National Tide 1980

Chapter 672: Borrowing Strength

Silver bullet offensive, typical silver bullet offensive!

Has anyone seen this posture before?

Who can bear it?

To be fair, anyone faced with such a situation would probably go crazy again and again, until they are completely incurable!

The director and the secretary looked at each other and smiled. They both felt that this was a damaging move, but it would definitely work.

"Frankly speaking, I am even willing to treat the special department as an investor in Tan Palace. I am very willing to share our benefits with them. In other words, we actually only need to tie the special department to us. Let them become vested interests on the ship and benefit from our operations. Then how can they still go against us? This will naturally solve the problem fundamentally."

"Although you can't give it openly, you can make donations or something. This is not a bribe. Because in addition to the role of alliance, it is also a good thing that is beneficial to the country. It is good for the country and the people. Of course, because It’s everyone’s money that’s spent. This requires the nod from you, the director, and Director Jin from the Service Bureau.”

"The most important thing is that we must first make the pie bigger and effectively expand profits before we have the conditions to implement this method. As long as we have more money and the pie is bigger, it doesn't matter if we give out a little. Otherwise, it will be difficult to give up the good money. . Not to mention that everyone is inevitably distressed, I am also distressed."

Ning Weimin's words were very true and once again won the approval of the principal.

Yes, if they have more income, of course they won't care about the money.

But the question is, how to do this?

"You have said everything that needs to be said. You understand everything. But it has nothing to do with me? Why do you still need my help?"

The director was a little anxious, but he didn't hear the subtext in Ning Weimin's words.

And this question also gave Ning Weimin the opportunity to show his trump card.

"Director, why don't you have anything to do with me? I have plenty of ways to make money, but I have to rely on the foundation and platform of the Temple of Heaven. You have to make things convenient for me and give me policies. We have to develop more diversification in the future. We can achieve commercial cooperation, or even comprehensive cooperation. Only if you are willing to give me the opportunity to develop tourist resources can I bring you gold and silver."

"For example, take the antique shops that moved from Liulichang to our Temple of Heaven. Now Liulichang Antique Street is almost repaired. It's time for them to move back. What to do with the empty shops? Instead of letting them sit idle, you can return them when the time comes. Why don't you subcontract the operation to me? You can even hand over the purchase of all the tourist products in the park to me. In fact, I have always felt that our products are not attractive enough, and I really hope that we can coordinate the planning."

"For another example, there are not many attractive entertainment projects in our park. Apart from watching houses, there is nothing else. But in terms of breeding, we have an advantage. After all, we have done it in the past. We can actually raise animals again. Well. It doesn’t need to be any rare birds and beasts, just combine it with the situation of our garden. Squirrels, dogs, birds, peacocks. Lambs, ponies, deer. Let’s do related performances and launch a photo-taking project with animals. . Not to mention attracting many parents with children, these projects can also be charged separately to generate additional income."

"Also, we can build a roller skating rink. We can also build a forest hut as a playground for the children. From time to time, we can organize folk art performances and so on, and set up a teahouse. Even if we get a piece of sand, we can bury some every day. Beautiful rocks for the kids to treasure hunt for.”

"In short, I hope you will give me the green light. Give me the right to operate and let me step by step combine the characteristics of our park to make entertainment projects cover all age groups. Develop our Temple of Heaven into the most attractive place in Nancheng Comprehensive recreational park.”

"As long as there are more people, is it easy to make money? With more money, we can even go out of the Temple of Heaven and do business outside. This is the second way I mentioned! Externally, we have to carry out expansionary operations , and continue to strengthen our own economic strength!"

Ning Weimin's ideas were all clever and clever tricks that the director could never imagine.

No one in this era would have thought that a park could be like this, or that tourism could include these projects.

This kid actually said that the Temple of Heaven does not need to be stuck in one place, and completely used words to paint a very beautiful business picture for the director, which made the director feel excited.

It's just that the prospect is brilliant, like a shining golden mesh studded with diamonds.

But having said that, business operations are still risky after all.

