National Tide 1980

Chapter 738 Blowing to the Sky

1984 is over.

But this year did not pass quietly. Instead, it has clearly remained in the memories of many people today.

Because this year, many unforgettable events happened both at home and abroad.

For example, the world situation this year is still under the cloud of the Cold War.

The unpredictable political situation has brought about many dramatic things to eat.

In Panmunjeom on the Korean Peninsula, North and South Korea held their first economic talks thirty years after the Korean War.

It is obvious that these two fraternal countries of the same race and species have moved towards easing their relations.

Soon after the clinker, a gun battle broke out in Panmunjom, causing tensions between North and South Korea to suddenly become tense again.

All the previous efforts of the two countries were wasted overnight.

In the United States, Reagan was successfully re-elected as President of the United States and continued to implement his "Star Wars" plan, while the battle with the Soviet Union became more and more intense.

The Soviet Union was not to be outdone. As early as May of that year, the Soviet Union announced that it would not send a delegation to the Los Angeles Olympics.

It also stated that the boycott of this Olympic Games was precisely in retaliation for the 22nd Olympic Games held in Moscow four years ago when the United States and some Western European countries boycotted the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan.

There is no doubt that from Ning Weimin's perspective, he is definitely more inclined to side with the Soviet Union.

Although the Soviet Union and the Republic were at war with each other at this time, the United States and the Republic were relatively friendly.

But the problem is that Ning Weimin knows very well the hypocrisy of this bandit gang.

At this time, the "righteous representatives" who call Afghanistan "brothers" are actually the biggest evil dragons.

Fifteen years later, these Western countries have devastated and destroyed Afghanistan far more than the Soviet Union, which they labeled as "evil" at this time.

At the same time, the global business world and technological prospects have also entered a critical year of reshuffling.

In the United States, AT\u0026T, the world's largest company, was broken up into seven independently operating companies. This move broke the long-term monopoly of the US telecommunications industry and provided a broad market space for breakthroughs in Internet technology.

This year, at the University of Texas at Austin, nineteen-year-old Michael Dell decided to start his own Dell Computer Company.

His business strategy is to sell computers directly to customers and return the saved intermediate profits to consumers.

In San Francisco, a couple named Sandy and Leonard registered Cisco Systems with five dollars.

The router they are working on allows multiple computers to communicate with each other and share information.

This revolutionary product made future Internet waves possible.

The emergence of Dell and Cisco actually represents two growth paths for new technology companies.

One is to rely on a unique business channel model.

The other is to rely on highly monopolized core technological advantages.

This year, the Republic, which persisted in deepening reforms and focused on stabilizing economic development, achieved unprecedented good results and once again set a new ceiling in domestic economic data.

In the autumn of this year, the Republic's grain output exceeded the 400 billion kilogram mark for the first time, and the total agricultural production value reached 71.4 billion yuan, an increase of 2.3 times compared with 1978.

This year, the national per capita net income was 355.3 yuan, an increase of 14.7% over the previous year. The total social output value for the year was 1.2835 billion yuan, twice that of 1979.

In the commercial field of the Republic, this year it is no longer Bu Xinsheng who produces shirts and Nian Fool who speculates on melon seeds, who are leading the way.

In addition to the milestone event of the first private enterprise, Guangcai Industrial, being born in Dalian.

Many companies that will become famous in the future were also born in 1984.

For example, Haier, Rongsheng, Lenovo, Jianlibao, Delixi, TCL, and Vanke.

Even most of these companies are highly technological or adopt modern management methods.

Therefore, many economists later called this year "the first year of modern companies in the Republic."

As for the biggest highlight of the year, the Republic successfully safeguarded its national sovereignty and achieved results that were proud of and shocked the world.

On December 19, the tug-of-war negotiations between the Republic and Britain came to an end.

The two countries formally signed the "Joint Declaration between the Government of the Republic and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland on the Port City Issue." Jointly announced to the world that the Republic will resume the exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong City on July 1, 1997.

This not only made the capital of the Republic once again become the focus of world attention after the military parade that year.

