National Tide 1980

Chapter 735 Three Fires

Only Ning Weimin can do this kind of thing to make people convinced.

It wouldn't have been possible if it had been anyone else.

Who gave this kid the aura of a savior?

Although the two store managers who were fired were quite unwilling, they came to Ning Weimin to complain together.

But how can Ning Weimin fall for their tricks?

It was easy to block them back, and even gave them a lecture.

He said eloquently, "Even employees should not make such a mistake! As the manager of a store, you should not make such a mistake! What's more, your duty is to prevent such things, but you took advantage of your position You have taken more than anyone else. You said to yourself, is it okay if the company doesn’t let you go? Can you still convince the public?"

As for why the other store manager was able to stay, he also explained the reasons clearly.

"Don't compare to what happened at the Jingqiao Hotel. That store manager really committed a crime. Not only did he take the initiative to persuade the employees and make up for all the losses. He also made an additional confession and refunded two cases that had no evidence to prove. I just now Reluctantly keeping his. Then he will have to start from scratch."

It really makes sense.

This forced the two store managers to say nothing. They could only use words such as "there is hard work without credit" to beg Ning Weimin to be lenient.

"Manager Ning, we are store managers after all? There should be a difference between us and ordinary employees. Can the company..."

However, the more this happened, the more embarrassing it became, and Ning Weimin stabbed them directly in the heart.

"What's wrong? You make more money, but you work less. If you make a mistake, you have to be punished lightly. Why! How can there be such a good thing in the world! Yes, you are store managers, and you are different from ordinary employees. But the difference is, If something goes wrong, the higher the position, the more severe the punishment. Think about it carefully, even Manager Zou was demoted and sent to Shanghai. In order to wipe your ass, I gave all the patents with such commercial value to the company. .Is it you who are wronged or we are wronged? Managers, you must bear corresponding responsibilities."

What else can the two of you say? All that's left is the instinct to apologize.

"Then...don't fire then! If you handle it this way, it will be written into our files. If we look for jobs in the future, what should we do...what should we do..."

This is true. Killing people can only be done with a nod. No matter how awesome you are, you can't let others live.

People still have to find excuses to eat, it’s just convenient for themselves.

All Ning Weimin wants is for them to leave. He is not as good as Jiang Dachun and Xiao Cha's original leaders.

"Okay, I can understand your difficulties. Otherwise? The company will not resign you. You can go back and write a resignation report yourself and give it to me. The reason is that you don't need to mention it, whether you want to study or do something else. It's okay to make a career. I guarantee that after you leave, there will be no records related to this matter in the files."

One of the two store managers burst into tears of gratitude.

"Then...thank you, Manager Ning. You really don't have much to say..."

"Manager Ning, I wish we could have done this with you earlier. It's such a pity that we don't have this opportunity..."

Ning Weimin was very graceful at this time and took the initiative to shake hands with them.

"Hey, don't say that. In fact, you are quite capable. I believe that when you go to new jobs, you will be able to create a sky of your own."

Look, this guy with a red face and a white face sang it all by himself.

Even if he resigns, they still have to thank him.

What about ordinary employees?

Then there would be no complaints.

Although Ning Weimin ordered that all employees who violated disciplines must go through a three-month internship period again, and finally must pass the performance appraisal again before they can be retained.

This is equivalent to punishing these people with three months of low pay and no bonus.

But Ning Weimin fought hard with the head office and saved everyone from jail.

In order to stand up for his employees, he paid such a huge price and took such big risks!

Who can be unsympathetic and care about this with him?

Relatively speaking, now everyone does not have to go to jail and has the opportunity to be retained. This is already a good result and everyone can accept it.

What's more, Ning Weimin is also fair in his dealings.

He even hired management personnel such as the store manager, and he didn't even keep the person he wanted to keep the most - Yin Yue.

These employees who have been caught violating disciplines, what else can they complain about?

Especially when Ning Weimin went to inspect the store, he also made a declaration of "three things for new officials to do when taking office", which really spoke to the hearts of all grassroots employees.

"Although some of you have made mistakes, and the mistakes are serious. But I will not discriminate against you, nor will I allow others to discriminate against you. Because in this matter, the company and you both have responsibilities. At least you have proven that you have courage. People who face mistakes and actively correct them.”

"I absolutely believe that you will not make similar mistakes again in the future and will not fall in the same place. So I guarantee that as long as you have the ability to work as a qualified salesperson, you will definitely stay and work here. In the future, Promotion and promotion will not be affected by this matter."

"I would also like to tell everyone that our company will open more stores next year. Not only is there a shortage of store managers, but there is also a shortage of team leaders. There are actually many opportunities for promotion. So this time I was punished for making a mistake. In the past, I have always been If you feel that your talents are limited, don’t be discouraged, let alone be discouraged. If you are really capable, let me see it with your sales data. You will definitely be reused.”

