National Tide 1980

Chapter 705 Super Gambler

In the postal market at the Peace Arch in the second week after the National Day, trading was almost like a pool of stagnant water.

It seems like it has suddenly returned to the way it was a year ago.

Many people exchange votes for votes.

Even though there is still buying and selling, people have become particularly concerned about price.

Even if it's rare stamps and souvenirs like Lao Jite's, one or two yuan or one or two cents is still worth fighting for.

It can be seen that people have become very cautious.

During this period, Yin Yue's condition was extremely poor.

Seeing her wealth shrinking day by day, she almost spent the whole night insomnia, not thinking about food and drink, and anxious.

I always make mistakes at work.

Either they got the item number wrong, they received the wrong money, or they were absent-minded and didn't answer the questions they asked.

It has been complained by several foreign customers.

Thanks to the Pierre Cardin store at Jianguo Hotel, it is a rather special existence.

Due to the complexity of the company's internal politics, it is currently independent of the entire retail system, a bit like the three-in-one system in Tianjin before liberation.

Now Yan Li, who has succeeded Huo Xin as the store manager, has full and responsible management rights.

She only needs to submit the financial statements to the head office every month, and does not even need to attend the meetings of the retail department.

She had a long talk with Yin Yue and accepted Yin Yue's excuses, thinking that there were a lot of troubles in her family.

Thinking of sisterly love, I only fined her 200 yuan and let her pass.

He kindly granted her a week's leave so that she could quickly handle her family affairs.

But he never expected that the truth was that Yin Yue was hiding it from both sides and told his family that he was having trouble at work. He went to the Hepingmen Postal Market on time every day and worried about the lifeless market with Lin Xiaofen. .

On October 15, 1984, when she arrived at the postal market, she saw Lin Xiaofen, who had arrived early, chatting with several postal friends with his back to her.

They could be heard from all the distance, and what they were discussing was the stamp market that day.

It seems that there is finally some good news in the market today, as the prices of many stamps have gone up.

In particular, the price of rat tickets rose the best, with the price of a full page rising from thirty-eight to forty-two.

This made Yin Yue feel slightly relieved. She walked over from behind and patted Lin Xiaofen on the shoulder.

Lin Xiaofen turned around and saw her, and immediately said with excitement, "I thought you wouldn't come today. It's good if you come, otherwise you will miss it. It's gone up, it's gone up..."

Yin Yue was a little confused and didn't understand why Lin Xiaofen was so excited.

"Even if it goes up, it can't completely make up for the losses. It's better than nothing..."

Unexpectedly, Lin Xiaofen pulled her aside and said into her ear, "I plan to invest another 8,000 yuan. What are you going to do?"

Yin Yue couldn't help being shocked, "Are you still investing? What if you lose again?"

"I don't think so. Didn't you see that stamps are not going up or down during these times? That means that all the people who should sell have already sold out. Others are still afraid and dare not buy. Buy at this time , is the most cost-effective.”

"By the way, two self-employed people just concluded that stamp speculation is almost the same as doing clothing business. If you are not careful, you will inevitably choke on your saliva. But in general, it is still prosperous. The decline only occurs in a few times, but in the long run, it is still It will go up. If you are afraid, just clear out your stocks and go home, live your life honestly, and don’t be jealous of others making money.”

"They also said that there are times when you lose money when it comes to clothing. For example, red clothes are a trend this year. After the movie was played in the spring, red clothes were everywhere on the streets, and they sold very well. But look at it now, who still wants to buy it? Wear it? If you wear it anymore, you will look like a country bumpkin. Suddenly, red is no longer popular. They all threw away a lot of goods in their hands and did not sell them."

"Then what should we do? They said it was very easy, just sell it at a low price, and quickly buy other popular products and make money back. They said that the most feared thing in doing business is to suppress the goods. If you don't accept compensation and suppress the goods, you will lose your money. Take money and throw it into a dry well. That’s a loss inside and out.”

"I think what they said makes sense. After the National Day, I exchanged all the stamps in my hands for money. I took advantage of the low price to buy them back in the past two days. I didn't lose much from the stamps, and I made a profit of one Pen. I think this is the master."

"If the two of us had known that we could speculate like this, we wouldn't have been stupid enough to wait and wait. We still blame us for being so blind. We just stared at the loss and were so scared that our brains were confused. Come on, it doesn't cost money to pay for tuition. Already..."

Lin Xiaofen's words affected Yin Yue.

Her personal experience made her heartbroken, and she couldn't help but agree that these words were reasonable.

After a while of silence, she asked, "Where do you still have so much money? Did you take out all the money at home? Or did you borrow it?"

"Of course it's money from the factory. Our factory has made a payment for goods." Lin Xiaofen said, "I would like to sell all the color TVs, refrigerators, tape recorders, etc., but I'm afraid that my family will know about it, and I won't have enough time. At most, I just sold some gold jewelry. I should be able to collect a thousand or eight hundred yuan."

