National Tide 1980

Chapter 740 Strange Soldiers

While Sister Wang, Marshal and Hardman were discussing the gossip about Yin Yue and Lin Xiaofen behind their backs.

Yin Yue had already wandered from the north gate of the Gongti to the east gate of the Gongti.

But she was not randomly scanning the movements of her peers, as she had just said.

She is not alone, weak and weak.

In fact, this is all her disguise.

Not only does she now have the strongest backer, but a team of surprise troops has been arranged in advance at the gate of the east gate of the Workers' Stadium to help her fish in troubled waters.

Speaking of which, it was none other than Boss Feng, whom she had always cooperated with in the market and whom she could trust.

There are also two unemployed young men who once acted as bodyguards for her and accompanied her to collect debts several times.

Those were two of her neighbors who knew each other equally well.

It is not difficult to find these two young and old people, even if they are standing in a crowd.

Because they are all honest people who are not sociable.

Even though they met somewhere and came together, they didn't talk or chat together, they were just like a few wooden people.

He is very different from the other stamp dealers who guard the gate of the Worker's Stadium with stern eyebrows, scurrying around, or chatting animatedly.

It wasn't until they saw Yin Yue that they all reacted.

The two young men called "Sister" repeatedly, and Mr. Feng showed a reassuring smile and nodded in greeting.

Yin Yue was similar. She called him "Uncle Feng" first and greeted Mr. Feng politely.

Then I asked the two young men if they had eaten breakfast and if they had brought hot water.

One of the two young men said, "After eating, sister, we got up at five o'clock and didn't let Uncle Feng wait for us."

The other one also replied quickly, "Bring it, sister, two full pots of hot water. Just as you said, and also put some tea leaves."

Yin Yue nodded with satisfaction and asked a boy to give a pot of hot tea to Old Fengtou.

"Uncle, this is specially prepared for you. It's cold today. If you drink a few sips of hot tea, it will help you stay warm."

Without waiting for Old Boss Feng to thank her for this, she opened her purse again, took out two square newspaper bags, and handed them to the two young men one by one, asking them to stuff them into their respective schoolbags.

As soon as he opened his mouth, the hands of the two young men trembled with fear.

"This bag is worth 10,000 yuan. Each of you is responsible for one, so be careful. I won't let you lose it."

"Just listen to Uncle Feng, and do whatever he tells you to do. Don't look for trouble, and don't cause trouble, okay?"

"After the door opens, it will only take two or three hours at most. Once the money is spent and the stamps are received, we will leave. It won't be past noon at the latest. Let's meet back at the Hepingmen Roast Duck Restaurant."

At this time, Old Fengtou finally spoke, his voice was a little shaky, I don't know whether it was because of the cold or because of nervousness.

"Girl, it's hard for you to think so thoughtfully. But at this moment, I really need to ask you again, have you really thought about it? What you said yesterday has not changed? Do we really want to join in the fun, and the goods in our hands are also Want? I only have five thousand yuan in cash. What if..."

Yin Yue insisted again.

"Uncle, just believe me. I won't tell you anything like 'foolproof'. Anyway, I will leave my stamps in your hands to sell them later. If anything goes wrong, I will compensate you for the five thousand."

This made Boss Feng feel embarrassed.

"Oh, no, no, no. Just a word from you is enough. I'm just afraid that you haven't thought it through. With your personality and your vision, if I can't trust you, then no one can trust you."

"If I hadn't sold a lot of stamps with you in the first period, I don't know how much I would have lost. Now that you are making money with me, I have to thank you very much."

"Girl, since you have confirmed it, I have nothing to worry about. They are both quite sensible. Okay, leave it all to me. I will do my best to handle everything for you..."

Yin Yue nodded. At this point, there really was nothing more to ask.

I looked at my watch and saw that it was almost nine o'clock, and it was almost time to start selling stamps.

She said goodbye to a few people and headed towards the north gate again.

Everything was arranged, and when I walked back around, I felt extremely relaxed.

Watching the morning fog dissipate, the sun becomes more and more abundant.

The bright yellow sunlight shines through the shadows of the dancing trees and onto the noisy sidewalks filled with people queuing up, as well as the endless traffic of pedestrians and vehicles on the road.

