Whether I was leaving home or coming back, I later discovered that a bunch of people always gathered in front of the Philatelic Corporation. Buying and selling stamps in piles."

"I don't know anything else. I just know that they are talking about monkeys, chickens, and dogs. The eight-cent zodiac tickets are valuable, and sometimes they go up and sometimes they go down. I just buy them. I made some money, and at first I used fifty or sixty yuan for fun. Then guess what, I just tinkered around without paying much attention, and I earned ten yuan in a week."

"As soon as I saw that this could make money, I increased my investment until I invested all my savings. As a result, I bought at a low price and sold at a high price. I earned more and more. Almost every month. Give me one month’s salary.”

"Of course, what really counts me as lucky is that I came to this factory. Because except when I don't have enough money, I can use my position to get some money out of the factory and benefit from it. The most important thing is that , Our factory had some unused stamps accumulated over the years, and I later accidentally discovered that these stamps included several editions of zodiac stamps."

"What's even better is that no one in the factory understood this, so I used the money to buy other stamps to exchange for them. As a result, I took them to the philatelic company and slowly sold them, and I made five or six thousand. After that, I With the capital expanded, it becomes easier to make money. You don’t just earn one month’s salary every month, three or four hundred is common. In good times, you can earn thousands.”

"This year is the most evil, because the issuance of rat stamps has triggered stamp collectors to rush for it. It has been rising all the way. As long as philatelic companies sell, there will be a lot of people. Therefore, the price of zodiac stamps this year has not turned around and gone down. . I made a loss on everything I sold, and I made more than twice as much profit on the goods I held in hand."

"You know why I withdraw money today and why I brought you here? It's because I have to go to the philatelic company to buy stamps in a while. I want as many as I want. Hey, you can buy some with me too, and I won't lose any money. .”

After this introduction, Lin Xiaofen was very excited.

Yin Yue also listened very seriously.

With her understanding of Lin Xiaofen and her confidence in her relationship with her classmates, she could tell that there was not much water in Lin Xiaofen's words.

Intuitively, she immediately realized that this might be a good opportunity to make money.

Although she still couldn't figure out what was going on inside, she didn't understand why such a small stamp caused so many people to fight for it.

But the problem is, since there are so many people doing this, it can't be a stupid thing.

"Will so many people really want to buy this kind of stamp?"

"Of course, who doesn't want to make money? Many of the neighbors in our yard have bought with me, and now everyone is making money just by sitting every day. Who doesn't appreciate me? People who don't listen to me will still I regret it all. If you believe me, just play with some money. Let’s make a fortune together. I’ll take you to the gate of the philatelic company later and you’ll know what’s going on.”

"Then what do you think is the appropriate amount for me to invest if I want to buy it?" Yin Yue asked.

"Generally speaking. Ordinary people can buy something for two to three hundred, three to five hundred. They will be satisfied if they earn a little. But you are not an ordinary person. You already earn that much. If you ask me, If you buy less, you won’t be able to quench your thirst. At least buy two or three thousand to find it interesting.”

"Ah? If you buy so much, what if it doesn't go up? What if you lose money?"

"Impossible. I haven't fallen this year. Can I hurt you?"

Lin Xiaofen said generously, "How about this? Let's give it a try today. The stamps I bought with the thousand and a half will be half for each of us. When the time comes, you can hold the stamps first and don't have to worry about giving me money."

"You can come to me again next Sunday. We will watch the market together. If it goes up, you will give me the stamp money. If it goes down, it will be easy to deal with such a wicked thing. You can give me the stamp money again. Just give it to me. Who asked me to let you buy it?"

"I'm not afraid of holding it. At worst, I can just sell it after a while when the stamp price goes up."

"This..." Yin Yue suddenly realized that the relationship between classmates was very valuable, and Xiaofen was indeed interesting to her.

If she had to do this, she would have no risk at all. It's like taking money.

"Oh, this is so embarrassing. If you want to say that, I have to treat you to this meal today, and I have to thank you very much."

Lin Xiaofen also felt Yin Yue's sincerity, so she started joking in a relaxed tone.

"Oh, no, no, no. Don't act like your father and mother are not as close to each other as you are to XXX. This is just the case this time. When you start making money, the rest will be all up to you. I can't guarantee the compensation. Isn't that right? Anyway, we are classmates, you are worthy of me, and I am worthy of you. If you really feel sorry for yourself, it will be easy to handle. Come back, I will buy clothes from you, just give me your internal price .”

From then on, Yin Yue's mind was filled with all the things he wanted to do to make money by buying stamps.

For nothing else, if you can really make money just by buying stamps, as Lin Xiaofen said.

Then the idle funds in her hands can be put to use.

Is it really such a good thing?

Next, Lin Xiaofen told true stories about several people who recently made a lot of money by buying stamps.

She was even more stunned and ready to move.

In this way, the meeting with classmates that was supposed to have other things to talk about turned out to be the only topic that could be exchanged: stamps.

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