National Tide 1980

Chapter 66 Coming

No matter in his previous life or in this life, Ning Weimin was an orphan.

In addition, he made his own fortune from scratch and has been in the society for so long.

He has already tasted all the cold treatment and contempt in the world, and has experienced all kinds of people who make him embarrassed.

Therefore, ordinary embarrassing situations are really a piece of cake for him who has rich experience in dealing with them.

In addition, Lan Lan's father is a high-ranking intellectual after all.

No matter how harsh his attitude was, he would not resort to indiscriminate swearing on the spot.

At most, they were just cross-examining Ning Weimin with preconceived prejudices and wariness, just like checking their household registration.

And the cultural people's method of exerting pressure is just as lukewarm as diplomatic rhetoric.

This may be effective for most young people who have never seen much of the world.

But for Ning Weimin, who was essentially a greasy uncle with a thick face and a generous heart, it was neither painful nor itchy.

What's more, Ning Weimin has a clear conscience.

He believed that he took the greatest credit for persuading Lan Lan to return to class, and that he should be thanked by Lan Lan's parents.

In addition, as a veteran in the business world, this guy is also very good at negotiation.

He knows how to use words to gain the initiative, and he is also very familiar with the technique of biasing the rhythm of dialogue.

Therefore, in this conversation with Lan Lan's father, he seemed organized and confident.

Not even a hint of embarrassment, flinching, guilt, or timidity.

To say that he is "neither humble nor arrogant" and "reasonable" is to say that he is at a loss.

"Total control" and "effortless" are the most appropriate adjectives.

In fact, Ning Weimin only briefly responded to some questions from Lan Lan's father at the beginning of the conversation.

For example, what is your relationship with Lan Lan, how did you meet her, what is your last name, where do you live...

And after all these innocuous situations were mentioned one by one, he stopped talking about himself and Lan Lan.

Instead, he pretended to be an expert on emotion.

By praising Lan Lan and telling Lan Lan's inner troubles, he played a good role in avoiding the truth.

The topic of the conversation was quietly changed to the issue of trust between Lan Lan and her parents.

This moment made Lan Lan's father confused, and he didn't even care to continue to hold him accountable.

The specific steps are actually very simple.

Ning Weimin first claimed that he understood Lan Lan's father very well and knew that he was worried that his daughter would make bad friends.

She pretended to stand in Lan Lan's father's shoes and lamented the greatness of fatherly love.

Then he began to use "wrong analogies" to explain Lan Lan's grievances.

In a very regretful tone, he said that both Lan Lan's father and mother should trust their daughter's judgment.

Because believing in Lan Lan means believing in their own educational methods and educational abilities.

Ning Weimin also said that in his opinion, Lan Lan is kind, cheerful, intelligent and loves to help others.

All this is due to the good education of Lan Lan's parents and her excellent family environment.

The only pity is that they don't trust and understand Lan Lan enough.

In the end, Ning Weimin simply made Lan Lan into a girl who was deeply emotionally troubled.

In fact, Lan Lan loves her parents very much, but she is not good at expressing her thoughts.

She truly not only has the ability to think independently, but also knows how to treat herself well.

Although there were some issues that she couldn't figure out at the moment, as long as she calmly thought about them, she would gradually come to a rational judgment.

He suggested that Lan Lan's father go home and have a good talk with his daughter, and talk openly and honestly without any prejudice or emotion.

I believe that by then, not only family relationships but also family conflicts will be properly resolved.

As a father, he will definitely be proud and gratified for his daughter.

In this way, this guy just picked up high-sounding and sensational words.

The key question about how he brought Lan Lan to the Great Wall was left unmentioned.

Needless to say, I unexpectedly learned about such a "depressed" side of my daughter.

Can Lan Lan's father not be surprised or not care?

At the same time, because it was in public, due to time constraints, there were still many important guests waiting for him.

Lan Lan's father, who has a good reputation, is not only worried about his daughter, but also afraid that others will know his family's privacy, so he can't care about anything else.

To put it bluntly, Lan Lan's father was almost deceived by Ning Weimin.

In this way, the final result of this dialogue was Ning Weimin's overall victory.

Not only did he escape with dignity, he also laid the foundation for Lan Lan's character.

This not only buys Lan Lan time to prepare for the showdown with her parents, but also puts the initiative in the upcoming family dialogue into her hands.

It's up to Lan Lan to say what she wants to say at that time.

As for the follow-up part.

Even though they said goodbye that day, Lan Lan's father still didn't have a good look on Ning Weimin.

Lan Lan followed her father reluctantly.

Even the next day, Ning Weimin went to the scrap station to find Lan Lan and found that she had resigned.

After more than ten days, there was no news about her.

But Ning Weimin was not worried about this, instead he felt very relieved.

Because when you think about it, you know that this is completely normal.

Not to mention anything else, under the same circumstances, if Ning Weimin had a daughter.

He will also definitely ask his daughter to cut off contact with social friends like him and concentrate on her studies.

So the best news is that he has no news about Lan Lan.

This can only explain one point.

Lan Lan has reconciled with her parents in advance and has returned to the normal life that should belong to her.

Maybe this girl is enjoying all kinds of pampering from her parents now.

And this is the only parting gift he can give to Lan Lan.

It was somewhat of a reward for the help this girl had given him.

Obviously, for Lan Lan's family, the most important thing is that she can change her mind and return to class.

Lan Lan's parents will naturally not care about their daughter over trivial matters, and may even relax their control appropriately.

In other words, as long as he no longer appears in Lan Lan's life, Lan Lan will no longer have any trouble.

Even if she fails the college entrance examination repeatedly, it actually doesn't mean anything to this girl.

Because her future will be well arranged by her family.

Just like that, Ning Weimin relaxed and felt relieved in his heart.

To be honest, ever since he learned about Lan Lan's family situation, he had always been needlessly worried about this girl who was as transparent as glassware.

I'm afraid that she won't listen to the advice and will just keep eating and playing like this and living in a muddle.

Not only is time wasted, family relationships will become worse and worse.

Then he would have become a bad friend and should be hated by the Lan family.

But this girl is too casual and a bit paranoid.

Every time I tried to persuade her too much, she would get upset and simply cover her ears and not listen.

He had never worried so much about someone before. He was worried too much and couldn't bear it.

Invisibly, there is an additional sense of moral responsibility and emotional burden.

This made him, who was always used to being alone, feel very mixed at the same time.

So it can end like this and everyone can live in peace.

They were originally two cars running on two roads. It is a rare fate to meet and help each other by chance in life.

Since we don't owe each other anything and have left a good memory, it's natural that it's time to part ways.

Even if we say goodbye without saying goodbye, it is still considered complete.

It's just that destiny is quite individual. Whatever you want, it won't come out the way you want.

Ning Weimin really didn't expect that the emotional balance he was satisfied with could not be maintained in the end.

Finally, Lan Lan left an indelible mark in his heart.

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