National Tide 1980

Chapter 699 First Generation

On September 28, 1984, the weather was not very hot anymore.

Since the autumnal equinox passed five days ago, it has been getting cooler every day.

The highest temperature on this day was about 27 degrees.

Compared with the first period of more than 30 degrees, of course it was very pleasant, but it was a little less interesting.

It should be said that after summer, there is still a little bit of residual warmth.

However, the stamp market outside the Peace Arch did not feel the change in the weather at all. It was still in full swing and almost bursting with excitement.

In fact, since sales of Year of the Rat zodiac tickets began at the beginning of this year, the Beijing Postal Market has been driven by the zodiac tickets.

Subsequently, the country successively issued many good stamps, all of which were fully recognized by philatelic enthusiasts.

Especially for the issuance of stamps and souvenirs such as "Lady Pictures" in March and "23rd Olympic Games" at the end of July, people queued up even more crazily to buy them.

So this year's stamp market, after experiencing three new stamp issues that caused the market to suddenly intensify and heat up, the entire stamp market has turned into a big iron pot with a blazing fire underneath.

Prices of all varieties, including souvenir sheets, old specials, commemorative postage covers, and low-end stamps, have skyrocketed.

Just look at the road in front of the Heping Arch Philatelic Corporation and you will know that the ever-expanding wave of stamp speculation has made the originally broad avenue super-saturated.

The sidewalks could no longer accommodate people trading stamps, and many people went outside the curb to discuss prices.

Therefore, there are often dangers here. For example, when a person standing outside the sidewalk turns around, he is almost scratched by a speeding bicycle.

Or a cyclist passing by here was almost hit by a car trying to avoid these people.

How to describe it?

To use an analogy, it's like a can of luncheon meat that was stuffed too tightly and suddenly burst open, with a ring of meat sauce spilling out around the iron lid of the can.

The people gathered here are even more diverse.

For example, under a tree in front of the philatelic company.

An old man was protesting loudly that his long-standing fixed position here had been forcibly taken.

Although this old man is wearing a white round-neck vest, he looks like an old master before liberation.

He is serious and excited, but still has basic courtesy.

He continued to tell the reasons why the stall belongs to him word for word, even though no one paid attention to him.

The old man's stall was occupied by a fat, arrogant man, probably a stamp seller.

He had a cigarette in his mouth and ignored the old man at all.

He only cares about soliciting his own business, and focuses on asking people passing by to look at his stamps, or shouting for the stamps he wants.

As long as someone stops for a moment, he will discuss it enthusiastically and then bargain.

"Can I make you suffer? I've been here all year round, so I definitely can't do a one-time deal..."

This sentence is basically his mantra, a guarantee of credibility.

A little further on, there was a very interesting guy in his thirties.

He wears the uniform of the railway system and specializes in selling envelopes from before liberation.

Those envelopes were all very well-established. The calligraphy with strong calligraphy skills either said "Personally expressed by Director XXX of the Peking Military Reflection Branch" or "Personally expressed by Chief XXX of the Peking Garrison Command."

Because the knowledge of these envelopes was so profound, he summed up a loud slogan to attract customers.

"Do you want the national army or the puppet army?"

The crowd continued to surge, and he shouted like this over and over again.

But because zodiac tickets and new stamps are so popular recently, he had no choice but to add some fashionable varieties.

Therefore, his shouting became more interesting. "National army! Puppet army! Rats! Ladies!"

In such a mixed place, of course there are also scammers.

A thin man wearing glasses claimed to be the editor of Mou Publishing House. He had a dark face and a mysterious expression, and he never had a fixed booth.

He sells a mini-sheet of "The Great Wall" with added characters. This mini-sheet was issued in 1979 and features a picture of the Great Wall stretching out in the mountains.

At that time, in order to commemorate the 31st International Stamp Expo, a part of the "Great Wall" was specially stamped with hot stamping characters.

Therefore, this souvenir sheet is divided into two types: with or without characters. The one with characters is of course much more expensive.

This "editor" clearly has some skills.

He stamped the wordless "The Great Wall" with the words "Riccione 31st International Stamp Expo - 1979" in gold stamping, so the stamps that should have sold for four yuan sold for twelve yuan.

"Editor" business is good.

This little scam is not easy to see through in this day and age.

Unless Ning Weimin, who is more skilled than him, comes to the market and happens to see him, it is possible to expose him.

Of course, even if someone is deceived and buys it for 12 yuan, they will definitely feel relieved after many years.

It’s nothing more than earning more and less.

Stamps are so wonderful, such fake stamps are more valuable than fake antiques.

There are also some people who seem to be substitutes, eager to show off their skills on the green field.

Among them was a boy who was about 13 or 14 years old. It looked like he was skipping school to join in the fun.

But the gesture he made was as sophisticated as a postal dealer who had been mixed up in society for many years.

He took out a book from the schoolbag he was carrying, shook it in the air, and yelled in a rough voice that was inappropriate for his age.

