National Tide 1980

Chapter 725 Seven Injury Fist

"Actually, the seriousness of this matter does not lie in itself, but in the problems exposed..."

After Yan Li finished her report, she retreated to the corner and sat down quietly.

Zou Guodong began to face everyone and explain his views loudly.

"The retail financial system of the franchised stores under our company is still too broad. What is reported is what is reported, and there has always been a lack of strict review of financial documents. Most of the deposit certificates and bills of each store are accumulated for one or two weeks before they are summarized. The company sends it once. Basically, it only checks the accounts once every year and a half."

"The authority we give to the retail staff below is too great. Just write a list and you can transfer the goods here and there, and the cash is only sent back to the bank every few days. Each store cannot even guarantee that the inventory of the remaining goods is once every three days. , once it gets busy, no one can take care of it. Moreover, occupying the top of the mountain, the situation of doing things independently is quite serious. "

"This is mainly because there were relatively few stores in the past. We are actually adopting an experimental approach to operating franchised stores. So we have always felt that there is no need to unify authority and management systems. But it is different now. The franchised stores Now that the business ideas have been recognized by the market, it is necessary, even urgent, to establish a unified and effective management and supervision system."

"I am not targeting anyone by saying this. As the main person in charge of the operations department, I have an unshirkable responsibility first. In fact, this incident is a wake-up call for us and clearly tells us that we are already standing on the edge of the cliff. If we ignore it and continue to let it go, sooner or later we will fall into the abyss and cause irreparable heavy losses to the company's operations."

"Don't think I'm being alarmist. In fact, in the past two days after the incident, I have been checking myself to see if there are similar situations in other stores. I didn't expect that I just took a quick look. , I talked to a few people, but it was not a deep dig at all. What came to the surface was shocking. In other stores, similar situations abound, and are even worse. Especially those that opened the earliest The airport store is the best.”

"Probably because the mountains are high and the emperors are far away, they are simply audacious. For example, clothes lost happen every month in airport stores. Why is this? Because if clothes are stolen, you can buy them in the store at the original price as long as you issue a private invoice. Return it. On the other hand, if the store finds lost clothes, if it reaches a certain amount, the cost will be shared equally among several employees. As long as you are not afraid of harsh punishment from the superiors, you can balance the accounts by making one out and one in, and you can divide at least 60% equally. Profit. So it’s a good deal..."

Hearing these words, Ning Weimin felt as if he had been filled with ice water, and his heart suddenly felt cold.

Although he had to admit that Zou Guodong's words did make sense.

Today, the company's retail system is riddled with holes in its management system.

This is tantamount to artificially providing a loophole for retail staff to exploit and cannot ignore it.

Moreover, Zou Guodong is also very courageous. He can be said to be a model of self-reflection and serving the public whole. He has a selfless and selfless demeanor.

Not only did she not deliberately target him at all, but she also took the initiative to uncover the scars and assumed the relevant responsibilities.

It's obviously just a matter of discussion.

But he still couldn't help complaining secretly.

Because Zou Guodong's statement was obviously to use the topic to pave the way for the next comprehensive investigation.

This is very similar to the behavior of Hun Xingzi, a native of Jinmen in the past.

For someone who is so cruel to himself, one can only imagine his behavior.

In other words, it is like the "Seven Injury Fist" practiced by Xie Xun in "The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Sword".

Before you hurt the enemy, hurt yourself first!

Once the autumn wind sweeps away all the turtles and bastards like fallen leaves, this matter will develop into a major case involving all retail staff.

Yin Yue, who was the first to be grabbed by the braid and lead to all this, undoubtedly became the leader.

There is no way it will end well! It's ruined!

This was inconsistent with his original intention of protecting people.

What should he do?

Protect yourself wisely? Stay out of it?

It's easy, just pretend to be deaf and mute and let it go.

But under the general social trend of "serious, fast and strict", if the head office insists on the same handling principle.

It is completely conceivable that Yin Yue will have his life completely ruined because of this incident!

Just twelve thousand yuan cost a girl the best years of her life.

Does his conscience really not hurt?

Can he really think that the cause and effect of this incident has nothing to do with his manipulation of stamps?

yes! It sounds like Yin Yue is entirely to blame.

Even if he lets it go, it's not a backroom deception, and no one can accuse him of anything.

But Yin Yue's smile and those big talking eyes helped him do all the things he had done before and after running.

And when the first franchise store opened, the four girls, "Meichun Youmeiko", pooled their money together to treat him to a meal.

He couldn't forget it even if he wanted to!

Unconsciously, Ning Weimin's hands on his knees were clenched and turned white.

Because his mind was so confused, he didn't even notice that his thumb nails scratched the back of his hand.

After the meeting, all the participants, led by Song Huagui and Zou Guodong, dispersed.

However, even under the circumstances where most people only dared to exchange opinions with Ning Weimin.

Yan Li couldn't wait for everyone in the conference room to leave, so she couldn't help but beg Ning Weimin.