"But at the same time, I also want to warn those who think they are smart and have escaped punishment for the time being. Don't think this is the end of the matter. You can keep the money you squandered, and you can still keep your job and innocence. I I won’t let you secretly laugh at the stupidity of these people who admit their mistakes. I will continue to investigate this matter. When the time comes to find out who is responsible, it will not be such a lenient treatment. The company will definitely pursue legal responsibility. Because it is inappropriate in nature. Same."

"For you, there are actually only two ways to go. One is to resign and leave as soon as possible, and pray that no one will report you. The other is to confess yourself, refund the compensation and steal property, and accept the punishment as soon as possible. If anyone regrets it now , I want to be an honest person. Come and talk to me within ten days, and I can forget about it. This is your last chance, you should think it over for yourself."

"In addition, I also want to tell you that in the future, the company's inspection work will use both light and dark methods. Some inspectors will not reveal their identities, but will appear as ordinary customers. So you must not think that 'no We only attack those who are greedy, not lazy, but only those who are short-sighted. If you are still taking chances and cheating on the quality of service, please do not let our inspectors see it, otherwise you will regret it. I hope you will Take care of yourself."

"Finally, I would like to make a formal explanation regarding the rumors that employees will be cancelled, with a 30% discount on internal purchases of our company's clothing. This is true. The purpose is to prevent anyone from pretending to be a customer to return goods and collect cash. But the company does not I don’t want everyone to suffer a loss, so I decided to give everyone 50 yuan in food and beverage consumption coupons every month in the future as a replacement for this benefit. These consumption coupons are available at Maxim, Menimus and Tan Gong Restaurant. It can be consumed in the company's restaurants and is anonymous. Everyone can use it for themselves or give it as a gift to relatives and friends."

how to say?

Some regulations and some changes are indeed cruel and destructive.

But it’s just convincing.

Because first of all, Ning Weimin brought the ugly words to the forefront.

There is both punishment and tolerance, as well as balance and compensation.

This kind of acting style that pays attention to reason and law gives everyone a feeling of being aboveboard.

I am used to seeing people who love to talk in official terms and clichés, who do one thing in front of others and do another thing behind their backs.

Ning Weimin's pragmatism and reasonableness make people feel at ease and trustworthy.

Secondly, everything is concerned not with quantity but with inequality!

Some people originally regretted admitting their mistakes, and they couldn't help but envy those masters who managed to escape this disaster by relying on their good heart and tough words.

However, these fair measures taken by Ning Weimin can be called murderous and heart-wrenching words.

A decent person who has made no mistakes is happy, and an honest person who has made a mistake and confessed does not feel that he has suffered a loss.

The only ones who are in constant panic are those who hide their mistakes.

This is called distinguishing between black and white, being lenient if you confess, and being strict if you resist.

Finally, and more importantly, Ning Weimin gave everyone the hope of progress and the goal of hard work.

And it is not a carrot that you can see but cannot eat. It is implemented based on the system and performance as the standard.

This gives everyone a sense of balance and how to move forward.

The only thing everyone is a little worried about is how long will Ning Weimin's "three fires" last?

It is best to turn it into an ever-burning Olympic flame, but it must be tens of thousands, not just "three fires"...

Let’s be honest, Ning Weimin is not a superman.

The new performance appraisal system and service processes and standards he subsequently launched were implemented temporarily and the time was too tight.

Although many areas have been improved compared to the past, they are still not perfect and there are still many areas that need to be discussed.

In fact, it has really played an effective role in supervision, allowing the operation of franchised stores to get out of chaos and get on the right track.

In addition to the financial department strengthening related audit work, it is the practice of "mysterious inspectors".

Ning Weimin's specific method was to mobilize acquaintances and their families and provide certain rewards.

Just like Qiao Wanlin and his wife, the son and daughter-in-law of the director of the Temple of Heaven, and Du Yang's brother and sister, they became the first batch of external "inspectors."

Ning Weimin gave them a brief training in advance, arranged a time for them to visit the designated specialty store, and sincerely let them make mistakes.

Ning Weimin sent each of them a form and asked them to rate the clerk.

For example, there is such a thing, which is when a customer enters the store.

The person greeting you, whether he is at the door or at the counter, makes eye contact with you and smiles.

Another thing is that after the customer finished buying something, he didn't even mention the issue of invoice. Did the clerk take the initiative to mention it and inquire about it?

If the employee fails the inspection, the bonus for a regular employee will be forfeited. If there is no bonus during the internship period, the internship period will be increased by half a month.

For these inspectors, not only the taxi fares for the inspection day, but also the money for buying clothes are all borne by the company. Each of them can also receive 30 yuan in cash compensation and 30 yuan in food and beverage vouchers.

This idea was implemented vigorously and achieved immediate results.

Once it was implemented, all the specialty stores felt the effects, and even Ning Weimin's Yang Liujin was affected.

She had just been promoted to store manager, but she lost a month's bonus because she drank water in front of customers without exception.

In addition, the company also caught another Shuo Shu who was bold enough to continue blacklisting.