She couldn't help but feel leisurely, like waking up from a big dream, returning from a trance to reality.

Yes, I was deceived, drowned in debt, took desperate risks, and ended up in jail...

These unbearable nightmares happened in just the past month or two.

At that time, she was really broken.

I thought I would lose my freedom and never have a future.

If she hadn't still been thinking about her grandma and younger brother, she might have committed suicide.

However, when the new year arrives, everything is completely different.

Thanks to Ning Weimin, all bad luck has completely gone away from her.

Now she can shine again and start a happy life again.

Not only do I have a new job, but I can also continue to make money in this exciting market and make full use of my strengths.

Even compared to the fearful days in the past, she was living an unprecedentedly secure life, no longer needing to worry about any risks.

All I can say is that the encounters in life are incredible and amazing!

Grandma’s words are true. Being lucky enough to meet a truly noble person is like a lucky star protecting your body!

Thinking back to the time when she was deceived by Lin Xiaofen, she hugged her head and cried on the street. She once doubted the saying "There are still many good people in the world."

When she put on the handcuffs, she even thought that this world was by no means a world where good people were rewarded, but a world where good people suffered losses and bad people were proud.

But when she learned how she was rescued, and when Ning Weimin, who rescued her, visited her on the last day of the year, he made the most selfless, appropriate and thoughtful arrangements for her.

And in order to cheer her up and relieve her pressure, Ning Weimin also said words to her that would make her deeply grateful and warm to her forever.

Her extremeness completely disappeared, and her firm belief never wavered again.

Even in the future, she will be able to firmly believe this sentence no matter what time it comes.

But even so, she still cannot express her admiration, respect, admiration and gratitude for Ning Weimin.

Because she knew very well that she would never be able to truly understand Ning Weimin's energy and abilities.

What Ning Weimin did for her was not as simple as just sparing her from jail and giving her a job.

If nothing else, let's talk about the street factory where Ning Weimin arranged for her to go.

The extent of its popularity really made her dumbfounded and unbelievable.

There are indeed only about 60 people in the factory, and almost all the machines in the factory are semi-old.

The person in charge of the factory is only a young man named Su Jin, who was even just a tailor in the original street sewing club.

But this kind of factory doesn't look like a small factory at all.

Surprisingly, everything was in order, and the two shifts were extremely busy working.

Except at night, the machines in the factory almost never rest.

This is because the nearby residents have opinions and have to do it.

In fact, all the products produced by this factory are very popular.

Whether it is sportswear called "national style", or "Playboy" men's clothing and "Champs Elysées" women's clothing, the styles are all very fashionable.

Although it is sold wholesale through self-employed individuals, and the ex-factory price is not very cheap, its popularity is like a rush.

Curry doesn't have it in stock at all. Anyone who wants it must pay two months in advance to get a spot.

Yin Yue works in clothing retail, so she naturally has a say in the quality of clothing.

From her point of view, clothing of this quality and style, no matter the packaging or trademark, has everything it should have and is quite formal.

Even if it were sold at a clothing stall, people would think it was a serious foreign product from Hong Kong City.

So let alone others, even she herself is willing to spend a little more money and buy a few pieces.

Even if the price is higher than the clothes sold by major manufacturers in department stores, I don't feel wronged.

For this reason, she could conclude that the future of this factory was really bright without even looking at the accounting books.

Not to mention a hundred people, even two hundred or three hundred people, in a year or two, it will probably be developed enough.

Being able to handle accounts for Ning Weimin in such a factory is actually equivalent to having reserved the position of chief accountant of a medium-sized garment factory in advance.

Needless to say, the excitement and pressure she felt inside doubled.

But what surprised her even more was learning that almost all of these clothing styles were decided by Ning Weimin himself.

Moreover, whether the trademarks of "Guofeng", "Playboy" or "Champs Elysées" were registered by Ning Weimin himself at the industrial and commercial level, they belong to his personal name.

It has to be said that Ning Weimin hid his secrets really deeply.

No wonder he can come up with such amazing patents and designs as the "Easy Pull" tie.