It also marks the end of nearly 150 years of humiliation for our country!

It means that our nation has taken an amazing step on the road to rejuvenation!

It goes without saying that the objective world operates with inertia.

Therefore, after 1984, 1985 followed naturally and naturally continued this good momentum.

In the first month of the new year, the country has promulgated several major policies, all of which are good things that have won the hearts of the people.

Naturally, people all over the country cheered and were full of joy.

On January 1, the state issued the "Ten Policies on Further Vitalizing the Rural Economy."

This "No. 1 Document" has two main contents.

The first is to gradually liberalize agricultural product prices.

The second is to adjust the rural industrial structure.

In the future, rural areas in all regions are required to develop diversified operations on the basis of food as the basis and in combination with their own actual conditions.

This marks that our country's rural areas have entered a new stage of comprehensive development of commodity production.

Since then, wage reform in state-owned enterprises has continued to deepen.

Just a few days later, the state issued the "Notice on Adjusting Commercial Wage Standards" and the "Notice on Wage Reform Issues in State-owned Enterprises".

It pointed out that the core of the reform is to increase the income of employees on the premise of improving the economic benefits of enterprises.

Enterprises do not want to eat from the country's "big pot", and employees do not want to eat from the company's "big pot."

Beginning in 1985, large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises also began to implement the method of floating employee wages in proportion to the economic benefits of the enterprise.

There is no upper limit on the bonus and no guarantee on the lower limit.

In addition, the state implements a hierarchical management system for corporate wages.

This means that workers in state-owned enterprises and service workers have another opportunity to raise wages and increase bonuses.

This is all money falling from the sky!

Whether in cities or rural areas, the whole country welcomes the big policy red envelope issued by the country!

Especially for the urban population, wages were only raised on a large scale at the end of 1983.

No one thought that everyone would be so lucky.

Just one year later, revenue rose again.

It can be said that this is the time when workers with iron rice bowls and service workers have the best life.

Especially for employees in the capital, the average annual income is close to 1,200 yuan, which makes them extremely wealthy.

This is double the per capita wage in Beijing of 673 yuan in 1978.

Compared with 1983, the per capita wage in Beijing was 931 yuan, an increase of 200 yuan.

With the exception of special economic zones, this level of income is definitely ahead of the rest of the country and even exceeds that of civil servants and public institutions.

Shanghai? What a magical city! That's my younger brother.

Moreover, after a full year of urban transformation, 4.9 million square meters of new housing has been built in the capital, and the capital has taken on a completely new look.

This kind of urban construction speed and scale is also difficult to compare with other cities in the country except the special zone.

Therefore, this is also the time when Beijing can best reflect the advantages of the capital and develop the fastest since the reform and opening up.

But even so, in this day and age, in this capital, if anyone can be Ning Weimin's subordinate, he is still worthy of envy.

In fact, Ning Weimin's current connections are no longer comparable to those of the past.

Song Huagui supported him, and the "own people" of the "investment group" took care of him in various departments of the company. He was known as "the most reliable boss" and "the most reliable boss".

In addition, he was very organized and able to prescribe the right medicine, so the renovation of the franchise store went very smoothly.

Since he took over the power of the operations department from Zou Guodong, the performance of each franchise store has improved immediately and significantly.

And because of the expansion of manpower in the Finance Department, this was reflected in the financial statements in a timely manner.

In less than half a month, Ning Weimin actually increased sales by 40% and reduced operating costs by 50%.

That month, the company's gross profit from retail sales was nearly 750,000 yuan.

It far exceeds the figure of only 600,000 when Zou Guodong was here.

This does not include the 200,000 yuan that the employees have successively refunded in compensation. If you add all of them together, it will be nearly one million!

This, of course, brought Song Huagui a great surprise and also made the company's executives feel at ease.

Everyone knows that although there is a reason why Ning Weimin punishes employees who violate disciplines.

More than 20 people who made financial mistakes currently only have internship salary, which is unsustainable after all.

But if we want to maintain this situation, if we zoom in to the entire month, the operating income will only be higher than this, not lower.