This time, there was no nonsense. We simply sent him to the branch and filed a case for arrest.

Therefore, the service quality of the franchised stores has improved linearly and has been comprehensively improved.

Moreover, almost all the clerks in the specialty stores have corrected their habit of "favoring foreigners and favoring foreigners" - they laugh when they see domestic customers, especially those from the capital.

The service quality is much more considerate than serving foreign guests, Hong Kong and Macao guests.

This is actually easy to understand. After all, the inspectors are all people close to Ning Weimin, which defines a certain geographical scope.

It can be regarded as "the higher the Tao, the higher the devil".

After that, those who had been concealing their embezzlement behavior felt that Ning Weimin was really not joking and that he was very skillful in his actions. Finally, some people began to confess.

Some people come under the pretext of reporting the situation at the branch.

Some people are too embarrassed to come by themselves and entrust their family members to convey their apologies on their behalf.

Anyway, in the last few days of the ten-day deadline given by Ning Weimin, every morning when he came to the head office to work, he would see Yan Li's eyes as wide as her mouth.

I don’t know if I am surprised or happy to report to him.

"Manager, there are several people waiting to see you today..."

And maybe soon, there will be another knock on the door to notify you.

"Manager, here comes another one, here comes another one, do you want to see him..."

Finally, Bao Duo'er settled the matter.

The more than 600,000 yuan that was supposed to be unaccounted for was actually secured with a small amount of 200,000 yuan.

Not surprisingly, the company's actual losses will be narrowed to more than 400,000 yuan.

This was an unexpected surprise that even Ning Weimin himself, let alone the other senior executives of the company, had not expected.

It can be seen that Ning Weimin's battle of strength and softness has been completely won, and he can easily clean up the messy franchise store.

This is definitely much smarter than the "tough" strategy advocated by Zou Guodong.

Even Zou Guodong himself admitted this.

On December 26, the day Zou Guodong was waiting to leave, Ning Weimin rushed to the airport to see him off.

Before boarding the plane, Zou Guodong found a place to talk alone and said to him, "I leave this stall to you. I feel so light all over and feel a lot more at ease in my heart. From now on, I will not get together with you." I'm angry and anxious. I will learn from you in the future and live a comfortable life. Really, I wanted to see you get into some trouble before I left, but I didn't see it. You can do it. You can even give me your money if you die. Come back. I have to think carefully about this move of yours."

Ning Weimin leaned forward and said, "Don't say that. I'm just a temporary substitute. The head office cannot do without you. You must come back next year. I am the deputy, don't forget."

"Do you know what's the most annoying thing about you?"

Zou Guodong sighed, "You talk nicely and are polite, but you never take me seriously. You don't even want me to be your deputy! This shows how arrogant you are! Hey, If it weren't for the good of the company, I wouldn't want to have any interaction with you."

Ning Weimin quickly turned his head. "Manager Zou, I have been wronged. How dare I? This is..."

"No!" Waving his hand, Zou Guodong interrupted his defense, "Don't tell me that you don't dare. We both know very well whether my words will work for you. Let alone this time, you kid You supported me and won the hearts of all the franchise stores in one fell swoop, and the ending was really beautiful. Haha! I have to admit, I still have to learn from you! You do have the capital to look down on others! I, Zou Guodong, can be a subordinate This is the first time that I can remember being compared to such an unbearable situation. I admit defeat, I admit defeat."

Blinking his eyes, Ning Weimin spread his hands, looking as innocent as possible.

"When you go to Shanghai, if there is anything you need me to do, just give me your orders. No matter what you think of me, no matter how many times we have different opinions, I will never let go of business matters. I will definitely take care of your home, Please do this..."

"I believe you on this point. In fact, you do the same. If you don't understand anything at the head office, please call me at any time. Joking aside, I still hope you will think about it carefully and stay in the head office to help Mr. Song. Busy. I really don’t mind staying in Shanghai. This is not only good for the company, but also better for your future.”

Ning Weimin had no choice but to change the topic again.

"Manager Zou, after so many years, as a subordinate, I haven't let you smoke one of my cigarettes. We are going to be separated in two places soon, you have to smoke one, right?"

These words made Zou Guodong laugh, "Okay, take one."

The two smiled and lit cigarettes.

Indeed, until just now, when the two of them were talking, they were still trying to control their anger.

But although the words were harsh, they got the word out. The conversation between the two people was full of understanding and recognition.

There is indeed a wonderful relationship between their leader and his subordinates.

In the past, when they were in harmony, although they were at peace with each other, they were in conflict with each other in their hearts.

Now the resistance and dissatisfaction are all on the surface, but unconsciously, we are getting closer in our hearts.

Before finally getting on the plane, Zou Guodong left these farewell words.

"There's nothing to discuss. You kid, don't call me President Song, Sister, anymore! Do you hear me?"

Ning Weimin agreed with a smile and waved goodbye.

But when he turned around, he muttered, "You are really stingy, nephew..."

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