"Doing this is a complete gamble." Yin Yue was horrified, "I don't agree with you doing this. You are putting everything on the line. What if...what do you say?"

"Don't try to persuade me. You may not lose if you bet." Lin Xiaofen said, "I am really living a poor life. In the past few days, I have seen that all the money I earned from the postal market has disappeared, and I have also suffered a huge debt. .This is worse than life for me."

"Besides, I'm not like you. The money is all my own. If I lose, I don't have to go to court. It's the factory's money. To put it bluntly, I have no way out. What can I do if I don't gamble? I still have to gamble. There is a glimmer of hope.”

"Sisters, I know you do it for my own good. But the price has dropped to this level, and it can't go down significantly. I've thought about it. At most, I'll just speculate on it for 8,000 yuan. "

"I'm not greedy anymore. I just speculate on the tickets I have the most. This way I can advance or retreat. If it goes up by 10%, I will sell twice as much goods and leave the rest unchanged. Of course it's good to go up, but you can wait for it to go down. Come down and I will make up for it at a low price. This way the risk will not be too great. Only then will it be possible to make up for the shortfall as soon as possible. It is better than watching dumbly."

Lin Xiaofen's words came to this point, and Yin Yue didn't know how to persuade her.

What's more, she feels the same way.

What happened to my money?

It hurts even more when I lose my own money.

As the saying goes, good money is hard to give away. Every penny of her money is hard-earned money.

Even though she earns a lot, she has never been lavish from the first day of work.

Others spend money, she saves money.

Even the cosmetics issued by the company, she uses them carefully, saving the excess so that she can exchange them for money.

Later, when I used money to lend money, I even went to great lengths to choose targets to maintain friendship.

You have to think carefully about bargaining and debt collection. It takes a lot of effort and is no easier than doing physical work.

The wealth gained in this way was gone, and it was as painful for her as cutting flesh.

Even worse than Lin Xiaofen.

"What's wrong with you? What are you thinking about?" Lin Xiaofen saw Yin Yue stunned and pushed her.

"'s okay." Yin Yuecong woke up from a daze, "I was wondering if I should be like you and find ways to raise money to eat some."

"Yeah, do you want to buy it too?" Lin Xiaofen asked.

"Of course I will buy it. You are right. Now that we have paid the tuition, we can no longer just look around. We must also learn from those who do business. Sell high and sell low. This way, we can work backwards to make money."

"Ha, that's great! Let's advance together and retreat together."

Xiaofen smiled and expressed welcome, but then asked a key question. "Then where do you get the money?"


Before Yin Yue had time to think about this problem, all her money had been invested in stamps.

But her loan experience inspired her, and soon she was biting her lower lip.

"I'll borrow it!"

"Borrow? Who can you ask to borrow?"

"Try it with my colleague, it should be no problem..."

I don't know what happened, but Yin Yue suddenly remembered the old saying "If you can't bear the child, you can't catch the wolf", and she wanted to give it a try.

"That's right! Your company has high income and they all have money."

Lin Xiaofen was happy for Yin Yue, but suddenly, she also made an unkind request.

"Then...can you borrow some more for me?"

"What? Can I borrow it for you?" Yin Yue couldn't believe it.

Lin Xiaofen said as a benefactor, "No? Don't forget, it was I who introduced you to the stamp business... Although you lost money, your decision to replenish the stock was also because of the news I heard and the Analyze."

"Yin Yue, I won't trouble you about repaying the money. In fact, if you don't worry, you don't even need to ask for a loan. Just take me to see them. I asked them to borrow money for the reason of doing business. You can just make a guarantee from it. The monthly interest can be 10%. If the borrowed amount is less than 10,000, it will all be yours, and the excess will be borrowed by me. This way, it will save you the embarrassment."

"I will definitely not let you suffer, and I will treat you with sincerity. You didn't bring any money today. You can't buy it if you want. Just like this, my eight thousand dollars will be used to buy rat tickets. If it goes up, Half of it is yours. If I lose, I'll bear it myself. How about it?

"Yin Yue, I think you are the kind of person who repays kindness and is extremely angry. Anyway, I have reached this point. If I don't fight, I will be dead. You can help me, I'm sure It’s not good to just sit back and watch. Do you think that’s what happened?”

Yin Yue suddenly discovered that Lin Xiaofen, who had always been confused and careless, was actually very powerful.

Working as an accountant in a small factory in a rural area was actually a real injustice to her.

Because she could measure the value of affection so accurately that it was impossible to say no. ,

At this moment, Yin Yue felt the power of moral kidnapping for the first time in his life.

In the end, she opened her mouth for a long time and could only give in feebly.

"Then... okay. I'll try..."

"Well done! All I need is your attitude! We will definitely make a lot of money!"

Lin Xiaofen clapped her hands excitedly and put her arms around Yin Yue's shoulders.

Yin Yue saw the expression of a super gambler on Lin Xiaofen's face.

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