National Tide 1980

Chapter 749 Bloody Disaster

Jiang Sanchang asked Jiang Sanchang to send away the people who made noise in front of Jiang's house with money.

But the Jiang family's affairs are not over here.

On this day, when the neighbors had dispersed and the courtyard was completely quiet, the Jiang family also returned to their house.

But when the door is closed, what appears in the home is a strange atmosphere of sadness and joy.

On the one hand, Jiang Sanchang's grandson happily watched his grandma count the money.

Even if someone takes away three hundred yuan, the remaining nine hundred yuan is still a thick stack, which is quite heavy when placed on the table.

The little grandson of the Jiang family was lying on the table, looking at his grandfather with admiration, and happily watching the money being clumsily counted one by one in his grandma's hands.

Jiang Sanchang's wife said that she had never counted so much money in her life, and her fingers were numb.

The child responded and said that his grandma's fingers should be numb a few more times.

He also said that when he grows up, he will make a stove like his grandfather and earn a lot of money, counting it for his grandma and his mother.

What a lovely child! In one sentence, both grandma and mother were very happy.

However, what was extremely discordant with this happy scene was the child's grandfather, Jiang Sanchang, whose face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. He said nothing and only smoked his cigarette pipe.

Occasionally, the old man's body would still tremble, shaking uncontrollably.

He didn't need to say anything, anyone with a discerning eye could tell at a glance that he was trembling with anger.

The child's biological mother was frightened first and wanted to put in a good word for her husband in front of her father-in-law.

"Dad, don't get so angry. What happened today is Guoqiang's fault. Mainly because he has been anxious about being transferred to the artificial amber workshop recently. He thought that if he could really be transferred, The monthly bonus can be twenty or thirty yuan more, which will make life at home easier, and the children can be enrolled in special classes in the children's palace. But many people in the factory are thinking about this good job, and the personnel chief The door of his house was almost crowded, so he wanted to give some high-end gifts and activities. To be honest, he...he was thinking about his family. I'm afraid he was anxious to collect money, and he was confused for a moment..."

But it was okay not to say this, but once he said it, Jiang Sanchang became furious.

The complaints that were difficult to vent in front of outsiders just now are all bald now.

"Nonsense! Is this what you call thinking about your family? Let me ask you, last year he treated guests and gave gifts. He went to work for people without telling me, and he spent an unknown amount of money before he was transferred to the truck delivery room. What? What happened just now? He wanted to be transferred after only a few months here? Wasn’t all the money he spent in front of him wasted? Why didn’t he have a long-term personality? He always looked at the heights of this mountain. Hmm, it’s just that he didn’t have long-term potential. He was also opportunistic. , did evil things! In order to give gifts to others, he stole their pigeons when he had no money? I actually raised a thief in my family! The most stupid thing is that he actually took his children with him to sell the stolen goods! And the owner chased the owner, He actually only cares about himself and abandons his biological son! He is still a human being, what a beast! All the virtues of the Jiang family have been wiped out by him, and he is just trying to earn scolding from his parents..."

The old man got more angry the more he scolded, and the more he scolded, the more unpleasant he sounded.

The daughter-in-law also blushed more and more as she listened.

The mother-in-law couldn't stand it anymore, so she quickly stopped Jiang Sanchang and apologized for her daughter-in-law's injustice.

"Old man, why did you come after your daughter-in-law? Can you rely on her? It's Guoqiang who failed to live up to his expectations!"

"I don't blame her. I just hope that she will stop following Guoqiang and listen to Guoqiang in everything. From now on, it will be the other way around. She will have to take good care of Guoqiang..."

"What you're saying is even more stupid. Guoqiang doesn't even listen to what we both say. My daughter-in-law is as soft-tempered as dough. Can our son take what she says to heart? It's not like you don't know. It's good if Guoqiang doesn't bully her. Besides, no matter how angry you are, you can't be a junior and say such ugly things. It doesn't matter if you scold your son, who makes you his father? But you are in front of their mother and son. Mian'er, what do they think, mother and son..."

This time, it hit the point.

Jiang Sanchang sighed, muttered a few words in a low voice, and became silent.

That's right. Who can I rely on if my son doesn't get an education?

I can only blame the husband and mother.

One is because a loving mother often fails, and my wife is too doting on her only son.

First, he only valued the Jiang family's blowing skills and neglected to supervise his son's moral character since he was a child.

Daughter-in-law? The daughter-in-law is an honest person, and she has been greatly wronged when she marries into their family.

The grandson is even more unjust. He has no choice in his hometown, so he has to deal with such a shameless father...

After being bored for a long time, Jiang Sanchang felt more and more that he had no reason just now and regretted it in his heart.

After all, it is not appropriate for a father-in-law to scold his daughter-in-law like this for his son's fault.

So he let out an embarrassing sound twice, turned to his wife and said, "You, give your daughter-in-law another four hundred yuan. Marry a man, dress and feed him, even if the country is strong, you can't count on him. But soon. It’s Chinese New Year, we can’t let them suffer like this. If we don’t have any money, how can we live our lives?”