Besides, Ning Weimin also expanded the sales scope of his tourist handicrafts to all specialty stores.

The company has gained extra income, which is a good thing with long-term benefits.

Ning Weimin is really everyone's God of Wealth.

The more money he makes for the company, the higher the benefits everyone can enjoy.

What's especially rare is that this guy treats the employees of the specialty store so harshly.

They all hired people to pretend to be customers, and even used such destructive tricks as "secret agents".

Moreover, many employees seem to have disappeared from the salary list one after another due to stricter management.

According to relevant statistics from the Finance Department, in fact, 70% of the people in the past are doing all the work.

But no one came to the company to express dissatisfaction.

I really don’t know how he did it, it was like magic.

To be honest, because this issue would make the authorities sensitive, Song Huagui had to express his concern.

As a result, the secret revealed by Ning Weimin was unexpected, but it was also reasonable.

And it was enough to prove that Song Huagui's foresight completely reassured her.

It's amazing that almost all the people who work in these specialty stores are male employees that Zou Guodong hired in the past.

Among them are college students from art schools, waiters in foreign-related hotels, and young people from other industries.

Not only are they all tall and handsome, but some of them are proficient in foreign languages.

They are all outstanding talents who have stood out from thousands of competitors after layers of selection and assessment.

But just as Ning Weimin concluded from the beginning, due to gender differences, these male employees are generally not as good as female employees in clothing sales.

On the contrary, it is because they all want to have good appearance and good figure.

When men and women get along for a long time, it is especially easy for them to develop secret feelings for each other.

As a result, various specialty stores had a lot of love-making and jealousy incidents.

As for Zou Guodong, although he later realized that there was a mistake in this aspect, it was hard to get back from it.

Considering that these male employees dropped out of school and resigned in order to become Pierre Cardon's clerks, it was hard for him to just say no.

This led to the situation becoming more and more serious, and many of the thieves later became "money-stealing couples."

It's easier to form an alliance because the interests are consistent.

Therefore, the reason why Zou Guodong was so angry about this and demanded legal action was probably because he wanted to take the opportunity to remove the burden for the company.

Ning Weimin gave these male workers another way, which was to go to Tan Palace to work in catering.

Even though men are not good at retailing clothing, the conditions for working in catering are better than that for women.

Not only is it powerful, works quickly and efficiently, but it also reduces the probability of food contamination from cosmetics and long hair.

As a result, some male employees who had worked in foreign-related hotels felt that the performance targets issued by Ning Weimin were more difficult to achieve than in the past, so they agreed.

Unexpectedly, when I went to Tan Palace, I thought it was really good.

Although the salary is lower than that of the Pierre Cardin franchise, the bonuses and benefits are indeed very gratifying.

On the contrary, it is higher than their past income and more suitable.

As a result, more and more male employees chose to leave and change jobs.

The serious illness that left Zou Guodong completely helpless was finally solved by Ning Weimin, who became a master of rejuvenation.

In this way, not only the pressure on Tan Palace is reduced, but also the labor costs of Pierre Cardin specialty stores are reduced, and the concentration of the people left in the specialty stores is also improved.

The guest resources are shared among fewer people, so the commission will naturally be greater.

In such a short period of time, the employees of the franchise store have become deeply aware of the benefits of the change. Who else would not be happy?

It is completely a virtuous circle and a reallocation of human resources.

This is really what happened.

If you don’t believe it, just listen to the voices of employees.

At noon on the day when Song Huagui and Ning Weimin were talking, Li Jing, a clerk at the Jinglun Hotel franchise store, and Zhao Jun, a new employee at Tan Palace, walked out of the Dahua Cinema side by side.

The two of them, who had just finished watching "The Happy Yellow Handkerchief", were a handsome man and a beautiful woman.

It completely falls into the situation described by Ning Weimin and Song Huagui. They were the lovers who met each other in the Jinglun Hotel franchise store and walked together.

Although we can't be together all day because of work transfers, both of us are engaged in the service industry.

