National Tide 1980

Chapter 695 Beloved

Jiang Hui didn't cry at home for long.

Like most wives who had a quarrel with their husbands and harbored grievances, she also chose to run back to her parents' home for comfort.

I hope to win the care and sympathy of my parents and relatives.

He even hoped that his brother would stand up for him and teach Nian Jing a lesson.

As for the issue of marriage survival.

Now that Nian Jing already knows her most hidden secret.

Especially since the person she cheated on has become a prisoner far away in the border area, which has become a taboo that the Jiang family can no longer talk about.

So no matter whether she still has some feelings for Nian Jing, she can no longer live with him.

Otherwise, she will always feel that she is short of Nian Jing.

This sense of guilt and shame from her conscience can keep her in pain all the time.

A person like her who has always had a high self-esteem since she was a child must not be able to bear this feeling, so it would be better to leave happily.

Not to mention, Nian Jing's appearance as a small citizen today and his angry accusations have made the gentle, considerate, quality and educated image he has always maintained in the past no longer exist.

Not only did it completely destroy her remaining attachment to her marriage, it also gave her a profound enlightenment.

Suddenly I realized that my marriage was just a business, a commodity with a clear price tag.

Nian Jing, who was born in the business world, was so jealous and crazy because he now believed that this deal was not a good deal, showing that he had lost all his money.

Jiang Hui only felt that she was incredibly stupid back then, being deceived so easily by the sweet words of a philistine.

This is probably called "if you don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer a loss in front of you".

But today, my mouth is full of evil.

Just like the banquet he had with Nian Jing at noon, Jiang Hui actually encountered serious frustration at his own home.

Although she described the situation as quite serious, she tried her best to cover up her fault and tried her best to excuse herself.

But her parents were indifferent to her complaints and showed no sympathy at all.

She was surprised and felt even more pathetic because of it.

In fact, the mother was very sympathetic and even wanted to call Jiang Hao and call her son to discuss it.

But her father just didn't allow it.

"I did not agree with this marriage at the beginning. And now that she is married, what else can be done since the raw rice has been cooked? As the saying goes, it is difficult for upright officials to deal with household affairs. Even the emperor cannot interfere We should not interfere in the affairs between the couple, otherwise we will get worse and worse. Think about it, if a man is afraid of his wife’s natal family, how can he be expected to fulfill his duties as a husband? Do you still Do we really hope that our daughter will go for a divorce just because she wants to, without being criticized behind her back?"

This is indeed an unresolvable deadlock. From a parent's perspective, this is undoubtedly a taboo.

As a result, the mother, who put her father first in everything, became silent.

Of course Jiang Hui refused to give up.

Relying on the fact that she was the darling of the family, she questioned her father in tears.

"Have you ever beaten your wife? I can't live with a person like this anymore. I want to leave."

However, Father Jiang's answer was this.

"Your mother never gave me a reason to beat her. To be honest, you were really spoiled by us. If you had been smarter and listened to us earlier, you wouldn't have been so careless. You wouldn't have chosen one in the first place. It is impossible for a husband who regrets it to be treated like this. In fact, now you should think carefully about how to save the situation and improve your relationship. "

Her mother actually nodded and smiled after hearing this.

Jiang Hui felt like the world was falling apart.

Tears began to flow from her eyes, and she couldn't understand why her father, who loved her the most, was so cold and heartless now.

"Dad! How can you speak for outsiders? Haven't you always looked down on this son-in-law? Now you are really right. I finally understand his character. I know I was wrong, but why didn't you say help? I corrected my mistakes, but let me continue to make mistakes? Besides, you said it’s not good for parents to interfere in such things. But why did you let my brother get divorced again? "

However, instead of arousing her father's pity, these words made him angry with her.

"Presumptuous! You are so ignorant! Don't you know that you have committed a big taboo. Whether you admit it or not admit it. As long as a man recognizes it, he can't stand it. If it were me, too I will do the same to you."

"Especially when you are with that Li Zhong! Don't you know how much I have put in to draw a clear line between our Jiang family and the Li family and protect you brothers and sisters? Do you want your matter to become gossip and be exposed? People we know are spreading the word behind our backs. And then dig out all those old rotten grains?"

"Let me put it this way, the husband you picked is a good-for-nothing man. But because of this, we can look down on him, but we cannot make him completely hopeless. Otherwise, he will break down and become a trouble for us. I have seen this in my life. Too many things are ruined by an inconspicuous person like Little Bedbug because of accidents. As a member of our family, Nian Jing knows too many things. Since we can’t slap him to death, we have to deal with it first. he."

"As the daughter of the Jiang family, although I don't expect you to make much contribution to the Jiang family, I can't let you hold back the Jiang family and bring unpredictable trouble to your brother. Of course, you don't have to be too What are you worried about? The reason why little people are little people is because they have too many weaknesses. Nian Jing is a person without firm ideas, but he is actually very easy to control. I will talk to him and calm the matter down. "

"But I also have to talk about you, Hui'er. Let your parents worry less. Just because you are a girl, I have been very tolerant to you since I was a child. I am not as demanding as I am to your brother. Now. You are now old and married, so you should be mature. At least you should take a look at the current situation of the Li family, and then think about where the security of your life comes from. "

"You definitely can't rely on your husband. And your mother and I can't take care of you forever. If your brother's future is in question, who else can you count on in this world? So for our Jiang family , For the sake of your brother and yourself, you should go back. The current situation of our family and your brother’s future cannot help but cause another scandal..."

So, Jiang Hui walked out of his parents' house in a mood that was a hundred times more miserable than when he came.

Under the deep blue night sky, there was only a lone moon and dim street lights, passing her shadows to each other one by one.

Although his mind and emotions were full of confusion, he walked home like a robot.

But subconsciously, there was a bone-chilling coldness and fear.

There was only one thing running through her mind.

Although he claims to be the apple of his parents' eye, this love is only superficial.

It turns out she is nothing!

Parents who favor sons over daughters only have one child they truly love, and that is the real successor of the Jiang family - Jiang Hao.

All they cared about, the only thing they really cared about, was nurturing their sons.

As long as it is conducive to their son's future, it can remove obstacles to Jiang Hao's career.

Then all methods can be adopted, and all people and things can be sacrificed.

This included her, the apple of their eye.

Everyone knows their most cherished daughter.

Jiang Hui often saw the phrase "the most ruthless emperor's family" in historical novels.

She never understood what was going on in the past, but now she not only understood, but also had a painful realization.

In fact, the same goes for bureaucratic families.

After returning home, Jiang Hui did not turn on the light.

Instead, he sat alone for a while in a darkened house.

Then she got up, randomly grabbed all the clothes in her drawer, and cut them into rags with scissors.

No matter the value, whether it is bought by yourself or given by others, whether it is from Hong Kong or from a store, it is the same.

She didn't feel any distress or nostalgia.

Because what’s the use of dressing well?

Even if you dress up like a noble princess, the fake will always be fake...

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