National Tide 1980

Chapter 731 Pearl Spring

After Pierre Cardon moved its head office to Chongwenmen Hotel.

The company's pantry, like the conference room, has become more spacious and more satisfying.

Nowadays, these white-collar workers sitting in the company's office can not only drink Nestlé brand instant coffee every day, but they can even drink freshly ground coffee.

Not only are creamer, fresh milk, sugar cubes, and icing sugar available, the company even bought a refrigerator, a milk frother, and cardamom powder.

If necessary, anyone can make themselves a cup of fragrant Americano or cappuccino at any time.

In addition, there are more types of tea.

Green tea, black tea, Pu'er, Wuyi, Silver Needle, Tieguanyin, jasmine tea, almost everything you want is available.

Especially because downstairs are two French restaurants owned by Pierre Cardin Company - Maxim and Menimus.

So every day, there was even a basket of bread sticks and a basket of butter cookies, so that freshly made tea snacks were brought upstairs for everyone to enjoy.

Welfare like this is undoubtedly full of the taste of the little bourgeoisie.

It not only reflects the fashion industry's demand for exquisiteness and beauty in everything, but also shows the extraordinary style of a multinational company.

It can be said that it is the best example of office life in the dreams of contemporary young men and women.

Not only does it always make visitors who have business dealings with Pierre Cardon Company very surprised and sighing.

Even the store managers who have to come to the company to submit reports every month and the models who often work with the company are jealous and jealous.

Therefore, whether you are a store manager or a model, every time you come to the head office, you must linger and enjoy it before leaving, otherwise you will no longer be able to maintain your mental balance.

Who asked them to stand at one station all day long at work, and they had to use their spare time to drink water.

Compared with the working conditions of sitting in the office all day long and enjoying refreshments peacefully, it is like a day and a day.

However, today's situation is different from usual days.

Although the store managers of the specialty stores came to "heaven", they seemed to have entered "hell".

In the waiting room next to the company's front desk, there were four people, including Yan Li.

Although everyone has in front of them the white porcelain coffee cup that they were most happy to see, a milk jug, a sugar box, small cookies on a silver plate, and bread sticks in goblets.

But none of them could enjoy it as happily as usual.

Instead, they all sat quietly with their faces full of sadness, each with his or her own thoughts.

Not only did no one touch the cups, allowing the coffee and tea to slowly cool down, but there was not even a single word exchanged between them.

In the room, you can only hear the sound of the front desk answering the phone outside the door, the sound of the fax machine and copy machine being used, and the sound of car horns outside the window.

This is not for anything else, just because the purpose of their coming today is to wait for the company's final results.

To be honest, Yan Li probably still has the least responsibility among the four people.

Because except for Yin Yue, there were very few violations found in her store.

The other three are different.

As store managers, they can condone such a situation among their subordinates, but of course their own hands and feet are a little dirty.

The fear of prison has firmly occupied their minds.

Right now, I hope that the company will take into account their positions and contributions and give them a chance to make up for their merits.

But the problem is that Yan Li is not much more relaxed than them emotionally because she is worried about her good sister Yin Yue.

This is why all four of them frowned and lowered their heads, feeling depressed.

This went on until the conference room door opened.

As the company's executives walked out of the conference room one after another, they went back to their respective departments.

All four store managers could not help but prick up their ears, wanting to hear the sound of the wind outside the door.

The manager of the airport store was the most anxious. After a moment, he actually stood up, walked over and opened the door carefully.

However, even though they were so anxious and listened so carefully, there were still no clues from the outside for them to judge their future.

All they could hear was some executives instructing employees in their departments to discuss their jobs, which made them all disappointed and sigh.

However, at this moment, another unexpected situation occurred. A girl at the front desk opened the door and walked in.

"Who is the manager of Jianguo Hotel? Manager Sha of the logistics department invites you to go to his office..."

So Yan Li suddenly became the target of public criticism.

Look at other people's eager eyes on you.

Yan Li knew that everyone must have misunderstood.

I'm afraid everyone thought that Manager Sha was the one taking care of her behind the scenes. Her backstage was hoping that she could bring back some relevant news for everyone.

But the problem is, she herself is absolutely baffled.

She had only met Manager Sha and had not had much interaction with him at all. She could not figure out why she was called over.

With an anxious mood, she walked into the door of the logistics department.

But what she didn't expect was when she knocked on the door of the manager's office inside.

Manager Sha was not the only one who was really waiting for her. Many managers from other departments were also waiting for her, at least five of them.

And as soon as they saw her face, some people started asking impatiently.

"Are you the store manager of the Jianguo Hotel franchise store? Your name is Yan Li? Have you been with your manager Ning since Zhai Palace? Have you been there since the store opened?"

What kind of problem is this?