He is simply a business genius that is rare to see in a century. It turns out that he already has all the foundation and knowledge to start a clothing company by himself.

This also means that as long as the above-mentioned policies are given, he will soon be able to develop his clothing company and become bigger and stronger.

The ownership of the factory really doesn't matter anymore.

As long as there is a need, Ning Weiminda can always find a better OEM to produce for him.

To put it bluntly, he is a legendary figure comparable to Master Pierre Cardin. There is no need to work in the company and do things for others.

You know, everything Ning Weimin has depends on himself. This is exactly the same as when the master started from scratch.

Yin Yue had no doubt that Ning Weimin was born to be a big boss.

If you follow such a person and do things, if you don't feel at ease, you won't feel at ease anymore.

Even more than Ning Weimin himself, she hopes that relevant policies for private enterprises will be liberalized soon.

I am eager to help Ning Weimin establish a clothing company as soon as possible and contribute all my strength to his career.

To put it bluntly, what Ning Weimin gave her was an unlimited and promising future, which was worth all her efforts.

Not to mention that in addition, Ning Weimin also gave her something that others could never give her, which was recognition of her personal characteristics.

To be honest, she does have a natural preference for money calculations.

But no matter how much profit she can create through money transactions, in this society, it is still regarded as a philistine act and a bad behavior that is despised by others.

No one would think she was justified in doing this.

Everyone thinks that those who have a taste for money, who are scheming all day long, and who are looking for opportunities to take advantage of loopholes are all people with evil intentions.

At best, they are just as stupid as the four misers.

In fact, even she herself was ashamed to mention it. She also believed that what she did was a heresy and could not be seen in the light.

But Ning Weimin is so different.

Not only did he praise her and appreciate her, it also brought her ideological liberation and relief.

Ning Weimin actually told her that speculation has a good side, and it can also invigorate the economy and promote business development.

She learned about Wall Street in the United States and what the financial industry was from Ning Weimin's words.

I learned that there are thousands of foreigners calculating money like her every day, and they make a fortune by doing this openly.

There are thousands of companies that rely on many different financing methods to raise funds for business development.

So not only did she not mind, she was inadvertently tricked by Ning Weimin, the banker who had been hyping up the zodiac tickets behind the scenes.

She was also completely convinced.

Without any doubt, she believed all the theories Ning Weimin instilled in her.

Wealth does not differentiate between good and evil. Only those who control wealth can distinguish between good and evil.

There is no need to feel bad about making money in the speculative market. We earn it with our wisdom, and there is nothing shameful about it.

As long as it is not illegal, speculation should be protected and affirmed.

On the contrary, people who lose money should feel ashamed.

Because the reason for their failure is either greed or ignorance, lack of psychological quality and self-control, and nothing else.

Think about it, if the money is in the hands of these fools, wouldn't it be better to have it in the hands of smart people?

It is a good thing for them to learn a lesson, wake up and stay away from this market. right?

In fact, rather than saying that she believed in the reasons given by Ning Weimin, it was better to say that she believed in Ning Weimin's character.

In her heart, she had already determined that Ning Weimin was a great good person and would never do bad things no matter what.

As long as Ning Weimin wants to do something, it must make sense, and there is no need to think too much about it.

In fact, it is really difficult for Ning Weimin to be associated with "greed" and "ruthlessness".

They not only took all her stamps back from the company but gave them back to her, allowing her to use them as capital to re-enter the postal market.

Moreover, after New Year's Day, he also took the initiative to pay off the debts owed to Yan Li, Ganlu, and Yang Liujin for her with interest, fulfilling their sisterhood.

"It is enough to have one creditor when borrowing money. Any more will only increase unnecessary pressure. If you are in a bad mood, how can you work well? If you don't work well, you will delay earning money to repay debts, which becomes a vicious cycle. Well. You might as well just owe me a debt. I'm not in a hurry for you to pay back the money. For you and me, it's all about having too many lice to bite, and not having to worry about too many debts."

This is what Ning Weimin told her.

How could a person who behaves like this be a money-grubbing person who would use the money earned from speculation to do evil?

Yes, wealth does not distinguish between good and evil. Only those who control wealth can distinguish between good and evil.

She is convinced of this now.

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