National Tide 1980

Chapter 7 Tips

There are tricks to everything. This principle applies to all walks of life and is an undisputed fact.

How you do it is actually far more important than whether you take it seriously or work hard.

The same goes for picking up rags. It doesn’t just require strength and courage.

Only wisdom can maximize labor efficiency and benefits.

Ning Weimin is the kind of person who loves to figure out tips and is good at summarizing experience.

He is not like the blind people who just look and smell in the garbage like a dog when they have nothing to do.

I can't wait to dig deep and dig deep to find something to sell.

He was used to recharging his energy and fighting in surprise attacks, just waiting for the car horn to sound.

Only when a newly arrived garbage truck came to dump the garbage did he stand up from the ground and really get started.

Even if two garbage trucks came together, he would first distinguish which factory the two trucks came from.

Because the bigger the factory, the more valuable the garbage transported will be.

In addition, Ning Weimin also knew how to occupy favorable terrain and fully realized the importance of seizing the limelight.

Every time a garbage truck came, he would do anything to prevent himself from being squeezed out.

Because the gray mist of garbage can turn a person into a mud monkey.

The nose is blocked and the eyes cannot see.

No matter how capable the master is, he can't hold on for more than a while before he is finished.

Also, Ning Weimin is obviously different from others in the specific work process.

When he pounces on a load of new trash, he's not as anxious as others to pick up something to sell.

His habit is to desperately pull the garbage to his side first, and then spread his limbs to suppress it.

Wait for the car to drive away, and then make a fortune by leisurely picking out useful things from the garbage.

As for the last thing, the key point is that Ning Weimin does not want any junk.

He knew very well that he was fighting alone and had a limited amount of carry.

He can't be like this bunch of blind people who can accumulate waste products in large quantities and then transport them to the recycling station in a cart to sell them.

Therefore, even if the garbage dump is so rich in resources, it is only cost-effective for him to pick up small and high-value items.

Things like waste paper are the cheapest and take up space.

Even a sack full of waste paper doesn't weigh much, but it's huge and often full of filth.

To him, that must be firmly despised.

On the other hand, non-ferrous metals are different.

No matter copper, aluminum or zinc.

If you come across one at random, it can equal the weight of a sack of waste paper.

Even if it is iron.

Even though it only weighs a hair and a pound, it has a ring of magnets tied to its two-pronged hook.

Scrap metal is the easiest thing to get for him.

In the process of searching, you don’t have to bother at all, you can just pick up a lot of them casually.

That's all for nothing.

In short, Ning Weimin not only has ears and eyes in all directions, but is also quite capable of using his brain.

Therefore, we should be very targeted and avoid wasted efforts.

So as a person who fully applies his IQ to picking up garbage.

His creative working methods have repeatedly created harvest miracles, and also demonstrated to the blind people what is the effect of "one person is worth two".

During the same working hours, if no one is particularly favored by God, they will have unexpected good luck.

The "minerals" Ningwai Mo harvests every day are almost destined to be the number one spot.

Over time, others will certainly notice such a significant performance gap.

As a result, many blind people began to imitate Ning Weimin's working methods, consciously or unconsciously.

At least so far, the garbage dump has become a big magnet tied to an iron hook.

Everyone also knows how to follow behind the garbage dump to seize the upper hand, and to paddle first and then do it.

In this case, Ning Weimin's harvest will inevitably be affected.

But that's okay.

Because at the end of the day, these tips only scratch the surface.

Ning Weimin's most important move, these blind bastards can't learn it, and they don't have the conditions to learn it.

Then he is good at calculations and knowledgeable.

He can also expand his profits by bartering and eat the price difference from these blind people.

To be honest, Ning Weimin didn't get along with the blind people for long at the beginning.

He discovered the shortcomings of blind people who are quite ignorant.

Few of these people have gone to school, and their understanding of non-ferrous metals is particularly lacking.

They simply cannot tell the difference between raw aluminum and cooked aluminum, nor do they understand the difference between brass and copper.

Not to mention tin, lead, and zinc.

Accessories such as valves, gears, bushings, and door handles that are made of various metals.

I am often not sure what material it is made of, and I don’t know which part is made of copper.

At most, they only know that copper locks, copper wires, cables, and electromagnetic wires contain copper.

This provides a huge loophole for others to take advantage of, causing them to suffer huge losses.

Ning Weimin once followed Blind Liuzi to the place where they sold scraps, which was a waste recycling station in the eastern suburbs two kilometers away.

Maybe it's because the blind people want to stay close to each other, or maybe they're a little afraid of going into the city, so they always only patronize that one.

However, as time went by, the people at the Eastern Suburbs Scrap Depot became aware of the situation of the blind people.

He began to bully them for being "old and ignorant" and confused them to the point of showing no mercy.

As long as the things sent by the blind people are not only deliberately weighted down by the scrapyard.

Moreover, it often happens that the iron magnet is manipulated and the copper parts are forced to be cast iron.

Or take advantage of the blind people to steal the copper quietly.

Yes, the scrap yard purchased it at the official price.

But there are still some quirks in the price.

Take aluminum and copper as examples. They only give the lowest price to blind people.

There is no distinction between raw aluminum, cooked aluminum, brass and copper.

But you know, because it is all copper found in the factory's garbage.

Most of what the blind people found was copper for industrial purposes.

Inside and outside, the price difference is huge.

And these price differences may eventually fall into private pockets.

Obviously, this waste recycling station is owned by the country, but it can't hold up the money to attract people's hearts.

To put it bluntly, I’m afraid everyone at this scrap station has a problem.

Most likely, they are evil and regard these blind people as their cash cow, and work together to take advantage of them for a long time.

So despite everything he witnessed that day, Ning Weimin knew everything in his heart.

But he held back and didn't say anything.

He is not stupid, telling the truth will not do him any good, it will only provoke unnecessary enemies.

So why bother?

On the other hand, the poor illiteracy of blind people is not an opportunity for him to fish in troubled waters.

He could take advantage of his own convenience and "cut off the beard" before the scrap collection station.

Just like that, ever since he left quietly that day.

Ning Weimin pondered in his mind how to maximize his own interests.

Of course, he can't do this recklessly. There are two main reasons why he needs to be careful.

First, you cannot directly pay for the copper in the hands of blind people and resell it for profit.

Otherwise they will definitely become suspicious.

If only the blind people were informed that there is a huge price difference on copper.

No matter how timid they are about going to the city, they will probably overcome this because of the incentive of money.

Then there will be no future...

The second is to try not to make people at the scrap collection station suspicious.

This means that he cannot really take advantage of it all.

Some of it must be left for the people at the scrap collection station, so that they can continue to eat it as before.

You know, depriving someone of their money is equivalent to killing their parents.

For those who have a smooth mouth, they especially don’t want others to get involved in their beauty.

It’s better to put safety first, and a steady flow of water is best...

In short, Ning Weimin has been silently calculating and weighing in his heart.

Precisely because he needs to find the most suitable way and wants to make stable money.

It took him so long to start taking action today.

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