Yan Li was even more confused, but she still nodded subconsciously.


"Then do you know clearly... what is the relationship between Manager Ning and the Yin Yue who made the mistake? Is there anything between the two of them...? Well, you understand... you have to tell the truth!"

The vague tone and ambiguous expression immediately made Yan Li angry!

"Who are you? What are you doubting? You can ask such a disgusting question! Are you serious?"

"Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan, don't get me wrong. We are all friends of Manager Ning, and there is absolutely no harm. But this issue must be clarified. You don't know that your Manager Ning was in the conference room just now, and he was too...too …”

The fat manager Sha finally spoke, trying his best to look kind and caring to comfort Yan Li and smooth things over.

Although Yan Li would not trust him easily because of this, she still restrained herself.

You Qi Manager Sha didn't finish her sentence and swallowed the second half of her words alive, which immediately diverted her attention and changed her mood from anger to concern.

"What happened to our manager Ning? What happened just now? Is there a result of the meeting?"

"Don't be anxious. Xiao Yan, I know these are questions you are eager to know. But for now, I can only tell you that there is no final result of the meeting. Just in the middle of the meeting, the meeting was stopped by Mr. Song. That person refused to die or die. Manager Zou, who gave in, and you advocated deferring to Manager Kuan Ning, and now he has gone to Mr. Song’s office for a closed-door meeting! I think the two of them will not be able to tell the winner if they don’t fight to the death today! "

"Why is this happening? Is something going to happen to our manager? Don't say half of what you say. Just...what happened just now?"

Seeing Yan Li almost crying, Manager Sha pondered for a moment.

"I can tell you this, but you just need to know it yourself. You must not spread it outside."

"That's right, your manager Ning really spent a lot of money to protect people. Just now he took the initiative to take all the responsibility for this matter. He said that systemic errors were the main cause of the company's losses, so the responsibility lies with him and not with the employees. .”

"In order to avoid Yin Yue's legal liability, in addition to resigning, he also took out his own tie patent worth tens of millions and donated it to the company as a compensation package!"

"So you understand, right? Why do we need to inquire about that question? Xiao Yan, as for your personal punishment, you can rest assured. With your manager Ning's attitude, no matter what, you won't really suffer too much Implicated..."

Worth tens of millions!

Yan Li's head felt like a "bang" and she was completely stunned by this astronomical figure.

This is indeed a price that is unimaginable to ordinary people!

Just because of this, even she hesitated for a moment, wondering whether Ning Weimin and Yin Yue were really that innocent.

Under normal circumstances, who would pay so much to save an ordinary subordinate who is neither a relative nor a friend?

So she hesitated and was completely speechless.

Whether it was about the relationship between Ning Weimin and Yin Yue, or about the "E-Lad" tie patent she had heard of for the first time, she shook her head and failed to provide any useful information to Manager Sha and the others.

Manager Sha could only send her back temporarily.

Yan Li just exited the room and closed the door.

Just as he was about to turn around and walk out of the logistics department, he could still vaguely hear some discussion coming from Manager Sha's office.

"This Ning Weimin, I am completely convinced. Genius! So talented! ... We are all in the clothing business, who doesn't... Which one is more important... If that project... the profit in it is more than tens of millions!" "

"I really can't see this kid! He's cute and irritating at the same time! But you have to be kind and generous...I don't worry about anything else...childish, too impulsive!"

"Isn't this bad? People who are too smart always make people feel uneasy... I admire you for being like this..."

yes! Isn't it bad?

When Yan Li returned to the waiting room with a heavy heart, as if something was falling.

She suddenly had an enlightenment and figured it out!

Yes! What kind of people can accomplish what kind of things!

A gentleman is magnanimous, while a villain is always concerned.

A gentleman is likened to righteousness, and a villain is likened to benefit.

A selfish person is destined to be stingy throughout his life and will never pay even a penny for others.

In the same way, only people with filthy hearts, like animals, will have inappropriate relations between men and women with their subordinates.

Needless to say what kind of character Manager Ning is?

Otherwise, how could he have such a shocking ingenuity and do such incredible things?

She really regretted her lack of firmness just for a moment!

She felt really guilty for having doubts in her heart!

How could she use the heart of a villain to judge the heart of a gentleman!

Manager Ning is definitely a truly good person! What a great hero with extraordinary magnanimity!

Therefore, he definitely did not do this for Yin Yue alone.

But for the big guys! For all the employees involved in this matter!

Just like that, when Yan Li opened the door, she was suddenly surrounded by three other store managers.

She had to face the same influx of extremely urgent inquiries as before.

She cried "Wow!"

Tears well up like pearl fountains!

After sobbing and choking for a long time, I finally said a word sadly.

"Our manager Ning... in order to protect all of us, it is very... very likely... that he will leave the company..."

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