Who can guarantee that there will be no loss of money?

What's more, if you do this, it will bloom in all directions. The move is too big and will definitely affect the policy.

What will it say above?

Therefore, the director is inevitably a little hesitant and not easy to make this decision.

"You can rest assured that I won't act too hastily and blindly start the horse. I must control it within my ability, do the things in front of me first, and then take my time step by step. I have to accomplish one thing, and then Just do the next thing. Then we won’t be passive. We can adjust and solve problems in time when we encounter them.”

Seeing what the director was worried about, Ning Weimin didn't stop there. Instead, he struck while the iron was hot and tried his best to deceive.

"In addition, there is an additional benefit to doing this, that is, we can find something serious to do for the special department, which will definitely overwhelm them and successfully divert their attention. How many people can the director send? If we pave the way The situation has been opened up. How many people do they need to keep a close eye on us? Of course, they can't keep their eyes on us. That would actually make things more peaceful."

"Also, the biggest advantage is that we become too big to fail. Let me tell you from the bottom of my heart, in fact, the bigger the situation we create, the more beneficial and safer it is for us. Because if we If we take it away, then who can control this situation? Everyone has to worry about the consequences. If no one has this confidence, can anyone touch us? There is no chance of borrowing their courage. "

I have to say that in the director's opinion, Ning Weimin's words are very reasonable, especially the last one.

The director actually knew very well that Ning Weimin himself relied on this method to compete with Pierre Cardon Corporation.

And it seems to work pretty well.

Now, doesn't this guy have the potential to be a powerful figure, like a prince?

It just so happens that the biggest dilemma in the heart of the director of the Temple of Heaven right now is how to dispel the covetousness of all parties facing the Temple of Heaven in the next few years.

Can he himself continue to stay in this position and protect the good life of his employees?

In addition to hoping to see the happy faces of employees.

I hope that after I retire, my employees will say a few good things about me.

He really wanted nothing more.

So Ning Weimin's words were equivalent to giving him the greatest guarantee.

Just like that, he was relieved soon.

He didn't even make eye contact with the secretary or say "Let me think about it." He just slapped his thigh on the spot.

"Xiao Ning, you still have an idea. Then let's do it according to your idea. I'm willing to go all out. Anyway, I will retire in a few years. Before I leave the Temple of Heaven, I will accompany you to have a good time and have a good time. Have a fight.”

"Don't tell me, I'm quite impressed with you as a young man. In fact, whether you are an official or a businessman, the greatest skill is to be able to allocate resources, use resources and interpersonal relationships according to appropriate rules. That's where I fall short Yeah, I still don’t know how to use power."

"So don't be afraid to say something a little embarrassing. You are already qualified to lead me! I am old and useless. Give up, give up..."

How could Ning Weimin dare to accept such words calmly, so he quickly became humble.

"Leader, don't say that, it makes me feel ashamed. As the old saying goes, no matter how strong the water is, it can't cover the mountain. No matter how capable I am, I still have to have you at the helm. To put it bluntly, I am the shopkeeper who works hard. You He is the boss. That is, only when I meet a good leader like you who is willing to help me, can I achieve something."

While winning the favor of the principal, he also secretly breathed a sigh of relief and felt refreshed.

He said in his heart, as long as the director of the park is willing to support him to go big, then controlling the future business plan process will really not be a problem.

The rest depends on his own operating level.

Crisis Crisis, in fact, as long as you play it well, you can kill two birds with one stone.

Not only can the danger disappear, but it can also lead to huge gains.

No, he can be proud of his strength.

The other two partners will definitely think that he took the initiative to share the risk for everyone!

But in fact he got the greatest benefit!

In fact, he has always been afraid that the small rich in the Temple of Heaven will be safe and become timid.

I didn’t even know how to speak, so I went to the garden director to ask him for the management rights of those shops he was interested in.

Who would have thought that I had coveted it for so long and didn't know how to get it, but Director Duan accidentally facilitated it.

I have to say that time is also destiny...

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