It's still okay to schedule your rest days together and go out on dates.

Seeing that it was already dinner time, they stopped by a roadside restaurant and ordered a bowl of meatball soup and a sweet and sour pork loin, which they ate with rice.

Because there were so many people, the food was served a bit slowly. Before the meatball soup was served, the two of them chatted about their respective units and current work conditions.

The girl said, "Hey, you really shouldn't leave. It would be better to hold on just a little longer. Now that there are fewer employees in the store, our sales have increased a lot. I'm telling you, if it weren't for my internship, this moonlight You can get double the commission. As long as you’re here, I’ll give it to you, and it’ll be enough for you to complete your performance.”

Zhao Jun shook his head and said, "Don't be ridiculous. I am a big man who relies on a girl to support him. That is no longer a soft meal. Besides, you still haven't understood? The store is getting stricter and stricter. If this is the case, we two If it doesn’t work out, you’ll have to leave.”

"Hey, aren't I worried about losing money for you?" Zhao Jing sighed, "You will be tired and earn very little when you go there. Why don't you stay in the store?"

However, Zhao Jun didn't think so.

"Okay, don't worry about me anymore. We have the same advantages as our place. If nothing else, the food is much better than before. We eat a lot of fish and meat every day. Yesterday, we caught up with the weekly dishes . Surprisingly, everyone was given a roasted venison leg for the work dinner, which cost 68 yuan. Our boss said that the employees at Tan Palace don’t know the taste of the food, how can they recommend it to the guests? "

"Also, do you know how much I got as a half-month bonus? It's actually a hundred and fifty. Plus my salary, I will be much better every month than before. Especially the benefits are good. Although it's not like in the past, The shop sells Laofa clothing. The labor protection supplies, shampoos and soaps are all the best. Work clothes are washed by dedicated people, and bathing tickets are given one per day, and they are given out when you go to work."

"Especially like this New Year's Day, I just happened to catch it. Our work unit actually handed out everything, including 100 kilograms of rice, a barrel of clear oil, two calendars, a box of polar bear soda, four cans of lunch meat. Two cans of quail eggs, Two cans of pickled cucumbers, canned hawthorns, canned oranges, and two cans of yellow peaches. In the first two days, I saw some old workers bringing them home. I was so greedy that I thought I was a newbie, but there wasn’t any. Who knew our boss said there were some? Urge me to take it away quickly.”

"Think about it, the supplies for the Spring Festival are coming soon. I heard from old employees that there are also overseas goods. I will get back the New Year's Day benefits and give you half. You can't compare with me now. In the store Why don't I just give you fifty yuan of meal vouchers every month? It's not affordable."

Li Jing was also stunned and asked in disbelief. “Are there any shrimps?”

Zhao Jun was proud now, "Yes, shrimps and hairtail are all packed in boxes. I heard that there are also fruits and dried fruits. There are oranges and apples, and I heard that there are also mandarin oranges. But the dried fruits are not peanuts and melon seeds. I heard It’s longan, pine nuts, hazelnuts, etc…”

Zhao Jun continued to talk about the rest. When the meatball soup came, he ate it loudly as if he was hungry.

As a result, the waitress who served him started talking to the chef when she got back, "Ah, people are so annoying. The first two are young, and their jobs are so good. They don't have to buy anything, they just eat ready-made with their mouths open." Yes. Just what they give out on New Year’s Day can equal what our restaurant gives out in a whole year. I heard that the bonus can be more than 100..."

As a result, the manager heard this and became angry. "Oh, you really believe it. Didn't you see that it's a man and a woman? The man is bragging and bragging to the heavens. Oh, I don't believe it. There is such a high bonus. I heard it just now. Why don't you give me the bath ticket? One meal a day, fifty meal coupons a month? They are not the director of the Department of Communication. They thought they had met Ma Dashan from "Opening a Porridge Factory" in the cross talk! Just be content, it's better for us, you all hurry up It's a good time, the bonuses have all gone up, so just think of the country as a good boy. Don't worry, this month's bonuses are much greater than last month, at least thirty for each person."

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