After his wife agreed, he then said to his grandson, "Good boy, grandpa was angry with your mother just now. It was his fault. Your mother was wronged. You can tell your mother what's wrong with you on behalf of grandpa."

The child's mother couldn't bear it anymore and couldn't allow the child to react, so she rushed to say, "Dad, don't say that. The elders gave us a few words for our own good. There is no grievance. We can't ask for this money, you and your wife." The money has been used to subsidize us. After all, there are only a few of you, but you still..."

"That's not what you said. Marrying Guoqiang will be a grievance for you. People like him are just hairpins, and they will never make a difference in this life. I advise you not to count on anyone, look. Look at your mother and I, we have raised a son for decades, but it turned out to be a joke, and all we could do was cry. Fortunately, you finally have a good son, and this child is your hope in the future. As for the money, it is to give Don’t give Guoqiang a penny for you and your children. Keep it yourself and don’t tell him. If he wants it from you, ask him to come to me..."

"Dad, this...Mom, look..."

The child's mother had never seen her father-in-law so disappointed in her husband. She didn't know how to answer the question, let alone how to deal with it.

But that wasn't the end yet. Jiang Sanchang finally said a harsh word that made people tremble with fear.

"Wait for that bastard to come back. No matter how late it is, let him come to my house. Just tell him. Today, if he comes and kowtows to me and admits his mistake, I will break him. That’s all! He is still my son. If he dares not to come, starting tomorrow, he will stop entering this house! I will sever the father-son relationship with him!"

After saying that, the old man stopped smoking his cigarette.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang," I knocked out the ash in the pot of my pipe, and went into the back room humming with my hands behind my back, where I sulked alone.

Only the old, weak, women and children at home were left, looking at the closed door, confused and uneasy.

On this day, Jiang Guoqiang came back after eight o'clock in the evening.

He took advantage of the fact that all the neighbors were watching the TV and listening to the tune of "The waves are running, the river is never ending..." and quietly pushed his bicycle into the courtyard.

Then he locked the car without saying a word and got in the door of his house.

He sat down on the spring sofa that he had made and immediately collapsed.

It looked like he was so tired that he had no energy at all.

Under the guidance of his mother, his son was writing new words silently in front of the desk with the lamp on and an exercise book.

The two women were startled when they saw a dark shadow running in.

After taking another closer look, I recognized Jiang Guoqiang.

"What's going on? Oh, why are you in such a mess? Are you back so late?"

The child's mother asked three questions in succession.

"Hey, don't mention it... I went to the market today to sell pigeons, and I accidentally forgot to remove the ring on the pigeon's leg. As a result, people recognized it, and it almost made them stop. Oops, if it hadn't been for I act according to the opportunity and run fast, if I don't do it right now, there will be a bloody disaster."

"Then I thought about it, it wouldn't work if I just ran away. How did they find me? Maybe someone knew me, so I hid in a movie theater for a day. But... I... I don't want to spend any time. Money wasted.”

"Listen to me, hey, I... just bought a ticket, and every movie was about to end a few minutes ago, so I hid in the toilet in advance, and when the place was cleared, I would sneak back. This way, it's all in one go. I watched five or six shows..."

Jiang Guoqiang said breathlessly, and he was actually a little proud of his cleverness that could not be put on the stage.

Just hearing this so heartlessly made the child's mother very angry.

"You are so capable, why are you stealing other people's pigeons? How do you let the neighbors think of us if this matter spreads out? Also, why don't you even care about your son? You just run away on your own. ?Aren’t you worried about what will happen to your son?”

Jiang Guoqiang did not accept this account and used strong words to explain himself.

"Steal? Who can prove that I stole it? I picked it up. The pigeon was injured and fell into my arms. Just ask people from the police station and I said so. Besides, why didn't I care about my son? I ran away It's time to greet my son. Our son just sits here. This kid follows me, he's smart! When I told him to run, he only took a few steps out. When I turned around, he disappeared..."

"Dad, I...I didn't run away, I was caught..."

"Huh? So you didn't run away? You were caught by someone else! Oh, you are so stupid. Did they hit you?"

"No, they took me to our home..."

"Then what?"

"Then Grandpa will compensate others for their money..."

"Oh, that's good. Fortunately, I didn't come back. I'm so thoughtful. Otherwise, I have to hit the gun! Son, you have to learn a lesson next time and be smarter. But you are still a child anyway, sir. I can’t do anything to you! Hey, how much money did your grandfather pay to others?”

"Three hundred. It's the bonus Grandpa got back."

"Ah? Three hundred! This... this old man is so stupid. Isn't this being blackmailed? How can that damn pigeon be worth so much? Besides, they took it back. Counting the first two days of my stay. The couple who sold it only got 80 yuan..."

Watching Jiang Guoqiang speak more and more outrageously in front of his son, without any reflection or regret.

Thinking about what my father-in-law said today, it seems that everything was right.

This made the child's mother feel that her future was extremely slim and she just wanted to cry.

Ordinarily, even though her husband had done such a shameful thing.

But among couples these days, few would think of divorce easily.