It can be said that he was in a hurry and was extremely abrupt.

"Manager, please save Xiaoyue and plead for mercy on her behalf, otherwise her life will be over..."

Yan Li is older than Ning Weimin, so she never calls him "Brother Ning".

However, calling him "Mr. Ning" seemed unfamiliar, so he kept the habit he had developed since Zhai Gong and only called him "Manager".

With this kind of relationship, it was really difficult for Ning Weimin to argue with him, let alone glare at him and scold him.


Shutting Yan Sheng silently first, Ning Weimin took her to an uninhabited corner by the window at the end of the corridor.

"You saw it just now. What was the situation at the meeting? Now it's not a matter of how much loss Yin Yue will cause to the company by buying all the stamps. It's about the head office taking drastic measures and conducting a thorough investigation. Serve as a warning to others and completely eliminate future troubles.”

"What can I say? Just tell them to let them go without any further investigation? Are you kidding me? I can only say that it is currently impossible to predict how serious the results of the inspection will be. First of all, I suggest that the inspection should not be carried out with great fanfare and interfere with normal business. And why? To avoid having a negative impact on the company’s reputation, you might as well block the news first and don’t file a case for the time being. Let’s discuss how to deal with it after the investigation is completed.”

"Let me tell you, I will definitely try my best to deal with Yin Yue. I'm not making excuses. In fact, I don't care at all about protecting my shortcomings, and I don't care about being criticized. The key is to take your time and act according to the situation. Otherwise, making people laugh in vain will not save anyone. How can I forcefully stop him..."

Based on Yan Li's understanding of Ning Weimin, of course she also knew that he was by no means the kind of leader who "slips his shoulders".

After such an explanation, it was not difficult to understand his difficulties and the complexity of the real situation, so he remained silent.

But after a while, I still couldn't hide my sadness and worry. I wiped away my tears and asked again.

"Then... Manager, what else can we do for Xiaoyue now? What if we have to spend money to make up for her? Will the company consider giving a lighter sentence?"

Now Ning Weimin was surprised.

"More than twelve thousand yuan? Do you want to pay for Yin Yue?"

"Well, is this possible? If it is made up, can Xiaoyue be released? It doesn't matter whether she is expelled or not, as long as she is safe, can go home, and does not go to jail. You don't know, she is really It’s not easy, there are old and young in the family..."

"Look, you're anxious again. It's not me who has the final say. The most important point is that Yin Yueren is not already at the police station. According to the law, if a certain amount of public funds is embezzled, a case can be filed and the person will be held criminally responsible. .The key is to withdraw the case and not to escalate it to the level of an economic case..."

After talking about the key points, Ning Weimin couldn't help but ask.

"Hey, Yan Li, you are the one who was implicated by Yin Yue. You are also guilty of negligence, so you will be punished by the company. Moreover, didn't Yin Yue lend you a lot of money? It's like cheating you too. . Why do you still help her like this without holding any grudges? As the saying goes, repay kindness with evil, how can you repay kindness with kindness? Have you ever thought about it, if we treat good people and bad people no different, then are the good people too aggrieved? "

"Manager, what are you talking about?"

Yan Li was so anxious that she almost cried, "Of course people are different, but can we simply distinguish good people from bad people? Don't people care about emotions? Don't they all have friendships and closeness and distance?"

"If your relatives and friends do something wrong, don't you want to help? If they hurt you, wouldn't you forgive and tolerate? Are blood ties, family ties, and friendships so worthless? As Relatives and friends, can't bear the slightest grievance? You must calculate every possible gain and loss. Then who are these people who are unwilling to suffer even the slightest loss?"

"Besides, Yin Yue is not someone else. It's not irrelevant. She is our good sister. We have been together since we were the first batch of people to be recruited in Zhai Palace. We eat and live together and help each other. We have long been no longer more than relatives. . In fact, I’m not the only one who thinks so, Yang Liujin and Manlu also think so.”

"Because we all know Yin Yue and her difficulties. She is not a bad person at all, but she is too shameless and refuses to ask for help easily. Moreover, she has a family of young and old, and she has to support her younger siblings and take care of her elderly grandmother. In order to She has delayed her life's important events with these relatives. How can such a filial and responsible person be called a bad person?"

"This time, I'm sure she was just confused. To be honest, if she had spoken to us earlier and let us know that she had encountered difficulties, let alone borrowing the money, maybe we would have given it to her for nothing. We really I believe that she will do the same to us in turn..."

Faced with the sincere Yan Li, Ning Weimin was deeply moved and touched.

Yes, what is the key difference between humans and animals?

Is it IQ?

Is it rational?

Is it well-dressed and polite?

No! It is precisely the emotions that are complex, rich, delicate, impulsive, indescribable, and difficult to contain!

If a person knows the calculations that must be carried out.

You know how to repay kindness with kindness and repay hatred with evil.

Instead, he threw away his innate feelings as a human being.

Is that still a human being?

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