"Who wants Sister Lin? Who wants Sister Lin?"

Someone came and asked out of curiosity. What he was selling were several souvenir sheets of "A Dream of Red Mansions" issued in 1981, and several sets of stamps of "The Twelve Beauties of Jinling" issued at the same time.

The adults heard that he was yelling ridiculously, so they scolded him deliberately.

"You came out to sell Sister Lin at a young age. What do you know?"

The half-grown boy rolled his dark eyes, revealing a large white of his eye, and retorted.

"What don't I understand? Times have changed. Children now understand everything!"

A stamp dealer wanted to take advantage of him and came to do business with him. He quickly opened the book and took out a souvenir sheet or stamps.

But the price didn't give much of a dent, and the guy insisted that he had already done some research.

The stamp dealer didn't give up, so he deliberately asked him where the stamps came from. Was it stolen from home?

Unexpectedly, the young man snorted coldly, "My classmates and I collected it. Do you want it or not? Don't take advantage. I've already left you a profit. I don't even bother to pick up the free money, so I'll throw it away." "

Then he turned around and continued introducing himself to other people passing by.

"Look, take a look, my goods are definitely the lowest in the market. This small sheet of mine is called 'Double Jade Reading'. The man is Jia Baoyu and the woman is Lin Daiyu. They are reading "The Romance of the West Chamber" among the peach blossoms. ", which was considered a pornographic book at the time. The stamps of "The Twelve Hairpins of Jinling" have more famous features. Daiyu buries flowers, Baochai flutters butterflies, You can enjoy spring leisure, Miaoyu serves tea..."

This can't help but surprise a passerby.

"Hey, this kid is awesome. He will be promising in the future if he studies hard! Stop skipping school and go to school as soon as possible."

Unexpectedly, the child resolutely despised it.

"What's the use of studying? My dad's one month's salary is not as good as me coming here three times..."

At this time, the stamp dealer also discovered that the book containing the stamps happened to be the first volume of "Dream of Red Mansions", and he knew that the child did this deliberately.

I was determined to have a little brother, so I started to take out the money with a smile, and kept talking to the child.

There are also some people who are engaged in big business, and these people tend to work in small groups.

And they put up signs as soon as they arrived at the postal market.

That’s basically what it says above.

"Purchase a large number of zodiac tickets. Rat tickets cost 80 yuan per version. Other varieties will be discussed in person."

Or "acquire all kinds of old special editions, souvenir sheets, and postage stamps. The larger the quantity, the better the price."

In fact, some people are not locals and have a Jinmen accent.

These people are quite smart, and they specialize in taking advantage of the price difference between Beijing and Tianjin.

This is the biggest change in the postal market in Beijing compared with previous years.

The rising market prices day by day have given birth to the first generation of large investors with relatively abundant funds in the postal market.

It also attracted a lot of funds from other channels to snowball here, which can be called the first generation of hot money.

This is the current situation of the stamp market in Beijing.

But no matter what, these big companies are just superficial, they are just a plate of food that can be eaten in your mouth.

Because people in this era generally do not have the consciousness of being a banker.

Big investors just have bigger plates, and they are just free rides, obsessed with the joy between buying and selling.

Only Ning Weimin, leading this lurking group, can be called the real man-eating crocodile in this market.

Ning Weimin and the others achieved remarkable results in their joint operations.

Basically, the number of zodiac tickets circulating in the north has been controlled, and sufficient supply has been prepared.

They don't have to bask in the sun every day, but they still do their jobs and keep their responsibilities.

Although it cannot be said that from the beginning of the year to now, there have been no twists and turns in getting along with each other.

After all, the market has risen sharply several times, and every time this small group sees the price soaring, there are always people who can't stand it and want to sell.

But fortunately, Ning Weimin had something to say first.

He has complete control over the decision-making power and has already inoculated everyone against the problem of blind buying and selling.

Moreover, his system design is relatively complete, and everyone must advance and retreat together.

It is impossible to take out the stamps and funds that everyone has hoarded for private transactions without the permission of others.

So when facts proved several times that Ning Weimin's idea of ​​sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai was the best choice, no one was unconvinced anymore.

Now they are together, apart from treating each other, drinking tea and chatting.

They just expressed their brotherly loyalty to each other, spoke endlessly of heroic words, and could not be more harmonious.

At the beginning of this month, most of these executives attended the thank-you banquet at the Tan Palace Beishen Chef Banquet Hall.

Some people even rushed over to help ahead of other important matters.

For this reason, when Ning Weimin suddenly received a notice from Luo Guangliang and Xiaotao, everyone was asked to come to 606 Xuanwumen Hotel for a meeting.

These senior executives of Pilkington Company even came even if they took time off.

Even after meeting, Ning Weimin unexpectedly made his intention clear, and to everyone's surprise, decided to start selling zodiac tickets in advance.

None of these people were surprised.

Everyone thinks carefully, considers, and raises their own questions as if it were a regular meeting in the company.

It must be said that this investment group is already somewhat formal.

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