The mother of the child feels that after all, if you marry a chicken, you will follow the chicken, if you marry a dog, you will follow the dog.

Now that they have obtained a marriage certificate, are living together, and have children, it is their own fate.

Today, her father-in-law was more angry than ever before, and she was still worried about Jiang Guoqiang.

If Jiang Guoqiang had just said a few words of self-reproach when he came back, showed a few more words of concern for his son, and expressed some regrets, she would definitely not be angry.

Because people's courage is not the same.

Men do not necessarily have to be tough to the end. It is good to be fearless.

A man who can be considerate is what women need.

If the courage is small but the emotion is strong, it can still be forgiven.

But now, Jiang Guoqiang's pride and self-care are completely selfish.

Not only did he never take his son seriously, he was even ungrateful.

The father-in-law who had spent money to solve his troubles had to be blamed by him, which made people unable to remain angry.

Originally, I wanted to cover up for him, and even wanted to persuade him to go back to the factory to hide, and wait until the father-in-law calmed down before coming back.

But the child’s mother doesn’t think so now.

Honest man?

She is honest.

But honest people want to trick people, and people are even more caught off guard.

"Guoqiang, dad asked you to come over no matter how late you come back."

"What? He asked me to go over? Pull him down, I won't go, why should I let him scold me? I'm not stupid..."

"Then... I think you'd better go there."

The child's mother took several breaths and finally controlled herself.

"You, please accompany our dad and say something nice, for no other reason than that it's almost the Chinese New Year. You have to make sure your family is happy and everything is happy. Besides, the old man will get back more than three hundred yuan in bonus. , after losing the pigeons, there is still a lot left. If you are really in a hurry for money, it is better to ask our father than to ask outsiders..."

Jiang Guoqiang's first reaction was disbelief.

"No way? Isn't he just working as an errand boy for a small factory in the street? Why don't you go there today and not tomorrow? In addition to the monthly salary, there are so many bonuses? The factory in the street prints bills. ?”

"Then I don't know. But as dad said, as long as the workers there live well, their income will be at least twice that of a state-owned factory."

After thinking about it, Jiang Guoqiang couldn't hide his greed after all, so he decided that it would be better to go to his parents' house to have a look.

"Hey, I don't believe it. There is such a weird thing! Okay, let me take a look. Hey, I haven't eaten yet. I said look at what's left in the kitchen and heat it up for me. I'll get it from the old man. When we get back from the house, it’s time to eat.”

In this way, Jiang Guoqiang was trapped just like he trapped other people's pigeons.

When I left, I had no idea what I was about to face, but I was still smiling and in high spirits.

As a result, as soon as he entered the room, not long after, the couple heard Jiang Sanchang's voice roaring angrily.

"You bastard, you don't share anything. I have to settle the accounts with you today!"

The grandson of the Jiang family is really smart. Despite his young age, he can already see some clues in his parents' conversations.

He knew that his father's visit to his grandfather's house was a disaster, and he was very unhappy and asked his mother about it.

"Mom, why didn't you remind my dad and still let him die? You should go take a look..."

The child's mother's attitude was firm, "I won't go! This time, your father will be beaten and taught a long lesson! He deserves it! You are the same kid, why don't you know what's good? Don't you know why your mother is angry?" Mom is just angry with your dad, he shouldn’t have left you alone!”

Unexpectedly, the child said, "Mom, it's not a big deal whether my dad gets beaten or not, but I'm worried about grandpa. Grandpa has high blood pressure. Grandpa was really angry today. Even if he beat my dad, it wouldn't be a big deal. But what if If grandpa can't get up from sitting there, it won't make people blind. Why did you forget that before the Spring Festival last year, grandpa was hospitalized because of dad's anger? "

Hey, don't tell me, sometimes this child is really smarter than adults.

The child's mother was shocked and said she really needed to take a look.

But as it turned out, as soon as the child's mother came out of the house, she unexpectedly saw her husband running back with a black bruise on his face and pinching his nose.

Once inside, he picked up a roll of toilet paper and stuffed it into his nose.

The child's mother was stunned, "Why did the beating end so quickly?"

Jiang Guoqiang made a "cut" sound, "Why don't you be quick? No need to reason, no foreshadowing, just go straight to the topic, and hit you as soon as you come up. Can you be upset?"

The child looked at Jiang Guoqiang's nose and exclaimed, "It's bleeding! Dad, did grandpa hit you in the face?"

"No, your grandfather was ruthless. After all, I didn't escape this bloody disaster!"

But at this point, Jiang Guoqiang is still pretending, and actually thinks that he is a positive role model that his son should follow.

"Did you see, your grandpa hit me, but I didn't say anything. Beating a son is the exclusive right of a father, you know? I also tell you, no matter how the noun changes, dad is dad, and it will not change in these ten thousand years. Any new Nouns can't replace it. You kid, don't quarrel with me in the future. Even when you grow up, you are still my son. From now on, dare to be disobedient to me and disobey me. Hey, I am just like your grandfather. No matter how old you are, he will still be the same. Beat you up, kid!”

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